This chapter records the characters' abilities and their information. It will update every few chapters with character illustrations.
Age :12 - 13
Heigh : 5'1
I.Q : 195
E.Q : 105
Species: A hybrid of Wrytan and Kepler
Trait : naivety, foolishness, stubbornness, and being a picky eater.
Siblings: 2 beloved sisters and three unhygienic brothers.
Power: He can create anything from his handpalm.
Species - Mixed, Humanoid.
Height - 5'4 feet
Age: 15
Ability - His BMD( Bone mineral density) is higher than average of the species and good strength.
Personality - Nitckpick and Miser
I.Q - 130
E.Q - 175
Blood type - OC+
Fighter rank - D
Species - Zwerg
Height - 4 feet 2 inches
Age - 35
I.Q - 188
E.Q- 139
Trait- Making new things, betting and drinking wine
Occupation: Robotics engineer.
Species :Klang
Height : 6 feet
Age : 30
Fighter Rank : B
I.Q - 125
E.Q- 142
Abilities : Powerful voice that can exceed
1500 decibels.
Background check : xxx
Age : No data found
Height : 16.3 centimetres
Species : Wanzig
I.Q : 210
E.Q : 110
Personality : According to his juniors, he has narcissistic syndrome and also an inferiority complex.
Ability : A big brain.
Fighter Rank : A-
Age : 34
I.Q : 140
E.Q : 135
From: Schatten, Ubel 13.
Occupation : he has experience of 10 years of strategic military.
Species : Stier
(Stier species are like homo sapiens, but their 5th senses are quite 10 times stronger than ours.)