Hua Jing cried so hard that she was inconsolable. Her mother held her close and tried to encourage her yet she was also a crying mess.
Lu Fang stood a bit further. His black tie was swept by the wind and his expression was unreadable. He glanced at the picture near the coffin.
His face was grim and a little sorrow danced in his eyes. Hua Ming was married to him for three years after all. He could not pretend that he felt nothing.
Lu Rong, his father, came over and patted his shoulder, "Sorry for your loss son,"
There were often no words to be said between the two of them because with only a look, they would understand each other. Lu Fang heaved a deep sigh and muttered a small, "Thanks."
Everybody had left except for him and Hua Jing who had refused to leave the grave. She sat there as if she was waiting for Hua Ming to walk out and give her the same toothy smile and talk about how this was a big joke but it was not, that much Hua Jing understood.