"Two high school students and a man were wounded in a knife attack just outside the University of Tokyo ahead of nationwide entrance exams," blared the news on the television. It was the same story every day, and Akio Ishikawa was tired of hearing it.
Akio was an eighteen-year-old who felt invisible to most people. He didn't have many friends and preferred to be alone. He used to try his best at school, but lately, he lacked the motivation to do anything. Life felt monotonous and meaningless.
Akio let out a sigh and slowly closed his eyes.
As he closed his eyes, a bright light enveloped him, and he found himself standing in a strange, otherworldly space. In front of him stood a towering figure, shrouded in darkness, whose eyes glowed like embers. Akio trembled, unsure of what to do. "Who is this guy?" Akio wondered.
To his surprise, he heard a voice in his head. "I am the embodiment of your deepest desires and your darkest fears," the figure intoned.
Akio was incredulous. "Is this for real? How can all these things make sense?" he mumbled.
"You don't need to be worried. I'm not here to harm you. I came here to give you a small gift that will allow you to speak telepathically with something you like," said the figure.
Akio was nervous but intrigued by the idea of telepathy. "What is this gift?" he asked.
"You will understand when you wake up," the figure replied.
In an instant, Akio woke up drenched in sweat. Could it be real? It was hard to believe that an old man had given him an inhuman power in his dream.
But if it was real, then the possibilities were endless. Akio could use this power in various ways, but he had to be careful. It could even be used to "DESTROY THE ENTIRE WORLD!" he realized.
Akio needed to think carefully about how to use this ability and to what extent it was capable. He had to plan everything from the start to avoid disastrous consequences.