Chereads / 101 Things to do in Saarbrücken / Chapter 80 - See how high the river came at Saarstrasse

Chapter 80 - See how high the river came at Saarstrasse

Saarstrasse in Saarbrücken, Germany is a street that offers a unique glimpse into the city's history and the power of the River Saar. The street is located in the heart of the city, and it is lined with buildings that bear the marks of the river's past floods. As you walk down Saarstrasse, you'll notice that many of the buildings have a line of tiles or bricks on the walls, marking the highest point the river ever reached. These marks serve as a reminder of the devastating floods that the city has experienced over the centuries. The River Saar is known for its unpredictable floods, and Saarbrücken has experienced several major floods in its history. The marks on the buildings along Saarstrasse serve as a reminder of the powerful force of nature that the city has had to contend with. It is a great way to understand how the river impacted on the city and how the city had to adapt to the river's behaviour. As you walk down Saarstrasse, you'll also notice that many of the buildings are now protected by flood barriers, which were built to prevent future floods from causing damage. These barriers are a testament to the city's resilience and determination to protect itself from the river's fury. Saarstrasse is a unique destination that offers a glimpse into the city's history and the power of the River Saar. It's a must-see destination for anyone interested in the history of Saarbrücken and its relationship with the river. The street is also a great place for a walk, where you can take in the beautiful architecture and the sights of the river.