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Chapter 342 - HPF141-150

Chapter 141

Hermione blinked back at her for a few

moments, gaping like a fish out of water,

before what she was about to say occurred

to her, and she blushed in shame when

Daphne's expression stopped her from

commenting further.

Since not long after the move into the

apartment, Daphne had been educating both

Hermione and Harry on wizarding culture.

She'd been slowly working through a lot of

the reasons of the 'why' and the 'how' things

were done as they were. However, the best

lesson she had given was to convince

Hermione not to comment on matters she

was not fully aware of in advance. Harry then

used the matter of house elves and their

bonds - and Hermione's lack of

understanding the necessity of them when

she first learned of them - as the lead

example. Without a bond, house elves wither

and die. And the manner of death is very


Hermione, after remembering what she tried

to accomplish in their previous fifth year, was

near inconsolable for the rest of the day. She

thought she had been responsible for the

horrid deaths of many of Hogwarts's house

elves. Harry had to tell her it was Dobby who

had collected up all the little hats Hermione

had knitted that year. And that she hadn't

unintentionally been the cause of painful

house elf deaths.

Turning back to Ackerman, with a sheepish

expression, she muttered, "Sorry."

With a bit of a light chuckle, Ackerman

replied, "That's quite alright, Miss Granger.

I've known many muggleborns who've had

the same reaction, in the past."

After a bit more discussion, where the

bondmates did not let the wily old wizarding

solicitor know Harry had already submitted

the parchmentwork to be emancipated,

Ackerman left with new instructions for both

himself and Margaret.

The following Saturday evening, the

bondmates celebrated Harry's emancipation.

The goblins had submitted the

parchmentwork immediately, as promised,

and the week had now passed by with nary a

whisper of anyone learning of the change of


Part of the celebration included the

bondmates writing to Mafalda Hopkirk of the

Ministry, the Improper Use of Magic Office,

who were charged with detecting underage

magic so he could get the Trace removed.

They were also aware that, once Madam

Hopkirk was in receipt of that

letter, everyone would know in a matter of

hours. If there was one thing the Ministry

was very good at, it was a complete inability

to keep anything secret. Especially, when it

came to one Harry James Potter.

So, they prepared for the Headmaster to

accost Harry about it either Sunday evening

or Monday morning. Of course, it was not

difficult for them to deduce the Headmaster

would try to get the emancipation

overturned. He would first try to get Harry to

request reversing it, before then trying to use

his Chief Warlock status to get it done.

That meant writing to Madam Bones, who

was Head of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, the department that covered

underaged magic, to explain why Harry

sought emancipation; and who was involved

in determining he was considered of-age the

night his name came out of the Goblet. They

believed that naming Dumbledore as one of

the people who determined he would have

to compete that night, would effectively pull

the rug out from under Dumbledore's

attempt to have his emancipation


Sure enough, Monday morning's Daily

Prophet screamed the headline that Harry

Potter was emancipated.

* # *


As a result of Mister Harry Potter's (14) name

coming out of the Goblet of Fire, and being

named a competitor in the Tri-Wizard

Tournament, the Boy-Who-Lived applied for

emancipation, and it was granted, writes

Hieronymus Cartwright.

For those unaware, the Ministry deemed

only those witches and wizards attending the

three eminent European schools of magic -

Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang who

were of-age - were permitted to compete in

the Tri-Wizard Tournament. As Mister Potter

was chosen, and he was not immediately

disqualified, Mister Potter appears to have

used the opportunity to have himself

declared emancipated; and, therefore,


The Daily Prophet has already alerted you

that, on the 1st of September, Mister Potter

became bonded to two similarly aged

witches. What Mister Potter's emancipation

means for those two witches is not yet


* # *

"Damn it!" Harry softly exclaimed, on

reading the paper. "While the article is

truthful, it still makes me out to be a 'bad

guy'. It implies I'll possibly force an early

marriage between us; so I can have my

wicked ways with you."

Daphne laughed and said, "But

you already have your wicked ways with us.

Clearly, this Cartwright character has no idea

about soul-bonds. It's well known what

happens to establish and finalise such a


The three bondmates had now progressed

their soul bond to the point they were

engaged in acts that would surpass what

would be considered 'M' rated if they were in

a story or movie. However, they still hadn't

taken the final step; full sexual intercourse.

"Humph!" muttered Hermione. "No doubt

there will be others, including Miss Pentridge,

who will soon set him right."

As expected, two days later Harry received a

summonse to appear before an emergency

sitting of the Wizengamot to determine

whether or not he should retain his

emancipation. Of course, the motion was

made by Dumbledore.

With muttered imprecations, Harry handed

the summonse off to Daphne. "The old fool

just can't leave well enough alone."

"He's panicking," she replied. "He's so

worried you'll run for the colonies first

chance you get he's trying everything he can

to keep you here."

"That's something we three haven't properly

discussed, you know," said Hermione, after

she read the summonse. "Do we actually go,

or not?"

With a frustrated sigh, he replied, "Actually,

most of what I said about that was just to

keep Dumbledore hopping. I was dangling

the threat out there to worry him. I don't

know if we should or not.

"I say... maybe," he said. "Both of you have

family here... and little Astoria will be left

without her big sister and future

brother-in-law around to protect her... if we

were to leave the country. It's that which is

holding me back."

"There is another option," put Hermione.

"We get the Headmaster to make a magical

oath he will cease and desist all efforts to try

and control you beyond the role of


"He's too tricky for that," disagreed Daphne.

She thought a bit and said, "I say, go ahead

with setting up a transfer for the three of us

to Salem. Have everything organised. Once

we do that... and Dumbledore sees you're

being serious... he may come up with the

idea of a vow or oath he's willing to abide


Chapter 142

Nodding, Harry looked at Hermione and saw

she was in agreement. Turning back to

Daphne, he said, "Let's do that, then.

However, I also want to talk to Sirius first,

though. But, I think I'm pretty sure in stating I

think he'd even come with us if we were

actually going to go."

"It's a plan," nodded Hermione.

She then reached out and pulled another

sheet of parchment towards herself and

asked, "Does anyone know to whom I'd have

to address a letter to the Headmaster of


"To the Headmaster 'slash' Headmist... No.

To the Principal, Salem Witches Academy,

Salem Massachusetts," muttered Daphne.

"Of course," sighed Hermione, as if she was a

little angry with herself. "They call

them Principals, over there, don't they?"

Daphne just nodded.

"Don't get worked up about it, Hermione,"

Harry chided the girl. "You're not expected to

know everything. Or, even remember

everything you know as if with a snap of your


Again, the three dressed in their finest to

attend the hearing before the Wizengamot.

This time, it was Deece who came and

collected them. Thankfully, however,

Dumbledore did not try and stop them from


They entered the atrium via Floo, passed

through the checkpoint, and headed directly

to the same courtroom as before. Courtroom

Ten; the largest available.

Harry caught the attention of one of the

aurors on the main floor and asked, "Do I

need to go into the antechamber, this time?

Or, do I get to stay in here?"

"In here, Mister Potter," said the auror, who

Harry recognised from before but didn't

know. "Just take a seat at the table, over

there." The auror pointed him to leftmost of

a pair of tables sitting side-by-side with a

four foot gap between them.

Harry went and sat at one of the chairs just

as Stewart Ackerman walked in and headed

across. He took the other seat of the two at

the table and asked, "Alright there, Harry?"

"Alright, Stewart," he sighed.

"It appears your Headmaster is again up to

his old tricks, eh?" the solicitor asked.

"Yeah," sighed Harry again.

As they were quietly conversing, Dumbledore

walked in and took seat at the other table, as

if he had not a care in the world. He did not

even acknowledge Harry's or Stewart's


They were sitting for less than a minute

when Percy Weasley, who was again sitting in

the Court Scribe's seat, rose and intoned,

"Hear ye! All those with business before the

Wizengamot this day, please rise."

Everyone stood as the Wizengamot filed in

and took seat. At least, this time, they

weren't all looking at him with distaste - or

worse. The Pink Toad was not in attendance.

The one who took the centre chair, Harry

recognised him as Tiberius Ogden, sat first

and banged his gavel the once. "Be seated,"

he ordered.

After everyone sat, he turned to Percy and

demanded, "What business brings us to

assemble this day, Scribe?"

"You have, before you, a request - filed by

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - to

have the emancipation of Harry James Potter

overturned," Percy dutifully replied.

"I see," nodded Ogden. Turning to the centre

of the floor he asked, "Mister Dumbledore,

you wish to proceed?"

"I do, Acting Chief Warlock," replied

Dumbledore. "And it's Chief Warlock

Dumbledore, Acting Chief Warlock."

"Not while you're sitting in that chair, it's

not," disagreed Ogden, with a very slight

smirk. "You claimed magical guardianship

over Mister Potter as Mister Dumbledore;

not Chief Warlock Dumbledore. If you had, I

daresay you'd no longer be Chief Warlock,


Dumbledore just gave a short nod in reply, as

if in acknowledgement.

Turning to look at Harry, Ogden asked,

"Mister Potter, you wish to contest?"

As Ogden was speaking, Stewart laid his

hand on Harry's near arm as if to hold him in

his seat. Once the question was asked, he

stood and replied, "Stewart Ackerman,

solicitor and legal representative for Mister

Harry James Potter. Mister Potter contests

the claim."

"Very well," said Ogden with a nod, as if

there was any doubt.

Turning back to Dumbledore, he instructed,

"Mister Dumbledore, as the Applicant, it

behoves you to prove your claim. The floor is


What followed for the next twenty to thirty

minutes was Dumbledore listing all the

reasons he could think of for why Harry

shouldn't be allowed to keep his

emancipation. He made claims Harry was too

young, too lacking of knowledge of the

wizarding world, the Potter fortune was too

large for such a young man to properly

manage without oversight, he had no

training in managing such a large fortune,

and he was still a student and therefore did

not have the time to rectify all those matters.

Then he switched to how he had dutifully

taken care of the Potter fortune for the day

Harry would then be able to properly deal

with it, he kept Harry safe from remnants of

the Death Eaters in the days after Riddle's

disappearance, Harry's recalcitrant recent

behaviour in school, and how Sirius had yet

to put in an appearance and rightfully take

Harry's guardianship - and that meant the

guardianship should be returned to him.

During Dumbledore's testimony Ackerman

was writing away and was simultaneously

doing his best to keep Harry calm. Harry, for

his part, was also writing short notes to add

to the prodigious notes Stewart was taking,

and passing them over.

Once Dumbledore finished, his posture stood

as if to say there could be no doubt Harry's

emancipation should be overturned and

guardianship returned to him, before he

finally resumed his seat.

Once Dumbledore sat, Ogden turned to

Stewart and asked, "Mister Ackerman; your


Not rushing, Stewart rose to his feet almost

negligently holding his notes within his grasp.

He then started slow and kept the pace and

cadence of his words calm and composed as

he responded to each and every claim

Dumbledore made. On two occasions he

even agreed with Dumbledore's reasoning.

But, that pointed out how unreasonable

Dumbledore was being in other areas.

He then went into how Dumbledore, himself,

agreed with Harry having to compete in the

Tri-Wizard Tournament. And mentioned that,

by doing so, Dumbledore recognised Harry to

be of-age. He then covered how two

department Heads from the Ministry agreed,

as did the other two Heads of School.

Chapter 143

He covered how Harry was showing much

maturity by employing himself and the

goblins to positions of advisors, and that he

listened and didn't act rash. And how he was

in a three-way soul bond with both a

pureblood and muggleborn witch. Both of

whom were recognised as high achievers in

the same school for which Dumbledore was

Headmaster. He spoke of how it would be

magic which would soon see the three

married, and would automatically

emancipate them, anyway. That it had not,

as yet, done such showed the three were not

rushing matters regarding their bonds, and

was evidence the bonds were clearly not yet


He then went directly into an attack of

Dumbledore, himself. He covered how

Dumbledore had already failed in his duties

as magical guardian to ensure Harry was not

mistreated while under the so-called care of

his muggle relatives; presented evidence

from the goblins that Dumbledore had not

been in to see the Potter Senior Account

Keeper concerning the Potter fortune, let

alone properly manage the gold and

investments, as he had claimed to have done;

already provided evidence before the

Wizengamot he did not have time to handle

all his responsibilities regarding magical

guardianship, to whit Dumbledore's own

testimony Harry was not ready to take up the

affairs of his House; argued how Dumbledore

could not possibly have time to handle the

current duties he had of Chief Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump and Headmaster of

Hogwarts, let alone tack on magical

guardianship again; and slickly and

effectively turned almost all of Dumbledore's

arguments back upon him.

"In conclusion, Acting Chief Warlock Ogden,"

he wrapped up, "Questions are already being

raised within the media and among the

populace as to how the Wizengamot could

possibly have erred so badly as to hand

magical guardianship to Mister Dumbledore,

in the first place. Please, do not add to that

by giving Dumbledore guardianship, once

more. Especially when Mister Potter has

done nothing to show he is incapable of

taking care of himself, his ladies and their

needs." And sat down.

After a few moments of muttering among

the assembled, Ogden said, "Yes, well." He

raised his gavel and banged it once. "We'll

retire to make our deliberations."

The Wizengamot rose, almost as one, and

filed out of the room.

As soon as they left, Stewart turned to Harry

and said, "Depending on how much

Dumbledore bribed the members, you've

won this."

"Bribed?" asked Harry, a little shocked.

"Yes, Harry; bribed," replied his solicitor. He

looked over to Dumbledore and could see

the old man sitting as relaxed as could be.

That, more than Ackerman's words, worried


The members returned more than half an

hour later. To Harry, it felt as if they were

gone for hours.

Once everyone was seated again, Ogden

called for both parties to rise.

Looking at them both, he said, "We have

deliberated long and hard to reach a decision

that is best for Mister Potter's best interests.

To that end, it is the decision of this body to...

allow Mister Potter to retain his


That brought forth a number of muttering

voices from behind. Some shocked by the

outcome; others clearly believing no other

choice was expected. Harry turned and

grinned at his two bondmates before quickly

turning back again. A quick glance at

Dumbledore showed the man to be both

quite surprised and angry at the declaration.

Looking directly at him, the Acting Chief

Warlock asked, "Mister Potter, only to sate

an old man's curiosity, if the decision had

fallen against you, how soon would you have

finalised your bonds?"

Harry frowned at the question but answered

as honestly as he could. "It would have made

no difference. I, personally, would not have

re-sought emancipation using the bonds.

That would have been grossly unfair to my

two ladies; and to myself."

Nodding, Ogden said, "Well said. And yet

further evidence Mister Potter is worthy to

be emancipated."

Banging his gavel once, the Acting Chief

Warlock said, "We are adjourned."

Harry rose and was about to go directly to his

bondmates' sides when, instead, he hurried

to the benches and offered his hand to


Surprised, Ogden rose, leaned over and took

the offered hand, before they shook. "Thank

you, Sir," Harry said with emotion.

"You're quite welcome, Mister Potter,"

Ogden replied with a smile. Neither noticed

the flash of a wizarding camera as both stood

there with their hands clasped.

As the three, with Deece, made their way out

of the courtroom, standing just outside the

door was Sirius with a huge grin on his face.

"Sirius!" cried Harry, dashing the couple of

feet forward to wrap his godfather in a hug.

"When did you get back?"

"Yesterday evening," replied Sirius. "This

morning, I was in discussions with Amelia

Bones, going over memories and what not."

"It's done then?" asked Harry, full of hope.

"You're officially free?"

"Yep," his godfather beamed back with a

huge grin. "I came down here and hid in the

back just in case the case went against you. If

Dumbledore had been successful in getting

your emancipation overturned, I was all set

to claim guardianship of you myself. You had

nothing to fear, but I couldn't let you know


"Don't worry about it," Harry gushed. "I'm

just glad you're back and free."

"That I am, pup!" his godfather

enthusiastically said. "And, I hear, it's all

thanks to you."

"Oh! No, Sirius," replied Harry, startled. He

turned to his two bondmates and ushered

them forward. "It's all thanks to these two

lovely ladies."

"Daphne, mainly," corrected Hermione.

"She's the one who brought her father in.

And he's the one who organised the solicitors

for us."

Chapter 144

Harry indicated Stewart and introduced him.

"Sirius," he said. "This is Stewart Ackerman,

solicitor par excellence. He and his partner,

Margaret Pentridge, are the ones who

planned it all out to get you free."

Sirius stepped forward and shook Stewart's

hand. "Thank you," he gushed.

"Think nothing of it, Mister Black," replied

Stewart, smiling. "It's all part of the service

Mister Potter, here, has retained us to

accomplish." Turning to Harry, he said, "Until

next time, Mister Potter." And, with a nod

and smile to all, he departed.

Sirius turned to Deece and said, "Madam

Greengrass; you have my thanks. The House

of Black is in your debt."

"No, Mister Black, it's not," disagreed Deece.

"My husband, Matthias, was just the

go-between for Harry and Ackerman. Harry,

my daughter, and Miss Granger are the

heroes, here."

"Stewart... Mister Ackerman and I came up

with a cunning plan to use the hearing from a

couple of weeks ago to make it public you

were innocent. We just enacted that plan,"

explained Harry. "You've actually been

considered exonerated of all charges and

deemed free since then. It's just that no one

could get in touch with you, what with the

owl block wards or whatever."

"I was in the Tahitian Islands," explained

Sirius. "The Blacks have a private holiday

home, there. I'd forgotten about the mail

blocks. They were put in by a previous Head

of House to stop mail turning up while he

was on holiday. He liked his isolation."

"Well, I have to get these three back to

Hogwarts," interrupted Deece. "Besides,

we're making a bit of a spectacle of ourselves

standing here."

Sirius nodded and looked back at Harry

before he said, "I've got something to send

you. It's a way for us to better keep in touch.

I'll send it as soon as I settle back in London."

Harry and Hermione both knew he was

referring to the communication mirror.

"Sounds good," said Harry.

"In the meantime, I've got to get to Gringotts

to sort out the Black finances," explained

Sirius. "Look for my owl."

"Will do," replied Harry, as Deece led them

back upstairs to the atrium to Floo back to


The plan for facing the dragon in the first task

was polished, with Harry practicing the

charms and curses he needed for the various

plans and alternates, in the Room of


Sirius's mirror arrived via owl a couple of

days later, as he'd promised.

The three were in Charms when young Colin

Creevey came in with a note for Professor


Accepting the note and glancing over at

Harry, the diminutive Professor said, "It

seems you're needed for the wand-weighing

ceremony, Mister Potter. You're excused for

the rest of the class."

Harry nodded back and packed up his school

work. Young Colin stood by, excited, and

almost hopping from foot to foot as Harry

packed up.

Once ready, Harry gave his girls a quick hug

while they whispered words of being careful

about Rita Skeeter, and he followed young

Mister Creevey to the same abandoned

classroom he remembered from the previous


When he walked in the three champions

were standing together off to one side,

quietly chatting. Ludo Bagman was, as

expected, sitting with Skeeter on one of the

chairs that were set up for a photo shoot.

The photographer, Harry couldn't remember

his name - Bozo, or something - was standing

apart, fiddling with his camera.

"Ah! Mister Potter," gushed Bagman. "Our

fourth champion!"

"I'm not a bloody champion, Useless! You

know that!" Harry growled back. "I'm an

unwilling competitor, only."

As he was growling back at Bagman, Skeeter

had sidled forward and said, "Mister Potter.

It's nice to finally meet you." She grabbed his

arm and started to drag him aside. "Perhaps

we can..."

That was as far as she got before Harry's

hand snapped across and, none gently,

ripped Skeeter's fingers off her grip on his

arm. "Get your hands off me, woman," he


"Oh! Errr... of course, Mister Potter," she

stuttered. "I was just wondering if I might

have a quiet word before we began the...

official interviews. I'm sure you understand,"

she gushed, getting her equilibrium back.

Harry gave a short sharp nod and walked into

the corner of the room. Skeeter quickly

caught up.

Once she'd rejoined him, and before she

could begin to even pull out her

'Quik-quotes' quill, Harry quietly but firmly

said, "Listen up, Skeeter. I know what sort of

shit masquerading as news you write. As

you're now no doubt aware, I have retained

legal counsel specialising in slander and libel.

They'll be very interested in what you want

to write as I've given them carte blanche to

go for the jugular of any reporter who writes

bullshit about me."

Skeeter had frozen in place when Harry

began to talk. She was looking a little afraid,

but it clearly wasn't enough. Then Harry

leaned closer, right into her comfort zone,

and growled, "And when they're done with

you, I'm going to take great pleasure

in crushing you like a little bug. Something

like a water beetle, perhaps?"

As he spoke, Skeeter went white and looked

a little faint. She didn't utter a word.

"If you write the truth about me, Skeeter," he

said leaning back again. "No matter how

embarrassing it is, you and I won't have a

problem. But you write one word of a lie...

Well, I believe the Daily Prophet will be

looking for a new gossipmonger. Am I clear?"

Skeeter gaped at him like a fish, for a few


Glaring back, Harry growled, "Am... I... Clear...

Miss Skeeter?"

The witch quickly nodded back and stuttered,

"Y-yes, Mister Potter."

Relaxing his face from its glare, Harry then

added the carrot from the stick. He said,

"Good. Now, if you prove you can behave

yourself, then I'll give you the odd exclusive

interview, now and then."

That roused the witch-reporter, whose eyes

suddenly gleamed.

Recognising the expression, Harry nodded

back and said, "Finally, do you have any

questions for me?"

Skeeter quickly reached into her oversized

pursed and drew out the Quik-quotes quill.

"Miss Skeeter..." he growled.

Almost jumping in fright, Skeeter quickly

jammed the lime green quill back in her bag

and withdrew a normal dicta-quill, and set it

going. Harry waited for her.

Once she was ready, she hesitantly asked,

"Now, Mister Potter. How did you feel the

night your name... mysteriously... came out

of the Goblet of Fire."

"At first, shock. I, of course, had not entered

my name, so it coming out of the Goblet was

completely unexpected.

"Next, anger. I had warned Dumbledore that

I feared my name would come out of the

Goblet. Clearly, he's so full of his own

self-importance he thought he knew better

than me, a simple fourth year student. He

was wrong. A situation in which he is often


"Third, fear. I'm a fourth year student in a

competition designed with seventh year

students, in mind. I simply do not have the

education obviously planned for when

whatever the tasks are were designed.

Chapter 145

Clearly, someone wants me to fail and,

probably, die in one of these tasks. Or, at the

very least, see me stripped of my magic.

"I see my unwilling entrance into the

Tri-Wizard Tournament as nothing less than

yet another attempt to do me harm.

"Yes," replied Skeeter, though no reply was

required. Harry knew she was just using the

break to think of her next question.

"How do you feel of your chances?" she


"In what way?" Harry asked right back. "In

winning? Zero. I don't even care what scores

I receive, so I'm certainly not trying to win.

My only goal is to survive this accursed event.

And, my chances of accomplishing that, I just

don't know."

"I see," she said, watching the dicta-quill

finish writing it's last few lines. "How do your

bondmates feel about you being a


"Your question is a nonsense, Miss Skeeter,"

he replied. "I am not a champion; ergo, they

don't think anything of it."

"Sorry. As a competitor, I mean," she


"They want me to live, of course," he replied.

"Just as I, they hope for me to survive this

stupidity masked as a spectator event. We

are united in this."

"And how is life as someone bonded to two

witches?" she asked.

"That is irrelevant to the Tri-Wizard

Tournament, Miss Skeeter," he snapped back.

"Keep your questions relevant to that event."

With a quick moue of frustration, Skeeter

was about to ask her next question when

Dumbledore entered with Barty Crouch

Senior, the other two Heads and Garrick

Ollivander in tow.

Dumbledore, spotting him talking to Skeeter,

quickly hurried over and gripped Harry by

the elbow, intent in tugging him away.

Harry, already expecting the move, quickly

grasped Dumbledore by his wrist, broke the

hold on his elbow and, pivoting, used his grip

to flip Dumbledore over onto his back,

pinning him to the floor with an arm lock and

his foot on his neck pinning the old man's

head down.

"Bloody hell, Dumbledore!" Harry barked out,

releasing his grip and stepping away. "I

bloody warned you not to suddenly grab

hold of me like that! You're damned lucky I

didn't dislocate your shoulder!

Don't ever attack me like that, again!"

There was a flash of wizarding camera flash,

as Harry stepped away.

'That'll be front page tomorrow,' thought

Harry, hiding his grin.

Madam Maxime, while staring in shock at

Harry, helped the old man to his feet while

he rubbed his neck where Harry's shoe was

pressed down.

"Monsieur Potier," she gasped. "Was zat

completely necessary?"

"Yes, Headmistress," he replied. "I

react badly to being physically assaulted. It

comes from being raised in an abusive

household, where I was

continuously beaten and whipped just for

being the son of my aunt's sister. I thought I

was being attacked."

"I was not attacking you, Harry," Dumbledore

firmly spoke out. "I was simply trying to get

you away from the... influences of Miss


"Ah!" said Harry. "Well, as I'm an

emancipated minor, you again overstepped

the bounds of your authority. As such, you

getting yourself tossed to the floor when I

defended myself from your physical assault,

was your own fault."

In the very uncomfortable silence, Bagman

interjected with a falsely cheerful voice.

"Well, now that the excitement has passed,

shall we get on with it?"

After that, the 'Weighing of the Wands' went

as in the previous timeline; except Harry

refused having an individual photo taken, nor

being placed in the middle of the shot. When

the photographer asked for a shot of 'the

champions on their own', Harry stepped out

of the shot and stood behind Madam

Maxime... though Dumbledore kept trying to

shepherd him back... frustrating the

photographer, no end.

Finally, the day of the first task dawned

bright and clear. Harry had advised Diggory

three days earlier that they'd be facing

dragons in the first task, as he had done in

the previous timeline. He also mentioned

how transfiguring multiple rocks into

'creatures' that would distract the dragon

would be a better idea than just one creature

the dragon could devour or fry in an instant.

Instead of heading directly to the Ravenclaw

table for breakfast, Harry headed to the head

table. There, he stopped just off the dais and

clearly spoke. "So, Headmaster," he called.

"You still feel I have to participate in this


With a frown, Dumbledore said, "Perhaps we

should take this to my office, Harry."

"Perhaps not," replied Harry. "This is, after

all, a public spectacle. It's not all that much

different to the lions and Christians in the

Colosseum of Rome, is it not?" Without

waiting for a response he continued, "Now,

so everyone knows, do you still demand I

participate in this farce?"

With his near-patented grandfatherly sigh,

Dumbledore said, "Yes, Harry; I'm afraid you


"And if I don't?" he asked.

"Then you would lose your magic," replied


With a slow nod, Harry said, "It is my

understanding the first task usually involves

the competitor facing a very dangerous

magical creature. That anyone who cared to

look could see four dragons poorly hidden

within the Forbidden Forest from the

Astronomy Tower, last night, means it's not

hard to figure out each champion will be

facing one of the beasts, each.

"So, Headmaster, I believe it is prudent for

me to advise you in advance; any and all

beasts set before me in one of these tasks,

you can consider forfeit. If you put it in my

way; I'm quite likely to kill it. That also

includes sentient creatures. You have been


Before Dumbledore could respond, Harry

spun about and walked down the Hall to sit

with his bondmates at the Ravenclaw table.

Dumbledore quickly rose and stormed from

the Hall through the staff entrance; Snape

following in his wake.

Immediately before lunch, Harry returned to

the apartment to change into his competitor

robes that Dobby had brought him. Looking

at them, he saw they were in Gryffindor

colours and had the Hogwarts and Gryffindor

crests on the breast.

Indicating them to his bondmates, he asked,

"Are you seeing this?"

"We are," replied Daphne. "But, why are

they there?"

Chapter 146

"It's Dumbledore's work," sighed Hermione.

"He still wants everyone to believe that

Harry is a champion for Hogwarts, and that

he's a Gryffindor."

"Not going to happen," muttered Daphne.

She stepped forward and waved her wand a

couple times over the robes. At first, they

altered to plain black without the crests.

However, after a few moments, they

reverted back.

"They're heavily charmed," she said. "I

cannot force the change."

"Then I don't wear them, at all," Harry firmly

stated. "We'll reconfigure a different set of

robes and I'll wear those, instead."

He turned and walked to his wardrobe,

pulling out a set of plain work robes and

laying them on the bed next to the set left by

Dumbledore. Concentrating, he forced them

into a near copy of the robes that had been

left for him. However, this set was dark


"Diggory will wear black robes trimmed with

yellow, Delacour will wear light blue robes

and Krum will wear grey with red trim," he

explained. "Therefore, I chose something

with a green base."

Daphne then stepped forward and

configured a Potter crest to appear over the

breast. Pleased with what he was seeing,

Harry smirked and configured twinned

Greengrass and Granger crests to appear

side-by-side directly below the Potter crest,

so the three formed a bit of a triangle.

"I have a crest?" asked Hermione looking at

the Granger crest in surprise.

Harry snickered and replied, "Almost every

family, whether magical or muggle, does. It

wasn't hard to find a Granger crest. The

difficulty was in discovering which of the

various ones was yours. Your father helped

me with that."

"What're those tiny things on the white

inverted 'V' on yours?" she asked.

Trying not to laugh, Harry replied, "The white

inverted 'V' is actually referred to as a

chevron. And 'those things', as you described

them, are actually sable tails. It's to signify

that the white is actually sable, rather

than just white."

While Harry was describing the crests

Daphne was looking at the front of the robes

and frowning a little. Suddenly, she grinned

and created a fourth crest. This one appeared

on the left sleeve, about four inches below

the point of the shoulder. It was the Black

family crest. A further wave of her wand and

a 'blank' crest appeared on the other breast

across from the first three. The banner

directly under it read 'Unaligned'.

Picking the robes up and flipping them over,

she then created a banner across the back of

them. The banner would be perfectly aligned

to appear across the back of Harry's


I'm Looking for a New School

Owl Me!

Harry laughed and gleefully stated, "That's


"Hang on a bit," muttered Daphne. She then

worked a small set of runes into the border

and into the edging of each crest.

"What's that for?" he asked.

"It stops someone changing it to something

else, or simply removing it. I just pinched the

idea from Dumbledore's attempt on those

other competitor's robes," she said with a

moue of distaste and a gesture at the ones

Dobby had brought.

Chuckling, Harry hurriedly donned the new

robes and the three made their way down to

the Great Hall for lunch.

Walking in to the Great Hall, there was little

change until some of the older students,

sitting at the back of the Hall could see what

was written across the back of Harry's

shoulders. Then there was stunned silence.

Within moments, there was a lot of hurried

whispering among the students. Some even

rose from their seats to come over and have

a better look. Many were clearly in disbelief

at what was written.

Professor McGonagall, curious herself, came

down to take a look. With an almost

horrified expression on her face, she turned

about and hurried back to the head table. A

few moments of whispered conversation

with the Headmaster, and Dumbledore came

down to look for himself. The three

bondmates chose to ignore it all, and just

partook of their lunch.

"Mister Potter, what is the meaning of this?"

asked the Headmaster to Harry's back.

Setting down his cutlery, Harry turned about

and asked, "What is the meaning of what,

Headmaster Dumbledore?"

"What you have written on your back?"

asked Dumbledore. Harry saw Dumbledore

then see the front of the robes and frown.

"Those are not the robes you were sent to


"Ah," said Harry, pretending to understand.

"You sent those robes?"

"I did," replied the old man.

"Well, sir; I refused to wear them as they

represented a lie. I am not the Hogwarts'

Champion, so to wear the Hogwarts crest

was wrong. I am not a member of Gryffindor,

so wearing the Gryffindor crest was wrong,

as was wearing Gryffindor colours.

"Further, I had no idea where they came

from. And, as they were heavily charmed, I

could not trust them. So, I and my ladies

prepared a new set." Looking down he

indicated, "I chose green because the ladies

like me wearing that colour. According to

them, it enhances my eyes. As I'm not

representing any particular school I see no

reason to wear a school crest. The blank crest

represents that I'm unaligned to a school.

Instead, we came up with the idea of

wearing the Potter, Greengrass and Granger

crests with the Black crest on the sleeve as

an aligned House.

"And the banner across the back is a bit of

advertising showing that I'm looking for

offers from other schools to attend the rest

of my schooling there. This sort of thing

occurs all the time in the muggle world, and

we decided to adopt the idea. Ingenious,

wouldn't you say?"

"No, Mister Potter, I would not," scowled

Dumbledore. He quickly drew his wand from

his belt and gave it a quick swish over Harry.

For only a bare moment, almost missed,

Harry's robes changed to what was in the

apartment. However, that bare short

moment was all. They immediately reverted

back to what Harry wore as he walked into

the Hall.

Harry and both girls drew their own wands

and pointed them back at the Headmaster.

"Cast a spell over me again, Headmaster

Dumbledore... without first explaining it, in

detail, and gaining my permission... I shall

consider it an attack and retaliate. You may

expect lethal force to be used. Back down!"

Those close by who heard Harry's

proclamation gasped in shock.

Dumbledore scowled and forcefully shoved

his wand back into his belt. "Get rid of it!" he


Chapter 147

"You have no right to make such a demand,

Headmaster Dumbledore," retorted Harry. "I

have already informed you I'll be seeking to

complete my schooling at another education

institution. I remain only due to my unwilling

participation in the farce you call a Tri-Wizard

Tournament. And, you are bound by that

same contract to provide me houseroom for

the duration.

"In other words, I no longer consider you my

Headmaster. You are the Headmaster of a

school for which I no longer consider myself

a student."

"You cannot just walk out on magical Britain,

Mister Potter," ground out Dumbledore, as

Professor McGonagall stood there looking


"I can't?" smirked Harry. Still standing, he

looked around the Great Hall at all the

students sitting there, watching the drama

play out before them. "In my second year,

many of you idiots... well, except for the

current crop of first and second years... spent

almost the whole year calling me the Heir of

Slytherin, and claiming I was a dark lord who

had released Slytherin's monster upon you

all. You behaved most appallingly. It was,

without any doubt, bullying. That the staff

here did nothing to stop it when they knew

damned well it was occurring is, quite

frankly, disgusting.

"I assure you, in the muggle world, they

have laws against this sort of thing. The

muggleborn and raised can confirm that for

you. Those laws would have been

immediately enacted, and the entirety of the

staff would have been, up to and including,

arrested and charged for it.

"Many of you refused to believe it was me.

You even raised the logical points that I

could not be the Heir as I was the victim of

the one who laid claim to that title, Tom

Marvolo Riddle. However, you too found

yourselves shunned. For that, I thank you.

"However," he continued, as he began

walking around the tables, "There were some

of you who did far more harm than your

school mates." He looked to Susan Bones and

said, "Miss Bones, for instance, completely

forgot that there existed an alliance between

House Potter and House Bones. I wonder

what her aunt would say if I was to tell her

that I declare the alliance terminated due to

the behaviour of her niece, the next Head of

her House, towards me."

The fourth Year Hufflepuff, Susan Bones,

suddenly turned white in fear and shock.

"No!" she squeaked.

Harry smirked at her, "I have sufficient cause,

Miss Bones. Your behaviour saw to that. Plus,

even after you knew the truth,

you never apologised for your disgusting

behaviour. Even when you witnessed others

doing it, as a reminder to you."

Turning to face others, he indicated them and

said, "The same goes for Mister Corner and

House Corner; Mister McMillan and House

McMillan; Miss Brocklehurst and House

Brocklehurst; and others.

"But, what many of you should know... and

probably don't... is that I am also Heir Black.

That means, all those who have alliances

with House Black, are in the same leaky boat.

The current Head of House Black, Sirius Black,

has just taken up his Headship. He's also my


"That means... right now... I can ask him to

call all debts due because of the actions of

those who are Heirs of Houses owing Houses

Potter and/or Black. I can terminate those

alliances for cause.

"But, you didn't just slander me in my second

year, did you? Did any of you not consider I

would very likely hear of your words and

behaviour concerning me, this year?

I'm well aware what will happen if I decide to

call those debts due. I'm well aware many of

your families will instantly become paupers.

Are you? I will, almost literally, own you."

Turning back to Dumbledore, he smirked and

said, "As for you, Headmaster Dumbledore,

there are so many families that, once I tell

them how their heirs behaved towards me in

my second year and so far this year, they're

going to bend over backwards to give me

what I want. Many of them you probably

consider your allies.

"However, if I was to make demands of them

because of those debts, how many of them

will side with you against me? How hard

would it really be for me to demand of them

a vote of no confidence in you as both Chief

Warlock and Supreme Mucketymuck?"

Allowing his face to morph into a glare, he

said, "Annoy me any further and

we'll both find out. And, just think, you could

have stopped it all from happening right

from the start. All you had to do was stand

up at one of the meals, said a few words

about how you knew I wasn't the heir of

Slytherin, and that someone else was

responsible for the attacks, and you'd have

stopped their bullying of me. That you didn't

means I can now use it against you."

Dumbledore stood there in shock and not a

little fear. Professor McGonagall was likewise


"But, of course, you were arguing that I

couldn't just walk out on magical Britain, as

you put it," continued Harry. "The way this

student body has behaved towards me... the

way I was continually verbally abused by

someone on your staff you claim has your

complete trust and whatever... the way

blood bigots were freely allowed, even

encouraged, to spew their vitriol and

denigrate and abuse others... the way I have,

at times, been slandered in the Daily

Prophet and on the WWN... have all, as

examples, more than adequately shown me

that there'll be no great loss to the wizarding

world if the Dork Lard, Mouldysnot or

whatever silly name he chooses to

use, does return and burns the bloody lot to

the ground.

"I know you and Tom Riddle both happen to

believe, somehow, I have some important

role yet to play in the destruction of old

Voles-In-His-Shorts. But, when you look at it

from my point of view, why the Hell should

I care? No one has given me reason to do so;

and, as aforementioned, every reason to feel

the opposite. With the exception of my

godfather, Miss Granger, the Greengrass

family, Miss Lovegood here, Mister

Longbottom, Miss Davies, Mister Zabini,

Mister Urqhart, and some of the Weasley

family, I couldn't care any less about

everyone else than I do now.

"That's why I have no hesitation in leaving,

Headmaster. You've made it easy for me."

Harry turned to his two bondmates and said,

"I suppose it's time for me to go and slay a

dragon. Coming?"

The two girls stood with matching grins, and

joined Harry as he strode from the Hall on

the way down to the new enclosure erected

for the task. As they walked out they left

behind uproar. There were quite a few crying,

quite a few ranting at their House and school

mates, others were ranting at the teaching

staff; a few immediately left the Great Hall to

run as fast as they could to the owlery to

send off urgent missives. The bondmates just

laughed about it all.

Dumbledore hadn't moved from his spot,

wondering how all his plans had collapsed

around him; and not being able to do a

damned thing to get them back, again. The

worst part for him was Harry had quite

clearly shown him exactly the places where

he erred; exactly how it was his

own damned fault.

Chapter 148

The draw occurred no different than the first

time around; which surprised Harry.

Considering the various permutations in how

the draw could have happened he was

starting to believe there were certain events

that would occur no matter how much he

tried to change things. Yet again, Harry had

the meanest dragon of all and was the fourth

competitor to enter the enclosure.

Walking in once his name was called he

looked down the arena at the Hungarian

Horntail and smirked at it. Sizing it up, he

reached into one of the pockets of his robes

and drew out a roll of cloth. The cloth was

charmed to be impermeable and

unbreakable. Walking closer to the dragon,

he allowed the cloth to open right out within

his hand.

When he reached a spot as close as he was

willing to go from watching how the dragon

was now watching him, he flung the cloth

into the air before him and levitated it up

and over the dragon's head. He cast a

quick Engorgio charm on it and, with a

double flick and a swish, caused it to wind

tight around the snout of the dragon, making

sure it's nostrils were also covered. As the

dragon immediately tried to shake it off,

Harry cast a reducing charm on the cloth,

causing it to pull very tight.

It didn't take long. The dragon began to

stagger, so Harry hit its legs with an

overpowered Incarcerous, causing its rear

legs to bind tight to one another in heavy

ropes. A few moments later, the dragon

toppled over onto its side and lay there,

weakly struggling.

Harry then calmly walked over to the

dragon's nest and removed from it the

golden egg he was tasked with 'recovering',

before walking back to his previous spot.

From there, he then vanished the ropes from

the beast's legs before then vanishing the

impervious cloth from around its snout.

He waited a few moments to see if the

dragon would move, especially around its

chest area, but it lay perfectly still.

Moving his wand tip to his throat, he cast

the Sonorus charm. "As the slayer of this

dragon... and, as it is not currently on a

registered and acknowledged dragon

reserve... I hereby claim the carcass as is my

right as the slayer of the beast. No one is to

touch it without my express permission, in

advance. Quietus!"

Without awaiting either acknowledgement

or denial, he turned and calmly walked out of

the enclosure. He walked past five

gob-smacked dragon handlers waiting to

come in to remove the beast. Of course, their

efforts were no longer required. "It looks like

you'll only be taking back three dragons,

boys," he said as he walked past. "This one is


Two of the dragon handlers took off to look

at the dragon. After waving his wand over its

head, one of the handlers looked back at

Harry in shock and anger. "You killed it!" he


"Yes. Yes, I did," smirked Harry. "And, as you

heard me claim, it's mine. Now, leave it

alone!" And he left the arena, returning to

the champions' tent.

As soon as he stepped through Madam

Pomfrey was trying to order him onto a bed.

"Madam Pomfrey, I'm fine," sighed Harry. "It

didn't come anywhere near me."

After she frowned and scanned him a few

times, she huffed and said, "It appears

you can avoid getting injured when you want

to, Mister Potter. I'm actually a little amazed

to say that."

Harry impishly grinned back.

Just as he was looking across to see the other

three competitors, in rushed Hermione and

Daphne. Both girls grapple-hugged him.

"Gods, Harry!" exclaimed Daphne. "You

made that look easy!"

"Yes. It's supposed to be quite the feat for a

single wizard to defeat a full adult dragon;

and you just took it down with only a few

spells!" gushed Hermione.

"That's because most wizards are idiots!"

Harry calmly replied. "They try and attack

the beast through its magic-resistant hide.

And that's just stupid."

Next in through the flap of the tent were

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

"Harry, there was really no need to kill that

beast," Dumbledore glared at him. "Your task

was to get past the dragon; not kill it!"

"And I made it quite clear to you,

Headmaster Dumbledore," Harry shot back

while cuddling a witch in each arm, "If you

put a creature in front of me at any time

during these tasks, I'm probably going to kill

it. There's nothing in the rules that

specifically state I have to leave the beast

alive. Plus, this way, I've picked myself up a

nice bit of pocket change for the Potter


"Please do thank the dragon handlers for

bringing me one from off the protected

reserves though, won't you, Headmaster?"

he snarked. "This way, I get to claim the

carcass with all the profits I get to make from

the ingredients I'll get from it when it's

rendered down. I'll have a renderer here by


"I'm already here, Mister Potter," called an

eastern European voice Harry recognised.

Turning to the voice he saw Gregor Ianovich

standing just inside the tent flap. Sirius was

also standing just inside, just behind him. He

was grinning his head off.

"Ah! Mister Ianovich! Nu vstretilis'! Well

met" Harry happily exclaimed. "I take it

you're ready to set to work?"

"I am," smirked the renderer.

"Excellent!" smirked Harry right back. "Then,

don't let me stop you. Oh, and don't let

anyone else stop you, either."

"Never fear, Mister Potter," Ianovich calmly

replied. "I haff been at this game for long

time. I recognise you as rightful owner of

carcass. I, after all, did see you personally kill


Harry nodded back and turned back to

Dumbledore. "Well, it seems Mister Ianovich

anticipated my needs and is ready to start

immediately. Please make sure no one

hinders him in his work. He's very protective

of it."

Harry had just turned away from an angrily

steaming Headmaster to join his godfather

and leave when Professor McGonagall called

to him. "Mister Potter, you need to re-enter

the enclosure to receive your points!"

Turning back slightly, Harry said, "No, I really

don't, Professor. I'm apparently contractually

required to participate in the tasks. I'm not

required to wait for points. I'm not

even interested in the points. I'm not

interested in winning this accursed

competition. My only goal is to survive it.

They can score me zero points, for all I care."

Turning back to his godfather, who was now

holding the tent flap open, Harry and his

bondmates quickly left leaving behind an

angry and upset Headmaster and a stunned

Deputy Headmistress.

As soon as the three teens stepped outside,

Sirius followed them, letting the tent flap

reclose behind him. He immediately wrapped

his godson in a bear hug while laughing his

head off.

"Well done, Pup!" he crowed, as he released

his hold and began to herd the three back to

the castle. "You've just single-handedly

shown every witch and wizard, out there,

how easy it is to take down a full grown

dragon. That's put paid to the fallacy it takes

a team of at least five working in concert."

"As I explained to Hermione, Sirius, that's

because most witches and wizards are

idiots," explained Harry. "Attacking the beast

through its magically-resistant hide is

just asking for trouble. If you can't get it

through its hide, get it through its

weaknesses. And, one of those weaknesses,

as with almost every other air-breather out

there, is cutting off its air supply suffocates it

in short order."

With a large gaggle of students trailing

behind, the four of them returned to the

castle. Shooing the students away, once

inside, the three led Sirius back to their

apartment and gave him the short tour.

Chapter 149

After Sirius left, Hermione - a little

disappointed in Harry actually killing the

dragon - asked, "Was there a reason you

specifically wanted to kill the dragon, Harry?"

"Yes," he replied. "And, I thought I made that

clear the other night."

With a sigh, Hermione replied, "You did. But,

I didn't want to believe you'd actually go

through with it." She hesitated a few

moments before she asked, "You do realise it

means the merpeople are next, don't you?"

"Of course," replied Harry. "It was the

primary reason I killed the dragon, after all.

The dragon was the warning. I just hope

Dumbledore tells the merpeople I'll kill them

if they get in my way. Last time through, I

had to kill about three of them, and

grievously injure about a further five, just to

get little Miss Delacour out of there. I'm

hoping, this way, to save lives."

With a sigh of his own he said, "I don't know

who Dumbles is going to pick as my hostage.

It could be either of you, or it could even be

someone else." With a snort, he said, "It

could even be Weasley again."

With her face morphing into a returned smirk,

Hermione asked, "And what are you going to

do if it is?"

"Rescue Gabrielle and leave the red-headed

wanker down there, of course!" he brightly

returned. "Imagine Fumblebutt's face if I do


Both girls snickered.

Harry adopted a pretty impressive imitation

of Dumbledore's mannerisms and said, "Ah,

Harry, my boy; I'm afraid you've rescued the

wrong hostage."

Switching back to himself, he continued,

trying to look puzzled. "No, I don't think so,

Headmaster. I put a lot of thought into this.

Out of the hostages down there, I figured

Miss Chang is Cedric's hostage, Weasley is

Victor's hostage as Victor is so bloody

arrogant he couldn't live without his little

fanboys, and considering how much I want

the little fuck dead or in Azkaban I knew

Weasley couldn't be mine. I don't know that

other person from a bar of soap; so, that left

this gorgeous little munchkin as mine. I

figured I cannot do without beauty in the

world, and this little moppet represents


Switching back, he said, "But, Harry; Ronald

is your friend. Surely, you can see your way

to... forgive... him."

"Friend?" he switched back. "Forgive?

Ha! Friends don't try and potion you with

something we consider akin to

the Imperius curse in a bottle. Friends don't

try to find ways to help their sister rape you,

or himself try to rape your other friend using

potions. No, Headmaster; you're lucky I

couldn't figure out a way to kill the little shit

while we were down there. Right now I'm

hoping, once the hour's up, the little shit

drowns. Please tell me that's what

happens. Please?"

If it wasn't the words Harry was using, or the

pretty good imitation of the Headmaster, the

puppydog expression when he said the last

two sentences definitely sent both girls into

howling laughter before Hermione sobered

and said, "You should rescue her again,

anyway. You know what'll happen. And you

know what the merpeople will do to her if

she's left there."

With a sigh after the cold shower of memory

Hermione put on their hilarity, he replied,

"Yeah, I won't allow them to harm her, this


During the Tournament of the first go around,

and though Harry rescued her, young

Gabrielle was seriously injured during the

second task. She never fully recovered from

her injuries. And the bright, bubbly, eleven

year old was forever gone; replaced by,

according to her sister, a skittish child who

grew into a teen who suffered debilitating

nightmares and a drug dependency on

certain sleep and calming potions.

"At least, this time, you know where you

need to go and can get there a lot faster,"

Daphne soothed him. "This time, at least,

you can rescue your hostage and young Miss

Delacour and should come out without much

of a scratch."

"Can both of you swim?" asked Harry. "Fully


Both nodded.

"In that case, if necessary and it's one of you

two, I can get you to the surface before

returning and rescuing young Miss Delacour,"

he explained. "That way, I'm only struggling

with one dead weight getting back to the

surface, rather than two."

"Dead weight?" asked Daphne with a cocked


With a little sigh, Harry tried to explain.

"Until such time as the hostage is returned to

the surface and the open air, they remain in

the enchanted sleep, unable to assist with

either the ascent or to fight off the merfolk.

The hostages have just a smidgen of positive

buoyancy, but that's all."

With a sudden look as if he'd just discovered

an answer, he said, "Wait a min." And looked

away with a frown, thinking hard.

"Harry's on to something," muttered

Hermione to Daphne.

"That's it, I think," he muttered.

"What's 'it'?" asked Daphne.

"If necessary, I can attach... or use some

other way... air bladders to whichever

hostage Dumbledore sticks in the bottom of

the lake for me," he slowly explained.

"Heavens; even the application of a

bubblehead charm on the hostage will lift

them to the surface pretty quickly. It may

even wake them up so they can help me with

little Miss Delacour."

Both girls grinned back until Hermione's face

fell again. "The problem is," she explained.

"We don't have our wands with us. We get

them handed back to us in the medical tent,


"Yes, but you can still aid yourself by

swimming to the surface and getting out of it

to safety," he replied. "That will then allow

me to... wait. I'll take your wands down with

me. We'll conjure up a couple of fake ones

for the night before. If you're still with me in

the morning, then I simply hand you your

wands back."

"Oh, yes," said Hermione. "Last time,

Professor McGonagall summoned me to her

office, the night before. If neither of us has

been summoned by the time we retire for

the evening, I'm warding the shit out of our

apartment, especially your room, Harry."

It was so rare for Hermione to swear, Harry

gaped back to her in shock while Daphne just

cocked an eyebrow and smirked at her.

"I don't want anyone to come sneaking in

during the middle of the night," she

sheepishly explained. "They can find

themselves another hostage, if they leave it

too late."

Nodding his head in agreement, Harry said, "I

completely agree. As for the task, I'm going

to practice some incantless charms and

curses. I'll start with the bubblehead charm

and severing curse. Then I'll work on a few I

think will work really well underwater."

"Add the banishing charm to your repertoire,

Harry," suggested Hermione.

"Why?" he asked.

Chapter 150

"You can use it to propel yourself rapidly

through the water by holding on to your

wand, very tightly," she explained. "No. The

Aquamenti charm. That'd be better. The

banishing charm will give you a mighty jolt.

The water charm, however..."

"Can issue a continuous stream that will

work as a water jet underwater providing

you continuous propulsion," finished Daphne.

"Clever. You'd have to hold tightly onto your

wand, though."

"Something I'm used to," mused Harry. "It'll

stand me in good practice for the Priori

Incantatem effect in the graveyard.

"Which reminds me; we still need to see

about our second wands. I'm going to need it

for the graveyard. I intend to use it to wound

Riddle while holding the effect with my

primary wand."

"Next time we can get to Diagon with Father,

we'll organise them then," promised Daphne.

"Father knows the place we need to visit."

"In the meantime," Harry said, rising from

the couch. "Dinner."

During the early afternoon of the very next

day, Harry received a summons to attend a

meeting with Madam Bones in the Entrance

Hall. It was delivered by a house elf.

Looking at the note, written in Professor

McGonagall's hand, Harry then looked at his

bondmates and said, "Well, it appears that

little speech I gave as a response to

Dumbledore about how I was most unhappy

with the Heirs of allied Houses has started to

bear fruit. Madam Bones and party await me

for an urgent meeting in the Entrance Hall."

Both girls looked back from where they sat

on the couch opposite with almost matching

grins. "Well," began Daphne. "We'd best not

keep them waiting."

The three made their way down to the

Entrance Hall where they were met with a

veritable who's who of the Wizengamot and

leading members of the Ministry. Front and

centre stood Madam Bones. A look at all

their faces showed consternation,

trepidation, confusion and not a little

amount of fear. Dumbledore and McGonagall

also stood with them.

As the three made their way down the final

steps Dumbledore was about to say

something when he was cut off by Matthias

as he and Candice Greengrass stepped to the

front, around Madam Bones, to welcome


"Hi kids," he said, by way of informal


Harry stepped forward and shook the man's

hand as one man to another. "Matthias, good

to see you," he said, before turning to Deece

and lightly kissing the back of her hand.

"Deece, always a pleasure."

Getting Harry's attention, Matthias called,

"Harry?" When Harry looked over, he

continued, "These people are here because

they heard something that quite disturbs

them regarding the status of the alliances of

House Potter. They wonder if they may have

a few words with you."

"Of course," replied Harry, straightening up.

"Shall we go to the conference room on the

second floor?"

He turned to Dumbledore and asked,

"Headmaster? May we borrow the

conference room on the second floor? I

believe these people will want to speak with

me in private."

"Of course, Harry," replied the Headmaster,

twinkling. "I'll lead the way, shall I?"

"That's alright, Headmaster," Harry quickly

replied. "As you well remember, I know the


Knowing he was just effectively told his

presence was not wanted, Dumbledore tried,

"Now, Harry; as your magical guardian..."

"Stop right there, Headmaster Dumbledore,"

Harry firmly cut in. "As you well know, I am

both emancipated and you were never,

rightfully, my magical guardian. You will

cease and desist perpetuating that nonsense

immediately; alright?"

Instead of arguing, an expression of great

anger flitted across the old man's face before

his expression switched back to his usual

kindly grandfather mien. "Of course, Harry,"

he calmly said. "I'll escort you to the room

and ensure it is ready for your party."

As soon as everyone filed in, Harry turned to

Dumbledore and firmly asked, "This is a

meeting between allied Houses, Headmaster.

Is there an existing formal alliance between

the Houses of Potter and Dumbledore?"

With a frown, Dumbledore replied, "Not as

such, Mister Potter. However, the House of

Dumbledore and House of Potter have both

been strongly for the Light for many, many


"With no existing alliance between House

Potter and House Dumbledore, Headmaster,"

Harry interrupted, "I'll have to ask you to

step outside. This is House business; I'm sure

you understand."

With another micro-expression of great

anger flitting across his face, Dumbledore

puffed himself up and said, "Come now,


Madam Bones then interrupted and almost

barked at Dumbledore, "He's right,

Dumbledore. Get out."

"Now, Amelia..." he tried, turning to the

stern witch.

"Don't 'now, Amelia' me, Albus. Get out,"

she said.

With as much dignity as he could muster, and

without a word, Dumbledore turned about

and left the room.

Harry made sure the door was firmly closed.

As Madam Bones was about to open her

mouth to begin to speak, Harry held up his

hand in a stop gesture. He drew his wand and

began to cast about.

Recognising the detection spells Harry was

using, the stern witch's unmonocled eye

widened before she drew her own wand and

began to cast about.

"What're you doing?" one of the others

irritably asked.

"They're casting detection spells..." began

Matthias before Madam Bones suddenly said,

"Got one!" Her wand was pointing at the

wall next to the door. "A listening charm." A

moment later, she said, "Nice try,


Outside, Dumbledore stood looking a little

distracted for a few moments before his face

took on an expression of consternation and

frustration. He stalked away.

Inside, after a few moments Harry said, "I

think that was the only one."

Madam Bones cast about for a little longer

before she said, "Agreed."

Harry asked, "Wards?"

"Wards," she replied, and began casting


Harry turned to the door and cast a

Colloportus door-sealing charm on it before

then casting an Impervious charm on it and

the surrounding walls.