It was pasted eight in the morning, Aurora just woke up feeling dizzy.
She called Rose. Your highness you called for me.
Yes I called you, replied Aurora.
Aurora stared at the wolf for a while, then she walked to the wolf and look at it eyes directly.
suddenly, a vision skip past her eyes, it was like green waves were dancing in the sky.
Aurora almost lost conscious she was not able to handle the vision energy. It was extremely above her own energy.
Rose was smart enough to catch Aurora was losing conscious but unfortunately.
Aurora fall down and her mind went blank, she felt empty and helpless.
It took a while for Aurora to regain her conscious.
Rose was delighted when Aurora regain conscious, Rose express saying my princess you scared me, my princess are not safe with the wolf.
Aurora reply, no the wolf and I have a strong connection, since the beginning I met the wolf, part of me was reborn with a new feeling and energy.
Rose suggest Aurora to take a walk around the palace to clear her mind.
But you know the wolf always follow me anywhere, it won't be that easy to get it away from me, Aurora replied.
Aurora took her bath, and Rose dress her.
Aurora walked to her cupboard and brought out a drawing board with a pencil and some of her favorite colours.
Aurora step out of her chamber and walked around for a while.
suddenly, she saw her wolf running after her, she stopped and looked at the wolf forehead, yet another vision appeared, but the vision was not clear.
Aurora stared at the wolf for a while, suddenly a idea strike her mind about the vision. In less than a minute, Aurora draw a green and red waves dancing on the sky.
Down in her mind she felt strange energy
creeping around, which affect the way she think.
Aurora regain her self from the energy. Aurora look at the garden and something catch her eye.
She noticed the garden flower flowers change it colour freque-
tly, it turn to seven colour each.
Aurora moved to the flowers,
she plucked the flowers, and arrange them in circle.
Suddenly, the flowers release
a colourful smoke reforming a
circle, but the circle grow bigger.
Aurora dipped her hand into
and felt cold on the other side
Aurora looked at the smoke and walked into the smoke without thinking. Aurora arrived at the other side with great shock.
Aurora see a group of army with swords in combat with slash
of blood.
Aurora take a close look and see her father with the king's Richard Creed, Magna Nicolas,
Frank Bane, the kings of the "TROPICAL" continent.
On the other side she sees a
strange king, in his army flag the
name of the kingdom was written "ORIGIN."
Aurora notice the "ORIGIN"
carried small knife with skull handle. Aurora watched the "ORIGIN" army closely and notice
there eyes were black and there begin to transform to beasts.
Aurora discover that the "ORIGIN" king and his army used
magic against there opponent.
The "ORIGIN" army was dominating the battle.
King George waved his hand
upward, some group of some soilers in white armor matched
forward and formed a circle and there eyes turn white with smoke
like dragon appeared from the circle.
The dragon move to the "ORIGIN" army and drew there soul out of them. The strange king moved backwards in fear.
The strange king look up the
sky and mention a word "DA ORIGIN DASEECA."
I summon you here.
All a sudden, the clouds turned red with the mixture of
Form the clouds "DEMON
SKULL" with dark smoke descented from the clouds and
attack the white "SMOKE DRAGON."
The "ORIGIN" army regain
dominion of the battle.
Aurora look at her father in
fear, she noticed her father was
King George, place his hand on his sword and raised it toward the "DEMON
SKULL," in seconds large thunder strike the "DEMON
SKULL," to ashes.
The "ORIGIN" king was shocked to the extent he lost balance.
King Magna Nicolas order some soilers to capture king of "ORIGIN."
All the kings and army march to "ORIGIN" along side with the king of "ORIGIN." The
armies burnet "ORIGIN" to ashes,
killed the most if the people why some kings took them as slaves.
The royal family of of "ORIGIN" was capture to "ELEVOLA."
Aurora watch everything that happen.
At "ELEVOLA" the royal family of "ORIGIN" was trialed
to death but, king George refused
saying that, there are still humans, there can be forgiven.
The other kings refused saying there are evil and most be killed.
At the trial which was judge
under the "COUNCIL OF TROPICAL" many Chiefs support
the death sentence of the royal
family of "ORIGIN," why some refused.
At Last, it concluded that the
death must proceed, king George had no other opinion or defense for the royal family of "ORIGIN."
At 15 day if the month, the
entire royal family of "ORIGIN"
was killed leaving no bloodline.
Now Aurora understand why the war was introduced as
"1ST WAR COUNCIL" and the destruction of the bloodline of
the royal family of "ORIGIN."
The smoke circle closed after revealing the ancient secret.
Aurora looked at the flowers, to her surprise, the flowers burn to ashes.
Aurora returned to her room and lay down on her bed and slept off, thinking of what she experience at "1ST WAR COUNCIL."
Aurora woke up and notice her wolf sleeping, Aurora was to play her note(flute), when she interrupted by the scream
outside her room, Rose hurried in and ask her to come with her
outside. Aurora followed her to
witness what happening.
She was surprised, it was like a green waves dancing on the sky. Aurora tried to remember where she saw the green waves, but she could not.
Aurora ask her Rose what it meant, Rose reply saying, it was said that the time you were born
at night it appeared, Rose further
said, the green waves means "ANGEL AMONG US."
Suddenly, the green waves
mix with red waves, Aurora asked her maid what it meant, Rise reply "DARK ENERGY RETURNING."
Rose concluded saying the
northern waves is "AURORA BOREALIS."
Aurora returned to her room and write a song titled
there become part of you.
Everything I do has been in fear, been part of the "ECLIPSE MOON."
Feeling the moonlight been "TWISTED" and there comes
I hope the situation get better soon.
I believe in melody all wonders of a fairytale.
All legend are true with a "TWISTED HISTORY," but still amazing.
Tragic, the "OLD TIMES" are back
tragedy, all reflecting back as "REALITY" I wish I could travel around history,
but still there become part of you.
The legacy of the "ANCIENT WARRIOR," lead to the
creation of a "NEW TWISTED
The past memory of "TRAGEDY" with sad emotions,
but the present with "NEW
SEED" within me.
Here comes a "BLOODY ECLIPSE" with dark moment of "ROYAL BIRDS" within the
castle of illusion and spell.
But my "TWISTED EMOTION" is still part of me.