His mother? The question in itself threw Altair off for an instant. His expression had not changed, but he had felt something in him weaken at the mention of his mother. It had been so long since he last saw her, much less spoken to her.
He had to change the subject. "I've heard a lot about the Saintess of Almor. The way the people sing your praises makes it sound as if this lower realm isn't enough to contain you."
The Saintess, for a moment, only stared. Those purified aqua-blue eyes twinkled with a sort of wonder that made one believe they could see through any evil. They probably could simply be based on the stories revolving around this one woman.
"I am a disciple of the Seraphim of the One." She grinned. "Your Grace, how many about the Angels do you truly understand? Do you know what a Seraphim is? Do you understand their Ranks or their purpose?"