I slept through the sound of rain,
I was unbothered of the stranger in my bed,
You slept next to me, softly snoring,
My mind raced,
Not because I was nervous,
Falling for you,
It was because you were wetting my bed sheets,
Ocean Boy,
The rain was gone, the sky cloudy, and morning began to arise. I felt the dimmed sun hit my eyes through the open blinds. I must've been so caught up, I forgot. The kid from last night was sitting up, staring at me. He was in my face, watching me sleep. "AH-" I let out a loud shout, before he covered my mouth with his hand, his hand didn't appear slippery and shiny like it did last night, his hand felt overly dry like he could release powder from his palms. He gave me a reassuring look, he isn't expressive, I could tell what he was feeling by his eyes. His eyes always had this shine in them, I find it beautiful, it's like that glint in his eyes can tell you about the whole world. I reassured him, by gently grabbing his wrist, putting his hand down to his lap. He sat criss crossed, his feet were black at the bottoms, he doesn't have any shoes it looks like.
"So, uh, What's your name-" Before I could finish asking him, he ran out of the unlocked window. The window shot open as he pulled it up with a struggle though it opened fast enough for him to quickly climb out taking one of my blankets wrapped around him. I guess I will follow him, It looks like that's what he wants. I ran to the front door, up the basement stairs then down the hall past my parents room. My father didn't come home last night, so my mother was probably drinking. I slid on my flip flops, grabbing a new pair, I ran out of the door following his tracks. She must've been knocked out cold because I was able to get out of the front door with no worry of making no noise.
The roads always had sand blown on them, so it was easy to track him. It didn't take long until I saw him. He stood there, looking back at me. He was on the beach, the caution tape broke, he most likely ran through it. He just stared back at me, deadpan like he was before. "Hey!" I shouted at him, walking down the sand to the sea line. The sea pushed back and forth, wetting the boy's toes. He'd turned his head facing the water now, I stood next to him. "So, you like the ocean huh?" I asked him, trying to start a conversation, talking over the seagulls and buzzing insects.
The boy dropped the blanket onto the sand, a waste that was. He walked forward and forward, to the point where the water was up to his neck. "Hey! You might drown!" I shouted to him, once again ignored. The boy now fully submerged into the water, he wasn't coming back up. That was when, how kind I have to be, I ran into the water after him. I swung my arms around, trying to find him. Then he jumped up from behind me, pulling me out of the water, by my shirt. "You know what- I'm tired of this!" I couldn't take the ignorance, the silent actions. I want to know who the hell he is. "Talk to me! Just talk to me!" I shouted, throwing the new flip flops down to him. He simply looked down.
"I'm-" He said something, it was quiet, but I heard it. I took a breath of relief. I didn't want to think I'm crazy, insane like I was hallucinating him. "I'm nobody." He finally said, I only tilted my head at him. I don't get it, no one in the world is a nobody, we're all somebody. Quoted from my father. "You have no name?" I asked him, crouching down as I lifted his feet up. I slid the flip flops on his feet, the blue matched his eyes. "I'm Ocean Boy?" My eyes opened wide, while he said this unsure of himself, I was In disbelief. He is the boy, the Ocean kid from the news and I am talking to a said scientific phenomenon. I never thought I would be talking to him. What a day this is, I can't wait to tell my father all about him. He'd be greatly interested, "You should speak to my father, Mr. Gale Rits." The Ocean boy, his once deadpan face, turned cold in fear.