Rome, Italy.
Carlos's pov:
"Would you mind informing us what the case is about and how it began?" Alliana asked.
"Yes," I said, nodding. "Well, this dates back to when Kai and I were children, and it involves some sensitive details. Our parents were well-known figures in Rome, beloved by many for their contributions to local communities and various organizations. But not everyone appreciated their efforts. There were people who held deep resentment towards them. I spent most of my childhood in the warmth of our family home, surrounded by that respect and admiration, until one fateful day when everything changed. That day, a tragic accident altered the course of our lives."
"We gained wealth and power, which some people didn't like. What we did with that power was expand into new communities and organizations, helping them grow and become well-known too. But that didn't sit well with certain individuals. They became so irate and vicious that they even threatened to kill both our parents and us. As a result, we had no choice but to leave the more populated areas and relocate to a much more secluded and private location, right here. Our parents believed this would be the safest option, but little did we know, we were being followed."
"We were all watching a movie together one night in the living room, everything calm and peaceful, until suddenly we heard loud crashes and glass shattering. Our bodyguards immediately dragged Kai and me into this room where we were told to stay hidden until it was safe again. The last time we saw our parents, they instructed us to remain in this room and not to leave unless absolutely necessary. The bodyguards were stationed both outside and inside, closing the door behind them. I could hear our mother screaming, but I didn't hear a sound from our father."
"Kai and I learned the devastating news the following morning: our parents had been murdered by thugs. Naturally, it crushed our hearts, but that moment changed us. I went from being the sweet child I once was to the heartless person I am now, the one who plotted revenge. I promised myself that I would avenge their names, their legacies, and make the murderer's family and those responsible pay dearly for what they did."
"So I did exactly that. Before moving on to my next plan, I sent the bodyguards to gather information about the bastard and his family. In less than three minutes, they found everything about him, but not much about his family. He'd stolen more than ten thousand from us, which wasn't too bad considering how much money we had in the bank, but it was the principle of it that stung."
"However, money is money. Once I realized how despicable he truly was, I decided to carry out a more immediate solution instead of sticking with my original plan to humiliate him and curse his family with bad luck. I hired a hitman from the deep web who had a reputation for getting the job done. I met with him to discuss the payment and terms, settling on three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The cost didn't matter to me; I was willing to pay whatever it took to see this man dead. He brought me the evidence after completing the job, and I sent the bodyguards to settle the payment within a day or so."
"Ever since then, I haven't seen him until two days ago."
"The feds were closing in on me, and it seems that when his family found out about his death, they became suspicious and reported me. I can understand why; they probably figured I might have threatened them with the same fate. Thankfully, I managed to escape with my bodyguards before they could catch me. They still don't know I'm here in the mansion, but even if they're ready to smash down the door right now, I needed a lawyer. Others had recommended you, and from what I hear, you do an excellent job handling cases like mine," I explained.
Souline's shock was evident in her expression. I glanced at Alliana, but she remained unbothered, her face unreadable. Kai, noticing Souline's reaction, turned to her with concern. "Uh, are you okay?" he asked. Souline took a deep breath before responding, "It's a lot to take in, but I'm truly sorry for your loss."
"Thank you," I said sincerely. Alliana, however, remained composed. "It's a lot to process, but honestly, it's not as shocking as I thought it would be," she said. Souline straightened up, her professional demeanor returning. "I do have some questions," she said. "Ask," I told her. "How did they manage to track down the hitman?" she asked.
"It's possible they traced the weapon he used back to him after finding it," I said. Alliana scoffed slightly. "A professional hitman leaving behind his weapon? That's careless." I shrugged. "I'm only telling you what I know." She raised an eyebrow. "I'm just saying it sounds suspicious."
"Anyway, Souline, keep going," I said, trying to push the conversation forward. "Did they catch the hitman?" she asked. "I think so," I said with a shrug. "That could be a problem," Alliana said. I frowned. "How so?" I asked. "If he's in custody, he might confess and expose you as the one who hired him," she explained.
I scoffed. "And? I'm already facing jail time," I said dismissively. "That may be true, but if he talks, you could be looking at a much harsher sentence and a steeper bail," Alliana said. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Alright, Ms. Mercedes, since you're so full of solutions, what do you suggest?" I asked, crossing my arms.
She met my gaze without hesitation. "Gather information on him; find out if he has any weaknesses, debts, or anything we can use against him. If he becomes a liability, blackmail might be your best option," she said. I tapped my fingers against the table, my leg bouncing beneath it. "This is a disaster," I muttered. "I don't see this working out."
Souline and Alliana exchanged glances before turning their sharp gazes back to me. "Excuse me?" Alliana asked, her tone edged with disbelief. "You heard me; I don't like your suggestions," I said firmly. She let out a dry chuckle as she rose from her seat. "What a shame. I traveled all the way from Ontario to Italy to help a mafia boss with his shady legal troubles, only to find out he refuses to cooperate," she said with mock disappointment.
I stood as well, Kai and Souline following suit. "Oh, sweetheart, this was merely a test to see if you were a suitable replacement. Unfortunately, you don't make the cut," I said. Alliana smirked, gathering her files without hesitation. "Thank goodness I don't meet your pathetic standards. That means I don't have to waste my time working with a narcissistic mafia boss and his incompetent bodyguards," she shot back, her voice laced with disdain.
"Get out of my mansion!" I hissed. "You don't need to tell me twice, you twat," Alliana said, unfazed. Souline followed her out of the conference room, and I stormed after them. "Don't ever show your face here again!" I yelled. Alliana smirked, completely unimpressed. "Trust me, I wouldn't want to," she shot back, "not when it's crawling with self-centered rodents." She climbed into her waiting Uber, and I slammed the door shut behind them, feeling my temper boil. "What the hell is her problem?" I grumbled, rubbing my temples in frustration.
Kai, still standing there, shook his head. "I think the problem was you," he said flatly. I shot him a confused look. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You were being a dick to Alliana when all she was trying to do was help," he explained. "By acting all smart and with that attitude?" I scoffed. "Look, you give AJ, Vex, and Denzel the same treatment when they're just trying to help too, and that's exactly what she was doing," Kai said. I groaned, shaking my head. "Well, I'm not working with her," I said, standing firm. "We'll just have to find someone else."
"I'm afraid that's a little late," a familiar voice said. I furrowed my brow and turned around, only to see the feds, this time accompanied by more cops. "Mr. Romano, your time is up. You're under arrest for murder."