"That same person you say was me, is the same reason I am depressed right now... I got her relaxing in my bathtub, she warned me..." Sniffs and tears skipping a bit in her narration, "she asked me to leave my fiancée alone."

Pinky started to cry again.

"Who are you talking about?" Jonathan got madly confused about his daughter's narrative and asked eagerly.

"She said she is my twin sister!" Pinky busted more in tears.

"Your twin sister?!" Wondered Jonathan and his aunt.

Now this statement drove everyone crazy including Pinky's grandparents. It was unbelievable to all of them but for Jonathan, he bent his head in a shock and went in a mute for a moment.

"Do I have a twin sister that I don't know about?" Madly Pinky asked all of them especially her father whom she put all the attention on.

"How can you have a sibling and don't tell you for twenty years of your life? Moreover a twin!" Grandaunt clarified without any doubt.

"Yes, your grandaunt is right, It's a huge secret for us to hide away from you!" grandmother emphasized while her son Jonathan was quiet holding his head down.

"Maybe she is an impersonator who looks like you since you're a celebrity she wants to extort money from you!" Grandfather raised his thought about the issue.

Pinky stopped crying and said to them, "she is like my own ghost...! as exact as my image in the mirror. The tone of her voice is a copy of mine when I'm on TV... We're Identical!"

"Wait, wait wait...!" grandaunt cried out loud, "I've raised you! if there's anyone who knows you better than anyone else that is exactly me! So, confuse them but not me Pinky!"

Pinky became speechless. Jonathan started feeling guilty, haunted by a secret he had kept for so many years. Head spinning, questions upon questions within; he sighed.

"Why did it come at this time after twenty years?" He questioned silently within, "I think this is the right time."

Jonathan took a deep breath, thereafter he stood up on his feet from the bed where he was sitting and revealed the bitter truth;

"Pinky has a twin sister," a shocking secret to all his family members.

Her mother ran out of control and yelled his name with a very rude attitude. She moved a few steps ahead in anger and told him to stop making unnecessary jokes because it wasn't the right time to do so.

"I am serious mom!" he stressed.

"Jonathan!" his auntie exclaimed in confound. His daughter and everyone else held a look of perplexity on their faces, observing how serious his face looked I defense of the statement he was from making.

Staring at her father head-scratching, Pinky stood at up and asked him if what he had said was actually true and if it was then, how comes no family member knew about it.

His explanation left all of them thoroughly perplexed that his father held the wife (Jonathan's mother) angrily in too much disappointment and slowly at their old age walked out of Pinky's bedroom.

After grandparents had left, speechlessly Jonathan's aunt accompanied in the same direction out of Pinky's bedroom leaving Jonathan and his daughter alone.

"Why did you do that father? Besides, how could you keep such a serious matter to yourself as a secret? It was foolish of you to think they would not know!" Pinky had nothing more than questioning and casting blames to her father in confusion.

"Am so sorry my daughter... I was confused," he apologized.

Pinky couldn't understand her father but at the same time, as a child who was raised in poverty by a father who was dominant those days, she was strong enough to respect him and not to crucify him for his mistakes.

Later that day, "you were waiting to reveal the truth on our graves!" in a wrathful voice Jonathan's mother demanded to know her son's excuse.

Apart from Pinky who was standing quiet leaning against the wall with her hands crossed, everone else in the living room, as disappointment as they looked, expressed their pain against Jonathan.

"See! this is exactly what happens when you raise a weak man, you're now reaping what you sow and it is affecting the innocent!" grandfather turned against grandmother.

"Must we not state some rude statements infront of Pinky!" requested grandaunt.

Jonathan's parents had to relax uncomfortably though where by mother felt embarrassed to look into her husband's face.

"Have you ever contacted your wife ever since you left her twenty years ago?" His auntie asked him.

Having been quiet all along sitting miserably head down, he sighed and raised in a proper sitting position to answer.

His daughter Pinky was all ears and eyes widely open, eager to to know more.

"Just like I told you earlier on in Pinky's bedroom," Jonathan stated, "I never wanted anything to do with her again in my entire life after lying to me not once but several times."

Auntie: "That's our granddaughter you left behind! your blood for heaven's sake Jonathan!"

Jonathan: "Since she never opened up to me that she was carrying twins in her womb, I left her with one child. Maybe one is whom she needed!"

Auntie: "When will you ever reason like a man Jonathan and confront your fears? You think running away from them is winning?"

Jonathan: "I am sorry for lying to my parents and my Pinky but I couldn't stand it staying with a vampire and a lair like Monica Yen."

Aunt: "That's a big lie Jonathan. Where on earth... tell us, where exactly in this century are vampire. This is something you're fabricating to cover your flaws, right!"

Jonathan: "You have the right not to believe me but what am telling you is the truth. Monica Yen wasn't human and my life was in great danger if I stayed in that marriage."

Aunt: "Then you had to go through a divorce if you didn't want the marriage! that's the right way! Not running away with her baby as a coward!"

Jonathan: "Pinky is my child too...!"

"Stop talking nonsense Jonathan!" angrily his father yelled at him, "you think raising Pinky without knowing about her twin sister is the right thing you did?"

His father went further to tell him, "We raised Monica Yen since the age of five, she was a very nice child, so smart and loving. Never at any moment did she misbehave for all the time she lived with us...."

"The more you speak the more I get disappointed in you. Monica Yen loved you truly, took care of all of us like her own parents including you! It kills me to hear you address her with too much hatred!" His father exclaimed angrily.

"I need my second grandchild Jonathan!" his mother too was angry in her demand.

"She's dating my boyfriend!" Pinky raised straight from the wall she was leaning against and stated in confusion.

"Have you slept with him already? Because if you've done, there's a very big problem here!" Grandaunt questioned in caution.

"We've only kissed several times and he has proposed to me already!" Pinky talked with a bewildered expression.

"Kevin proposed!" Jonathan wondered, "I thought he was just a reckless womaniser by his appearance and lavish life!"

"Is that what you have to say when all this is happening? His response frustrated his aunt that she busted. "What if she slept with the other twin thinking she's Pinky, haven't you thought of it?"

This made everyone to freeze for a moment in frustration. It sounded difficult to believe and seemed so truth when it was thought about it into deep.

"Then if we find out it's true...," all of them paid attention to hear what Jonathan was about to utter out; he turned his eyes on Pinky, "am sorry you'll have to give back his ring."

Pinky got out of control and said, "No!" in a soft voice looking shell-shocked on her face and then yelled, "NO..!" on top of her voice for a second time, "I love Kevin... my heart can't let that happen... No!" she said yelled painfully once again as she took small steps.

Suddenly she increased the speed at which she was walking, raging about the injustice decision of her father

and then ran quickly upstairs while she was crying.

"Pinky... Pinky!" her grandaunt called her back but she wasn't willing to listen.

"Just let her be," compassionately her grandmother said.

"See! this is all your fault Jonathan, when have you ever made a right decision in favor of your daughter?" His aunt asked angrily. "She's just an innocent child who deserves better beginning from your support as a father!"

"Her mother Monica Yen was very intelligent, made good results during her education and ended up working with the government", grandmother narrated.

She went further to narrate, "As a wise young lady, Monica Yen started her own companies which became successful and accumulated a lot of wealthy for her at a young age.

"It kept me sad to see her daughter waking up even in rain to walk down to the market just to sell fish in slums, then walk on foot back home... so painful", grandmother told grandaunt.

She turned against Jonathan and told him frankly that he was the reason why his daughter went through whatever she went through which she never deserved.

"Now I've seen how bad I raised you as a mother... showing you too much love blinded me from showing you the right direction to life as a man. I never disciplined you enough", she told him straight forward.

"No," Jonathan's father stood up and said, "it's my fault too."

"Maybe when I had to stand up and assist you I didn't... choosing work over my family all the time! I regret too and I am so sorry my wife," he apologized, "I would have spared time for my family."

Seeing his parents in such a sorrowful moment, Jonathan began shading tears. He got down on his knees when tears were dripping out of his eyes and said, "I am so sorry mother and father.

When his aunt saw him doing this willingly, her face kept turning gloomy and gloomy. It reached a time when tears started forming from her eyes too. Her heart was touched so hard.

Jonathan's parents walked slowly just a few steps to where he was kneeling and gently supported him up. A few steps forward that his aunt made too and joined them in a compassionate hug.

"We have to correct our mistakes for the good of the young generation when we still can", Jonathan's father stated during the hug moment.

On her bed she was sitting, crying like a baby after her father making a statement that she had to leave her boyfriend Kevin if at all it was confirmed that he slept with her twin sister.

"knock knock knock!" she had a knock on her door.

"Pinky, it is all of us please open the door, "loudly said her grandaunt.

"I just need to be left alone!" in a crying voice she spoke.

"We can understand... Pinky, there is something your grandparents would like to talk to you about. It's not going to take much time," politely grandaunt asked.

After hearing polite words, she stood and whipped tears off the face using her hands and then walked to get the door for them to come in.

"Pinky, we all have our flaws as family and as human beings we aren't perfect", wisely stated grandfather while he took small steps coming inside her bedroom.

He continued to say, "meaning we are not supposed to cast blames on each other, instead we must work hard towards forgiving one another and also solving problems as much as we can," calmly grandfather spoke words of wisdom to her.

"Please forgive your father," he politely requested.

"We raised you as a very kind and thoughtful child... I want to ask you to forgive your sister as well for hurting you. Understand that she's as innocent as you're," grandfather enlightened as the eldest of the family.

Pinky was not so difficult to be convinced especially by her relatives who knew her so well. She unfolded her arms after hearing from her grandfather and took small steps still in tears, upto falling into his chest.

The family members' sad faces turned joyful.

"Alright now," grandaunt stood out to say, "we have quite a delicate mission to accomplish."

"Truth is am happy to know that I have a sibling out there athough she is my enemy," Pinky said while she got out of her grandfather's chest.

"I thought it was okay for me to die after seeing my son and granddaughter's lives transform from suffering in poverty to attaining riches but I was wrong. There's more I long to witness before I die," said Pinky's grandmother.

With the situation restored to understanding, Pinky and her father Jonathan had to face a challenge of bringing the second twin home into the family. They both embarked on a mission to find her way abouts.

In their investigation, Jonathan and Pinky knew that the first person who can get them closer to Babara Yen was Kevin Moore, Pinky's fiancée, provided the fact that her Major reason for attacking was to warn Pinky to leaving Kevin alone.

Since Pinky and Jonathan had no idea about Kevin Moore whether he knew that he was dealing with two identical ladies, they had to approach him knowledgeably to avoid any suspensions from him. And in that way he could lead them to Babara Yen.

However, Kevin Moore had already discovered it earlier that Pinky and Babara Yen were identical twins and gave Pinky a ring so that he can easily identify both of them, just in case she met with any of the two accidentally, so that he doesn't mess up his love for Pinky.

Well, today was another business day where by Pinky had a make money from the contracts she sighed with a skincare company. Inside a wearhouse in the heart of the city, here she was shooting a video advert where she smears a cream gently on her face and it glows with health.

On the side was Jonathan, her father and at the same time working as her manager, holding a hot smile on his cheeks, appreciating his daughter's performance in cameras while the lights shed so bright to bring out the best of shots.

Amidst shooting a skincare advert, a vibrant young dude Kevin Moore came through upto where Jonathan was and stood next to him. While Jonathan was enjoying to watch his daughter, senses got him to look on the side, and here he saw Kevin Moore.

"Oh Kevin, am glad you made it here!" excitedly Jonathan welcomed him with a handshake, "hope all is well!"

Warmly smiling, "Thanks for inviting me, I've always wished to watch my fiancée at work," Kevin Moore expressed much interest, "this is so amazing!"

"Am glad you've said that," responded Jonathan, and they both turned their eyes to where Pinky was, busy with video directors.

"Thank you for making me a proud father," Jonathan said.

"How do you mean?" Kevin Moore asked.

"The step you took to propose to my daughter, that was so brave and am proud of you!" Jonathan showed him grateful acknowledgement.

"It's part of a plan when you fall in love with that special person. I'm so blessed Pinky accepted my proposal..., the truth is I never expected her to say yes," Kevin Moore happily informed Jonathan.

"I know my daughter is special but when it comes to a dude like you, I don't think any woman can say no!" Jonathan told Kevin Moore.

"To me, I think it is vice-versa," Kevin stated, "I am,way too cheap to even have Pinky as my girlfriend... and now that she's accepted to become my wife soon, it's wonderfully ludicrous."


Chapter 40 loading....