Chereads / THE SHADOW HAWKERS / Chapter 26 - THE DANCE

Chapter 26 - THE DANCE

Kevin Moore: "Sighs!"

Monica Yen: "I need to ask you a favor Kevin... you need to know right now Babara has fallen in love with you and she's willing to do even the worst to keep you for herself. However, there is still a chance to prevent the worst from happening because she's dangerous than what you see."

This was a serious statement Monica Yen made that got Kevin Moore to start thinking about confusing events that have been occurring several times he's been meeting his girlfriend and most disturbing, today when he dropped Pinky home and suddenly landed on her here at the hotel.

After thinking deep, "This is weird!" he said and hurried inside the house to meet Babara Yen at the dining where she was sitting. Monica and Jamila worriedly came so fast following from behind him.

"Kevin...., Kevin!" They called him anxiously, worried about what he was going to do.

Kevin Moore reached where Babara was, whom he thought was his girlfriend Pinky, and asked her calmly with a smile;

"Sweetheart, have you ever had a good time..... on a bright sunny day, to relax on a float on top of that swimming pool out there?" He pointed at his swimming pool through the glass walls.

Babara Yen frowned her face in wonder and answered;

"No! but I would love to if am invited here on a sunny day," she smiled.

This was a proof for all the doubts he had and from this moment he believed that everything Monica and Jamila told him was actually true.

Without creating any awareness he stood up and looked at Monica Yen and her secretary Jamila who were standing on the side with their eyes and ears widely open.

He poured himself a glass full of yellow juice, holding a plastic smile on his cheeks and began to sip on it. Babara Yen looked at him and then turned her face to look at her mother and secretary Jamila. They smiled plastic at her.

Babara couldn't understand what exactly was going on as none of them was saying a thing, only smiling.

"So, is this also another game that I'm now involved?" she asked on a wondering face.

"Give me your hand," Kevin Moore politely requested her.

Babara Yen lifted up her hand with a very romantic smile and forwarded it to Kevin, who slowly pulled her to stand up from her seat.

"Play romantic music please!" Kevin commanded a voice and the house immediately and automatically tuned on soft music.

Slowly he began making simple dance moves, holding on Babara Yen's hand. Babara had no option other than to begin following his lead. The dance mood began to grow slowly by slowly up to the peak.

However, physically Kevin Moore displayed happiness but deep inside, he was never the same because he knew the lady infront of him was not Pinky his queen. The squeeze dance continued between Kevin and Babara.

The vibe of sweet music from the clear speakers around the house hit Monica and secretary Jamila's ears. They started moving their bodies slowly and soon they were caught up in the mood.

While they danced, Kevin Moore released Babara hand and continued to dance towards Monica. He began to dance infront of her. Monica got very interested and her dance energy increased, holding a big smile on her face.

As the dance joy went high, Kevin danced away from Monica and gently joined secretary Jamila with whom they held hands and danced together happily.

Everyone was so happy enjoying. Monica Yen danced towards her daughter Babara and they also danced hand in hand with beautiful smiles facing each other. It was such a great moment that night between the four people in the house.

A moment later, all the four were walking out of the lift into the corridor on one of the floors of hotel OCEAN. Kevin Moore had escorted them back to their private suites.

Babara and secretary Jamila reached first. Kevin gave a hug to Babara as he let her to go inside. Secretary Jamila got in too and their door closed. It was now Monica Yen to be escorted to her own hotel suite.

Monica: "Thanks a lot."

Kevin: "So, how comes you don't connect with your other daughter?"

Monica: "Her father took her away from me the day she was born."

Kevin: "It's sad!"

Monica: "Yeah.... for twenty years I've not seen her until recently. I actually don't know how to confront her and introduce myself as her mother."

Kevin: "If you grant me permission, I will make sure I help somehow."

Monica: "sniffs and tears," "You're very kindhearted and nice dude."

Kevin: "You don't have to cry at this moment... I know you'll have to cry when you meet and speak to Pinky for the first time... So, reserve the tears."

Monica: "True, when the right time comes, I want to be the one to tell Babara she has a twin sister, because she's not aware." "Just help me they don't hurt eachother because Babara is capable of hurting Pinky and dangerously."

Kevin: "What do you mean dangerously?!"

Monica: "There's a lot you don't know about our family that maybe you'll get to know with time."

Kevin: "Of course I will not be surprised because my friend Suxes told me that humans are very complicated creatures to understand."

Monica: "Don't forget you're a human too before you talk like that next time!"

"A human!" Kevin Moore thought about it. He never wanted to speak beyond Monica's statement and so he said to her, "I think you have to get me your mobile phone contact so that we can connect for the good of Babara and Pinky."

"Oh! sorry, I nearly forgot," Monica Yen picked Kevin's phone and registered her number inside. She then forwarded it back to him.

"Goodnight mother in law," warmly, Kevin smiled a goodbye wish. Monica gave back a beam.

Within her left hand, Monica had a door card which she used to unlock the door to her suite while Kevin had his eyes on her doings. She got the door handle and gently walked inside then Kevin found his was too away.

Am moment later, after Kevin Moore had left, a hand pressed on the door bell. This door was of none other than Babara Yen's hotel suite. Inside the suite Jamila came out from her bedroom to get living room door.

Monica Yen appeared with a blood in packets which was meant to be for Babara Yen to drink. She was allowed inside. Babara also came out of her bedroom curious about the knock she heard on the door.

"Oh! mom, here you're, am so thirsty just let me have my meals faster," Babara picked two packet from her mother and sat down on the coach, opened one and sucked it empty.

She unsealed the second one. Babara drinking human blood was now a normal thing to secretary Jamila that she even assisted her on unsealing. As Monica Yen requested, Jamila understood that she had to stand in for them in their trials.

The following afternoon, secretary Jamila waited at the airport to welcome her siblings into the country from there poor home land. As her bosses promised, they fulfilled, which was her top most wish.

Tears of joy dripped on all there excited faces when they saw eachother. Jamila opened her hands to hug both her young brother and sister who ran so fast to her when immediately they saw her.

She walked both of them to where the black SUV parked. The driver was ready to receive their small luggage, which he collected from them and mounted it at the back of the car. In a VIP way, Jamila treated her siblings.

It was a day to move them everywhere in Capricon city which was as beautiful as a modern Palace. Frist, she took them to a very beautiful place which had very nice food and special treatment to visitors who came for a meal. They ate perfectly well to satisfaction.

From here, they began touring different parts of the city with amusements. Jamila showed them great things which were so attractive to the eyes. They went for swimming and then to the amusement park where they had fun in circus and licked ice cream.

They captured memorable moments through taking as many pictures as possible from wherever they went to. It came to night when they were all tired and ready to go home.

The SUV which took them to wherever they went to was waiting. They entered and on the smooth tarmac it ran in the city beautified with light everywhere. After a while, there was a home it branched.

It was a beautiful regular home which Monica Yen and her daughter Babara promised to secure for her so that she stays with her siblings when they come into the country.

They driver helped in bringing out the luggage from the car and escorted them to the house.

"Home sweet home!" Jamila stated in joy.

"Wow!" the brother exclaimed in surprise.

"Our sister has got such a beautiful house!" little sister wondered.

"From today onwards this is going to be your home to stay," Jamila told them.

"And tomorrow when you're fresh, we shall talk about school," she added.

Secretary Jamila secured good standards of living for her siblings by the help of her billionaire boss Monica Yen, the thing she said to have given her sleepless nights whenever she thought about endless wars and famine back in her country of origin.

Here they were in their bedrooms comfortably sleeping in warm bed covers. Jamila visited her sister first and looked at her for quite some time, while she was in a deep sleep. She closed the door carefully behind her and then went to visit her young brother.

In his bedroom deeply sleeping, the door quietly opened. Jamila entered upto the bed were her brother was resting in a deep sleep. She pulled the blanket and covered him properly because he wasn't. For a while she watched him then smiled.

There came a moment when she had to leave her brother's bedroom. She walked outside and silently closed the door. Having had her wish come true, peaceful and contented Jamila sank into the easy chair in her bedroom and dosed off.

"Now that our secretary will only be coming in the morning for duties, I think it's high time you shift into my hotel suite," Monica Yen said to her daughter Babara.

"Have you forgotten your suite is a single bedroom? I think it's you to come and join me here!" Babara told her mother.

"Can't you sleep with your mother on the same bed?" Monica asked. "If am not mistaken, in Buena city you used to sneak into my bedroom at night and cover under my sheets like chics under their mother hen."

"That is our home and our house. I will always sleep on your bed because am your daughter.... but this is a hotel with hotel beds that I don't care much about," she replied.

"Okay! but don't forget am your mother, alway respect my suggestions in here," Monica said to her daughter, "don't treat me like a loony just because you're the one paying dues."

While secretary Jamila was asleep into the easy chair, her mobile phone rang. The ringtone woke her up and got up to pick it. Time check was 10pm.

"Hello there!" Jamila answered.

"It's been a while secretary Jamila," a male voice spoke.

"Who am I talking to?" she asked.

"You're talking to Felix," the voice replied.

"What do you want Felix? your team brings nothing but troubles," secretary Jamila stated.

"I would like to apologize in kind for whatever happened on the ship," he said, "I wasn't intentional."

"Your brother welcomed us peacefully for business and then your men threw us off the ship like wastes!" she angrily blamed him, "that was heartless!"

"Am truly sorry secretary Jamila," Felix apologized and said "this is exactly why I've called, to asked you schedule a meeting wherever you wish to. I want to meet Babara Yen."

"What makes you think she will accept to meet you?" Jamila asked him.

"You all know I am not a bad person, neither am I like my brother," he said politely, "I know you can help me to meet Babara, please!" Felix begged.

Secretary Jamila felt touched at heart that she calmed herself down and thought twice.

"Alright Felix, let me see what I can do then I'll give you a call after... but don't put your expectations high because Babara never wanted to hear anything from your side ever since we left the ship," she frankly told him.

"Thank you so much secretary Jamila," Felix appreciated and the call ended.

Secretary Jamila put down the phone on the chest drawer at the side of the bed, she closed the window curtains and mounted the bed to sleep well.

On the other side Felix was with his girlfriend Tsunami when he made the phone call. Still holding the mobile phone in his right hand he said;

"It hurts me to see myself taking life out of an innocent girl and what is more dangerous is, when blood thirst comes, I can't control it however much I fight. If Babara is surviving with the disease, then she must know how, without killing."

Tsunami loved Felix and she was committedly ready for whatever came her was on his behalf. As a human being, she had to fear him for killing young ladies to feed on their blood but she didn't.

Instead she had to prepare him when it clocked midnight so that he drove out the mansion, to go on the streets to hunt. She dressed him smartly in extremely rich outfits, making sure he never forgot the eyepiece to stun.

The car garage pulled up and a black open roofed ferrari popped out with Felix in the driver's seat. Behind was left Tsunami standing, watching his lover go and the garage smoothly slided down to close.

In a lonely warehouse, somewhere near to the outside of Capricon city, Jelly Spatters and the two hunters a male and female were already citizens. This place was their current base, where they stayed while they went out to carry out operations.

They equipped themselves so well with hunting weapons which included the 'Red Venom Potion', sharp daggers of different forms, whips and sharp edged boomerangs.

Looking deadly in black outfits each with a black over coat, they stomped outside and flew away one after the other as they transformed into huge bats.

In the dark skies they flapped at a terrible speed for a while to reach the heart of Capricon city. Start where bright and the moon was nearly full.

These bats started landing one after the other somewhere in dark corners, in the middle of Capricon city. The leader Jelly Spatters landed first and transformed immediately to a human form, then he was followed by the two hunter vampires man and woman respectfully.

Smartly they walked into areas which had lights onto the streets like they were members of the society, covering their eyes with dark shades.

Jelly Spatters branched off when he saw a lady who was right across the streets.

"Hey, hope you're good!" he spoke on top of his voice for the lady to hear as he walked close to her, " For give my manners but do you mind if I buy some of your time? I need you to take me to any nearby car dealership you know."

He got almost a thousand dollars from the pocket showed to her. "This will all be yours," he said.

The lady gape-jawed at the cash notes in a stranger's hands and started straight away to lead the way. "Follow me!" she asked.

Not very far from where they were, was a car dealership with a sign post; "Open 24hours 7 days."


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