Chereads / Place holder s / Chapter 281 - HPWW411-420

Chapter 281 - HPWW411-420

Chapter 411

The only light he had in the room was what was coming from under the door and through a 'peephole' slot high up on the same door. But, it was enough for him to see in the dim light he had the cot he was sitting upon, complete with blankets and a pillow, a sink and a toilet. No window, no decorations, no idea or way to learn what time it was. Even the light outside the door would not give him some idea as it would very likely be permanently on.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

Once Dumbledore was out of the room, the remaining Spectral Threat team members, who were hugging the

walls of the Interrogation room under Secrecy charms, all stepped forward and cancelled the charms. It was those charms that was actually stopping the old man from looking around other than at Croaker, not the magics of the chair.

"Well?" asked Croaker.

"Monocle's right," said Scimitar. "White Beard's a Dark Lord. He just doesn't believe it. He won't accept it."

"I'm aware," said Croaker. "Tell me what I don't know."

"We'll want to pump him for a lot more information than just about White Knight, Riddle and the prophecy. For example, while Whip was whacking away at the bastard's pain receptors, we learned the following: He believes Bookworm is his Heir - or, at least the Heir of the Minor House of Dumbledore. He believes her to be the many times great granddaughter of his maternal grandparents, Tiberius

and Elizabeth Puckle; making her his maternal cousin, four times removed."

Croaker gave him a look and demanded, "Has he informed her of this?"

"No," replied Scimitar. "It appears he would rather she never learn of it. He'd rather see the Line of Dumbledore end with him and his brother."

"And, just how did he plan on stopping her from going to the goblins for an inheritance test?"

"Minor compulsion charms," he replied. "Knight's Shadow have already checked all of the White Knight's family and friends and did not find any such charm on her at the time. White Beard's been nowhere near her since then, so he can't have put one on since."

"And the compulsion charm I ordered put on said family and friends not to remind our little knight to

come in to hear the prophecy?"

"Still holding," he replied. "As is the charm on the elf not to check for such."

"Hmm..." said Croaker. "Next?"

"His sister, Ariana, the one who died as a child soon after White Beard finished Hogwarts," he replied. "She was an obscurial."

That clearly surprised the Head of the Department. "Who stopped her before she killed everyone?"

"He and Gellert Grindelwald, working together," replied Scimitar. "And, yes, the evidence of he and Grindelwald being friends before White Beard headed for France to take on an apprenticeship with Flamel are not only true, but more than that.

"He and Grindelwald were, as suspected, lovers. So, yes, he's a homosexual. But, it's surprising to learn,

so was Grindelwald."

Croaker's only expression of surprise was a little grunt of acknowledgement.

"And, about Grindelwald," said Scimitar.

"Go on."

"He's not dead, as we surmised," he replied. "He's locked up in the highest point of Nurmengard. That's why White Beard only ever says he 'defeated' him, whenever anyone pressured him on it. Because, he could not truly claim he 'killed' him."

"Hmmm..." said Croaker. "As Grindelwald is clearly locked within his own prison and hasn't managed to escape in all this time, I guess we can consider him secure, for now."

Scimitar nodded.

"Anything else?"

"A lot of bits and pieces I'll need to sift through," he replied. "Nothing yet germane, though. I'll write up a report on it all, this afternoon."

Croaker nodded and said, "I'll want it complete before I drag the old bastard back in here, tomorrow.

"In the meantime, you now have other possible locations and identities of Horcruxes to investigate. Set your team going on that while you write your report."

Scimitar gave a nod and he and his team quietly left.



Chapter 412

After flooing out of Saint Mungo's and direct to her DMLE Director's office, Bones immediately began rattling off orders to the three of her staff who'd accompanied her.

With the three then immediately leaving to get them done she tried to figure out what to do next. There was only one option available to her.

Entering the bullpen she summoned all aurors still there into a gathering and barked, "Listen up!"

When the quiet talking almost instantly tapered off, she gave it a moment before she said in a clear and carrying voice, "Prisoner Albus Dumbledore, during the transfer from the secure ward at Saint Mungo's back to our holding cells here, was aided in escaping lawful custody.

"Myself, Master Aurors Moody and Robards and Master Healer Pockridge were escorting him at the

time. We were attacked and all knocked unconscious. When we were woken less than a minute later by medical staff of Saint Mungo's, Dumbledore had already scarpered.

"He is an escapee of lawful custody and is to be considered extremely dangerous. If spotted, he is not to be directly approached. Instead, we are to be immediately alerted here, so a force of significant size can move in to re-apprehend him.

"Do not try to be a hero by apprehending him, yourself. This is the man the last two Dark Lords had reason to fear. This is the man we always feared of what would happen if he went dark. Well, he's done exactly that.

"We know he seems to have a very unsettling focus on young Lord Potter. So, we expect he may move to try and infiltrate the school. I will be alerting the standing force at the school, as well as Headmistress Lady Marchbanks, to be on the watch for him. That


"Ma'am?" said a young female auror, interrupting. Bones frowned at her and snapped, "You'd better―"

"Today's a Hogsmeade visit day at the school, Ma'am," the young auror interrupted for a second time. "I believe Lord Potter and his party intend to visit the village today. He should be―"

"Shit!" Bones suddenly exclaimed, already knowing where the auror was going.

Switching to action she barked, "I want the ready reaction force apparating to Hogsmeade right now! Your task is to find Lord Potter and his retinue and get them back to the castle, fast! Go!

"Next, Aurors Second Class; I want you on the floo and contacting our people. I don't care if it's their day off! Tell them to get their guts here, right now; on my


"Senior Aurors; start forming teams of four of those here... not the Seconds who're making those calls. No more than one Senior Auror, per! As soon as you have a team, go! Your task is to get the rest of the students back to Hogwarts. Take no guff from any of them; this is a DMLE directive!

"I also want a Master Auror volunteer to remain here and co-ordinate the forming of those teams while I go to the school and co-ordinate from the village."

One immediately did, Proudfoot.

Looking around, she spotted a First Class who was looking for a team but had not yet been snagged for one. "Wilks!" she barked.

As the young auror spun to look at her, she ordered him, "Go into my office and get on the floo to Headmistress Lady Marchbanks. Inform her of the

escape of Dumbledore and she's to immediately halt any further students from leaving the castle and recall all that she can. Go!"

The auror, 'got'; running to her office and charging inside.

Spinning back to the front, she spotted who she was looking for, the auror who had interrupted her, and barked, "McManus!"

When the Second Class spun to look at her from the team she'd already been dragged into, she forced herself to use a calmer voice and said, "Job well done! Spotting an emergency and cutting in like that took guts. Go with your team and get those students back to the castle."

"Yes, Ma'am!" the auror barked back. Moments later, she, with the team she'd been snagged for, were gone in the swirl of a DMLE authorised and created portkey.

Looking around at the proverbial anthill she'd just kicked over, Bones gave a nod of satisfaction and stalked back to her office.

Walking in, she could see young Wilks with his head in the fire. "Wilks!" she barked.

When the auror started to move, she barked, "Let Lady Marchbanks know I need to step through!"

The young auror signalled he'd heard. A moment later he withdrew and said, "She asks you give her twenty seconds to contact her staff and let them know what's going on, Ma'am; then step through."

Bones gave a nod back and went to her desk, from behind it she pulled an 'emergency' broom off the wall, kept there for when they needed to quickly move about in a very large anti-portkey anti-apparation warded area, such as the manor-hold of one of the Seven... or Hogwarts.

She gave it a quick check to make sure there were no immediately visible signs of problems, then walked back to the grate.

"Alright, Wilks," she said. "You're with me."

The auror, who hadn't moved to leave the office yet, gave a nod back and replied, "Yes, Ma'am.

A quick thought of how long it'd been and she said, "That should be long enough, Wilks. Open the floo."

Quickly moving to obey, he had the floo open in moments and immediately stepped through.

Bones was right on his heels.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

With Neville, Hannah and Susan trying to

surreptitiously watch them from afar, Harry was escorting Hermione and Daphne into Scrivenshaft's where, they informed him, they needed to restock on parchment, ink and quills.

They'd just left that shop and were heading for Honeydukes - for anti-Dementor chocolate, of course - when, out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw a curse fly towards them.

Instantly recognising Daphne was the target, he called, "Down!" as he dropped and swept her legs out from under her.

The curse, a simple stunner, flew bare inches over her head. Thankfully, Hermione was somewhat used to this after their prior adventures and had already dropped into a low crouch as she also spun to where the curse originated; another had just missed her, also a stunner. Both came from the small gap between Scrivenshaft's and Gladrags Wizardwear.



Chapter 413

Almost as if bouncing, Harry was back up and spinning to where the curses came from; between the two shops, as expected.

He was already casting before he even realised his wand was out and moving.

Harry was surprised to see his own stunner shielded by one of the Fifth Years - a very shocked Fifth Year - as that Slytherin's second cast, an Incarcerous, was ducked by Harry. The attackers, the three Slytherins, were about thirty to forty feet from them. Realising their ambush failed, they began to cast as fast as they could. It meant more spells in the air, but less accuracy.

Though down in a crouch - while Harry was shielding from another, more possibly lethal curse - yet another curse was targeted at Daphne as she struggled to rise to her feet again. This one clipped her on her shoulder. With a startled yelp, she was spun away and collapsed to the ground.

Harry was just in time to see it before another curse, a cutting curse, clipped Hermione on the wand arm. She gave a slight scream as she dropped her wand from nerveless fingers.

Spinning back and seeing the blood on his betrothed's arm, already seeping out from between her fingers where she now clutched tightly at the wound with her offhand, was enough for Harry.

He did something the three pureblood Slytherins least expected. For a start, he didn't stand still and 'duel'. Nope! He immediately cast a shield and charged. And it was the look of fury on his face, combined with how

he had cast a shield and was charging behind it as he did so, which caused them to hesitate in shock. A tactical error.

No one before, that the three Slytherins knew of, had ever cast a Protego shield and ran with it ahead of them. No one, as far as they knew, knew you could do that. Until then, it was believed a shield could only be cast in a fixed location. Harry, when he cast the charm, unknowingly but instinctively cast it to anchor off the tip of his wand, rather than in a specific location.

Nott and Cowley, after about a three second delay due to the shock, were able to snap off a Blood Boiling curse and a Cutting hex each respectively, where both ricocheted off that shield, before Potter was among them.

One moment the three were feeling somewhat elated, as they'd just taken out Potter's two bitches, then he was in their faces. His wasn't a happy one.

Confused with how fast the boy had moved, McGruber didn't even have an arm up to block when Harry's right cross hit him in the left temple. One moment McGruber was seeing his target casting spells back, more quickly than he could believe; then he was in his face, then seeing stars, then nothing.

Ducking away from a falling and unconscious McGruber, Harry next took out Cowley. All it took was a single step towards the boy with his left foot, then going for what the Americans called a 'punt'. It might have been a few years since Harry had last kicked a football (soccer ball), but he hadn't lost the skill. And his target might have been off the ground by about three and a half feet, but it didn't make it any harder to kick. If anything, the fraction of a second extra time for 'leg swing' gave it more impetus.

Bringing his foot forward, aiming to kick the boy in the twins, Harry's foot connected with both, right on target; right where the bottom of his laces would be

over the top of the foot just back from the toes. Forgetting about his added power and strength due to the healing potions he'd taken while at the Grangers, he truly had no idea how hard he'd kicked the boy until he'd lifted him a good foot off the ground.

Stepping forward onto the raised foot, slamming it onto the ground, he used the force to rabbit punch the Fifth year in the face, turning his nose into nothing more than shapeless pulp. The boy was unconscious before he even felt the pain.

Nott, on seeing Potter charge forward, had frozen in shock. He still hadn't moved when he took out McGruber before turning on Cowley.

It was only as Potter had kicked Cowley in the family jewels that he finally began to move and cast. However, Potter had taken that step forward just as his cast left wandtip - meaning his cast missed, behind - and at only a range of about four feet, too.

As Potter then whirled on him, with an expression that clearly meant he was going to die, Nott tried to jump back. However, he was far too hasty to move and managed to trip over his own feet, landing on his arse on the ground.

Then Potter stepped forward and snapped that foot forward again.

Nott then knew exactly what Cowley felt. Having had his father cast the Cruciatus curse on him as 'training for when the Dark Lord returns' he now knew his father was wrong to call that the worst pain imaginable. This was.

Committing the unforgivable of dropping his wand just to use both hands to cup his testicles, Nott attempted to curl up into a foetal position and roll to his side. He then began to utter a soft but high pitched keening sound of pain. His fight was over, but he didn't care. In the back of his mind he rather hoped Potter would just kill him so he wouldn't have to bear

this pain any longer.

When he heard the cry of "Aurors!" he barely managed to turn his head to the sound to see. And all he saw was Harry 'Bloody' Potter; standing over him, with a look of absolute fury on his face; with his wand pointing at him, a nasty yellow glow on its tip.

Potter did not seem to have heard the call.

Standing over the curled and whimpering boy, Harry raised his wand even more and quietly stated, "Attacking the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House without provocation is a death sentence, Nott.

"So, name your pleasure... the way in which you are going to die. Simple cutting curse, such as a ribbon cutter, removing your head from your shoulders? Or, how about I simply blow it off with an old favourite, a Reducto. No? A piercing curse, right between the eyes, perhaps?



Chapter 414

"Name it, Nott!" he ended with a snarl.

Nott never said a word as he continued to lie there and whimper.

"Lord Potter, don't!" he heard from behind.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

As the Auror Ready Reaction Team portkeyed into the middle of Hogsmeade, already facing out with wands drawn, they were met with the scene of three teens, a boy and two girls, rushing to the aide of two other

teens, two girls, lying on the ground and wounded. Another teen was charging across the space between the girls and the buildings, clearly determined to hurt someone. And others were either running away or rushing to help.

The Ready Reaction Team were exactly as the name suggested. When something urgent occurred, they were always together and standing - or, rather, quietly sitting when not training - waiting for the moment when they had to get somewhere fast due to an emergency. As the risk of the escaped Dumbledore going to Hogsmeade was considered such an emergency, they were on their feet, their team leader - already authorised to do so - immediately created a portkey for the emergency site and they were gone. From the time Bones ordered the Team to go to when they actually did, was less than twenty seconds.

"My front!" barked the one who saw them first. That had the other four spin to where he was facing.

"I see no hostiles," said one.

"Down between Gladrags and Scrivenshaft's," said the first, already hurrying forward.

As the RR Team quickly moved forward, while also scanning their surroundings, the team healer bent down to check both downed teens. One, the brunette, had taken a cutting curse to the upper right arm, but seemed to be holding it firm, causing only slight bleeding. However, the blood was already running down past her elbow.

Quickly checking the second, the field medi-wizard of the Team discovered the girl to have taken a bludgeoning curse to the shoulder. She had what appeared to be a broken humerus, scapula acromion and possibly clavicle. She wouldn't die from it, but it would be incredibly painful.

"Broken arm and shoulder," she said to the girl, keeping it simple. "Don't try and move it too much."

She gave the girl a quick pain relief potion and forced her to take it before turning back to the first.

Vanishing the sleeve right from under the girl's offhand before then pulling a vial of Essence of Dittany out of her medi-pouch, she said, "I need you to move your hand, Miss."

Gently, Hermione pulled her hand away and, as she did so, the medi-wizard gently poured the essence over it. A few seconds later, as the skin and tissue inside the wound bubbled, it stopped bleeding.

Pulling the vial away she said, "That'll hold it until you get back to the castle and Madam Pomfrey, which I must ask you to make all due haste to return to."

"Pomfrey's gone," said Hermione, checking her wound out. "A Healer Robinson is the medi-wizard of the school now."

"Right," said the medi-wizard. "I'd forgotten."

Hermione, looking past the medi-wizard wearing aurors robes, asked, "Where's Harry?" She indicated the narrow alley and said, "He went charging down there after Nott and his flunkies, who ambushed us."

As they'd been talking, more aurors began to arrive in force, seconds apart and in groups of four. Then started immediately corralling the kids and ordering them back to the school.

When one Ravenclaw tried to complain, the auror just glared back and said, "DMLE orders! Obey or be arrested. Your choice!"

That was more than enough to get those hesitant to return to the castle, moving. As they were doing so, the carriages waiting for them were immediately leaving as soon as they had at least five kids in them.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==―


In the narrow alleyway, three of the aurors of the Team of five had just charged in to see Lord Potter standing over a prone and whimpering boy while two others were unconscious on the ground behind him. Neither appeared to have been magically attacked, but both were just as clearly unconscious. One of the aurors nominally based at the castle was standing back just a bit with his wand drawn.

Potter appeared to be demanding of the third boy which form of curse he preferred to be killed by.

The senior Senior Auror of the Team, out in front with his remaining two Team members back a pace and watching, said, "Lord Potter, don't!

Harry never moved. He stood there with his wand tip glowing with what appeared to be a ribbon severing charm. A lethal cutting curse considered quite grey, but not dark. And that was because any injury from it

that wasn't immediately fatal could be healed, including severed limbs being reattached.

"Come on, Nott!" snarled the boy. "Name the method of your death!"

"Lord Potter!" the auror barked. "Aurors! Please stand down!"

Not taking his eyes off his 'opponent', Harry snarled back. "This piece of shit attacked and injured the bonded... two bonded... of the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House! It. Is. My. Right... To end him!"

"I'm aware!" said the Auror carefully stepping closer, but not too fast, worrying he'd startle the young Lord into carrying out his threat before he could talk him out of it. "Please, Lord Potter. Let us Aurors deal with him."

A long moment later, Harry allowed his wand tip to dim and he slowly lowered it back to his side. "You're

a lucky boy, Nott. These Aurors just saved you from dying, here and now, lying in the dirt of an out-of-the- way laneway.

"However, if I find you ever again in Hogwarts, your life will be immediately forfeit; as will the lives of your two minions, here. Got me?"

Still whimpering, Nott could only nod as he continued to hold his 'boys', wishing he could simply pass out from the pain until he was healed.

As the Senior auror came up alongside Harry, he asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"He attacked my right foot with his testicles," said Harry.

That had the auror pause for a moment while he figured that one out. Then he smirked and asked, "How's your foot, then?"

"I think he bruised it," said Harry.

"Need a Healer to take a look?" the auror asked him.

Before Harry could reply Nott moaned, "Yyyyeeeessss."

The auror looked down and said, "I wasn't asking you, Prisoner Nott. Oh, by the way, you're under arrest for attacking the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House, plus for attacking the bonded... two counts... of a Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House, causing severe injury to both. Are you going to get up, or do I just portkey you from off the ground?"

Nott just moaned and whimpered.

"I'll take that as, 'Portkey me from off the ground, thanks'," said the Auror.

Once portkeys were dropped onto all three, one of the aurors portkeyed out with them to the DMLE holding


----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------

Chapter 415

Once they were gone, Harry mumbled something about having to slap down idiots too stupid to know they were outmatched, out-gunned and outwitted as he followed the remaining three aurors back to the street. The auror, who had already been there before the RR Team arrived, appeared unhappy the senior auror of the Team had stopped Harry killing the idiot, but did not say anything.

As he walked out of the lane Harry could see Madam Bones had just arrived and was talking to Hermione and looking in their direction.

"Lord Potter," she snapped. "You and yours need to

get back to the castle, now."

Harry looked around and could see that what few remaining students there were, were quickly being herded by aurors towards the carriages.

"Alright," he said. "Why the evacuation?"

"I'll explain back at the castle," she returned, still looking carefully about rather than at him. "I need you moving, right the Hell now."

He gave her a nod and saw that both his ladies were ambulatory, at least. He gave them a quick check to make sure they weren't in imminent danger and indicated to the carriages waiting for them.

"Come on," he said. "Let's get you two back to see medi-wizard Robinson."

With his wand still out and carefully walking with them - Daphne was trying not to jiggle her arm too much -

he asked Bones, "Now that we're moving, how about you give me the quick synopsis of why the students are being ordered by you back to the castle?"

With the eyes of all aurors surrounding them, now numbering in their immediate area more than a dozen pairs, she quietly said, "Dumbledore managed to escape lawful custody, this morning."

That had all three instantly on alert, with Harry quite furious. "I'll be expecting you to give me a better overview than that, once we're back inside the school, Madam Bones."

"You can expect it all you like," she retorted. "I'll tell you what I deem you need to know; nothing more. And, yes, that will be once I get you three back inside the castle."

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

After having caught the end of the attempted attack on Potter, the mudblood and Greengrass by Nott and his paid cronies from his vantage point across the street, hunkered under a Notice-me-Not alongside the plant shop Dogweed and Deathcap, Malfoy managed to hold off being found by the aurors until one of the last in the school to be in the village.

With Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle he ended up in the carriage right behind the Potters.

He was actually there only to keep an eye on Nott and his two to see what they were up to. So, he saw the entire attack and Potter's reaction within seconds of it starting.

When he saw Potter's near instant reactions and speed, he gave a small shudder. He knew he had no chance of developing that sort of reaction time or casting speed himself. Therefore, Potter would wipe the floor with him if he tried to confront the other boy

front-on. No, he'd have to be Slytherin about it and take him from ambush.

Mind you, that's exactly what Nott tried and he still got his arse handed to him. No, he'd need more minions and have to space them further apart than just the yard and a half as Nott did.

This would require far more planning than the so- called 'extensive' plans he'd already dreamed up.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

As soon as the three arrived at the steps of the castle, they were greeted by both the Longbottoms and the Headmistress.

The latter took one look at both Potter ladies and firmly stated, "Infirmary; right now. I'll make sure medi-wizard Robinson is there and ready for you."

Both Hermione and Daphne nodded back and were escorted by Susan and Hannah. Neville hung back for Harry. Marchbanks turned slightly away and called for an elf, telling it what it needed to do before it popped away again.

When she saw Bones she asked, "Mine are all back?"

Bones replied, "If there are any stragglers they're trying to hide from my aurors. They'll be found and brought back. If there are any, it'll only be a few.

"Oh, and three won't be returning tonight, if at all."

Marchbanks just cocked an eyebrow.

"Theodore Nott, Tom McGruder and someone Cowley," said Bones. All Slytherins. All three laid in wait to ambush Lord Potter and his ladies. Both his ladies were hurt, as you saw, and Lord Potter... put them down."

"Dead?" asked Marchbanks.

Taking Marchbanks aside, she replied, "No, but at least one of them is wishing he was, Nott."

"Oh?" asked Marchbanks.

"According to my Senior Auror, first on the scene, he reported that Lord Potter... how can I put this... claimed that Mister Nott attacked his right foot with his testicles."

Marchbanks cocked an eyebrow as she smirked back. "And how is the boy?"

Grinning back, Bones said, "Lord Potter believes Mister Nott may have managed to bruise his foot. My auror, the conscientious young man he is, immediately charged Mister Nott with attacking Lord Potter and injuring him. That's on top of the charges for attacking and injuring Lord Potter's two bonded."

Marchbanks had to work hard with her Occlumency to ensure she didn't cackle with glee.

A moment later, she was all business again. "Any sign of Albus?"

As if she'd been dosed with cold water, Bones braced up a little and replied, "No. However, I've left a large standing guard under disillusionment in the village to keep an eye out for him."

Marchbanks nodded and asked, "If he is spotted and re-apprehended, please let me know with all due haste. These kids are going to want to know why their weekend at Hogsmeade was suddenly cut short."

She replied, "Just tell them a dangerous escaped criminal is on the loose and it was thought he might have attempted to attack Hogsmeade while the students were there, looking for possible hostages."

Marchbanks gave a nod and said, "The truth, without giving anything away. I'll do that at lunch."



Chapter 416

"Thank you," said Bones. "And do let me know, toute suite, if any of your students, bar the three Slytherins I mentioned, turn up missing."

"Of course," replied Marchbanks.

When Marchbanks headed off, Bones walked back over to a clearly irritated Lord Potter.

"Harry," she quietly said.

When he just gave a nod back, she knew he was still


She sighed and explained to him what had happened at Saint Mungo's not that long ago.

"He had help," said Harry. "No idea who that help was?"

"None," she replied.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

After wishing Madam Bones well in her hunt for Albus Dumbledore, Harry and Neville left to head for the Infirmary. He thought it only right to tell the others what Madam Bones had told him.

If he had hung about the entrance hall a little longer, he'd have seen a sullen Draco Malfoy enter with Parkinson and his two bookends. And Marchbanks

berate all four for 'avoiding' the aurors before assigning all four with further points losses and detentions.

When Harry walked in to the Infirmary it was to see Hermione sitting beside a bed with Daphne in it. Hermione was still wearing her 'witches casual' attire Harry kept insisting - as did Daphne, now - she wear when she didn't have to wear her Hogwarts uniform, with her sleeve still missing. And now Daphne was wearing a hospital robe.

Neville's two, plus Tracey, were also there. All five were chatting and laughing happily.

Walking in the door, Harry stopped and reached out to also stop Neville, as all five pairs of eyes were smiling back at them.

"Nev!" he mock whispered. "I think they're making dastardly plans about us. We should run!"

Neville gave a snort of amusement, as all five girls laughed. He pushed Harry's arm out of the way and walked over to the them.

"Oh, well!" Harry mock wailed. "Where a Longbottom goes, a Potter is sure to be there to drag his mate out of danger!"

With Neville a little ahead, the other boy walked over and kissed both his girls on the cheek, before looking around for another chair.

Harry gave a shrug, walked over and kissed Hermione on the cheek, then leaned over the edge of the bed and kissed a very surprised Daphne on the cheek, too.

As the girl blushed he pulled back and asked, "Skele- Gro?"

Daphne looked a little annoyed, which caused the blush to immediately recede, before she nodded. "According to medi-wizard Robinson, I'm here for the


"Hmm..." he said. "Mind if I put monitoring wards up on your bed?"

Curious, she asked, "No, why?"

He firmly replied, "Just in case someone uses the opportunity of knowing you're in here, alone, to try to attack you."

That had her worried a little. "Go ahead," she nodded.

Harry stepped back and cast the simple alert ward he wanted. It was keyed to her heart rate.

"Done," he smiled.

Hermione, ever curious, asked, "What sort of alert ward did you use?"

"A heartbeat one," he smiled back. "If Daphne's

heartbeat goes above ten beats per minute more than what it is now, I'll know. If anyone enters and threatens to attack, her heartbeat will go up, which will trigger the alert."

Hermione looked back in surprise, as did the others. She said, "That's actually quite clever."

"Thank you," he smiled.

"I mean, the threat doesn't even need to approach her bed," she continued. "Just being in the room is enough, if that person proves themselves to be a threat. And it'll be Daphne's autonomic reflexes that'll trigger it, not something she consciously has to do."

Still smiling he replied, "I'm aware. That's why I picked it."

Cutting in before Hermione could go on one of her thought-made-verbal excursions, Daphne asked, "Do you know why they evacuated Hogsmeade?"

"Oh; yes," he replied. "Madam Marchbanks is going to announce to the wider school at lunch that a dangerous criminal has escaped lawful custody and was thought to be heading for Hogsmeade. They didn't want any students in the village in case the foul fiend took a student or two as a hostage."

A little quieter, he continued, "However, what she will not be announcing is that the escaped criminal is Albus Dumbledore. Madam Bones wanted us to know because she's absolutely positive that, first chance he gets, Dumbledore's going to try and grab me. And, if he can't do that, he'll try and grab one of you; so as to bargain with me to volunteer to swap."

"Dumbledore was in custody?" asked Tracey. "I didn't know that."

Harry nodded and said, "Remember us telling you about how he tried to analyse the wards at the Grangers' in order to find a way through them?"

She nodded.

"Well, they arrested him that night," he replied. "When they then tried to interrogate him under Veritaserum, he had a heart attack. Since then, he was in Saint Mungo's, recovering.

"This morning, after being informed yesterday evening he'd effectively recovered from it, Madam Bones believed he was well enough to be moved back to the DMLE holding cells before they recommenced interrogating him under Veritaserum. Some mongrel helped him escape from right outside the doors of the DMLE secure ward at Saint Mungo's, while they were moving him from the ward to the nearest floo point.

"All that occurred just as we were leaving the school for the village. Then it took them a short while to figure out there was a Hogsmeade day here today and Madam Bones ordered a full turn out of Aurors and an emergency attendance at the village to chase all the

students back to the school. Just in case."

"Wow!" said Hannah. "It's been a busy morning for Aunt Ami."

"Yup," nodded Harry. "And her day is not done; not by a long cast. She needs to organise teams to go and search Dumbledore's old haunts, such as his own place in Godric's Hollow and his parent's old place in Mold on the Wold."

"Think they'll catch him?" asked Daphne.

Harry thought about it before he sighed and replied, "No. We're talking about a man who is more than capable of casting a Fidelius, remember? If he gets a wand anywhere near suitable for him in his hand, he'll have the charm up fast and hide under it until the heat dies down. It's what I'd do.

"Once he has the charm up, he'd have all the time in the world to work out what he was going to do from

there. And that includes coming up with a plan to get his hands on me."

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

A while later and after being kicked out of the Infirmary by the new medi-wizard, ordered by him to go and have lunch, the Heirs bar Daphne headed for the Great Hall just as the weekend lunch period began.

It was while sitting there and thinking about how he thought Dumbledore would hide himself, at least for a while, under a Fidelius charm, Harry called Dobby to bring him his school satchel with ink, quills and parchment. Then began to write.

He wrote Madam Bones a note explaining why he thought Dumbledore would move to hide himself under a Fidelius. Then suggested she make the

manhunt only continue for no more than two/three days.

'After that, I think you'll be wasting your time,' he wrote. 'He'd definitely have the Fidelius up by then. And no amount of searching for him is going to find him. Best not to exhaust your aurors for what would be a fool's quest.'

As there was no hurry for the note, he would send it off using Hedwig; who would be, of course, happy to take it.



Chapter 417

Then he wrote a note to both Daphne's and Hermione's fathers, explaining what had happened

and what he had immediately done. And asked they not think too poorly of him he wasn't able to fully protect them from the attack. Those two notes he had delivered by HEED. Dobby was happy to take both.

They then hung around for the announcement from Headmistress Lady Marchbanks as to why the Hogsmeade visit was suddenly cancelled; exactly the way he'd explained to the others she would.

There was no need for them to know it was Dumbledore, or that it was believed Dumbledore was after him, personally. The other students would just resent him for it.

After another short visit to the Infirmary, where Harry reminded Daphne she could call for Betsy if she needed anything, he and Hermione returned to their apartment.

That left him and Hermione alone again in the apartment for the evening.

He was wondering what to do when Hermione came out of her room, naked.

As he stared at her, stunned, he stuttered, "Errr... Ummm..."

She ignored all that and sat down on the sofa next to him as if there was nothing unusual about her state of dress.

He hadn't even noticed she was carrying a small jar of some paste until she offered it to him.

"Errr―" he tried again.

"Harry, are you listening to me?" she demanded. He hadn't even realised she'd been talking to him.

With a knowing smirk she explained, "I need you to rub some of that on my wound so it won't scar,"

indicating the jar now in his hand.

"Hunh?" he asked. He just couldn't seem to get his brain to work.

Slowly shaking her head she pointed at the jar and said, "Paste." Then indicated her arm, where her freshly healed wound from the cutting curse deeply gouged her and said, "On wound."

Finally figuring out what she meant, he said, "Oh!"

He quickly undid the lid and carefully scooped out a large dob of the paste. Then set the jar and the separated lid on the coffee table before reaching with his other hand for her upper arm as she offered it.

Holding her arm firmly by her elbow, he carefully applied the paste and made sure it was reasonably thick right across the entire surface of the new skin that replaced what was carved out by the curse.

Once finished, he carefully cleaned his fingers of the paste, picked up the jar again and screwed the lid back on, tight.

Leaving the jar on the table he said, "Not that I mind, but why aren't you wearing clothes?"

"I didn't want any accidents where the paste ended up on my clothes, of course," she replied.

He didn't even realise he was looking back with an expression of disbelief until she snickered and said, "Alright. I just wanted to get naked for you."

Surprised, he said, "Not that I'm unhappy with that decision; but, why?"

"You'll find out when you get naked, Harry," she mysteriously replied.

No idiot; seconds later, he was.

"Good," she said.

When she then bent towards him for what he thought was a kiss, she continued to bend forward until her head was in his lap.

Only for a moment, was he curious as to― Oh God!

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

After Hermione made Harry happy... very, very happy... she sat up, slid her bum to the edge of the sofa and slouched back.

"Feel like giving chapter eleven a try?" she asked.

It took Harry a moment to figure out what she meant before his eyes widened and he looked back. "You're sure?" he asked.

"If you're willing," she said. "But, only if you're willing. I've heard there are many who aren't."

No," he said. "I can do this. After all, you just... did that."

When she smiled back at him he slid off the couch, onto his knees and moved his face between her legs as she made herself a little more comfortable.

"Just be gentle," she said. "Take your time. There's no need to hurr― Oh! Oh, my God!... That's... Oooohhh!" she cried out.

Harry never got to cook dinner that night, as Hermione had managed to... without purposefully initiating it for that reason... distract him.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

The two teens again went to the Infirmary to visit with Daphne straight after dinner, when Harry realised he hadn't even thought of cooking dinner. They expected she'd likely be alone, but she wasn't. Her parents and sister were there.

Harry approached and said, "Lord Greengrass, I owe House Greengrass and you, personally, an apology. I was unable to fully protect your daughter."

"Nonsense, Lord Potter," he immediately returned. "From what I've already learned, you acted with honour and all due haste. From Amelia Bones I learned you apparently caused quite significant harm to your and her attackers.

"Young Heir Nott, for instance, will be in Saint Mungo's for quite a while. Apparently when... *snort*... he attacked your foot with his... body parts between his legs, he managed to do himself a great injury. Both... orbs... were ruptured; and he has severe bruising... elsewhere, but nearby.

"Unless the healers are able to completely reverse the damage, it was so extensive he may never be able to reproduce."

With a flat look back, Harry said, "Damned shame, that. Maybe he'll have no need of a concubine, after all."

Hermione had already learned not to berate Harry in public for his language. Besides, she had already moved to speak with Adeline and hadn't heard him.

Harry's remark had Samuel grinning from ear to ear. "A most effective retaliation, I believe."

Harry grumbled a bit and muttered, "I was sending a message."

"A most effective one at that," said Samuel.

After Harry had a chance to talk to Adeline and

Astoria, he reminded the latter she could always come up and visit her big sister whenever she wanted.

"Just because she's no longer in the Slytherin dorms, does not mean she is no longer available when you need her, or even if you simply need to chat," he explained to her.

"Yes," muttered the girl. "But, with her no longer being in the dorms, if I want or need to speak with her after curfew, I can't."

"Nonsense," he snorted. Turning his head to the side he called, "Dobby, Betsy!"

With a double pop both elves appeared. "Master Harry?" asked Dobby.

"Hello, you two." Indicating Astoria, he said, "This is Miss Daphne's sister, Astoria. She rooms in the Second Year girls' dorms in Slytherin. I want you to listen for her call as, when she does, she'll be needing

to speak with her sister. Can you do that for me, you two?"

"Yes, Master Harry," both replied, after they seemed to gesture something towards Astoria.

Harry thought it was some form of elvish monitoring charm. He was right.



Chapter 418

As both then popped away, he turned to her and said, "See? All fixed. Even if it's after curfew, you can call for Dobby or Betsy and one will come to you. If necessary, they can then elf-pop you up to our apartment.

"There is really no need for you to miss your big sister just because your father and I employed some legal chicanery to protect her."

He did not see the look that passed between Hermione and Daphne; nor noticed the look on Adeline's face as she did see it.

"I especially want you to do that if you feel threatened down there, alright?" he asked.

She nodded back with tears starting to well in her eyes.

Looking back to Daphne he asked, "How's the tingling? If it gets to be too much you should ask medi-wizard Robinson for a sleeping draught to help you sleep later."

"It's fine, for now," she replied, smiling back. Then indicating the bedside table where stood a small full vial, she said, "And he's already dropped off a

sleeping draught for if I need it."

He nodded and said, "Okay. Good. Just checking."

That had Adeline beam at him with a bright smile. He thought it was because he did something nice for her youngest daughter. Nope.

Just as he and Hermione were leaving again - "Spend some quality time with your family," he told her. "You get to spend time with us two practically all the rest of the time" - he walked over and kissed her on the cheek.

Hermione smiled at her and said, "We'll be back tomorrow morning before breakfast. Hopefully, Medi- wizard Robinson will release you then."

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

After a quiet evening, the two Potters were up early to head to the Infirmary to 'rescue' Daphne from Medi- wizard Robinson.

When the two entered and Harry said precisely that, he heard a snort of amusement from Robinson's door to his office.

Looking in that direction, Harry at least had the respect to blush when he saw the man standing there.

Hermione asked, "Can Daphne be released so we can take her to breakfast with us, Mister Robinson?"

"She's clear to go," he smiled back. He looked to Harry and said, "From Poppy Pomfrey's notes on you, I'm surprised you didn't end up in a bed next to Miss Greengrass."

"I got lucky," replied Harry.

"Try and be as lucky in future," the man wryly


Meanwhile, Hermione had gone over to the bed and was in the process of pulling screens around it as Daphne flicked the bed-covers back on one side.

He was going to approach until she started doing that. Instead, he grabbed a couple more screens and pulled them in their direction.

"I don't have any fresh robes or underwear," said Daphne.

Hermione immediately suggested back, "Call Betsy."

With the screens around the bed in an enclosed 'U' shape, Harry went over to speak with the Healer.

"Journeyman Healer Robinson," he formally said. "Lord Harrison Potter."

That had the medi-wizard straighten up. He gave a

courteous nod back and said, "Lord Potter. How may I, or the Elder House of Robinson, aid you?"

'Somewhat formal, as required,' thought Harry. 'Good. The man needs to think of me in my Lordly persona for this.' "Has Lord Greengrass informed you of the... nature of the relationship between I and his House?"

"I'm aware Mi- Heiress Greengrass is in concubinage with you, if that is what you mean," he replied.

With a nod back, Harry said, "That part is true. However, Lord Greengrass has also charged me with keeping an eye on his youngest, Astoria. To that end, if anything... untoward... happens with or to her, I wish to be informed."

The healer seemed to think on that before he said, "If she allows it, I'll do so. However, I will not violate her trust if she requests me not to."

"Fair enough," said Harry. "However, I also ask that

you alert her to that if it appears she doesn't think of it."

"As you say, 'Fair enough', Lord Potter," said Robinson.

As the screens were then being pulled out of the way, Harry said, "Thank you. I feel better knowing you take your oaths seriously and respect me enough to hear me out and consider my words."

"You're welcome, Lord Potter," he replied.

As the two then stood in quiet contemplation, Daphne finished getting dressed by donning her shoes. She was wearing silk stockings; unlike Hermione, who was still wearing knee-high socks. The two were talking about how Hermione would be switching to stockings and high heels, as well, now that she had just found out it was not against the rules to do either for girls over fifteen.

Walking over, Harry asked, "I take it Betsy's soon to be sent shopping?"

"Yes," grinned a very happy Hermione, just as Daphne was finishing up and standing.

"As you wish," he said.

"I thought you were a bright young man," muttered Robinson, clearly in support and loud enough only for Harry to hear. He had quietly followed Harry closer to the girls.

Turning and smiling back, Harry murmured, "I am not a daft moron."

That earned him a wider grin. Clearly, the medi-wizard had heard of Harry's main penchant.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

Sunday was truly a quiet day at the castle for the Heirs. After not being able to cook for the friends during the previous week, Harry was looking forward to cooking that night.

This time, Daphne at first stood in the doorway and watched, talking to him as he worked. However, within only a few minutes of entering, she was perched on a stool out of the way and watched. Talking was then just an excuse to watch him work.

When Hermione came in, saw the expression on Daphne's face while watching Harry work, she soon had her own elf-conjured stool alongside the girl and watched with her.

At a time when Harry was muttering to himself about what he could cook as he was working on a different dish, Hermione leaned towards and whispered to Daphne, "It's amazing to watch, isn't it?"



Chapter 419

"He did this all the time at your place?" Daphne just as quietly asked back.

"Almost every night," she replied. "He wanted to cook every meal, but Dobby wouldn't let him."

When Daphne looked surprised, Hermione grinned and whispered, "I'll explain, later."

Both girls knew she meant 'girl talk' time, when Harry wasn't in listening distance.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

When Harry told them dinner should be ready in about thirty minutes, Hermione sent Betsy to inform Tracey and Astoria, if either wanted to come, when dinner would be ready. Then sent Dobby to tell the Longbottoms the same.

Then the two girls retired to Hermione's room to chat.

It took Harry more than five minutes to even notice they'd disappeared. He was working on dessert.

In Hermione's room she asked the other girl, "You're falling in love with him, aren't you?"

It wasn't asked in a harsh, derogatory or anywhere near accusatory manner. Instead, it was asked in a quite simple tone.

Daphne immediately wanted to deny it. Eventually, especially after seeing the care and amusement in Hermione's mien, she gave a sigh and almost

morosely replied, "Yes."

Hermione chuckled and dropped to sit on her bed. "Don't worry about it," she explained. "It took me a great deal longer to figure out I'd done the same."

"You're his betrothed," said Daphne, taking the chair at the dresser Betsy had 'moved' there from... wherever. "You should, in some regards."

Hermione nodded and said, "I cannot be upset with you for falling in love with Harry. He's just so easy to fall in love with. After all, I did."

Daphne nodded and said, "Falling in love with your spouse is not an important factor in wizarding couples at our level. It's their biological compatibility that has precedence.

"Of course, it's very nice if you do... but―" "And what of concubines?" asked Hermione.

"Even less important," she replied. "After all, the relationship is only for the purpose of begetting children to continue a House. There's not even any expectation the concubine need remain with the... wizard... after a male child is born and the line is continued."

"However―" prompted Hermione.

"However..." nodded Daphne. "Yes. I'm sorry. I'm falling in love with him."

"Don't apologise for that," replied Hermione. "As I said, I did, too. You cannot use logic to overrule your heart. It. Just. Happens."

"I don't want to be the cause of any problems between you and Harry," Daphne firmly stated.

"I believe you," said Hermione. "However, I don't think you could, even if you tried. I am very confident in the

love Harry has for me."

When she saw the other girl understood, she added, "But, that doesn't mean there is no room in his heart for you, either."

That shocked the blonde.

With a snort of amusement at Daphne's expression, Hermione said, "My main problem with Harry taking on a concubine wasn't you taking his love from me. My main problem was your upbringing. I was worried you had or might develop an attitude that had you look down on me, because I'm muggleborn."

When Daphne appeared she was about to vehemently disagree, Hermione added, "After this past week, together with your behaviour towards me in the past, I know now that's not going to happen. As such, I can also see it's not your intent to try and separate Harry from me. Therefore, I find myself quite content with this... concubinage arrangement. It think it will be

good for you both.

"Don't be afraid to fall in love with him, Daphne. I think it'll make you very happy to do so. And you'll make this arrangement much more pleasant for you if you do."

Daphne seemed to struggle a bit with what she was feeling before she sighed and asked, "And... if I want to carry the agreement through to a contract?"

Hermione giggled and said, "I made the same decision back before Harry and I returned to the castle. I've also already let him know I have chosen I will not activate the clause required to cancel the agreement; and want it to go through to contract. He claims the same.

"I don't know if I'm ready to accept he'll need to sleep with you if... when... your agreement becomes a contract. But, I'm working on it.

"However, just so you know and so the air is clear between us, Harry and I haven't slept together yet. But, I feel that'll happen within the next couple of months. And, just in case, I want to at least be his first."

Surprised, Daphne asked, "You mean he's―"

"A virgin?" suggested Hermione. "Yes. As am I." "I would have thought―"

"No," she replied. "Though I'm aware there are many witches who would happily sleep with him were he to ask, Harry sees them all as 'fangirls' of the Boy-Who- Lived; not the real Harry. He thinks it would be dishonest."

Curious, Daphne said, "But, you don't see him that way."

"No," she replied. "I never truly have. However, I

confess for the first few months I knew of him, I somewhat did. He set me straight on that. Plus, until he professed his love for me, I didn't think I was worthy of being his girlfriend let alone his betrothed. That was something else he set me straight on."

"How did that happen, if I may be so bold as to ask?" asked Daphne. "I know what you told me when Harry brought you to visit with us. But, that seemed... odd."

Hermione smiled and told her.

As she talked, Hermione watched Daphne's expression, even seeing when the blonde winced when Hermione spoke about when she went on her rant.

"You're lucky they understood that would be your reaction and didn't tell you off for it," explained Daphne. "I know muggles have a different view on these sort of things, but you're muggleborn and not a muggle. You need to be careful with how you react in

certain situations."

Hermione sighed and replied, "I'm now very much aware of that. I need to constantly think about something before my own knee-jerk reactions are set off before I have a chance to stop and think first."

Daphne nodded and said, "What happened after your... lets face it... tantrum?"

"Mum slapped me down for it, then so did Harry," she replied. "Both told me to stop and think it through. Once I started doing that, they gave me some time to read the agreement for myself.

"Then they told me about something to do with magical guardians and muggleborns that scared the living daylights out of me. And, finally, I told Daddy to go ahead and sign it."

"It then took me the rest of that evening and into the next day to analyse it in my mind before I realised it

was the right thing to do, all along. And I was being stupid and acting without speaking, when I lost my temper with them all."

"You now accept it," said Daphne.

"Yes," replied Hermione. "But, even then, I did not fully know what that meant. For the next few days afterwards I began to learn more and more what it meant to be the Lady Presumptive of a Noble and Most Ancient House. I think I've still got a great deal to learn."

"You do," said Daphne. "But, you're picking it up fast."

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------

Chapter 420

After an excellent dinner, there was little doubt it

would be, the two girls again retired to Hermione's room to talk while Harry was on his mirror to Sirius.

In her room later, Hermione decided to tell Daphne - in the strictest of confidence, of course - just how far her and Harry's relationship had sexually developed. And Daphne confessed to her mother giving her a 'special' book to read in the days leading up to her leaving for Hogwarts.

Hermione then explained about the book Sirius had given Harry to read and her making sure he did. And it was with the aid of that book they were progressing their relationship.

When Daphne, madly blushing away, asked about oral sex, Hermione let her inner 'professor' out and explained it in detail in as clinical a fashion as she could.

"And, you and Harry have done that?" asked the blonde. "Both of them?"

"Yes," replied Hermione. With a developing excited grin, she confessed, "It was... wonderful." And sighed in remembrance.

Daphne began thinking... and considering.

Meanwhile, Sirius was talking to Harry about other important matters.

"I shall be speaking with Amelia about that old bastard's escape, pup," said Sirius.

"Don't be hard on her, Sirius," Harry demanded. "She did everything she could to prevent it and still failed. It wasn't carelessness on her part. No one yet has any idea how anyone even knew Dumbledore was in her custody, let alone was at the DMLE secure ward at Saint Mungo's.

"She's spent most of yesterday and all of today, I bet, interviewing everyone who knew anything. Give her

time to go through all that by staying out of her way until her investigations are finished. Please."

Sirius sighed and replied, "Alright, pup; you're right. She needs time to finish investigating. But, I'm not happy about this."

"No one is," said Harry. "Except, maybe, Dumbledore and whichever of his foolish lackeys helped him escape."

As both thought about that for a few moments, Sirius suddenly said, "Oh! I knew there was something I wanted to talk to you about when next you contacted me..."

"Alright," said Harry. "Now's your chance. Don't go holding back on me."

"Your room at my place, Grimmauld Place," said Sirius. "How do you want it decorated?"

"They're at the decoration stage?" asked Harry. "Oh... hang on... of course, they'd be. They promised it'd all be done by... what... first week in February, right?"

"Right," replied Sirius. "So, decoration ideas?"

"Ummm... about that," said Harry. "How many bedrooms did you say this place of yours had?"

Sirius smirked and replied, "Lots. However, what you really want to know is, if there'd be room for Hermione and Daphne, right?"

"Welllll..." said Harry, suddenly a little uncomfortable. "I figured, with Hermione now being a daughter of House Black and all, you'd have already planned to set up a room for her. So, that just left Daphne."

His smirk not changing one whit, Sirius replied, "Already considered. Their rooms will be split either side of yours on the second floor."

"Ah," said Harry, a little relieved. Thinking of decoration, he replied, "For me, keep it simple. Cream walls, no wallpaper. Red woods for furnishings. Gloss- lacquered and polished, rather than painted. Queen- size double bed, chest of drawers, wardrobe and desk with desk chair, if at all possible. Wall-to-wall carpet or a large enough rug to cover most of the floor. Dull or deep red, maybe."

"And the girls?" asked Sirius.

"Hang on. I'll go hand the mirror to Hermione," he replied. "She and Daphne are in her room, talking."

"Right-o, Pup."

Walking across the apartment, Harry knocked on Hermione's door and waited. When she called him to enter, he opened the door and walked in.

Daphne was sitting at a dressing table while Hermione was sitting on the bed.

As he handed Hermione the mirror, he said, "Sirius wants to know how you want your room at Grimmauld Place, decorated. Daphne's, too."

As Hermione accepted the mirror and both girls looked at him in surprise, he smiled and, looking to Daphne, said, "As both Hermione and I will likely spend quite some time there over summer, Sirius agrees you should have your own room, too."

Without waiting for a response, he turned and walked out, pulling the door firmly latched shut behind him.

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

Hermione was quick to flip the mirror around so she could properly look into it and immediately asked, "Daphne gets her own room, too?"

"Of course," said Sirius, as if it was obvious. "If my godson and his betrothed will be spending some time with me over summer, it's only right his concubine should have her own room, too."

When it looked like Hermione understood, he said, "Now, decoration ideas from both of you regarding your own rooms. Let's hear them."

That drew Daphne over to sit alongside Hermione on the bed and for Hermione to move the mirror so Sirius could see both their faces.

"Thank you," said a very heart felt Daphne.

"Meh!" said Sirius. "It's nothing. I have plenty of room, I assure you. It's no imposition."

"Still―" she sighed.

"You're welcome," he immediately returned. "In repayment, you can start thinking of decoration


Hermione asked, "Am I allowed to know what Harry decided for his room?"

"I don't see why not," replied Sirius. Then proceeded to tell her.

"Understated, but elegant," said Daphne. "It's so him."

"Sirius," said Hermione. "Can we get back to you on this, tomorrow night? I want to talk with Daphne about some ideas I have for that."

"Sure!" he shrugged. "It can wait until then, but not much longer. The decorators want to make a start collecting what they need. And they want to get all the furniture and the like all at the same time."

After a glance at Daphne, she said, "We'll let you know by late tomorrow afternoon, I promise."

"Good enough for me," he replied. "Now; how are you two coping with this new dynamic of your relationship with Harry? Speak freely, as no one's listening in from this end."

Hesitantly, at first, both girls opened up about it. However, they stayed well away from the sexual aspects and what they'd decided to do regarding that.

Once they were done, Sirius chuckled and said, "I see I'm going to need to make a minor change to the design structure of your rooms."

"Ummm..." said Hermione, now a little wary. "What... sort... of change?"

"I'll make it a surprise," he grinned. "Don't worry about it. You'll love it."

_ ̳_ ―==(oIo)==― ˇ

The next morning at the Unspeakables' 'fire-side', Croaker stood and said, "We are now in possession of an asset we believe will aid us greatly in dealing with Riddle and his pets for good."

That had a few pleased murmurings among his people. Among Unspeakables, it amounted to shouts of joy.

"The asset is a wizard," he explained. "He is one who has a great depth of knowledge across a great many decades. None but those already chosen may seek him out, or even seek his true identity. Any who attempt to seek him out when not already given leave to do so by myself or Whisperer will be sanctioned."

Whisperer was the department 2IC. And 'sanctioned' was unofficial Unspeakable code for 'quietly disposed of and disappeared'. Being sanctioned had a one hundred percent mortality rate.