We lay there completely breathless. I stare up at him, wondering what he's thinking.
"That was incredible" I tell him. Still trying to regain composure.
"I mean it" he says looking down at me.
"I want to be with you and nobody else. For the rest of my life" he says smiling.
He winks at me as I'm looking at him speechless.
He often gets carried away when we have sex but he's not really said anything that serious, until now. I've actually been holding back from being too intense with him in case he runs off.
"You don't have to say anything back to me. I just want you to know that" he says and kisses me on my lips. I kiss him and massage his back and shoulders.
He slowly climbs off of me.
"And I'm not just saying it. I've been feeling this way since we got back together. Well I felt that way before to be fair. My words aren't empty. I can't promise you everything, and I can't be perfect but I will always do my best by you. Always" he says. I feel like all my dreams are coming true.
I love him with everything that I have. I love him completely and unconditionally. I'm living with him and I spend all of my time with him.
"I love you too, unconditionally Matty" I tell him.
He smiles and bites his lip. It's adorable.
My subconscious screams at me, "you also love Ross". I look at Matty and tell her to shut the fuck up about Ross.
I kiss him one more time. Pulling myself away from him is hard.
"Let me finish making you dinner babe" I tell him.
"You wanna eat at the table or in here" I ask him.
"The table of course, your cooking is amazing" he says.
After putting on his jeans and me his shirt he follows me into the kitchen. He busies himself pouring my wine and rolling up.
I feel like we just majorly passed another level in our relationship. Like there's so many little checkpoints that couples go through. We've been through a fair bit together in a fairly short space of time.
I turn the hob up slightly, the food is looking great. It will just be extra marinated. That will make it even better. I stir the pan and leave it to heat up a little. I plate up the rice and then the curry. I walk over to the table and hand him his plate.
"Thanks babe" he says to me winking.
"Let's only hope we don't have any interruptions, the last time I made you this meal we had an unexpected visitor" I say. Remembering how Jay intruded on our evening last summer, before the party.
That was the first time I met Jay. Initially I didn't think he was all that bad. Yes a little overconfident and stand offish. I thought he looked like Ross but with shorter hair. Now I do not associate the two with each other at all. Ross has dirty blonde hair whereas Jay's is lighter. Jay has an overly muscular build with tattoos and piercings in a lot of places which he has suggested to me yet somehow I don't want to see. I've seen Ross' chest enough times to remember how his nipple is pierced and his impressive six pack.
"I don't think we're that unlucky babe" he smiles.
"This is insanely good even better than last time" he says.
"You're just saying that because you love me" I laugh.
"Nah I mean it. It's incredible" he says.
We talk throughout dinner and it's nice to have a conversation with him without mentioning Ross or Jay or even worse Jen.
We plan to see Rhea and Malachi next week to go over to their place. I mentally remind myself to text Rach about the show and Rhea after dinner. Oh maybe I should have invited Rhea to model too? I'll text Kim and ask if she needs another girl.
"What you planning" he says smiling.
"I'm planning on texting Rach about the modelling and also Rhea to see if she wants to do it. But I'm going to text Kim first in case" I smile.
"I haven't got lessons tomorrow by the way. I've got work to do but I don't have to go in" I tell him. I stand up and start cleaning everything away. He helps me and tells me to sit and enjoy my wine. He will do the cleaning he says.
"Me neither babe" he smiles after he's tidied and everything is spotless.
"Oh that's nice, a lay in with you is just what I needed" I smile at him.
"Sounds perfect babe" he says as I stand up. He grasps my hand and looks at my ring that he bought me.
Kim texts me back saying please more the merrier and a smiley emoji. We have to be there to get ready by 6pm, even though the show isn't until 8:30pm. It's going to be in the large hall with an open bar. It's a double height room with an upstairs that looks over the ground floor, it's impressive.
I message the girls the details telling them to meet me there, they both seem happy and really excited. Matty is going to drive me in, and wait whilst we get ready. I think he also wants to see my outfit before anybody else does.
I decide tomorrow I'm going to have a long bath to calm my nerves, I'm going to use my body scrub and fake tan so that I feel as confident as possible. Kim will be doing my makeup so I don't have to worry about that. I'm going to wash my hair with my hair mask and then leave it to her to do her magic with it.
Once we go upstairs I pack my bag for tomorrow I'm excited. I ask Matty, as he has already seen my outfit, if I can wear my costume to the freshers party or if I should pack a dress. He smirks. You can wear it to the party, if you like but don't expect me to leave you alone at any point. I pack a dress as well just in case I feel too exposed.
Kim has assured me that she can modify and customise anything that I don't like or feel comfortable with.
I crawl into bed next to Matty, he has been watching me a smile on his face particularly when I took his shirt off. He even flushed, his cheeks going red. He's already naked in bed and i snuggle up next to him. Taking in his warmth and perfect body. I hug him in close to me and nestle into his chest.
He smiles.
One thing I really, really love about Matty is that he isn't hooked to his phone. He rarely looks at it when he's with me. Most guys are on their phones constantly.
I'm so tired that him stroking my back almost instantly sends me to sleep.
"This is like my favourite part of the day" I tell him sleepily. And he wraps his arms tighter around me.
"Being with you and only you" I say.