I was in the middle of my thoughts, playing with my phone as I kicked my foot in the empty air, sitting on my chair idly.
I took out my phone to play some songs and play PUBG, but a certain notification popped up before I could start my game up.
It came on my Gmail account so I decided to check it up since Gmail notifications are mostly important and according to my memory I haven't signed up on any shady websites.
I opened my mail account to see a link was sent attached to the mail at the end of the mail.
I decided to not click on it and read it first before clicking on some virus link.
The heading of the email was quite weird and awkward to read out loud.
Create your own fantasy character as a beta tester for the new Fantasy Open World RPG.
Join the Beta Testing now by clicking the link above.
What the? It was just a simple notification... nothing shady nor noteworthy but I was kinda curious to click on the link before deciding to click on the link.
The email was sent to me by the lady I met today at morning while I was on my way to school.
I wonder was she a game advertiser.
I thought....being a beta tester for a new RPG game is kind of a big deal as you wouldn't get this kind of early access games normally and would need a really devoted game account alive for that company.
I played games whenever I felt bored not much of a gamer but I play well enough for a person who doesn't plays games all day.
I clicked on the link to be disappointed seeing I needed to fill up a survey before I could download the game.
I backed out to open Spotify and attached my ear pods via Bluetooth connectivity, so I could enjoy to some music from my playlist.
It asked for some basic information at first. I decided to comply but I did not answer the questions honestly as I didn't want to trust such links easily.
First Name: Y/N
Middle Name: ()
Last Name: ()
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
The "Race" part kind of weirded me out as I got a lot of options to choose from such as elves to dwarves to monster types too and it had such a huge category to choose from, but I decided to choose "Human" since humans might be the weakest race but their potential is enormous and are not bound by any boundaries.
Ambition: Hero
I chose my Ambition as a "Hero" since "Demon Lord" sounded very ..... embarrassing for me and considering the other options "Hero" is the most powerful option than the other options.
Choose your Skills:
(Note your only allowed to select 1 Ultimate Skill, 5 Unique Skills, 15 Resist Skills, 15 Common Skills, 10 Extra Skills only, since your a beta tester.)
I thought, was i not allowed to have more skills since I would be very overpowered or was it due to the fact that I am beta tester so I would be allowed to have these many skills?
I unconsciously let out a grunt as my head hurt from a sudden headache caused by the woman I met while I was in my way to school.
I ... am not able to remember her face anymore.
It was kind of sad and nostalgic everytime I tried to remember her but I keep minding my own business as I wondered how it was possible for a person to feel nostalgic towards a person even when you have never met them ever in your life.
I looked towards my phone screen once more as a person disturbed my peaceful thoughts.
It was my teacher.
"Silence class. Everyone answer when your roll numbers are called."
The students of our class compiled as the teacher said. I put my phone under my desk and put one of my ear pods inside my pocket.
"Present Mam"
"Present Mam"
"Yes Mam"
"Yes Mam"
I looked down under my desk was another compartment where I kept my other notebooks and my pencil bag.
I played with my phone over there with one of my ear pods hidden by my palm as I rested my chin with my right palm.
I undressed my blazer and my sweater and hanged it at my chair, even though it was only the month February it was already warm enough during the daytime to make someone sweat.
I pressed my head down by the desk, and looked towards the window on the other side to see another girl, YooHee gazing towards me.
I wiggled my eyebrows to see her respond by a smile, pretending to write down something when the teacher was calling by our roll numbers, registering our attendance.
I smiled at her and then saw the other girl, Sangah, looking towards me, covering her head with a book and eating a orange cream filled cake.
I whispered.
"Psst- give me one."
She whispered back to me.
"Y/N, Pass some to YooHee and take the rest for yourself and eat quietly."
I take the paper box of cake and passed some to YooHee after taking some for myself.
Before I could enjoy my cake, I was interrupted by my teacher.
I swallowed the cake hurriedly and responded.
I sat down and drank the orange juice given by YooHee.
I whispered back.
I looked towards my phone again to fill the survey again, before I could fill the survey forum we were asked to change to out P.E. tracksuits.
'Ah, I forgot, today's Thursday. The morning P.E. class.'
Sangah grunted.
She came to my desk as she pulled my neck down by wrapping her hands on my neck.
"Man this sucks. Hey wanna eat at cafeteria? No maybe get some chips and bunk the class."
YooHee came and joined our little conversation.
"We both know that's not going to happen since we might get a suspension."
I face palmed at her blunt way of speaking.
I answered.
"...Maybe. I think I am gonna bunk the class."
"I will go attend the class."
"Then me and Y/N can bunk the class together."
"Go ahead. I will try to distract the teacher."
"I knew we could count on you YooHee, best homie ever."
"Same two you guys too"
I and Sangah sneaked our way to the boys washroom as we both changed to our tracksuits.
I looked at her changing, noticing my stare she gave a sly smirk.
"What? Want a piece of me."
"I guess. If I were a gardener, you would be my hoe."
"Woah gawd dayum chill man. I know I am cute and hot but restrict yourself for doing the deed now. We got plenty of time to do it later."
"I know right. Not in the right mood."
"Me too"
We changed and gave our P.E. class attendance and then sneaked our way out of the class.
It was easy to do so since all the classes needed to do it together so no teacher would notice our disappearance, and no one is a snitch in our class.
I took my purse out to pay for two chicken burgers and two cokes.
"Uwahhh~ so good~~~~"
"Yeah the coke hit the spot."
"By the way I wanted to ask you something."
I hummed to continue.
"What made you so distracted today to check your phone everytime the teacher turned her head towards the other direction."
"Hohhh~ you were observing me? I am really flattered by your words." I teased her but that didn't affect her except for the small blush.
"Mann~ just tell me already."
"Okay Okay. I will but first let's finish our meal."
I looked towards the sky and then turned my phone on, the wind blew the cherry blossoms carrying it with the wind and creating a beautiful scenery.
"달이 참 예쁘다, 그렇지 않아?"
(The moon is pretty isn't it?)
(dal-i cham yeppeuda, geuleohji anh-a?)
I nodded saying "예"
I snapped my head before realising back to see her smile and laugh at my answer.
"So~ So~ are we l-o-v-e-r-s?~"
She teased me back but I deadpanned at her chopping her head lightly.
"Shut up and eat first. Don't talk while eating."
"Well what were you doing?"
"I was going to play PUBG but I got a notification to become a beta tester for a game."
"Woah. Isn't it cool? What kind of game?"
"The genre is Open World and RPG, probably multiplayer and might be MMORPG"
"Hey~Hey~ then were you seeing that back then?"
"Yup wanna check out with me?"
I opened my phone and started to fill the rest of the forum.
She sat beside me at the empty bench and checked out my phone together.
"Now let me show you the power of the ultimate RPG professional."
No joke. Sangah is a professional League of Legends midlaner along with me who plays it with her at the computer cafe. So having her with me while selecting will probably give me some useful tips.
But the problem was we weren't Abel to see the skill descriptions which was an issue but some of them were easy to identify due to their normal names.
Choose your Skills:
Common skills:(15)
1. [Magic Power Operation]
2. [Fire Magic]
3. [Lightning Magic]
4. [Water Magic]
5. [Ice Magic]
6. [Wind Magic]
7. [Earth Magic]
8. [Healing Magic]
9. [Shadow Magic]
10. [Abyss Magic]
11. [Light Magic]
12. [Wyrm Barrier]
13. [Wyrm Power]
14. [Telekinesis]
15. [Telepathy]
Extra Skills:(10)
1. [Ultra Fast Magic Power Recovery]
2. [Ultra Fast Health Recovery]
3. [Martial Arts Master]
4. [Herculean Strength]
5. [Thought Acceleration]
6. [Foresight]
7. [Endurance]
8. [High Speed Arithmetic Processing]
9. [Taboo]
10. [Heresy Magic]
"Well~ well~ well~ look at this. We have got a pretty overpowered magician character here."
"I wanted to become a swordsman though...."
"Don't worry about it. We can have a sword related skill from Unique Skill section."
"Well that's fine by me."
Resist Skills:(15)
1. [Faint Nullification]
2. [Fear Nullification]
3. [Holy Light Nullification]
4. [Black Magic Nullification]
5. [Heat Nullification]
6. [Bolt Nullification]
7. [Flood Nullification]
8. [Freeze Nullification]
9. [Terrain Nullification]
10. [Acid Nullification]
11. [Poison Nullification]
12. [Pain Nullification]
13. [Heresy Magic Nullification]
14. [Exhaustion Nullification]
15. [Piercing Nullification]
"Now we are looking stacked baby~. Now only Unique Skill and Ultimate Skill section are left."
Before we could do the two more sections of the forum we were interrupted by the sound of the bell.
*ting ting tang ting*
*tong tang ting ting*
I and Sangah both stood up as we both selected the options while we walked towards our class.
"Hey isn't it kind of difficult to choose which unique skill should one choose as we are not getting any sort of description."
"Spittin fax"
"Hehe~ this great master only speak fax~"
She spun around as she performed a bow while I clapped sounding impressed.
"Well one thing is obvious we need to choose "Ultimate Life", for the rest we could only hope we get something good out of it."
Unique Skill: (5)
1. [Ultimate Life]
2. [Usurper]
3. [Chosen One]
4. [Sword Saint]
5. [Creator]
"Holy Shit, the Ultimate skills sound so fucking cool. Hey send me the game link to me too I wanna play it later."
"Sure I will do it after we complete this forum."
We walked inside the class as most of the students gawked at us.
I realised why they did it as Sangah was walking beside me pressing her chest near my arms.
YooHee had a noticeable frown but I decided to confirm about it later. Man why would she even frown at us.
We exchanged our seats and YooHee and I sat together for our Chemistry class.
She passed me a paper saying, giving me the P.E. class module.
I sighed after seeing the theory module of the P.E. class.
'I wondered was P.E. supposed to a theory subject anyways?', scratching my head awkwardly.
"So what were you to two talking about?"
"Umm nothing much?"
She smiled, but that smile did not reach her eyes.
I laughed awkwardly saying.
"Well it was about a new beta RPG game on beta testing."
After hearing me, she sighed relived? I wonder why?
"You wanna play the game?"
"Oh yea sure."
"I will send you the link. Fill up the forum and you will get a download link."
"I will do it later after class."
I hummed.
"Well it's raining....."
"I can see it too"
"I did not bring my umbrella"
"Me too" I said
"Not now" I said
Sangah and YooHee looked at me while they wheezed at the play of words.
"Man you are hilarious."
"Well I am doing the forum"
"Mew tooo~"
Ultimate Skill:(1)
1. [Knowledge King: Athena]
I found a ultimate skill that suited me since the other skills were all related to some elements and the Greek Skill series consisted most of them related with elements.
I selected "Athena" because she was an intelligent Goddess and was adapt at using sword and the shield so probably choosing it was my best option because I found swords cool to use in a fantasy world.
I clicked on [Confirm] as the class full of students including the teacher were engulfed by a mass of huge bright light that erupted from my phone.
But before I could do anything, Sangah and YooHee caught my arms and we were eaten away by the light.
None of us knew that, at that moment our entire life would have turned upside down.
But I wanted to say myself to console myself for my loss of .....
"I wonder if I could meet YooHee and Sangah in the next world"