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Chapter 243 - HPWW121-130

Chapter 121

The wide grin Bones was now directing at him had

Dumbledore sigh and drop back down to sit on the

edge of the bunk. 'Who, before, had ever thought to

set their wards well inside their property boundary?

Everyone always set them out at the boundary or

slightly beyond,' he thought. 'That's bloody clever...

bugger it.'

"And, just so you know, Dumbledore," she said. "I've

also informed your boss, Headmistress Marchbanks,

that you're currently my guest and will not be

returning to Hogwarts until Monday afternoon after

lunch, at the earliest.

"She is not happy with you, at the moment. She's told

me she'll be having words with you come Monday


'Which means she has grounds to... reprimand me for

not being present for this afternoon and half the day

Monday,' he thought with another mental sigh.

He barely even noticed Bones leaving again.




Marchbanks walked into the faculty break room

'fashionably' late; not as long as Dumbledore's usual

ten to fifteen minutes, but just under five.

She walked directly to the head of the table, conjured

a cushion for her seat, and carefully sat down.

Once sitting, she placed the card file she had filled

with her notes for the meeting before her, pulled out of

it blank parchment and ever-full quill and set both


After readying herself she finally looked to her staff.

Looking around the table she mentally checked off the

names that she had on a list before her. Four were

missing. Of course, one of them was Dumbledore.

"Where are Sybill Trelawney, Rubeus Hagrid, and

Argus Filch?" she asked.

"Hagrid has locked himself in his hut and won't come

out," said Sprout.

"I tried to talk to Argus," Charity Burbage, the current

Muggle Studies Professor, finally replied. "He said...


"Out with it, dear," said Marchbanks.

"He said he has no time for such nonsense," she


"I see," Marchbanks nodded. "And, Professor


"Passed out drunk in her rooms," huffed Sprout.

"You're sure she is drunk?" asked Marchbanks.

"I am," said Sprout. "The rest of the staff can back me

on this; the witch is an alcoholic who can polish of

around three bottles of sherry a day. When awake, she

is is rarely, if ever, sober."

The rest of the staff nodded.

Marchbanks gave a nod and said, "Then we shall

excuse her from the meeting. If what you say is true

then she will be out of the castle by the end of the day.

I will not have a drunken sot teaching classes. I have

enough other positions I need to fill; one more won't


Picking up her quill she then wrote two quick notes on

a sheet of parchment before tearing it in half between


"May I have an elf, please," she quietly said.

With a slight pop of displaced air one appeared next

to her left. "Yes, Lady Headmistress?"

Handing the elf the first note she said, "Please give

this to Rubeus Hagrid, down in his hut." Then handed

the second note over. "And please give this one to

Argus Filch."

The elf gave a nod, said, "Yes, Lady Headmistress."

Before it gave a bob and popped away again.

She then wrote a third note, tore the bottom half off it,

folded the top note and called for another elf.

When it popped in she said, "Please deliver this to

Sybill Trelawney. If she's asleep, wake her by any

means necessary and make sure she reads it. I find

tossing one out of bed and dousing them with cold

water to be a good way to wake someone who's been

drinking too heavily."

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," the elf replied before it

popped away again.

Looking down the length of the table at the staff who

were present, she said, "As you heard, each of those

notes went to Rubeus Hagrid, Argus Filch and Sybill

Trelawney. When I call a staff meeting for a specific

time and state that all staff are to attend, I mean it.

"The only people that are excused from such

meetings are Medi-wizard Robinson - but only when

he has a sick patient in his Infirmary that requires

constant care - you, when you are patient under

bedridden medical care, or when people are away

from the castle on authorised leave.

"Both Mister Hagrid and Mister Filch have just been

informed, in writing, that if they are not here within

five minutes of those notes being sent then their

employment will be terminated, effective immediately,

on the completion of that five minutes. They are to

then be out of the castle by the end of the day.

"Sybill Trelawney has just been informed she will

present herself to me in my office in two hours or she

will have been fired, effectively immediately, and is to

be out of the castle by the end of the day."

That had a few of the staff gawking back in shock.

"We will now wait for that five minutes for Misters

Hagrid and Filch to arrive before that time expires

before we start the meeting," she declared.

"While we wait for them "said Flitwick. "May I point

out we are also missing Albus Dumbledore?"

"Albus Dumbledore left the grounds without my

authorisation," she said. "He then went to the property

of a muggleborn student. As he is not Headmaster,

Deputy Headmaster, Head of the student's House or

was even invited there he attempted to trespass the


"He was arrested and taken to the DMLE, where he

currently sits in a cell. I have been informed by Madam

Bones that he will abide there until Monday afternoon

while they investigate the criminal complaint that was

filed against him by the owner residents."

While some staff seemed shocked, Flitwick wasn't one

of them.

"Good," he said, quite emphatically.

Sprout had a pleased smile on her face.




Three minutes later, Filch came stomping in with

Hagrid on his heels. Filch appeared angry while

Hagrid was quite morose.

Filch stepped up to the table and, before sitting down

at one of the vacant seats, demanded, "What is the

meaning of this?" And waved the note in his hand.

"I've never been to a staff meeting before! Why are

you making me attend now?"

"Mister Filch," Marchbanks sternly but calmly replied.

"You will watch your tone with me, or I will fire you;

right here, right now."



Chapter 122

After a few moments of him visibly calming himself,

she added, "When I order all staff to attend a meeting,

I expect all staff to attend unless otherwise instructed

by me. You are, for now, a member of this staff.

"However, if you address me like you just did ever

again, I will fire you on the spot. I am not just the

Headmistress of this school, I am also your direct

boss and employer. Show me respect, or I'll show you

the door."

When she saw he got it and understood, she said,

"Now, sit down."

As both he and Hagrid sat, with Hagrid sitting in the

oversized chair that was at the table specifically for

him, she turned her attention to him. "What I just told

Mister Filch also applies to you, Mister Hagrid.


"Yes, 'Eadmistress," he mumbled. Luckily for Hagrid,

one of his mumbles could easily carry the length of

the table.

Once everyone was settled she pulled another sheet

of parchment in front of her, glanced down at it for a

moment and said, "Now that all of us who could be

here are here, I'll open this meeting with an

introduction of myself for those who do not know me

very well.

"I am Lady Griselda Marchbanks. As well as being the

Head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority - a

position from which I've taken a leave of absence - I

am the new Headmistress of Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry."

She then went on to explain her background, with a

focus on academia and her past as a Professor of

Charms and Deputy Headmistress at this very school.

It was Flitwick who replaced her as Professor of


"Next," she said, "We are currently short a number of

staff positions. Most of these need to be filled before

we can return to providing our students proper tuition.

"We are currently in need of Professors for the core

subjects of Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts

and History of Magic. And a professor for the elective

of Care of Magical Creatures. I may be adding a

Professor in the elective subject of Divination to that

list by the end of the day. I intend to reintroduce, as

soon as possible, the class Introduction to the

Wizarding World for our muggle-raised students. So,

we need a Professor for that subject, too.

"If you have any suggestions of candidates that I or

the School Board could approach, I would welcome

them. The floor is yours."

Hesitantly at first, but gaining traction, names and

reasons were given to her. Horace Slughorn was one

('He may be convinced to come out of retirement. He

also made an excellent Head of House for Slytherin

while he was here.') and on it went.

For the next half hour they submitted, discussed and

argued candidates.

When the names started to slow down, Marchbanks

said, "Thank you. I expect each of you to spend some

thought on who else might be suitable to be

approached over the coming days. If you can think of

someone, please do not hesitate to let me know.

"Next issue is the positions of Deputy Headmaster or -

mistress and the Heads of the Four Houses. Currently,

we only have one of those positions filled - Pomona

Sprout for Hufflepuff. I know many of you may or may

not have coveted the role of one of those positions;

so, if you wish to submit your name for consideration,

now is the chance.

"I'll also inform you that length of service as a

Professor will play no part in whether or not I would

consider you worthy of the post. The post will also be

in an 'Acting' capacity until I consider you have

proven yourself in that role. Anyone not willing to

publicly submit their name now, I will consider


It did not surprise her when Bathsheba Babbling

spoke up, first.

"I would like to be considered for the role of Head of

Gryffindor," she firmly stated.

"Noted," said Marchbanks. "Next?"

Septima Vector gave a nod and said, "I would be

honoured to be considered for the post of Head of

House Slytherin."

"Noted," said Marchbanks, adding Vector's name to

her new list, with Slytherin in brackets after it."

"Though it will mean four female Heads of House,"

said Aurora Sinistra, "I'd like to submit my name for

Head of Ravenclaw House."

"Noted," said Marchbanks. "Anyone else? Just

because I've received three names of one each for the

three Houses does not presuppose I'll not consider

anyone else for those positions or others."

"What about if Dumbledore wishes to be considered

for one of those posts?" asked Babbling.

"Albus Dumbledore has already been considered

unsuitable for any role. He currently holds the role as

Professor of Transfigurations because he is the last

staff member to have tenure and I've got nowhere else

to put him."

"In that case, I'd like to also be considered for the post

of Deputy Headmistress," said Babbling.

"Noted," smirked Marchbanks. "Anyone else?"

When no one else seemed willing to put their name

forward she said, "Thank you to those who applied for

Acting positions as Heads of House and Deputy. You

will have my decision by the middle of next week.




Chapter 123

Harry was in his room trying to focus on studying, just

for something to do but not being very successful

about it, when an elf popped in with a note, handed it

to him and left again.

Opening it, he saw it was a short note from Madam

Bones informing him Dumbledore was now staying in

custody and would not be released until Monday

afternoon after lunch.

Setting aside his book he happily left his room and

went downstairs. He found Hermione in the kitchen

talking to Dobby.

"Hi!" he said.

As Hermione turned to him, Dobby popped away.

"You're suddenly chipper again," she said. "What's

caused that?"

He handed her the note and let her read it.

Finishing, she looked at him with a grin and said, "So,

Dumbledore's 'on ice' for the next three days."

"Yep!" he nodded. "Which means, we can go for our


Hermione's face fell a bit and she hesitantly asked

back, "Can we delay that until tomorrow morning?"

Confused, Harry frowned and replied, "I don't want

you to think I'd force you to do such a thing,

Hermione. So, if you want to simply delay the walk,

take a walk with me tomorrow or simply cancel it

completely, that's fine."

Relieved, she smiled back. "Thank you, Harry.

Dumbledore's attempt to get in past those wards you

had set up has me a bit spooked. Now, I'd just like to

talk with my Mum for a bit. It's been ages since we had

a decent chance to catch up for a 'girl talk' session."

"You don't need to explain it to me, Hermione," he

gently smiled. "It's alright."

After he left, he wondered again what to do. That's

when he decided he should be writing some letters

while he actually had the chance.

Heading up to his room and checking Hedwig was

available - she liked to sit on a branch of a tree in the

Grangers' back yard - he pulled out his spare

parchment, quills and ink, carried it to the small desk

in the room and pulled the chair to sit.

Mentally going over what and to whom he needed to

write, he set to work.

His first letter was to his Gringotts Account Manager.

After Sirius had told him he had taken material back to

the Tonkses to work on there, he thought he should

ask his account manager if he could do the same.

Knowing the goblins appreciated brevity, he wrote


~ # ~

Account Manager Tinderwick

for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

London Branch



In order to more rapidly bring myself up to speed with

the accounts of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Potter, please cause to have copies of the financial

records of the House set aside for me for the relevant

fee, of course.

I shall endeavour to collect them, or have them

collected on my behalf, and complete what

documentation I previously caused to be uncompleted

when last we met. Once completed I shall see to its

return to you with due haste.

I include a drop of my blood on this parchment to

prove my claim.


Harrison 'Harry' James Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of


~ # ~

After he finished writing it, he read through it before

he signed it. Then he used a penknife the Weasley

twins had given him to poke the tip of his ring finger

on his off hand; deep enough to draw a drop of blood.

That drop he then allowed to drop onto the parchment

next to his signature.

Done with that letter, he turned to the window to find

Hedwig sitting on the window ledge looking at him

through the glass.

As soon as he opened the window she immediately

glide-hopped onto the desk and turned to him.

After offering her an owl treat - accepted - he tied the

folded up parchment to her ankle and let her go.

Once she'd flown off he made a start on his second

letter. This one to Neville.

~ # ~

Neville Francis Longbottom

Heir Apparent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of


Longbottom Hall


Hermione and I arrived safely at her home in


It's a huge place I'd put on a similar scale to a small

manor house. Six bedrooms, four with ensuite

bathrooms; a small set of quarters for servants,

though the Grangers employ none; all spread across

four floors. The servants' quarters are currently being

used by the aurors Madam Bones stuck me with as a

break/rest room. Of course, there are also the kitchen,

laundry, parlour, entertainment room, an office for

Wendell and Monica, small library, that sort of thing.

Hermione's room sits on the top floor and is

comparable in size to our dorm at Hogwarts.

Connected to that she has her own ensuite bathroom

and a small room that her father converted for her to a

study room. In there she has a small desk with four

bookcases; one of which her father added lockable

doors to so she can put her Hogwarts books in and

lock close (in case anyone but a Granger tries to peek

inside). Of course, all bar the 'Hogwarts' bookcase is

over-full with books also stacked on top of them.



Chapter 124

I'm in a guest room down one floor on the same floor

as her parents' master bedroom. Yes, I have my own

ensuite, too. It's not as big as Hermione's, of course,

but I'd say it would be about three-quarters of the size

of our dorm. So, to me, it's huge!

Hermione's parents, Wendell and Monica, are

wonderful people. They've made me feel completely

welcome. But they do ask a lot of questions. I think

that's where Hermione gets it from.

Both are what are known in the muggle world as

dental surgeons. That means they are Healers who

focus pretty much entirely on fixing teeth - there are

no teeth repair potions in the muggle world. But, I've

also found out they have 'after hours' jobs as well.

Wendell is what is known as a Justice of Peace. That

means he can make decisions of a legal nature. He is

something like a Chief Adjudicator, but only for cases

where the punishment does not exceed a fine or six

months imprisonment. Anything requiring more

punishment than that he has to refer on to a higher


And Monica is a Commissioner of Declarations, which

means she can sign and or witness legal documents

that require someone 'of good standing' to sign or

witness. That then makes the document an 'official'

document as it pertains to muggle law.

As for me, I'm really enjoying it here. I've never felt so

relaxed living in someone's home. And I'm including

The Burrow in that.

I hope, for your sake, your grandmother allowed you

to return back to Longbottom Hall for the duration of

the school being closed. Which is why I've addressed

this to Longbottom Hall, even though I know Hedwig

will find you no matter where you are, and have not

been made you stay at Hogwarts. That would suck

without everyone there or something to do.

If not and you're bored out of your mind, as a

suggestion only you might want to ask Professor

Sprout, now that she's been released by the DMLE to

return to the school, if you can help her out in the

greenhouses. I know you love that sort of thing and

she might like the company.

Hoping you are well,

Your Friend,


Harrison 'Harry' James Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of


~ # ~

Again checking it over to make sure he made no

mistakes, he grinned in pleasure and signed it simply

'Harry P'. It was quite a long letter and he hadn't meant

to write it so long. But, once he started, felt like

writing as much as he did. The previous couple of

days had been full of new things, so he had quite a bit

he could write about.

Once done he'd send it once Hedwig got back.

Sitting there for a little while he then thought about to

whom else he could write.

That's when he had a thought. He really needed his

own law-wizard and he only knew of one. And, since

he was 'family', thought to write to him to ask him to

take the job as his law-wizard; or recommend

someone else.

~ # ~

Mister Edward Tonks



Mister Tonks (or should I be addressing you as Lawwizard Tonks?),

I found myself quite impressed with how you

defended the case of my godfather, Sirius Black, in his

trial a few days ago. It was also impressed upon me

that I may very well need to retain a law-wizard myself.

As well as being my godfather's law-wizard of choice,

I ask that you also consider to be mine.

I have no idea if I have one already or not and, if I do,

then they haven't done a decent job of letting me

know that. So, if you consent to be my law-wizard of

choice - or whatever the title would be - then your first

job will be to fire whoever it is.

If you do not believe you will be able to be my lawwizard due to some conflict of interest or some other

such legal requirement, I ask that you help me out by

letting me know of other law-wizards that you trust

and who could do the job.

Thanking you in advance for your consideration of my



Harrison 'Harry' James Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of


~ # ~

Harry didn't know the man's address other than Sirius

said 'the Tonkses' place' whenever he mentioned

them. So, knowing Hedwig would be able to find him

no matter the address, he left it blank.

'No, hang on,' he thought, giving himself a mental face

palming. 'I can ask Sirius via the mirrors'.

Setting the letter aside, he collected the mirror from

where he left it downstairs on the coffee table in the

parlour and returned with it to his room.

Sitting back at the desk he held it in his offhand and

whispered across it, "Padfoot". Then waited.

A few seconds later the mirror blurred for a moment

before Sirius's smiling face appeared. "Miss me

already?" he asked.

"I have a couple of questions for you," said Harry

"Cast," replied his godfather. That was the wizarding

world version of 'Shoot'.

"Firstly, do you know if the House of Potter has a lawwizard of choice?" he asked.

Sirius immediately frowned in confusion for a moment

as his eyes seemed to lose focus. Snapping back he

replied, "They must have. All Houses at our level do.

However, I cannot for the life of me remember who it

was. Secondly, the official term is 'Law-wizard of


"Well, it doesn't matter who it was," said Harry.

"Whoever it was is soon to be fired, anyway."

"Probably wise," said Sirius.

"Next, is Mister... is Ted Tonks now your law-wizard of

choice... of Record, I mean?" he asked.

"Yes, actually," replied Sirius. "He agreed to that a

couple days ago."



Chapter 125

"If he's your Law-wizard of Record, can he also be

mine?" next he asked.

Sirius shrugged and replied, "I can't see why not."

"I'm writing him a letter," explained Harry. "I'll ask him

myself. Which brings me to my next question, how do

I address him and what's his business address?"

Surprised, Sirius replied, "Hang on a minute and I'll

get his business card." Then his mirror got put down

face up on something - Harry could now see nothing

but ceiling in the mirror - as he heard his godfather

rummaging through parchment.

He was back a few moments later as the mirror got

picked up again.

"Here it is," said Sirius looking at something 'off

mirror'. Edward Tonks, Law-wizard. 15B Diagon Alley.


Harry quickly wrote that down on a scrap of

parchment before he returned to looking at the mirror.

"Thanks for that, Sirius."

"Anything else?"

"No, I think that's it," replied Harry.

"My turn, then," said Sirius. "I know about

Dumbledore's attempt to get into the Granger's home.

I've let Madam Bones know I'm adding the weight of

the House of Black to pressing charges against the

old man for trying that."

"Really?" asked Harry, surprised by both pieces of

information. "Thank you. I'll give that information to

Wendell and Monica."

"Actually, I'd like to do that myself," said Sirius. "I'd

like to come and visit you early this evening, just to

make sure for myself that everything's alright. But, if I

don't bring Andi with me this time, she'll skin me


"Come and bring her," Harry immediately replied.

"Wendell and Monica have already told me you both

have permission to come over to visit. They both also

know cousin Andi's a Healer."

"Got a time for me?" asked his godfather.

"Ummm... be here at... 6.15pm. And expect both of you

to stay for dinner," he replied. "Dress is casual slash

office work clothes. They don't stand on ceremony


Sirius nodded and said, "I'll let her know."

"If there's a change to that, each of us will

immediately let the other know in advance, right?"

asked Harry.

"Yeah, pup," replied Sirius. "Will do."

"Anything else?" he asked.

"Nope! See you at 6.15. Mirror off!"

Transferring his scrawl of Ted Tonks's business

address to his letter to the man, Harry made sure it

was dry before setting it aside with the other letter

waiting to be sent.

However, if Sirius was coming over with cousin Andi,

he'd just hand it to her and ask her to pass it on.

Then he went looking for Wendell and Monica; or





As the two hour mark since she'd sent her note to

Trelawney passed, Marchbanks waited a further fifteen

minutes. On exactly the fifteen minute extra mark she

summoned a house elf.

"Where is Sybill Trelawney, at this time?" she asked.

"She be in her tower, Lady Headmistress," the elf

promptly replied.

"Is she up and dressed?"

"Yes, Lady Headmistress."

Indicating the chair sitting ten feet in front of her desk

and facing her, set there for when Trelawney was

supposed to have arrived on time, she firmly ordered,

"Go get the woman and pop her into that chair. Right

now, please."

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," replied the elf with a short

head bob before it popped away.

A few moments later, Sybill Trelawney appeared in the

chair before her desk and promptly fell out it. Then

vomited on the floor.

Marchbanks frowned at her and vanished the vomitus.

"Get up, Miss Trelawney," she firmly ordered.

Trelawney groaned and slowly moved to her hands

and knees before using the chair to try and stand up.

She wobbled a fair bit and, not even letting go of the

back of the chair until the last moment, dropped into


"W-where am I? W-why am I here?" she querulously

asked, peering around through her overly large and

thick spectacles

The reek of sherry was like a miasma about her.

"You are in my office, having been brought here by a

house elf on my specific instructions," replied

Marchbanks. "You are drunk."

"Sherry helps me to open the inner eye to the

wonders of the second sight," the witch slurred.

"Without it I am unable to provide true depth to my

predictions, the cards are not as clear, the crystal is


"I do not care," said Marchbanks. "It is a breach of the

code of conduct for Professors to be inebriated during

school hours. Personally, I believe it is a breach of

personal ethics for a professor to ever be so

effectively intoxicated.

"As such, I do not even need to give you a warning for

your conduct. You are fired. Your employment as a

Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Wizardry is immediately terminated for cause."

As Trelawney sat there, stunned and now feeling even

more sick than a few moments ago, Marchbanks

called for a house elf.

"Yes, Lady Headmistress?" asked the elf as soon as it

popped in.

"Please go up to the Divination Tower, pack up Miss

Trelawey's personal effects into a trunk and bring it

back here," she directed. "Miss Trelawney is no longer

a staff member of Hogwarts."

"But... what am I to doooo?" whimpered Trelawney.

"Where am I to go?"

"You claim to be a Seer," said Marchbanks. "Employ

your gift and figure it out."

The elf was back a few seconds later with a tan trunk

with brown trim and an overly large handbag.

"Is that all of it?" asked Marchbanks.

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," nodded the elf.

"Thank you," she said before turning to face

Trelawney again.

Indicating the trunk and bag she said, "There are your

personal effects. You may use my floo to leave. I do

not want you staggering like a drunken prostitute

through the corridors of this school on your way out."

Heartbroken and sobbing, Trelawney left via the floo

about fifteen seconds later. Her destination was the

Leaky Cauldron.

"Good riddance," muttered Marchbanks.




When Harry went downstairs to the main floor he

couldn't find anyone, but did hear the sound of a

television showing a football match from down on the

lower ground floor.

Heading down there, he found Wendell watching a

game on the telly in the media room. One of the aurors

was also in there and looking at the telly in some level

of shocked confusion.

Harry quietly asked him, "Not seen a television


The auror blinked once before turning to Harry. "Seen

one, yes," he replied. "Not one as big as this, though.

Or seen this game Doctor Granger's watching."

"It's called football," said Harry. "It's also called

'soccer' in places like the United States - MaCUSA. It's

one of two national sports the British muggles focus

on and is about par with the magical world focusing

on Quidditch.

"This one is played across the winter half of the year;

while the other, cricket, is played across the summer


"Oh, bloody hell, Ref!" Wendell suddenly exclaimed,

quickly leaning forward in his armchair, staring at the

telly. "That was a blatant trip! Yellow card, the


When the screen focused more closely on the referee

having a verbal go at the so-called tripper, it was to

see the man suddenly snatch a yellow card a little

bigger than a playing card out of his breast pocket

and hold it up showing it to the sideline.

"Yes!" exclaimed Wendell. "That's what I'm talking

about!" Then he leaned back again.



Chapter 126

"See?" smirked Harry. "Like Quidditch."

When the programme broke for an advertisement,

Harry came around the armchairs until he could be

seen by Wendell.

Seeing him, Wendell looked up and asked, "Come to

watch some football, Harry? Take a seat."

"Actually, I've come to let you know Sirius is bringing

cousin Andi, the Healer, to come and see me this

evening. I hope you don't mind but I suggested they

come for dinner. I'm sure I can stretch it out so there's

enough for everyone."

"Actually, Lord Potter," the auror spoke up. "We

aurors are going to have to beg off, if you don't mind.

Shift change this evening is at that time."

"Then it sounds like you've cooked more than

enough," said Wendell. "They're both more than

welcome for dinner."

"Thank you," said Harry. "In that case, I need to get

back to the kitchen for a bit, just to check on how the

roast is coming along."

"Have fun!" said Wendell, just as the programme

restarted. His attention already back on the screen.

As Harry was heading up the stairs he heard Wendell

cry, "C'morrrrnnnn Gunners!"

Harry wasn't a fan of the game. But, that was because

he never had the chance to be a fan. He could only

watch television while at the Dursleys when the

Dursleys were out. And, even then, he found far more

interesting things to watch. He was a fan of


Of course, he was never allowed to go to a game,





After checking the roast - it was coming along

splendidly - he decided to preheat the oven for the

cobbler pie and start preparing the vegetables.

Once he was done peeling and cutting he prepared a

baking tray, using a thin layer of cannola oil in the

bottom of it - he never used lard or cooking fat when

baking vegetables, if he could help it - and laid within

it the carrots, potato, sweet potato and onion wedges

on that thin layer. Once satisfied, that went under

cling wrap with a stasis charm to stop the vegetables

drying out.

Satisfied the oven would now be hot enough, in went

the cobbler pie.

Cleaning his hands and wiping them on the little hand

towel Monica had hanging from the door handle of the

pantry, he turned back to look about the kitchen and

frowned at the now dirty dishes - the cutting board,

peeler and vegetable knife. He hated leaving them, but

he'd promised Dobby he wouldn't do the dishes.

Giving a muted nod of satisfaction to himself, muted

because of the dishes, he called Dobby to clean up.

The elf popped in, looked at all the dirty dishes,

grinned at Harry and said, "Thank you, Master Harry!"

And set to work.

Harry rolled his eyes, sighed and left to head back


His earlier efforts at letter writing had got him in the

mood to write more.

"The twins next, I think,' he thought. 'Then I think I

need to write to Angelina, Alicia and Katie to

apologise to them for rudely pulling out of the

Quidditch team. I hope they understand I said what I

said in the heat of the moment. But, I stand by my





Harry was partway through writing what was probably

his fifth draft of a letter to the twins when his mirror


So it wouldn't leak everywhere, Harry put the quill

down with the tip on a scrap of parchment. Then he

picked up the mirror and said, "Padfoot." And the

image cleared.

"Slight change of plans, Harry," Sirius immediately

said. "Andi asks if Ted can come, too."

"Sure!" said Harry. "I'll check, of course. But, if you

don't hear back from me, he's more than welcome.

"I think he and Wendell might hit it off, too. With Ted

being a law-wizard and Wendell being a Justice of the

Peace they can compare issues of dealing with the

law between the two worlds."

"Next, if you have dinner scheduled for six-thirty, Andi

wants to know if we can arrive earlier," said Sirius.

"She wants to examine you before we all sit to eat."

"How much earlier?" he asked.

"At least half an hour before dinner," replied Sirius.

"She wants about ten to fifteen minutes to examine

you, plus the extra time to discuss with you your


"That'll be fine, too. Best make it... quarter to six?

Dobby can set the table and serve tonight," he replied.

"I'll let the Grangers know of both the time change and

the extra guest for dinner."

Sirius grinned and said, "No 'Dora, though. I think

she's on duty with the aurors, tonight."

"That's alright," said Harry. "I'll meet up with her

another time. Besides, I don't want to impose too

much on the Grangers with having four guests.

Sirius appeared concerned and asked, "Are you sure

it's alright to bring Ted?"

"As I said, I'll ask," said Harry. "Right now, as a matter

of fact. If it's a problem I'll mirror call you right back."

"Alright. Thank you, Pup."

"Not a problem," returned Harry. "Mirror off!"




It turned out it wasn't a problem. Wendell said he was

even looking forward to speaking to someone who

was the magical world's equivalent of a solicitor. He

actually wanted to know why wizarding Britain didn't

have JPs when it was a law on the books from well

before the Statute of Secrecy was implemented.

Just to have the chance to try it, Harry cast a

messenger Patronus with the message 'Wendell's

looking forward to talking law with Ted'.

He was pleased to see his stag give a nod and charge

off, so assumed it worked. He promised himself to

check with Sirius when he arrived.

Noticing the time, Harry quietly exclaimed, "Shhhyte! I

need to get the veggies on!" And scrambled to pack

up what he was writing and hurrying downstairs.




Right on 5.45pm Harry and the aurors stiffened as

they felt multiple magicals cross the ward boundary.

He was in the kitchen, at the time, giving a last check

of the roast and the browning of the vegetables. He'd

also just put the shucked corn and green peas to

steam on the stove.

"Dobby!" he called.

"Yes, Master Harry?" asked the elf.

"Right," said Harry. Indicating each he said, "The lamb

is practically ready, the veggies are browning in the

oven but are essentially cooked, I've just put the peas

and corn in the steamer on the stove and the cobbler

pie is done and set aside.



Chapter 127

"I haven't made the lamb gravy yet, so that's your job.

And the table still needs setting. There'll be eight for

dinner, tonight. The aurors aren't joining us."

The elf gave a serious nod back and said, "Dobby be

taking cares of it, Master Harry. Yous go an' greet your


"Thank you, Dobby," he returned, stripping off

Monica's flowery apron and making sure he was


He never noticed Dobby using elf magic to disappear

a stain off his hip where he must've nudged

something. It was probably when he 'hip bumped' the

wall oven drop door to knock it closed. A bad habit

he'd picked up.

He'd just left the kitchen when he heard the knocking

on the front door. However, with the aurors in the

house, none but them were permitted to open it if

there was a magical known to be in the visiting party.

So he had to wait back with the Grangers.

When the Tonkses and Sirius came into the parlour,

Sirius made the introductions. Surprising Harry after

seeing him in action in 'court', Ted was actually quite

affable. Andi, however, appeared relaxed but it was

evident to Harry at least that she was a great deal

more focused.

After handshakes and where Wendell matched Sirius's

first introduction to Monica and kissed the back of the

knuckles of Andi, which pleased her, the woman

wasted no time in focusing her attention on him -


"Lord Potter―" she said.

"Harry," he shot back.

"Not this time," she shot back herself. "Lord Potter, is

there a room I can borrow so I may examine you?"

"Yes; but, before you do..." he spun to stare at

Wendell and said, "Doctor Granger; because of it

being discovered Madam Poppy Pomfrey was under

loyalty potions and never even realised it, may I

please have your permission to have Healer Tonks

here quickly examine your daughter, Hermione, for

traces of loyalty potions and the like?"

"Harry!" exclaimed the girl. "There's no need―"

Surprised at the question, Wendell's eyes widened for

a moment as he heard Monica gasp. He immediately

and firmly replied, "You do."

Harry spun back to Andi and said, "Hermione first,


"You suspect?―" she began.

"Yes," he firmly replied. "And for the same reason.

Hermione's been by my side, almost since my first

day in the school."

"Harry, I'm not under any sort―" Hermione tried


Andi had already spun towards her and, in quite the

firm voice, said, "Miss Granger..." cutting Hermione

off. "As there is a reasonable chance you may be

under such a potion based on evidence already

gathered, as a Master Healer I am legally within my

right to ignore your permission and simply examine

you. The examination will not be invasive and, as with

all such examinations, will be covered by my Healer's

Oath. Please, come with me."

"Sorry, Hermione," Harry said a little contritely. "But, it

won't harm you and I wouldn't put it past Dumbledore

to have tried."

"Better safe than sorry, sweetheart," said her mother.

"Isn't that what you told me, yesterday?"

Hermione looked to her mother for the moment as if

the woman had stabbed her in the back. Eventually

she gave a huff and snapped, "Fine."

"My room," said Harry. "It's closest and has its own

bathroom, if you need it."

Hermione gave him a glare and stomped off towards

the stairs.

As Andi followed, Monica called, "Next floor up, first

door on the left."

Once they'd gone upstairs, Wendell sighed and asked,

"Harry, you don't really think―"

"Not one hundred percent, buuut..." he replied, then


Everyone was a little tense for the next ten minutes

until Andi came back down, alone. Monica, seeing her

alone, immediately shot up the stairs.

Looking directly to Wendell she asked, "Doctor

Granger, a moment of your time?" Her expression was

quite closed but her eyes showed anger.

Wendell took one look at her face, glanced to the

stairs and without a word indicated for her to follow

him. He went out the door that exited into the rear

hallway, with her following.

As they walked out, Sirius quietly asked Harry, "What

made you suspect?"

"Pomfrey," he quietly replied.




Monica led Hermione down the stairs a minute later,

as Wendell and Andi walked back in through the other

door. Wendell appeared a little upset, but Harry was

thankful it wasn't directed towards him.

Hermione was shaken but seemed otherwise okay.

She immediately came over to Harry and hugged him.

"Thank you, Harry," she quietly said.

"I take it there was something there, then?" he asked.

"Traces of a mild loyalty enhancement potion," she

replied. "Very old."

"Do you want to tell us who?" he asked. "Or, would

you prefer not to?"

She hesitated only a moment before she replied,

"Healer Tonks said it was for two people; one with

white hair and another with red hair."

"Dumbledore and, probably, Ron... or, Missus

Weasley," said Harry.

"That was our thoughts, too," she said. "As the traces

were only in my fatty tissue now, they no longer have

any effect on me. It's just knowing―"

"Yeah, I get that," he said.

"Harry," called Wendell. When Harry glanced to him he

said in a clearly grateful voice, "Thank you."

Before Harry could respond Andi got in first.



Chapter 128

"Lord Potter," she said, just as firmly as her

expression reflected. "I'm now invoking Master Healer

privileges on you, this time. Upstairs."

"Cousin Andi!" he mock exclaimed. "Inviting yourself

into my... boudoir? And in front of your husband, to


Harry felt Hermione relax and give a little snort of

amusement. Relaxing her a little was his intent.

Andi redrew her wand, but wasn't pointing it at him,

for the moment. "Get!" she firmly ordered.

As Hermione stepped away to give him freedom to

move he gave her lower back a quick rub before he

walked towards the stairs.

"We shouldn't be too long!" he declared. "After all, I

am only fourteen!"

He heard his godfather give his own snort of

amusement. As he climbed the stairs he looked back

at a now following Andi and, with a slightly warbling

voice, loudly begged, "Please be gentle! It'll be my

first time!"

"Upstairs, you scoundrel!" she barked.

That was it for Sirius, at least. Harry heard the old dog

give a quick bark of laughter, but also heard a couple

of nervous chuckles and giggles from others. He was

thankful one of them was from Hermione.

Once the two had climbed the stairs, Wendell said,

"You know all that was for our benefit, don't you?"

Ted grinned back. "Of course."

Looking to his daughter, Wendell closed the gap

between them and gave her a hug of his own. "If I ever

get my hands on that old―"

"You'll have to wait your turn," said Ted. "I'm led to

believe the line is quite long."

Hermione quietly said, "Healer Tonks... Andi... said the

potions were designed to enhance my loyalty towards

Dumbledore and Ron. She also said that the traces

were old, probably dating all the way back to first year.

"I think they were used to... cement... my loyalty to

him and friendship with Ron. It was probably

discontinued once he believed my loyalty to them

both was established."

A little brighter, she said, "But, at least the

examination also showed I wasn't under any other

potion or charm that shouldn't be there."

"Shouldn't?" her father immediately asked.

"Yes, Daddy," she returned, while blushing a little.


He was about to push until he saw the direct look with

slight smirk his wife gave him. And, knowing that

look, decided he didn't need to know, after all. That

'look' promised him she'd answer; but, once she did,

he'd realise he really didn't want to know, after all.




Up in Harry's bedroom and current examination room,

Harry was lying on an examination table that had been

conjured from his desk chair. And he only knew that

because he'd immediately noticed upon entering his

chair was missing.

"Hop up and lie down on your back," she'd said.

As Harry made himself comfortable, Andi was setting

up her parchment and auto-quill system.

"Nice trick with that nonsense coming up the stairs,"

she said, as an aside.

"Hermione was upset and people were a little tense,"

he said. "The muggles have a saying, 'Laughter is the

best medicine'. I thought it would help."

As she worked, she said, "We have it too, but it's

potion instead of medicine. And, you were right."

Once ready she stood to his side and said, "I need

you to lie still. The better you hold still, the more

accurate the scan."

"Yes, oh great and wonderful Healer lady," he said. "I

am but your―"

"Shut up!" she distractedly snapped.

Harry shut up.

As he watched her she had her wand over his feet and

was slowly casting as she moved up towards his

knees. As she paused there a moment she glanced to

the auto-quill and parchment for a moment before

continuing. Her gestures now seemed more assured.

As she worked higher she was frowning a little and

Harry saw when she paused a little at his left knee.

That was the one his uncle Vernon broke when he was

little. Her frowned deepened a little before her

expression suddenly switched to closed off. Then the

casting began to again travel 'up', with her gestures

almost subtly a little more firmer.

When her gestures reached his hips and hands her

expression darkened as she cast extra over both his

hands. Her eyes were flashing with anger again and

she'd started to purse her lips.

She stopped when she reached his inside right

forearm and appeared shocked to her very toes. It was

where the basilisk bit him. She quickly cast a rapid

series of charms over the area, paused, checked the

parchment, looked him in the eyes and moved on.

Since telling him to shut up she'd not said a word;

either by incantation or conversation.

As she continued to move up her eyes were again

thunderous with her making even firmer wand

movements. Harry could now see her grip on her

wand was almost white-knuckled.

Finally she reached his head. A flick of her wand and

his glasses vanished. And she was carefully scanning

his eyes. Then she moved up to the scar.

Almost instantly she froze. And Harry saw her

expression, at first puzzled, suddenly morph into fury.

She whirled to and stared at the parchment as the

quill wrote upon it.

Once the quill stopped she stared at the parchment

for a long moment before she suddenly spun back

and very quickly cast a series of long wand

movements over his scar again. Harry even felt his

scar prickle a little when she did that.

She took half a pace back and let fly with loud

invectives. "I'm going to kill that whiskered fucking

arse. Just he wait until I get my hands on him. Dead

man walking, he is!

"That's it!" she declared, spinning about and starting

to head for the door. "I'm gonna rip his fucking beard

off and strangle him with it!"

As it became clear Andi was storming out, ready to

carry out her 'deed' right at that moment, Harry

muttered a quick, "Shyte!" quickly scrambled off the

table and made to chase after her.

By the time he got to his feet, she'd already gotten the

door open and was crossing the landing heading for

the stairs.

"Help!" he yelled, running after her.

"I'm gonna practice all those Black curses on him I

was taught growing up!" she declared. "Fucking

geriatric, brain-addled―"

The top of the stairs was as far as she got before

Harry tackled her by way of his right shoulder into her

waist and carried her the extra two paces along the

landing, to then slam her by her back into the wall

next to the twin doors into the master bedroom.

He'd just accomplished that when he heard feet

thundering up the stairs.

"Let go of me, child!" Andi practically screamed at

him. "Dumbledore needs to die and I'm the one who's

going to have the privilege of doing it!" She was

weakly beat on him and kicking him a little, though


"Not going to happen, Andromeda," he loudly

declared, weathering the thumps and kicks she rained

on him and just holding her in place.

"What the hell?" said Wendell.



Chapter 129

"Help me stop her!" called Harry. "She wants to go kill


"Ummm..." said Wendell.

"Andi!" exclaimed Ted.

"Andromeda Venus Tonks née Black!" Sirius suddenly

barked. "Heiress Primary of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Black!..."

Harry felt Andi suddenly freeze in place.

"... You will cease this unworthy behaviour,

immediately, and CALM DOWN!" continued the firm

and loud voice of Sirius.

"My Lord!" she immediately returned. "Yes, My Lord!"

Harry then felt Andi relax a little where he was holding

her and her hands then come to rest on his upper

back, side by side.

"Alright, Pup," said Sirius. "You can release her, now."

Harry hesitated a little before he slowly relaxed his

grip on her about her waist. He felt her drop about

four inches to the floor when he did so. He had no

idea he had her up off her feet.

Thankfully, to him, she didn't try to suddenly attack

him or break past.

Once Harry backed off a pace and a took a step to the

side, Sirius asked, "Now, Andi; what happened?"

She suddenly tensed and began trying to both yell

and choke on her words at the same time.

"Andi!" cried Harry. "Healer's Oath!"

She instantly stopped, took visible control of her

emotions again and more calmly replied, "I'm sorry,

My Lord; I am not permitted to tell you due to my oath

as a Master Healer."

Turning to Harry, he asked, "Lord Potter?"

"She found something that both horrified and angered

her to do with my scar," he replied. "However, she was

clearly quite upset about something even before that."

Sirius glanced between the two and asked, "Harry, can

you permit Andi to tell me? It'll require your verbal


Harry looked around at basically everyone, even all

three aurors who were standing on the landing with

them, and replied, "In private." Then gestured to his

bedroom and said, "Back in my room. Just us three."

Sirius gave a firm nod and said, "Fair enough."

Turning to look at everyone else, he declared,

"Alright! Fun's over! Harry, Andi and I will be down in

a few minutes."

Wendell was the first to react. He turned to everyone

else and said, "Alright, folks; this is now an issue of

private medical information and none of us need to

know. Back downstairs, please." Then started shooing

people down.

Harry heard Hermione put up a bit of complaining

about how she told Harry what had been done to her,

but she obeyed.

One of the aurors held back and repaired the wall

where Harry had rammed Andromeda into it. It had left

a 'dent' in the plasterboard.

As Wendell was following everyone else down,

making sure they didn't stop and try to come back up

again, Harry walked back into his room. He wanted to

know what that parchment said, especially the last

couple of lines.

Without touching it or the hovering quill, he read,

'Soul fragment. Possible attempted possession.

Possible Horcrux ritual. Identity: Tom M. Riddle.'

'Oh, shit!' he thought.

As he heard Andi and Sirius come in he whirled to

them and said, "Close and lock the door. And throw

up your best privacy wards."

As Sirius gave a nod back and turned to do just that,

Andi said, "Step away from that, Lord Potter. Most of

that you won't understand, anyway."

As Harry moved away from it, Andi deactivated the

quill and set it aside. Then she picked up the

parchment and re-read at the least the bottom of it.

With a sigh she leaned back onto Harry's desk and

waited until Sirius had finished with the wards.

Once he was done, he turned back with a very

concerned look on his face.

"Alright," said Harry. "Master Healer Tonks, I, Lord

Harrison James Potter, hereby give you my

permission to tell Lord Sirius Black what you

discovered while examining me. As I say, so let it be


With a muted flash between Harry and Andi she

relaxed even more.

"I'll start with the worst," she said. "Harry has a soul

fragment embedded in the skin or against the cranium

behind that scar of his.

"I'm unsure if it's because of an attempted possession

that failed and then left the fragment behind, or if it's

because someone tried to make his scar, for whatever

reason, into what's known as a Horcrux."

Sirius gave a major start of shock and drew a gasp.

Visibly getting himself under control, he looked to

Harry and asked, "Remember when I told you about

those... 'artefacts'?"

Harry nodded.

"They're called Horcruxes," replied his godfather. The

man was looking quite grim.

Harry closed his eyes and propped himself against the

examination table. "Damn!" he firmly muttered.

"You've come across one of these before," said Andi

to Sirius. She worded it as a statement, rather than a

question. "How?"

"I can't tell you that," replied Sirius. "People we don't

speak about have me under an oath of my own."

"But, you clearly know what one is," she said.

He nodded.

"The identity of the fragment is a give-away, too," said

Harry. "Tom M Riddle."

"Oh, bloody Hell!" Sirius muttered while screwing his

face up in emotional pain.

"You know him?" asked Andi.

"Yeah," said Harry, when it didn't look like Sirius

would. "Tom Marvolo Riddle is the birth name of the

one everyone refers to as 'You-Know-Who', etcetera."

Andi blurted in horror, "If that's the case, then―"

"Then he's still... 'out there'," Harry completed. "Yeah,

he is."

He waited a bit. And, when he saw that she'd

processed that, he said, "That's how he came to be

possessing Quirrell in my first year and a first year

Gryffindor student in my second."

"Andi," Sirius gently called to her. "No one must

know! Those who don't speak have made this subject

an Official Secret of Wizarding Britain."

"Bugger that!" she exclaimed. Glancing at Harry she

looked back at Sirius and declared, "I'm getting that

thing out of him!"

Sirius declared right back, "You'll get no argument

from me on you doing that!"

"Me neither," said Harry.

"The question is, how?" asked Sirius.

"That's my job," said Andi. "I happen to know the

cursebreakers of Gringotts come across them

occasionally; and very occasionally one of them

manages to get him or herself possessed by one.

"I'll contact one of their Master Healers, who I know

has already dealt with one such case and find out how

he got rid of it. We'll find a way."

"Sounds like a plan," said Harry. "I'm happy with that."

Looking to Sirius he said, "This is one of those...

artefacts... I'm not going to be telling the

Unspeakables about."

"I don't blame you and neither am I!" Sirius

vehemently shot back. "They're just as likely to toss

you through the Veil of Death than try to find a way to

get it out of you."

Harry nodded and said, "Right. We have a plan for

that." Turning to Andi he asked, "What's next on the

Healing Harry Potter Programme?"

"That circle-shaped scar on your upper right forearm,"

she replied. "How?"

"Basilisk bite from a one thousand year old basilisk

out of the Chamber of Secrets, followed by three or

four tears willingly provided by a phoenix dripped

directly into it about three minutes later," he

immediately replied.



Chapter 130

"Then there's not much I can do about it," she said.

"Nor, I think, do I want to.

"The basilisk poison, neutralised by phoenix tears,

has now provided you a significant level of protection

against most poisons which are a venom or contain a

venom of some form - snake, dragon bite, spider,

doxie, you name it. However, for that protection you'll

have to put up with the scar."

Harry nodded and said, "Then I'll keep the scar; it

doesn't bother me. Next?"

"I also need to update your medical files to include

how you're now protected against such. There are

some healing potions that contain a venom of some

form; which means those potions will either not work,

will be diluted or will be contra-indicative... will work

against... your health."

"Fair enough," he said. "Next?"

And they worked through it.

Andi had initially thought they'd only need a half hour.

In the end, they spent over an hour, closer to an hour

and half, on Harry's medical issues before returning

back downstairs.




When they came back down, Wendell asked, "That

bad, huh?"

Harry shrugged and smiled back. "It looks like I'm

going to be on quite a few potions for a while."

"Quite a few?" asked Sirius. "Harry's going to be

carrying around his own mini-apothecary for a while.

Then reached out and ruffled his hair.

Harry sheepishly grinned back.

Hermione, no longer able to contain herself, asked,

"What was all that about earlier?"

"Hermione!" her mother instantly scolded her, but the

girl appeared defiant.

"There's some dark magic associated with my scar

that Dumbledore should have had removed

immediately after he had Hagrid pick me up from

Godric's Hollow," he replied. "I'm lucky in that it's

remained contained there."

Indicating Andi, he continued, "Andi got upset

because it might well have not. And, if that was the

case, it might have caused me great harm."

Andi gave a snort and muttered, "Damn that goatraping buggerer, Dumbledore."

That's when Harry noticed Nymphadora Tonks was

there, too. He hadn't noticed her before because she

was in auror uniform.

"Tonks!" he exclaimed. before he noticed Ted and

Andi also look at him. "I-I mean... Nymph-"

"Don't you dare say it, Lord Potter!" she barked.

Harry heard Andromeda sigh and exasperatedly say,

"Really, Nymphadora!"

The girl appeared to sulk a bit, but glared back. Harry

was instantly reminded of Hermione. It was the same

look Hermione had just given when she was being

defiant with her own mother.

"Well, I just can't call you 'Tonks'," he replied. "Not

considering the company we're in. Nym or Dora?"

"Dora," she sullenly muttered back.

"Dora, it is!" he declared. "So, what brings you here?

Are you one of our on-site aurors, this evening?"

Before she could respond, Monica replied, "No, Harry.

You miscounted."

Turning to her he asked, "Hunh?"

"You said eight for dinner?" she smirked. "Try


Harry immediately counted heads and realised his

mistake - three Grangers, him, the two Tonks adults

and Sirius; that made seven.

"Oops!" he sheepishly returned. "I overcooked again,

didn't I?"

"When we found out Andi and Ted's daughter would

be home on her own - and being reminded of just how

fast magicals can get about the place - I invited her,"

she explained.

"I've heard about your cooking," said an eager Tonks.

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Well, we're late to sit to eat," said Harry. "If everyone

can move into the dining room I'll go to the kitchen...

Dobby suddenly popped in, looking at Harry. "Dobby

already be serving, Master Harry."

Harry looked at him for a moment before he turned

back and said, "As I was saying, if we can all move

into the dining room..."

That had people chuckling.

And Dobby popped away again, with a satisfied smirk

on his little lips.
