Ophelia exited the castle hurriedly, relieved that she could recall how she and Rhaziel had entered, but she felt stranded and stopped walking when she couldn't find her carriage.
There was a lot of drama. She was anxious to leave as soon as she could.
"Ugh!" She facepalmed herself. Hard. regretting her decision to obey her father. Why was it necessary to hasten something so important? But then again, she thought everything was so odd.
"I have to leave here," She exhaled and started rushing down the stairs while squeezing her face in agony from the sharp pain coming from the heels on her feet.
Her heart nearly leaped out of her chest as she stared straight ahead to the bottom of the steps where Nikolai Novikov suddenly appeared and began staring at her amusingly.
He was directly in front of her when she squealed as she descended the last flight of steps, and he promptly encircled her petite figure with his large arms.