The familiar treatment room of the Guild Healers Office fell silent as the doctor's words weighed on its occupants.
'It's… back? Or did it never go away? But, I was reformed,' Ramsey had no reason to doubt the doctor. It was too much of a coincidence to not be true. 'But, why?'
Finally, Doctor Morten spoke again, "A brain tumor is a-"
"I know what it is, thank you Doctor," Ramsey interrupted. "I'm just surprised to hear I have one."
'Again,' he thought.
"Then I suppose you know it's a rare condition. I've only seen a few in all my years. And although the outcome is typically… not a good one, some people defy the odds," Morten placed his hand on Ramsey's shoulder and smiled. "When I taught healing at the academy, I saw it in a student of mine. And despite the stories and warnings, she never fell ill. Sadly, I've lost touch with her, but her story gives me hope for you."
"And it's not something you can heal?" Ramsey asked, already knowing the answer.
Ella wiped a tear from her eye, "Our healing comes from growth magic. If the tumor could be removed, there's a possibility that our magic could heal you, but-"
"It's too dangerous," the doctor said. "You wouldn't survive the procedure. But!" He added enthusiastically, "You seem like a strong lad. So, I'm going to believe you'll be fine, until we have a reason to believe otherwise."
'Strong…,' echoed in Ramsey's mind.
"I'm sorry, could I have a moment alone?" He asked.
The doctor and Ella nodded and exited the room.
'I can make myself stronger.'
Ramsey opened the attributes menu.
[Available Attribute points: 2]
[Intelligence: 1]
[Wisdom: 2]
[Strength: 1]
[Dexterity: 2]
[Charm: 1]
[Mana: 3]
[Nature: 3]
[Spirit: 1]
'I don't have a Constitution attribute like in role playing games, if I did, that would be the obvious choice. This might be the only way I can fight it. Becoming strong enough that it won't get any worse.
Actually… we haven't spoken in a while. It's worth a shot.'
Under his breath, Ramsey asked, "System, if I increase my strength, will it help me fight against illness?"
[Increasing Strength improves the Avatar's overall physique.]
'Close enough.'
Without delay, he thought to add 2 to Strength.
Previously, when he raised an attribute there was little noticeable change. This time was different, a strange sensation washed over Ramsey's body, not the same jittery feeling with his magic, but a wave of refreshing warmth. Then it seemed as if every muscle in his body flexed at the same time.
To an observer, it would have looked similar to a seizure, but there was no pain or discomfort. It was merely Ramsey's body adjusting to its new limits. When the flexing stopped and the warmth faded, he looked down at his open palms, then clenched his fists.
It was slight, but Ramsey could actually see a difference in his flexed forearms. Standing up, he noticed a change in the fit of his clothes as well.
'No one should be able to tell, but this is amazing. I just hope it helps.'
He walked into the opposing room, finding the doctor and Ella waiting patiently, "I'm okay, thank you. And I think you're right, Doctor. I feel fine, well… despite getting punched in the face."
"That's great to hear," Morten grasped Ramsey's hand and shook it vigorously. "But, if you start feeling bad or just want a check up, please come and see me.
"Thank you, I will.
Before I got mixed up in that fight, I was actually coming to see if Ella could show me around the clothing shops. If you have time," he looked at her.
"I'd love to, I'll change and be right back," she quickly disappeared into a back room.
Ramsey did some innocuous snooping of the treatment room supplies while waiting. The plant clippings and potions were labeled with names he didn't know. But hearing about the krewlhorn salves stoked an interest in what else was possible.
He examined the small vials, 'Healing potions? Boosts for strength or magic? Aphrodisiacs?'
"Ready?" Ella said from behind him.
Ramsey jumped, nearly dropping one of the vials as he turned around. Ella had changed from her white healer's attire into a form fitting dark purple keyhole blouse and matte black leather pants. Her pixie cut only accentuated her neck and a small black lace choker.
"Y- Yes," Ramsey stammered.
'Oh, dammit. I'm in trouble.'
The pair walked north toward the guild office, enjoying conversation about the various stalls.
They admired tasty treats, jewelry, and stopped to try on hats. Ramsey looked rather ridiculous in an oddly tall hat.
"I think the, uh," she pointed to her eyebrow, "injury breaks the illusion." She smiled and removed the hat.
"Come with me," she grabbed his hand, pulling him into an alley behind some shops.
"Where are we-" Ramsey was cut short.
"Shhh" she held her finger to her lips and backed him up against a wall.
Ramsey's heart was beating wildly.
Ella got close, looked up at him and reached up to touch his face, "Don't tell anyone, okay?" He could feel her breath on his skin.
A yellow light shone from her hand over his eye, confusing him briefly. After just a moment, the cut mended and the bruising faded.
"There," she smiled, still very close to him, "all better. Now let's go!" She ran playfully back to the street.
'Yeah, big trouble.'
Ramsey followed Ella to the clothing store on the northern way. It wasn't just for clothing, though. It was called The Capital and featured all things allegedly trendy in the kingdom's bustling center. There were many clothes, furniture, and home items.
Ella was a fantastic pick to go shopping with, in just a few minutes she had coordinated three outfits for him to try. He humored her with a fashion show, trying on each selection, in thanks for her assistance.
After mixing and matching a few items, Ella said, "It's perfect."
Surprisingly, Ramsey agreed. She had chosen a navy tunic with dark gray stitching. It was shorter, like a regular shirt, which thankfully seemed to be the growing trend, along with a pair of dark gray pants to match.
"When I can afford it I'll have to replace my brown boots and belt so they match, Ramsey said as he looked at his reflection.
"They match each other, and you look great. Don't worry about it," she assured.
After paying a bit more than he hoped for his trendy new clothes, Ramsey and Ella started their walk back.
"Thank you for going shopping with me, and for healing me. You really didn't have to," he said, looking up at the darkening sky.
"I think I did," she laughed, "after seeing both pairs of pants you own. The healing, well, I was off duty and you never asked for help."
"Oh," she added, "how did it go at the Guild Office?"
"I met the 4th Major of Dominion, we talked about my magic and I registered for my first job to reimburse the Guild. Starting tomorrow, I'll be moving boulders. We'll see after that," he sighed.
Ella stopped walking and asked, "Why would Neave Howl want to talk to you about your magic?"
"Ah, when I was in your office, I told Erron Aster that my muse was Elorr, which was true, but I omitted some information," Ramsey confessed. "During my registration, they asked if I was Terra or Growth. I explained that I'm neither."
"But…," Ella knitted her brow, "that would mean," her eyes grew big. "Oh gods!"
"Shh," Ramsey stepped in and shushed her this time. "I'm sure everyone will know eventually, but, let's keep it between us for today."
"You have to show me!" She said excitedly.
"Fine, but not here. I'm staying at the Break-Inn, I can show you there, then we could get some dinner," he suggested.
Without responding, Ella grabbed his hand and quickly led the way again. Trailing her slightly, Ramsey noticed he was catching a few stray glances from nosey townsfolk.
When they arrived, she held open the door and said, "Lead the way."
Passing through the tavern and down its back halls, Ramsey unlocked and entered room 6. Ella followed looking around.
"I've never actually been in one of these rooms. It's not bad, a washtub, a cozy bed, but what is that?" She crouched down, staring back at the creature frozen in time.
"That was part of a deal the last time I tried to buy clothes across the street," he explained.
"Wow, you really did need shopping help. But, also, I kind of love it," she admitted.
Ella faced Ramsey and held out her arms to her sides, "Okay, do me."
"I'm sorry, what now?" Ramsey replied.
"Lift me up, I'm ready," she clarified.
'Jesus, phrasing!' He thought to himself.
Ramsey took a breath and gently reduced Ella's gravity. As her feet left the floor she grinned emphatically, rising nearly halfway to the ceiling before stopping.
"Well, what do you think?" He asked, giving her a slight spin.
"I've always wanted to fly," she said, turning her head to see him as she spun, "and this might be as close as I get. This is amazing."
"I'm glad you think so," he smiled back, lowering her slowly. "Not everyone feels that way."
After the brief display of power, Ramsey and Ella enjoyed a quiet dinner amongst the clamoring voices of the rustic tavern. Then, after thanking her again for his much improved wardrobe, the pair parted ways. After all, Ramsey needed to be well rested for his first day at a new job.