At the foot of Ngoa mountains, deep in the Dark valleys, the Dark Lord patrolled amongst his troops. Hundreds of thousands of men and women looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

"You are almost ready for deployment!" he roared. He continued walking in between the ranks formed by this fierce looking half man, half monsters.

"You must be canning and vicious in your attacks on the human population! Never should you relent! And never should you fail! I have not created you to fail! I must conquer the world! I must reign supremely forever! You! You my soldiers, March forward and fight bravely. Then all of you, all single one of you, will bask in the glory of my reign, Aye!"

"Aaaargh!" A deep malicious growl came from these beasts as they replied in unison to their grandmaster.

The Dark Lord walked about satisfactorily.

"Now just a little while and you will infiltrate their villages and towns and cities! We shall see what those scumbags can do in the face of my invincible army!" he roared and burst off laughing loudly. Spasms of laughter rocked him until he shook over.

When he raised his head high up while still caught in his mirth, he saw a huge bat descending on top of the highest peak of Ngoa mountains. He stopped laughing abruptly and with a kick on the ground, he soared to the top of the mountain.

The bat slowly transformed into a woman and bowed to the ground as the Dark Lord landed.

"My Supreme Master!" The transformed lady called out while she fixed her eyes on the ground.

"Rise up my noble servant!" he roared. Swiftly the lady got to her feet but still bowed her head.

"Speak of your adventures into the lands of the weak! Has my quest been made known to man?"

"Yes my Supreme Master! I have delivered your mandate upon your selected vessel! He is expected to act anytime soon, my Lord."

"Is that all? Just an expectation," he roared, displeasure sounding in those words.

"He's bound to act, My LORD. I ensured he partake of your generous gift. He won't be able to resist even if he chose to," the lady answered. The Dark Lord seemed pleased with this answer as he didn't question her further.

He took a few metres pacing around. Then with a wave of his left hand a bright shining cloud formed in front of him. The particles within it started swirling around at a lightening speed. It then transformed into a screen.

Inside the screen the two figures of Frank and Muro could be seen standing face to face inside a hall.

"We need to talk!" Frank said.

Muro slowly raised his face and the two locked each other's look. A murderous heat rose between the two. Muro then looked like he was relaxing.

"There's nothing for us to talk about, kid!" he threw at Frank.

"Where did you go?" Frank greeted his teeth as he spoke. The insult had gotten him but he would push it aside for a while. "You jeopardized the team's success for your own adventure! It is only right if we know what you were up to!"

Muro sneered and scoffed at Frank.

"What does my whereabouts have to do with the team? Didn't I submit the eggs? Isn't that what was important?" Muro answered back gritting his teeth too.

"But you made us all face an examination just now! What is this presence that you met making us to be scanned like we carried some contagious disease?"

"Who said I met anything?" Muro challenged.

"Well, just play smart! But I assure you, I will get to the bottom of this. Whatever you are hiding I will uncover!"

"So be it you coward! Follow me again and you will not live to tell the story!"

Frank who had started walking away stopped midway. "Is that a threat?" he asked but Muro had turned and left.

"And that is our vessel My Supreme Master!" on top of the mountain the lady bowed as she submitted her remarks.

"Not bad! Not bad! You undoubtedly found a good one this time!"

The lady smiled and politely excused herself from the depressing presence of the Dark Lord. This bulky man kept staring at the screen in front of him. He touched it and the frozen face of Frank zoomed and filled the screen.

"You!!" he roared with a murderous growl that shook the whole mountain. He squeezed shut his eyes as if he didn't want to look at that image.


He bellowed out another pain-filled angry roar, so loud that the screen in front shattered and disappeared.

"How sweet it will be to see you dead! Die! Die you rat!"