Chapter 481
Percy smirked "I thought Enceladu was the brinas in the family."
"He is," Alcyoneus grunted, "these are his words. I just repeated them."
Percy sighed, "fine. Hm…." Percy suddenly thought of something
which made him grin from ear to ear, "tell me about your plans to return
to power."
Alcyoneus looked frightened. Beads of oil poured down his face, it
must be his version of sweating, "w-what would you like to know?"
Percy's grin turned deadly, "everything."
Alcyoneus gulped, "the plan is already set. Gaea has been contacting
me for years telling me how everything has been progressing. I was
the first to be raised from Tartarus, my mother has already made
arrangement for my other brothers."
Percy nodded, "so what's your plan? How do you hope to accomplish
"T-The Doors of Death. Gaea plans to open them to keep the monsters
in the world from dying, once that's done we plan of rallying them
against the Gods back in Greece, the roots of their powers."
Percy nodded, "the Doors of Death, what do they do?"
"They are basically a portal from the depths of the Underworld to the
human world. With those open nothing can died, not mortal or divine."
"So you plan on useing the doors to keep your army of monsters alive
and fight the Gods with them," Percy hummed, "but why? If the doors
remain open it would mean that neither side would ever win. It would
just be senseless war."
"It's a distraction," Alcyoneus spoke, "it is meant to lure the attention of
the Gods and demigods away while we attack the real mount Olympus,
the origin and the roots of the Gods' power."
"I see, very sneaky and very effective plan. Did your mother plan it all?"
The Giant nodded, "yes."
"Okay….do you think we can beat her?"
"Why is she waking up now?"
"I told the Gods this, the raising of Kronos has alerted Gaea. She
believes that it is time for us to strike. Once she is fully awake we will
win this world back."
"Wait, I thought you said she planned this all out, how did she do that is
she is not even awake?"
"My mother is the Earth itself. The physical body is detached from her
mental process, all the planning she has done is through careful
manipulation of weak minded mortals."
Percy sighed, "so we can't beat her and or stop her… there a way to
put her back to sleep?"
Alcyoneus grinned at that, "not that I know off."
"But there is a way," Percy repeated himself with narrowed eyes.
The giant sighed, "yes. I have heard Gaea speak something about a
boy of fire. She never told me any of the details though but yes, there
is a way."
Percy nodded, 'this could be very useful for the Giant war to come.
Alcyoneus was very useful.' Suddenly a thought came into Percy's
head that scared the shit out of him.
"A-Alcyoneus, you said that your mother is the Earth itself but her mind
is detached and can communicate with people….does that mean she
can see everything I am doing?"
The giant nodded, "yes. If you gain her attention, which is very hard to
do, then she will be able to see you."
Percy played at that thought, 'okay Percy relax. She hasn't found out
about you yet. Well this means one thing for sure, I can never use
Alcyoneus in the real world. In my ID's I'm safe, but otherwise….I can't
risk drawing her attention to me by using Alcyoneus. She would
wonder why he's alive again and bamn! I get a Primordial on my case.'
Percy sighed as he recalled Alcyoneus and broke out of his ID. He had
learnt a lot, he needed to be ready, and not just that, he needed to
make sure the camps were ready.
Two of your skills have leveled up!
ID Create, Lv-23 (1%)
Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the
Current list-
Empty Dungeon- no monsters.
Monster Dungeon- Zombies
Monster Dungeon- Goblin Camp
Arena Dungeon – Mountain/ Island/ Swamp/ Forest/ Plains
Empty Dungeon – Time dilation (1/4)
ID Escape, Lv-23 (1%)
Used to escape from Instant Dungeons.
Percy smiled as he swiped the boxes away. He looked down at his
hands and wondered, 'I wonder if I can summon some gold right this
Percy didn't know what to do exactly, so he just followed his instincts.
He put his right hand forward, the one with the ring of Alcyoneus on it.
He focused on the image of a bar of gold in his head and felt his mana
pour out of him and into the ground.
Percy felt some kind of pull behind his navel, and he did the only
logical thing, he pulled back.
You have spent 500 MP to summon: Gold!
Slowly the ground in front of him started to split open as a rough
impure glob of metal came up past the dirt. It looked so ordinary that
Percy actually thought he had failed to bring up some real gold, but he
realised that the gold he brought up was just impure, it was covered
with mud and other types of impurities.
Percy picked up the metal, it was twice the size of his fist. He then
poured mana into the ring of Alcyoneus to gain control over the metal
and manipulate it to clean it of all impurities. What remained was a
rough vein of gold.
'Hm...I wonder if I can change the shape of the metal as well,' Percy
wondered as he used the ring to do just that, transforming the rough
looking pure gold ore into a bar like the kind Percy saw being stored in
Fort Knox.
Percy smiled as he observed the gold he held in his hand;
Golden brick,
A brick of gold that is 99.999% pure. It weighs at 12.4 Kg and is
worth 506,400 $ at the present moment.
Percy's eyes nearly flew out of his head when he read that. This one
bar of gold was nearly worth everything he had in his inventory right
now. Percy rarely ever spent money on anything, he had saved most of
it up, and yet this one gold bar was almost valued at the same price!
Percy smiled as he put that away, this new skill he had was definitely
going to be very profitable for him. All he needed now was someone to
buy all of this gold. Maybe Edward knew someone.
Chapter 482
That night Percy and Thalia sat around the camp hearth, all eyes were
on them as they began to describe to everyone what camp Jupiter was
like. Everyone was amazed by what they heard, this was a place
where demigods could grow old and die, something which has always
been more of a dream than a reality for the demigods.
After that Percy told them about the quest to retrieve their Eagle and
how they faced a Giant. He skipped that part about him crushing him
with a mountain and just told them that they brought the giant forth to
the Gods and were rewarded for doing so.
"If you ask me these Romans are arrogant assholes," Lee Fletcher
spoke out, "I mean come on, he Eagle was their symbol, it was their
job to go get it. You think that if anything happened to the Golden
Fleece we would ask them to go get it?"
"It was a test Lee," Annabeth said, "and it doesn't matter who went to
get it, Percy proved to them that we are just as capable as they are.
And their respect is exactly what we need."
Lee Fletcher nodded when Michael spoke up, "wait before anything
else I have to ask. What the hell happened to your voice? You sound
like fucking Mufasa man!"
Percy chuckled, "puberty my friend."
Michael grinned, "you know if you work on manipulating you voice a
bite you can do a killer Darth Vader impression."
Percy grinned, "I know. Guess who I'm going as this halloween?"
Michael's eyes sparkled, "I'll get a Boba Fett costume, you get the
Vader one"
Percy nodded, "now all we need is an old guy to play the Emperor," the
two slowly turned to Lee Fletcher who immediately flipped them off,
"someone else then."
Just then Clarisse spoke, "hey, I've been meaning to ask, ah did you
guys get tattoos?"
Percy and Thalia blinked before they realised Clarisse was talking
about their markings.
"Oh, right. Well these are kind of the Roman version of our clay beads,"
Thalia explained, "each line represents one year served or one act of
noteworthiness. The symbol above the line represents your Godly
parent and the words below show who you are aligned to. Most
Romans have the words 'SPQR' written, meaning the Senate and
Rome. But me and Percy got Olympus instead because we serve
Olympus instead."
"And what about Percy's chains?" Annabeth asked.
Percy looked down at his hands and saw Annabeth pointing at his seal
tattoos, "oh, I got these to seal away my strength. It's gotten out of
hand lately and it's starting to bother me, so I use these to monitor
"And where is your, 'mark of service'?" Clarisse asked.
Percy pulled on his shirt collar revealing the symbol of Possession with
the words OLYMPUS and 9 nines.
Annabeth whistled, "damn Percy. Nine lines. Impressive."
Percy grinned, "thanks," Percy let go of his collar, "now, we need to
discuss about training. I heard you all have been slacking since I've
been gone."
A cold wind blew up their spines. Every demigod there knew what
came next
Percy grinned, "relax, training these days are going to be much more
mild, I promise you." The demigods all smiled, while a few didn't quite
want to believe what they were hearing. But it was true. After weeks of
training under Percy and fighting zombies the average level of the
campers was raised from 11 to 18. It didn't seem much, but it was
extremely good considering how long they had been at this.
"So, ah….," Nina spoke up, "what exactly is a giant?"
Percy sighed as he told them what the Giants were and how they
almost toppled Olympus the first time around. He also told them about
how Alcyoneus promised the return of Gaea and a second Giant war.
"So we have another war coming at us right after this one huh?"
Annabeth said frowning.
Percy nodded, "yeah. We might have not been able to fight them
before, but now with the Roman's on our side we might just win."
"Are they really that good Percy?" Clarisse asked.
Percy sighed, "I hate to admit it, but yeah." The Greek campers
groaned, to have their leader admit that they sucked hurt. "But," Percy
continued, "they all have a huge stick in ass and are basically no fun.
Plus while they are good in fighting with large numbers we are more of
a one on one sort of deal. I would say individual everyone here is
stronger than the average Roman."
That brought a little bit of cheer back to the campers as they all smiled.
"So ah, where's John?" Percy asked looking around, "I haven't seen
him at all."
"You don't know?" Annabeth asked surprised, "Poseidon sent him on a
quest, something about finding himself."
Percy nodded, 'John has been trouble adjusting lately. Maybe dad just
wanted him to take a trip to clear his head. Hopefully by now John is
strong enough to protect himself in case any monsters attack.'
Percy looked up, "did he take a weapon with him?"
Annabeth nodded, "yeah. A celestial bronze blade. Don't worry Percy,
he'll be fine."
"So did you all get the Giant back to Olympus?" Michael asked shifting
the conversation.
Percy nodded, "yeah. And after that we ah, we just came back."
Thalia smiled, "after a little drama. So you know, the usual."
Everyone nodded in understanding, after all they had a Greek god for
parent, drama kind of came with the job.
"So what's this deal we made with the Roman's consiste off?" Clarisse
"Well basically a small number of us will go to New Rome and will learn
how to work as an army unit from them. While that happens I'll be
training some of their troops in my ID."
The campers smiled at that, if Percy was busy that meant less work for
"Describe them Percy," Nina said.
"Yeah, what were they like?" Peter, the son of Ares asked.
"Well..." Percy then went into an in depth explanation about the camp
and the people there. Nico and little Percy Decker loved the idea of
meeting a ghost, as did Bianca, she just hide it better. They also loved
the thought of Percy humiliating one of them in a trail, they found it
hilarious anyone would ever doubt Percy's power. And in the end of the
story the Greeks learn a few thing;
1- never let your gaurd down near a Roman
2- all Romans have a huge stick up their asses and are a stickler for
the rules.
3- avoid insulting them, they tended to take things personally and the
next thing you know you will be surrounded by an entire cohort.
Soon all the demigods went back to their cabin but Percy managed to
get Thalia's attention and took her to the beach.
The couple sat down on the sand looking at the sea. Percy sighed, he
was going to do something, something he hopped he wouldn't regret
"So why did you call me Percy?" Thalia asked as she put her head on
his shoulder.
Percy wrapped his hands around her hips, "I ah...look Thalia I….we
need to talk."
Thalia immediately shot up straight, "you're not going to break up with
me, are you?!"
Percy's eyes widened, "what?! NO! Why would you even think that?!"
"Well...I mean, that's just what people say, so I just kind of,
thought…..never mind."
Chapter 483
Percy chuckled as he pulled her close and kissed Thalia, "relax, I'm not
trying to break up with you. I...I want to tell you a secret. Something I
never told anyone and….I want you to promise me that you want say
anything until I'm done."
Thalia looked at Percy, his eyes were serious, Thalia nodded, "I
Percy sighed, "Gods...I don't' even know where to begin."
"Maybe at the beginning?"
Percy smiled, "alright then. Well I suppose it all really started for me
when I woke up one morning with a box hanging over my head…."
For the next half hour Percy told Thalia his story. Of how he discovered
this power of his. How he used it to become stronger to make his mom
proud. How he found out he was a demigod and had to pretend and lie
about it.
He told about how he kept his powers hidden because he was afraid
people would hate him for it, after all this was something that helped
him become as powerful as a minor God.
He told her everything, every single thing that the gaming powers did.
How it gave him rewards for becoming stronger, how he used every
trick he could to become stronger quicker. How he fought for everyone
else using this power, and how he had to constantly lie to everyone
about it.
At the end there was silence. Thalia had a blank look on her face as
she looked at Percy. The sound of the waves crashing on the sand was
the only sound that could be heard.
'Does she hate me now?' Percy wondered, 'does she want to kill me
because of this? Would she be jealous? Would she call me a cheat
and claim that I have accomplished was because of this power?'
"So….what do you say?" Percy finally mustered the courage to ask.
"So….video game powers huh?" Thalia said scratching her head,
"that's-ah, that's new."
Percy lowered his head, "yeah. I know."
"That's...kind of cool," Thalia said with a smile.
Percy's head shot up, "what?"
"I said that's kind of cool," Thalia smiled, "so the ID you can make is
kind of like creating a level with monsters to fight, very cool."
Percy blinked, "y-your not mad?"
"Mad? Why would be mad?"
"Well it's just that...I kind of thought you would be pissed because I got
this power."
"Why would I ever think that?"
"Because...well...I'm not really sure," Percy scratched his head, "I just
thought that you would think that everything I was is because of the
game, and I didn't want to seem like th-"
"-Percy," Thalia cut him off, "I would never think that. From what I
understand this power of yours simply tells you your power level yes?"
"Well it's a lot more complicated, but..ah, yeah."
"Percy everyone one has something going for them, you have this
game, I have my powers, the Gods, well they are the Gods. Everyone
is different, and you….your powers may make you different, but that is
not what matters. I now bad people in this world Percy, if they ever got
the power you had I am sure this world would be doomed. But they
don't, you have this power, you, and no one else. And you have done
so much good with it. As far as I'm concerned this power and you aren't
two different objects, they are the same thing."
Percy looked at her with tears in his eyes, "thanks."
Thalia smiled, "stupid boy," she smacked him up the head, "did you
really think I would hate you for being powerful?"
Percy blushed as he wiped his tears, "well I just….you know."
"Stupid boy," Thalia said with a smile, "I am jealous true, who wouldn't
be, but you deserve it Percy. I have always considered you as special
person, a cut above the rest. And I have seen you when you are
normal, just a normal human and even then I can't help but think you
are above me, above all of us. There is something inside of you that
makes you better than us Percy, and I love that about you."
Percy smiled, "I love you Thalia Grace."
The daughter of lightning smiled as she jumped on Percy pushing him
down on the sand, "I love you Percy Jackson."
Percy lifted his head up and kissed his girlfriend. Thalia kissed back
and raised her head up, "I still can't believe you thought I would hate
you for that."
Percy smiled, "all my sense of reason tends to go out the window when
it involves you."
Thalia chuckled, "good, nice to know that Gamer's mind doesn't make
you completely inhuman."
Percy smiled, "Thalia….I have been meaning to ask you….what did
Artemis call you out for."
Thalia sighed, "you really want to do this now? We were kind of in the
middle of something you know."
Percy rubbed his neck, "I know, and I'm sorry. But….I held back as long
as I could. I want to know Thalia, why did she call you you?"
Thalia sighed as she got off of Percy and curled on the sand, "she
offered me a place in the Hunt."
"The Hunt?" Percy blinked as he slowly realised what she mean, "you
mean her Hunt? The kind that forbids relationships and would basically
force you to stay away from me and camp?"
Thalia sighed, "yeah. I refused immediately….but she said the offer
was still on the table. I think it was her way of telling me that I don't
have to be the child of the prophecy, the immortality being a Hunter
would grant me would make me no longer a viable candidate for the
Percy stared, "so….do you want to?"
"I said no Percy," Thalia told him a low tone of voice.
"Yeah, but I know you Thalia Grace," Percy told her and he wrapped
his hands around her, "you were distracted the whole day. The offer
must be tempting, I get it. You would effectively become immortal
and….you won't have to die… I get it if you want to leave-"
Percy blinked as he hand went to cheek that had a bright red handprint
on it.
"Don't you dare," Thalia hissed out with tears in her eyes, "don't you
dare tell me to go. The only reason I didn't accept is because of you.
You and your promise to protect me. I believe in you Percy Jackson,
and if you tell me to leave….I will."
Chapter 484
Percy looked at Thalia and he felt his heart panged with guilt. How
could he ever ask her to do something like that, his brain was kicking
him over and over and his heart threatened to tear itself out of his
chest and walk away in protest.
"I'm sorry," Percy said with a shallow voice, "I am so, so sorry. I don't
want you to leave me," he held her hands tightly, "I never want you to
leave me."
Thalia wiped away the few tears that came out of her eyes, "then don't
ever say anything like that again, you hear me? Never again."
Percy nodded, "I promise. You'll be stuck with me forever," Percy
kissed Thalia and the daughter of lighting kissed him back.
She grabbed his shirt collar and pushed him back onto the saved as
the two felt each other's warmth. With passion and lust as they felt
each other's body with their hands. Percy's hands went to Thalia's ass
as he grabbed her cheeks with both hands deepening the kiss.
Percy broke the kiss and wrapped his hands around Thalia's hips
spanking her ass hard.
"YOu know I think you might be an ass person Percy," Thalia
commented as she took off his shirt letting the cold night air hit his
nude chest.
"Really? Whatever gave you that idea?" Percy asked as he kissed
Thalia lying back down on the sand.
Thalia pressed up against Percy's body as he squeezed her ass tightly.
Thalia slowly broke the kiss as bridge of saliva trialed between their
lips. Thalia got up and looked down licking her lips at Percy's nude
"God damn these are amazing," Thalia said tracing her hands down his
body, "I swear to the Gods Percy, even if you were a complete asshole
I would still date you for those alone."
"Well I'm not an asshole, aren't you lucky."
Thalia smiled as she looked down at his chest. The scar he got from
Alcyoneus was still there, clearly seen and very clear, "didn't you say
you don't get hurt easily? Like you can't feel pain or get permanent
Percy nodded, "yeah, it's because of a skill called Gamer's body."
"Then why is this still here?" Thalia asked tracing her fingers along the
"It's the Haki he used," Percy told her, "it ripped through my defences
and I'm guessing it also worked around my Gamer powers somehow."
Thalia nodded, "you need to be more carefull."
Percy smiled, "why? I thought chicks dig scars."
Thala smiled, "well it does make you look sexy."
"Sexy?" Percy raised an eyebrow.
"Well...sexier," Thalia said tracing her fingers along his skin reaching
near his right lateral. Thalia lowered herself to kiss Percy when
suddenly he started to shake with laughter
Percy laughed, "stop it, that tickles!"
Thalia looked at her hands saw that she was infact tickling Percy's
side. She smirked, "does it now?" The daughter of Zeus smirked turned
mischievous as she began to tickle Percy all over his sides.
"Haha! God's stop Thalia!" Percy said as he tried to move away only
for Thalia to trap him down by squeezing down his hips with her thick
"Say uncle!" Thalia said with a grin, "say it!"
"Uncle! Uncle!" Percy said as Thalia pouted.
"I expected more of a fight Percy. You can take a cut from a diamond
blade but one little tickle fight and suddenly you transform into a whiny
little baby."
Percy smiled, "yeah well Gamer's body doesn't work that way honey."
Thalia lowered down until she was just a few inches from his face, "too
bad, I would have liked to keep going."
"Who says we have to stop?"
Thalia smirked, "right." Thalia lowered down and just as they were
about to kiss someone shouted out breaking the romantic atmosphere.
Percy's eye snapped open as he turned towards the sound. There
standing on the shore in a set of green jeans and a blue blouse was
Mera. Her hair was blood red and wet from the water. Percy was
surprised to see her here, he was even more surprised to see that she
had legs!
"Mera?" Percy said as Thalia got off of him in a hurry, "what are you
doing here?"
"Lord Poseidon told me that you requested for a tutor in the ways of
magic," she looked at his state of undress, "although I see that you
require no tutor for your physical health care."
Percy blushed while Thalia glared at the red head. Thalia grabbed
Percy's t-shirt "you, put this on," she threw it at him and then turned to
Mera, "and you, explain who the hell you are."
Mera raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms, "I am Mera,
daughter of Triton, and who might you be other than being rude?"
Thalia crossed her arms, "rude? How am I rude?!"
"You asked me who I was before offering your name first," Mera huffed,
"if that is not being rude I don't know what is."
Thalia growled as Percy stepped up and placed a calming hand on her
shoulders, "relax Thalia, she didn't mean anything by it," he turned to
the redhead, "did you Mera?"
The mermaid with feet smiled at Percy, "of course not Percy," she said
batting her eyelashes at the demigod.
"Alright I have had it," Thalia snapped seeing what Mera did, "who is
this woman Percy?!"
Percy sighed, "remember that mermaid I told you? The one I helped
out in the Sea of Monsters?"
"You mean saved," Mera corrected, "you saved my life Percy, and I am
still very much grateful for that. If there is anything, anything more I can
do please, don't hesitate to ask," Mera said winking.
Percy was flabbergasted at the tone the mermaid used. It was filled
with so much suggestive material Percy didn't know what to make of it.
Thalia however did.
Ozone leaked out of Thalia's pours as she glared at Mera, "okay little
miss manners, if you're supposed to be a mermaid where exactly is
your tail?"
Mera huffed again, "mermaids can transform between tails and human
legs on will. It is a power we use when we wish to come onto land."
Percy blinked, "so that time I built that ice tank for you….was for
Mera smiled, "not at all Percy. The seawater actually did help me heal
faster, in fact if you didn't submerge me in that tank I would have likely
taken twice as long to heal."
"And that would have been such a bad thing," Thalia grumbled out.
Mera snapped towards Thalia, "well I have introduced myself, tell me,
who are you?"
Thalia smirked, "Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus."
Mera huffed, "no wonder you smell like fart clouds."
Chapter 485
Thalia and Percy were surprised at Meera's reaction. They both
expected Mera to treat Thalia like royalty, guess Mera's manners only
extended to Poseidon and his family.
"Mera," Percy began, "I'm glad you are here," Mera shot Thalia a
triumphant smirk, "but ah….do you have a place to stay?"
Mera smiled, "obviously I'll stay with you Percy."
Thalia smirked, "fat chance of that happening. You aren't a daughter of
Poseidon, you're a daughter of Triton. You're going to have to stay in
the minor God's cabin."
"What?!" Mera shouted, "how dare you?! My father is anything but a
mere minor God! Prince Percy tell this woman she is wrong."
Thalia looked surprised, "prince Percy?"
Percy sighed, "it's a long story," he turned to Mera, "and she's right
Mera. You are supposed to be living with the minor demigods. But
considering your….special status I think it will be best to talk to Chiron
about it first."
Mera looked disappointed but nodded. She then walked up to Percy
and grabbed his arm in hers, "well what are you waiting for? Let's go."
Mera dragged Percy into camp. Percy blinked, "ah, sure?"
Thalia growled, "oh no you don't," she then grabbed Percy's other arm,
"he's coming with me."
"Shut up ozone head!" Mera yelled.
"Make me fish tail!"
"Enough!" Percy roared, "we are all going to the same place," Percy
removed his hands from Mera's grasp, "and you can do it without
holding my hand."
"But that's not fair!" Mera yelled, "why does she get to hold you hand?!
Is she your girlfriend or something?!"
Thalia and Percy looked at each other and blushed. They still hadn't
told anyone in camp about their relationship, and considering they
didn't already know, it seemed the Gods didn't tell them either.
Reluctantly Percy and Thalia let go of each others hand and the trio
began their walk towards the Big House.
Percy walked in and sure enough there was Chiron by the fire reading
a book.
"Hey Chiron," Percy called out as Thalia and Mera walked in behind
"Ah Percy, so nice to see you," Chiron put away the book and looked
over Percy's shoulder, "and your too Thalia and...who might this young
lady be?"
"This is Mera," Percy said stepping to the side to allowing Chiron to see
Mera properly, "she's the daughter of Triton my dad sent over to help
with my lessons."
"I see," Chiron said stroking his beard, "but Percy you are rarely
around these days, always going on some adventure or training, are
you sure her time won't be wasted?"
Mera stepped forward, "I have not just come here to teach price
Perseus Lord Chiron but also to assist the rest of the campers in
whatever magical powers they have. I am very skilled in most forms of
magic, in Atlantis I am considered to be next in line to be the sea
enchantress, and I sure you understand what that means."
Chiron looked surprised, "truly? The next sea enchantress? Amazing,
to be even considered for such a role at your age, hm….this just might
"Ah, I'm sorry I feel like I'm missing out," Thalia spoke up, "who exactly
is the sea enchantress?"
Chiron nodded, "I wouldn't expect you to know Thalia, it is a position of
great honor in Atlantis. Why I don't think even you know what that
means, do you Percy?"
Percy shook his head, "not really. I remember once Mera mentioned
that Atlantis was filled with magicians and all that, but she didn't say
anything else."
Chiron nodded, "yes, well you see Atlantis is considered an utopia for
all magic users. It's libraries are one of the best in the world to learn
magic from and it's students are regarded as both powerful and
dangerous. It is so prestigious there are only every 12 student who get
to attend every year, no more, no less. And the best out of them all is
considered as the Sea enchanter or enchantress."
Percy nodded, "so kind of like a valedictorian position."
Chiron nodded, "yes, kind of. So if what Mera says is true-"
"-If," Thalia repeated glaring at the mermaid.
"Right, if what she says is true we can very well start off on magic
training for most of the demigods. Maybe we can even teach them how
to use their godly magic."
Percy smiled, "nice. I'm doing the same thing for Nico, Bianca and
Thalia. But that's on a personal level, maybe Mera's training can focus
on the same thing except for everyone."
Mera smiled, "I am glad you have so much faith in me Percy."
Percy didn't know what to say while Thalia just glared at the girl. After
further discussing living arrangements with Chiron it was decided that
Mera would stay in the Big House, she would be treated as a camp
employee, hence she would get wages and would not be allowed to
stay in the cabins, something Thalia took great joy in knowing.
The Next Day;
Percy sat down alone in the Mess Hall. It was early in the morning and
with no one there to talk to, other than Leo, Percy was feeling very
bored. Just then Thalia walked to the table and sat down next to him.
"Hey Gamer boy," she said giving a small peck on his cheek.
"Thalia!" Percy hissed as he looked around, it was early in the morning
so luckily no one had seen that, "someone could have seen us!"
Thalia rolled her eyes, "learn to take risks gamer boy. You know this
really brings us back to the whole, 'you can't have fun' argument."
"First off I can have fun, and second stop calling me gamer boy!" Percy
Thalia smiled kissing his cheek again, "I can't help it, you look so cute
when I rile you up."
Percy blushed this time, "god damn it Thalia!"
The daughter of Zeus chuckled as she went back to her meal, "so,
what's the plan for today?"
Percy sighed, 'I swear, this woman is going to be the death of me.'
Percy sighed, "well in all honesty I wanted the both of us to spend
some time together."
Thalia raised an eyebrow, "we literally just spent 3 days on a boat,
Percy nodded, "yeah, but now that you know about my….powers. I
think it's time for me to train you using every skill I have."
Thalia blinked, "you have more?"
Percy nodded, "yeah. And I'm going to teach them all to you. Plus I
have a couple of things I want to try out. It should be fun."
Thalia nodded, "should be," Thalia ate her food, "and what about in the
Percy sighed, "the same. You, me, Nico and Bianca. Only thing is I'm
thinking of asking Mera to teach me during my free time."
Thalia glared at the name, "I don't know what that redhaired bimbo
could possible teach you."
Percy smiled as he wrapped his hands around Thalia's, "relax Sparky,
there's no reason to get jealous."
Thalia huffed, "I'm not jealous. I just don't like it when women throw
themselves at you. As your girlfriend I find it very annoying."
Percy rolled his eyes, "right, as if I have never had to do that for you."
Thalia narrowed her eyes, "name one guy who you saw throw
themselves at me."
"Donny," Percy simply replied.
Thalia blinked, "ah...doesn't count."
Percy rolled his eyes, "okay, what about Apollo?"
"He is a shameless flirt, so also doesn't count."
"Those college dudes in the Green Day after party that tried to get you
"They weren't throwing themselves at me!...were they?"
Percy shrugged, "they were willing to fight me to spend more time with
you. If that isn't considered throwing their lives away for you I don't
know what is."
Thalia sighed, "fine…..meany."
Percy smiled as he kissed Thalia's cheek, "I win."
Thalia gasped, "Mr Jackson! How dare you! Someone could have seen
Percy laughed at Thalia's actions just as someone spoke behind them,
"and someone did."
Thalia and Percy were both shocked stiff for a second as they slowly
turned around to see Annabeth standing behind them looking very
pissed off.
"Ah...hi Annabeth," Thalia said with a nervous smile, "what a surprise
seeing you up so early."
Annabeth grumbled, "I was up all night working on something. And
what do you think you're doing Thalia? You know that you're not
allowed to sit in another cabins table."
"But my table is so empty," Thalia whined, "plus I wanted to sit with
Annabeth rolled her eyes, "it's like you both want the Gods to find out."
"Oh they already know," Percy said with a shrug as he threw Leo a
piece of bacon.
"What?!" Annabeth yelled out, "and you're still alive?! How?!"
Percy laughed, "believe me, Zeus did try to kill me, but I managed to
wiggle my way out of it."
"Yeah, after I stepped in and saved your ass," Thalia said with a smirk.
"Yes you did sweety," Percy said with a smile as he gave her a small
peck on the lips.
Annabeth rolled her eyes, "so if the Gods already know, and the world
hasn't ended, why didn't you both tell everyone in camp?"
Thalia looked nervous, "I don't know. Guess….., guess we just want to
do it when we are ready."
Percy nodded, "yeah. Plus when we do tell everyone you just know the
shit will hit the fan."
Chapter 486
Annabeth sighed but agreed. Eventually Annabeth managed to drag
Thalia away from Percy's table just as the Mess Hall started to fill up.
Soon everyone was talking and eating preparing themselves for the
day to come. Some feared that Percy was going to train them again
and prayed to their parents for that not to happen.
Percy however had finished his breakfast and mainly sat down on his
table with his favorite book out, Game of Thrones. The book was
starting to get exciting, the main hero had just been captured by the
evil king, Percy couldn't wait to see how Ned Stark got out of this one.
Just then Chiron spoke up, "everyone! May I have your attention
The campers all quieted down and Percy put away his book turning to
Chiron. He saw the legendary teacher stand at the head table with
Mera at his smiling at Percy. Percy waved to her and she waved back.
"Now, I am sure you are all wondering who this is," Chiron stepped to
the side, "this is Mera, the daughter of Triton."
"What?!" a voice from the minor God's table called out. Percy turned to
see that the person who shouted was Mark Copper, the very fist
unclaimed Percy helped identify in camp using his, 'sensory powers.'
"It's true Mark," Percy called out, "she's also a mermaid."
Mark turned to Percy, "and how do you know that?"
"Because prince Percy saved my life," Mera said as a matter of fact as
she narrowed her eyes at Mark, "and who are you?"
"I-I'm Mark. Son of Triton," the demigod muttered quietly.
"Hmm," Mera said inspecting her half brother, "well you do have
father's cheek bones."
"Wait why did you call Percy prince?" Annabeth called out causing
everyone to wonder the same. Percy groaned as he hit his head with
his book, 'god damn it Annabeth!'
"It's because Percy is the son of Poseidon and is considered to be
royalty in Atlantis," Mera replied in a matter of fact.
"Wait you're from Atlantis?" someone asked, "like the sunken city
Mera nodded, "yes I am."
"So does that mean you can breath underwater like Percy?" Clarisse
"Of course not," Mera said, "my powers are nothing like prince
The cammpers looked confused. "Then how can you live underwater?"
Annabeth asked.
"Simple," Mera said, "it's because I'm a mermaid."
The camp immediately went into a barrage of questions trying to learn
her entire life history. Mera tried to answer them all but was quickly
overrun by all the questions. Sensing her distress Chiron finally
stepped in.
"Alright enough!" the man shouted, "now, Mera is here to be our tutor,
she will be teaching magic to those who can perform it. Any
"When will she be taking classes?" Michael asked with excitement.
"Michael you have never once come to any of my training sessions,"
Percy said, "why the hell are you so excited now?"
"Because now I'm going to be taught by a super hot red headed
mermaid and not a slave driving asshole!"
"Fuck you asshole!" Percy shot back as the camp laughed at the antics
of the two friends.
Mera on the other hand blushed at Michael's comment while Clarisse
glared at Michael himself.
"Alright enough," Chiron called out settling everyone down, "to answer
your question Michael Mera will be taking calls every alternate day.
That means you all will have a break from Percy's…..harsh training
"Okay I'm not that much of a slave driver am I?" Percy asked.
"YOU ARE!" the rest of the camp shouted back.
Percy frowned but kept quiet which caused everyone to laugh at him
again. Soon the campers all left, Mera had taken her first class that
day, but Percy and Thalia had went into the Forest to train alone.
Percy stopped in front of the fist of Zeus and turned to Thalia, "take my
Thalia nodded and did so. Percy raised one hand up and activated his
ID, 'ID create: Time dilation.'
The sky turned red as all sound died. Thalia took her hand off of Percy
and went to reach for her weapons when Percy stopped her, "you won't
need those here."
Thalia raised an eyebrow, "but the zombies-"
"-There are no zombies here," Percy said, "I have taken you into a
special ID of mine, something I just recently discovered. The time
dilation ID. Every four seconds you spend in here only one will pass
out there."
Thalia blinked, "holy shit Percy! This is amazing! We can get so much
training done in here!"
Percy nodded, "yeah, I know. I haven't really gotten around to use it,
but with Mera now taking over some of the training I think I can spend
more time in here."
Thalia nodded, "right. So what's first?"
Percy opened his inventory and pulled out the skill disk he obtained
yesterday for delivering the giant to Olympus.
"This," he tossed the disk to Thalia, "is a skill disk."
Thalia caught it and began to inspect the device, "what does it do?"
"It increase one of my skills instantly. I usually get things like this as a
reward for finishing a quest or something like that."
"Wait, so this is like what? A cheat code?"
"Kind of. Think of it as a booster seat for your skills. I don't like using it
on complicated things, like sword fighting or the like, if my body
suddenly starts to move before my mind can understand what is
happening...well then things might get a little dicey."
Thalia nodded as she looked at the giant 10 on the disk, "so I assume
this gives a boost of 10 levels to one skill?"
Percy nodded, "yup. And I want you to try and use it."
Thalia blinked , "how? I thought only you can use them?"
Percy shrugged, "I am assuming that only I can use them. But we will
never know for sure unless we try."
Thalia nodded, "okay then, what should I do."
" about you try to focus really hard on one skill you want to
improve. Just one skill and focus on nothing else. Hold the disk
between your hands and try to put your mana into it, maybe that might
activate it or something."
Thalia nodded, "okay...any suggestions on what I need to focus on?"
Chapter 487
Percy scratched his head, "how about….your lighting powers. That is
your best weapon, might as well stick to what you can do." Thalia
nodded again and did just as Percy said. She closed her eyes and
began pouring mana into the disk while scrunching her face in
The effect was instantaneous. The golden disk exploded into dust as
Thalia was hit with a blast of energy.
"Thalia" Percy roared as she ran to her side. Thalia stumbled as little
when Percy caught her, "are you okay?"
"Yeah," she grumbled, "just dizzy."
"Did it hurt you?"
"No, just gave me a nasty headache," Percy slowly helped Thalia get
back on her feet and held her hand as he directed her to the stones.
"I never should have done this," Percy cursed himself as Thalia sat
down, "I never should have risked your life!"
"Relax lover boy," Thalia huffed, "I'm fine. Just a headache is all."
Percy put his hand on Thalia's forehead and slowly it glowed gold.
Thalia blinked, "thanks for that."
Percy nodded, "you were right, just a headache, nothing else...that I
can detect."
Thalia rolled her eyes, "don't be a downer Percy and besides," Thalia's
hands sparked, "I think it worked."
Percy smiled, "how does it feel? Do you feel more in control?"
Thalia nodded, "yeah. Plus it feels like it comes out more easily, like I
don't have to ask it as much."
Percy nodded, "yeah, you are probably also spending less mana to
control it. So...give it a whirl."
Thalia nodded as she pointed her hand at a tree and sent a blast of
thunder at it. The recoil of the thunderbolt pushed Thalia back a bit and
into the stones and the resulting lighting bolt was much larger than
Thalia intended.
It didn't just damage the tree, it destroyed it.
Thalia and Percy looked at the stump that remained. The rest of the
tree had been blown back 5 feet. Percy whistled, "remind me never to
piss you off again."
Their training began in earnest then. Thalia was starting to get a handle
on her boosted powers, she now realised what Percy meant by her
body moving faster than her mind. It felt like suddenly driving a sports
bike when all the time you had been driving a scooter.
Percy helped Thalia out, telling her how to push the mana outside and
how to summon multiple bolt of lighting at once. Eventually, after an
hour or so of hard work, Thalia managed to gain full control over her
"Percy," Thalia said wiping the sweat off her brow, "just out of curiosity
what level am I?"
Percy raised an eyebrow but Observed her anyway;
Thalia Grace, Protector of camp Half-blood
Lv- 25
HP: 150/1,500
MP: 625/625
Race- Demigod
The greek demigoddess of Zeus, Thalia had run away from home
at a very young age due to a fight with her mom and the
disappearance of her baby brother Jason. She traveled with Luke
and Annabeth for a long time becoming more and more powerful.
She later performed the ultimate sacrifice by giving her life to
save Grover, Annabeth and Luke's. Zeus took pity on her and
turned her into a tree forming a barrier around camp protecting
the people she cared for. She now is faced with the burden of
facing the prophecy, but she is glad to have friends by her said to
help her.
Likes: Annabeth, Luke, Jason, Being in charge and Percy
Jackson, her boyfriend
Dislikes: Heights, Zeus, her mother, Cyclops
She is head over heals in love with Percy
She is tired but feeling excited
Percy repeated the description to her word by word, putting extra
fecisse on her feelings for him.
Thalia blushed at the last part, "it says I'm head over heals in love with
Percy grinned, "yup."
Thalia shrugged, "well it's not lying….but how does it know all of that?
What I love, what I hate? Wait… told you that I was afraid of
Percy blinked, "yeah. Why?"
Thalia gasped, "that means you knew! You knew I was scared of
Percy nodded, "yeah….and? I told you, it's nothing to be ashamed of."
Thalia sighed, "yeah...but wait why does it still say that now?"
"Well you might have gotten your fear of heights, but that doesn't mean
you don't like it any more. It just means that you aren't afraid of it."
Thalia nodded, "reasonable. Seriously though, how does it know all of
"I told you this power was given to me by the Fates' themselves,
obviously it can do a lot."
Thalia thought about before nodding, "sounds possible. So...what
"Now, let's move on to wind," Percy said as he touched Thalia and took
her back into the real world.
"Why are we back here?" Thalia asked.
"Simple, you need wind to make this work, the ID doesn't have any
wind to control. I figured you need some real life wind to help you
connect to it better. Maybe after you finally get the hang of it you can
practice in the ID again," Percy explained as he stepped back, "now.
Thalia nodded as she closed her eyes in concentration. She struggled
but slowly a huge gust of wind picked her up and held her up as she
floated in mid air.
The way the wind kept her afloat was almost magical. Percy could see
the joy it brought forth in her, he smiled, he was glad to have been of
some help in getting her over her fear of heights.
"How do you feel?" Percy asked.
"Amazing," Thalia said looking at the way her clothes ruffled in the
wind, "is this how you feel when in water?"
Percy nodded, "does it feel like you can do anything?"
"Then ya, it is."
"To think all this time I was so afraid, scared to even try. I never got to
feel like this before, and now I can."
Percy smiled, "you know, you kind of look like an angel from heaven."
Chapter 488
Thalia blushed as suddenly the winds stopped at together. Thalia fell
on her butt as Percy couldn't help but laugh at her fall.
"Stop laughing asshole!" Thalia roared as he blush only grew, "it's your
fault I got distracted!"
Percy reduced his laughter to a chuckle wiping away a single tear,
"sorry. But you know I was just telling the truth," Percy helped Thalia
up, "you really did look like someone who fell from heaven."
Thalia rolled her eyes, "we're Greek Percy, we don't have a heaven in
the sky."
Percy shrugged, "details. Now," Percy grinned, "I want you to take me
Thalia smiled back and nodded, "hold on tight."
Percy did so and could feel Thalia's boobs pressed up against his
chest. Thalia smirked, "getting a good feel of them?"
Percy blushed, "s-shut up."
Thalia giggled as they suddenly took off into the air. Gusts of wind kept
them afloat while Thalia soared through the air like a missile. Percy
looked at her face, her eyes were practically glowing with happiness.
The last time he has seen her this happy was when Percy woke up
from his nap after the fight with Alcyoneus.
Thalia zoomed across the sky. She twisted and turned doing
maneuvers Percy could never even dream of. Percy was sure that is
Thalia ever became a pilot for some reason she would basically be the
best pilot that ever lived. It was like the very sky itself existed to serve
her, and in some way that was true.
Percy looked down and saw several of the demigods in the Arena look
up at them and point in wonder and amazement at the sight before
them. Percy grinned, they were all so small from this height.
Percy looked his girlfriend and smiled, "you really do look like an
This time Thalia didn't lose focus. Instead she slowed down to a stop
and kissed Percy for all he was worth.
Dinner time;
That day was a busty one for everyone in camp. By the end of it most
of the campers all agreed on one single thing: children of sea Gods
were fucking crazy!
Mera wasn't a kind and gentle soul like many people expected,
especially the eager boys. Mera proved herself worse than Percy ever
was. After going through just one day of her training they all realised
that Percy didn't deserve the title slave driver, compared to Mera he
was an encouraging and supportive teacher, like those trainers who
'train' rich clients in expensive gyms.
After dinner they all sat down around the camp hearth. Most were still
sore, Mera had made them sit down in lotus position and try and draw
out their mana. If anyone got distracted she would hit them with a hard
slap or a fist made of water, which shouldn't hurt, but for some reason it
did. It really did.
However this method of tough love seemed to be working as several
demigods had unlocked their parental magic. Mera was proud of her
achievement and was right now glued to Percy's left side as she told
him about her day.
"-So I let them all take the afternoon off, poor dears, couldn't even last
a few hours of training," Mera sighed, "really prince Percy you should
have trained them better."
Percy chuckled as he looked at the demigods around him, "what do
you think guys? Should I kick it up a notch?"
"NO!" everyone in camp responded at once. Percy flinched at the
noise, he had never heard them all be so united about something.
Heck Percy even detected a little bit of bloodlust coming from Clarisse,
though that might have been more directed at Michael, who was
staring at Mera's breasts, then at Percy.
"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Thalia asked.
"Well I suppose they could all use a break," Percy said with a smile
which caused all the demigods sigh in relief, "so it's back to training
with me."
"What?!" Michael cried out, "but you said we were going to take a
Percy nodded, "I know. Training with me is your break. Or would you
prefer working with Mera?"
The demigods in camp all shook their heads at once. Percy smirked,
"thought so."
Mera smiled, "you certainly have the charisma of a prince, Percy. You
would make a fine ruler of Atlantis, though you may not like to admit it."
"Yeah he has charisma in spades," Annabeth said rolling her eyes, "he
also has plenty of idiotic tendencies, a thing for forgetting about people
and an aptitude for pissing people off. Oh and let's not forget the way
he always ends up causing more trouble for himself."
"Hey I don't…..," Percy put his head down in defeat, "never mind."
The camp laughed at him while Mera frowned, "well that may be, but
every great person has his flaws. And besides," Mera grabbed Percy's
arm and held it between her boobs, "all of those flaws just makes him
all the more cuter."
The camp went blank at that statement as they just stared at what
happened. The boys were envious and a few girls, Bianca and Nina,
hide their anger under blank faces. Thalia on the other hand did no
such thing.
"That's it!" Thalia roared out as she stood up. The smell of ozone filled
the air around her as the campers all moved away not wanting to get
caught in the path of her anger. "Get your stinking seaweed hands off
my boyfriend!"
The entire camp gasped at that as half of them looked on in surprise
while the other half just still couldn't' believe what Thalia just said.
"What?" Mera said as she stood up folding her arms, "what do you
mean he's your boyfriend? I was not aware prince Percy was courting
"Well he is!" Thalia said as a sharp gust of wind blew through the
campground, "me! Not get off of him you bimbo before I zap you into
next week!"
"I don't believe you!" Mera huffed, "price Percy would never date-"
"-Oh for the love of the Gods," Thalia grabbed Percy by collar and
pulled him up. She then grabbed his face and smashed their lips
together. Percy was surprised at first but quickly got into it as he
wrapped his arms around Thalia kissing her deeply.
The camp and Mera looked on in surprise or horror. The girls who liked
Percy looked like they were about to faint. Bianca did fait. Annabeth
smirked, 'about time.' Michael looked like he had just looked into
Medusa's eyes while Clarisse just shrugged.
Thalia broke the kiss and turned to Mera, "there. Now do you believe
Chapter 489
After Thalia kissed him and told everyone that they were dating things
had become a little….complicated to say the least.
Most of the campers were shocked beyond belief and had started
barraging them with questions. Percy and Thalia had answered them
all to the best of their abilities and in the end everything turned out
No one really had any problems with them being together, and if they
did they didn't voice it. Mera did glare at them a lot, but Thalia didn't
mind. Every time the mermaid looked at her and Percy the daughter of
Zeus made sure to kiss or flirt with Percy just to rub it in.
Bianca had become….quite to say the least. The girl had not spoken to
Percy at all after the incident and had become very quiet. Percy often
asked Nico to make sure Bianca was alright and the boy promised to
do tell him if anything happened to her.
And Nina…...well Nina didn't really give any outward signs of anger or
disapproval, she just carried on like nothing had changed.
Percy sighed, 'life just got so much more complicated.'
"Death's wind!"
Percy moved to the side as Zed's blade landed right where he was
standing. The ground cracked underneath the weight of the blade
adding to the destroyed landscaped on which they fought.
"Your movements are still too slow Zed," Percy commented as he used
his telekinetic abilities to pick up a rock from the ground and slam it into
Zed head.
"Ouch!" Zed whined, "that hurt."
"I know, it was supposed t-"
Warning! At-
Percy was already moving as he blocked a strike from behind with
Waverider in sword mode. The attacker was Craig, the Damned Knight,
and he pushed the blade down with all his might, but Percy held his
ground, "nice, you almost got me."
Craig didn't say anything as he and Percy began to fight each other.
Their blades clashed as sparks came out from each clash. Percy
managed to disengage from Craig's blows and sent more rocks up
from the ground distracting the knight while Percy ran away.
The entire ground on which they fought on had been destroyed by
Percy's powers over the Earth. Ever since Percy had heard how one of
his half-brother's almost destroyed the San Francisco Bay Area he
wanted to increase his Earthquake control.
Of course he only ever used them while in an Empty ID. Hence every
single training session Percy had these days involved him breaking the
ground with his powers.
"Damn boss, you're getting better at this," Zed said twirling his blade.
Craig was by his side but said nothing.
"Alright then," Percy said reading his blade, "begin."
Zed and Craig charged at once. Percy hit Zed first as he blocked his
strike and kicked him away. Percy turned to engage Craig but the
knight had moved backwards. Percy kept moving forwards to engage
the Knight but Craig skillfully avoided combat.
Percy sent a kick at Craig's head, the knight blocked it and tossed
Percy to the ground. Percy threw himself forward and swung Waverider
widely, spinning it around in his hand causing it to transform into a
trident and hit a surprised Craig with its increased range.
Percy had been practising using both modes of his weapon, the fact
that he can switch between it's two forms gave him a great advantage
in surprising his enemies.
Craig jumped back as he looked at his chipped shoulder. The Knight
grunted as he leveled his blade at Percy. The two stared down each
other as moments passed, no one moved.
Craig launched himself at Percy so fast he seemed like a black blur.
Percy waited until the last second when Craig was finally upon him to
make his move. Craig swung down at Percy aiming at his neck, but the
blade hit the ground without cutting anything.
Craig pulled the blade up and looked around in confusion, it was like
Percy just disappeared. Just then Waverider exploded out of Craig's
chest cavity as the knight fell to his knees. And there stood Percy right
behind him as he ripped his trident out of the servant.
Craig slowly dissolved into nothing while Zed got ready to charge him,
Percy sighed and simply used his telekinesis to pick Zed up and smash
him into the ground over and over until he too turned into smoke.
A skill of yours has leveled up!
Telekinesis, Lv-12 (80%)
The physic ability to move objects with your mind.
Range- 50 feet
Max weight- 500 Pounds
Cost -30MP
Carrying Multiple item, Lv-3 - Carry multiple items, Max- 9
Percy smiled as he pushed the screen to the side. It had been a month
since the kiss and since then Percy had been improving anything and
everything he could. The training with Craig and Zed was mainly to try
out new methods of battle while also improving on fighting skills he
already had.
Since Percy had been switching between using a sword and a spear,
which the trident skill fell under, he ended up leveling up both at the
same time;
Sword Mastery, Lv-20 (40%)
Allows user to freely handle swords.
100% more damage when using swords.
Spear Mastery, Lv- 17 (0%)
Allows user to freely handle spears or spear like weapons
85% more damage when using spears or spear like weapons
Trident, Lv- 3, 20% efficiency
Percy still wasn't used to the whole spear/trident thing, but it didn't
really matter to him. He had time, that was all he needed to get there.
Percy also ended up increasing his Earthquake powers due to their
constant use, though admittedly not by much;
Earthquake control, Lv-14 (90%)
You can cause an Earthquake through any part of your body.
Attack- 1,200
Cost 100 MP
Earth mover- by pushing your earthquake mana into the ground
you may cause tremors by becoming the focal point of the own
earthquake. Effects whole areas resulting in varying levels of
damage, Max- 2500 Attack
Percy had also been training another perk of his, something he hadn't
realised he could use. In all honestly he had forgotten he even had it,
he had way to many abilities to keep track off;
Flying Thunder God- Allows a short burst of speed that is similar
to teleportation. Limit- range of 210 meters.
Chapter 490
Percy was honestly excited about this perk when he first started using
it. But then came a problem. Percy assumed it was going to similar to
Speed Demon and he would be able to control it easily….that was not
the case.
The burst of speed that the perk gave was so much that the first time
Percy teleported he ended up crashing into a tree. Sure nothing
happened to him, but that wasn't the point. He didn't have any control
over it, it was like the perk turned him into a bullet being fired from a
And that was the problem, he didn't exactly have a way to know where
he was going. Short distances like 3 or 4 feet wasn't a problem, he
could easily visualize it and stay in control. And yes, his limit was 210
meters, but that didn't mean Percy could actually safely travel that
He needed a way to anchor himself to where he had to go, like a
marker or something. So far he didn't get any ideas, so for now Percy
stuck to short range movements, he would not use this skill in combat,
it is way too risky.
Percy put away Waverider and activated his super speed zooming into
the Forest which was unharmed by his battle with Zed and Craig.
Inside he saw Thalia floating in mid air with Timmy by her side.
"Good, you're not wasting any mana, that's good," Timmy nodded in
approval, "let's move on to vacuum spears."
Thalia nodded as she slowly let herself down. Percy smiled and stayed
in the shadow's of the trees, he didn't want to interrupt.
Thalia took of her jacket and put her hands forwards. She focused her
mana and shouted, "VACUUM SPHERE!" Slowly all the air around her
hands disappeared as a ball of vacuum formed in her hand. Thalia
strained to maintain it, but maintain it she did.
The sphere was like a ball of exploding energy, the winds that was
being forced into and out of the sphere caused a storm of sorts on the
surface of the sphere. The winds were sharp and deadly enough to cut
skin. Unfortunately Thalia learnt that the hard way. But nowadays she
learnt how to control the winds better.
"Good, now throw it."
Thalia nodded as she pulled her hands over her head before throwing
the sphere at a nearby tree. The sphere flew like a beach ball, slowly.
But the moment it touched the tree the air around the sphere shredded
the bark of the tree. It dug into the trunk ripping apart anything and
everything in it's path until it burst through the other side.
Timmy nodded again, "good. Maybe next time we can go into creating
vacuum blades."
"Right," Thalia said nodding. Percy chose this moment to walk in and
make his presence known.
"That was awesome Thalia," Percy said with smirk.
"Hey Percy," Thalia said as she put on her jacket, "finished so soon?"
Percy nodded, "yup," he snapped his fingers causing Timmy to
disappear in a puff of smoke, "I managed to beat Craig quicker this
time. I'm pretty sure my sword skills are probably better than his right
now. I might need a new sparring partner soon."
"Hmm, mayb you can ask Ares. I'm sure he accept any offer that
involved kicking your ass," Thalia kissed Percy, "so, lying time?"
Percy nodded, "lying time."
Thalia sighed as she sat down on the ground as Percy sat next to her,
"I still don't like this game."
"I told you, it helps me increase my lie detection skills."
"I still don't like it."
This 'game' Percy had made up was something he thought of in the
shower. Percy was wondering how to increase his lie detection skills
when suddenly it came to him, just have someone lie to him.
Percy managed to convince Thalia to help him, and so every time after
their respective training sessions they both sat down and played the
lying game, where Thalia would only tell him lies.
"I think your ugly," Thalia started.
Lie detected!
"I also think that you have very bad hair, and I do not want to run my
hands through it."
Lie detected!
"Hm, you trying to seduce me?"
Lie detected!
"What do you like about me?"
"I hate the fact that you care about me."
Lie detected!
"What do you hate about me?"
"I love the fact that you sometimes act super bossy. That just turns me
Lie detected!
"Well then what does turn you on?"
"I hate the way you kiss my neck, total turn off."
Lie detected!
"Okay….do you also hate the way I grab you ass every time we make
out?" Percy asked with a cheeky smile.
Thalia blushed, "...yes."
Lie detected!
Percy grinned, "nice to know."
Your skill has leveled up!
Lie detection, Lv- 10 (2%)
You can detect lies said to you, 55% chance of success.
Percy blinked, "and we are done."
Thalia was surprised, "really? Already?"
Percy shrugged, "it makes sense. The skill didn't level up the last two
times we did it. We were bound for a level up."
Thalia nodded, "sweet. So what's the chance of detection now?"
Thalia whistled, "not bad. Not foolproof, but still, not bad."
"Right," he pushed the screen away, "ready to leave?"
"How long have we been in here?"
Percy did some mental math, "about 4 hours. Meaning only one hour
has passed outside."
Thalia nodded, "right then, it should be around breakfast time now."
Percy nodded as he grabbed Thalia and took her out of the time
dilution ID. Percy turned to the sky and saw the sun slowly raise out of
the horizon, they had made it just in time for breakfast.
Everyday Thalia and Percy had meet up at around 7 in the Fist of Zeus
and went into Percy's ID to train. It was sort of their personal couple's
time, but while most couples went out for a movie or for dinner Thalia
and Percy liked to bend the laws of physics and control the very
elements of nature.
Percy and Thalia walked hand in hand into the Mess Hall where they
were forced to separate and go to their respective tables. Every since
Chiron found out about their relationship he had been…observant.
He didn't say anything about their relationship itself, just that they
needed to be careful. He also made sure that they didn't spend too
much alone time together, he was adamant about them acting like
proper demigods.
The poor guy was trying, in all honesty he had almost gotten a heart
attack when he found out. A child of Poseidon and a child of Zeus?
Yes, not the most stable of relationships. But Thalia and Percy seemed
to make it work.
After breakfast Percy had his daily training session with the campers.
Over the last three months they had all improved significantly. The
demigods in the level 1 category were now able to keep up with the
ones in level 2, while a few of the ones in level 2 were moved up to
level 3.
Overall each squad of demigods have become powerful enough to
take down a Legion zombie on their own. While that wasn't much it was
still an impressive thing to do.
They were definitely better trained the the Romans. Percy remembered
even now how that day went;