Chereads / THE LOST SHEEP / Chapter 4 - CHAP 4: VOW

Chapter 4 - CHAP 4: VOW


I'm finally back in City X. For the past few months I've been travelling to different areas of the world in order to expand my business empire.

After succeeding in achieving this goal, I decided to return in City X to manage my company here Walker Co.

I was in my black bugatti divo riding home when I received a call. I knew exactly who was calling cause the ringtone was customized. I took of a hand from the steering wheel and attended to the call.

"Hello father"

"Son! How are you doing?... I heard you had returned to City X " he spoke

"That's right father."

"Good! I will be sending Elijah along with KG to City X and I want that during their stay there, they should live with you"

Immediately I heard that man's name I frowned. I felt my blood boiling.

"Father I can't live under the same roof as Elijah! You know how much disdain I have for him. Don't you?" I exclaimed trying to control my anger.

"I know... but I need them to stay at your place. I'm not asking you son... this is an order!" He spoke sternly.

"But-" I tried speaking but he interrupted me

"No buts! Just obedience" he said coldly before hanging up.

I shoved my phone aside furious and mad at his decision but what made it worse was a the fact that I couldn't disobey him. That was the last person I could think of going against. The only one I feared in this world.

I accelerated the car. At this point in time only speed could help me calm down. It's only then that I could see a figure appear before my car. I slammed my foot hard on the breaks, causing the car to come to an abrupt stop.

After processing what had just happened, I got down the car to go check what or who I was about to kill.

I stood in front of my car and saw a lady sitting up. Her hair and dress were all disheveled but she didn't seem to have any injury.

"You okay?" Though I asked, I wasn't the least bit concerned about her. I said it mostly for formality purposes.

She jerked her head towards me and stared at me without uttering a single word.

Shit! Is she dumb?!

She kept on staring at me rudely but I didn't have time for that. I needed to hurry home.

"Hey! Hey!" I snapped my fingers before her hoping to get any reaction from her.

"Yesss.." Good! So she can speak.

If she isn't dumb then I guess she's just one of these bitches trying to get my attention.

Tsk! How futile!

"If you're done staring then move aside. You're in the way."

I was in the mood to hook up with anyone right now. Besides she was not my type. I preferred clean and neat to nonchalant and dirty.

She mumbled something I couldn't quite get and when I asked her what it was she ignored me. This girl was getting me more pissed than I already was.

I knew it would take just two minutes to get her out of my way but that revealed not to be the case. I found myself quarreling with this idiot longer than I had expected.

"How dare you?!" I asked in between greeted teeth.

Did she just call me a thief?! And dared to speak back at me!

"Listen to me carefully-" I was about speaking but she cut in and started speaking daring to raise her tiny fingers at me.

I was shocked beyond measures. No one had ever spoken to me this way. People tremble before me even freat personalities feared me yet this insignificant girl had the guts to stand against me.

She spoke some foolish things and walk out on me. At this point I was fuming.

"Make sure you never cross paths with me in your entire life. If not i promise to make your life a living hell" I vowed before getting back in my car.

I ignited the engine and made a mental note to call Skyler once I'm home.


I left the interview hall smiling. I think I did pretty well. I was able to answer all the questions they asked me, I spoke fluently and I even lasted longer than other candidates.

All thanks to you Holy Spirit.

I entered the lift and while been in there I received a call from Mr Davidson my doctor. He's the one who diagnose me of my disease and has been following up my health since then.

He said he was in City X and will like to see me in order to discuss some certain issues concerning my health condition.

The lift opened up to the lobby and immediately I stepped out I bump my head into a hard wall.. or rather a hard chest. Luckily I managed to keep myself from falling to the ground.

"Oh I'm so sorry pretty! Are you okay?"

I looked up to see the person speaking and my mouth ran dry.

Was it just me or today was Gorgeous men's day!

I took some time to observe his well defined facial attributes; he had piercing blues eyes like coral with a sharp jawline and cute blonde curls not to talk of his height, he was like 6 feets tall.

Yeah he was really cute not more than Mr Jerk though.... Hold on why I'm I even comparing them?

"Did you get hurt somewhere?" He asked seemingly worried.

"I'm fine " I said smiling reassuringly.

"Thank goodness... I'm really sorry though, I wasn't watching where I was going to" He placed his hand on the back of his neck.

"That's fine" I stated maintaining my smile.

"Okay So.... do you work here gorgeous ?" He piped up.

"No not yet... Actually I came here for an interview. I'm postulating to work here as a cyber security engineer" I told him

"Hmm I see... well for someone who's supposed to protect data, you give out information quite easily" he chuckled.

Immediately my eyes grew wide. I covered up my mouth with my hands.

He was right! Why I'm I telling him all these.. I mean he's just a stranger...It was not my type to speak to strangers especially men, but for some reason I felt comfortable around him.

"You don't have to react that way beauty! I'm not judging you promise" he said raising a hand up and placing the other on his chest as if he's taking an oath while showing me his cute boyish smile.

I felt my cheeks heating up not only because of that smile but also the way he called me. Hearing someone compliment you in every one of his phrase is quite flattering. And I felt like it was genuine not like those play boys who do that just to flirt.

Soon his phone started ringing, at first he was reluctant to pick the call but I insisted that he should go on. Once he checked the caller ID he stiffened up and excused himself

"Sorry I need to get this one... I will be right back... excuse me" he spoke

I nodded at him and he left to speak to whosoever was calling.

I waited there for a while and soon my phone vibrated. I had received a message from Doc Davidson saying he needed us to meet now.

I glanced around searching for Mr good looking so as to tell him I had to leave but I couldn't find him. I left hoping to see him again some other time.


Right now I was standing before the place I hated the most on earth; the hospital.

I hated everything about the hospital; The smell of the different medications, the cries and shouts of people in pain but what I hated the most were the flash backs I got whenever I entered one.

When I was seventeen years old I was diagnosed with Cardiac Angiosarcoma... in simple terms heart cancer and the doctor told me I was left with just about 5 years to live.

We tried everything possible to cure it but to no avail.

We visited different hospitals, consulted different doctors but the results remained unchanged.

Since medical intervention could do nothing we turned to God the healer of all diseases. We moved from church to church seeking for healings. I can't count the number of fasting programs we took, nor the number of days for which we fasted and prayed. Still my health condition remained the same.

In the beginning my heart was filled with bitterness and anger towards God.

He healed thousands of people before and he still keeps healing others till date so why not me?

I was crushed in my faith. My heart was dismayed. Every night I will cry out to Him quoting different verses in the bible.

I no longer listened to the Holy Spirit who was trying to comfort me. Rather I got angry every time he spoke.

I remember there was a time where the spirit whispered to me Jeremiah 29:11 and I laughed coldly

"Plans! You have plans for me?! To give me hope and a future you say?! What future are you talking about Lord?! I practically don't have a future!...By the time your plans come to pass I would be dead. So tell me what exactly are your plans? Answer me!" I yelled both anger and sarcasm laced in my voice.

At some point my mouth became to heavy to pray. I felt like it was all useless. Nevertheless my pastor and the aunt with whom I lived by then did not allow me to abandon my faith. God himself did not allow me to leave His presence. Even when I left his hands, He never let go of mine and one faithful day the spirit whispered to me Isaiah 57:1-2, Romans 8:28 and after meditating on these words for days I finally accepted my fate.

Since that day I'm living my life to the fullest while waiting for the faithful day He will take me. Making sure to live a righteous life so that once I finally meet with my Lord I won't hide my face in shame.

That's also the reason why I want to accomplish the task given to me by God before my time's up.

That doesn't mean I don't sin. Of course we are humans liable to mistakes and from time to time we all fall short of His Glory. But the grace is always available and sufficient. We can always repent with sincere hearts.

I got to Doc Davidson's office, knocked and after getting permission to come in I entered his office.

"Good morning doc!" I greeted.

"Good morning Jackling please have a sit"

I sat down and I watched him open a file before him. That should contain my medical records.

"As you know you will soon be getting to the end of your life span... just a year and few months to live" he bluntly said.

It may sound harsh but it didn't affect me. Actually I'm the one who asked him to be this straight forward with me. I didn't want him giving me false hopes or anything.

I nodded to his statement and watched him continue

"So Jackling how have you been? Are the symptoms getting any worse?" He inquired

"Well... sometimes I still get to feel the heart breathing problems have decreased thanks to the regular exercises you advised me...and yes I still do get dizzy and cough out blood but I don't know if I can say it's getting worse.... All I can say is I'm surviving by God's grace" I blurted out.

"Glad to hear that" he smiled.

We spoke for some while again about the matter before I bid him goodbye.

Once home I took a shower and had my dinner: noddles. Later on I moved to my room where I prayed and meditated for a while. I laid flat on my bed and drifted to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter 🤗

To all those suffering from this disease or to those who have relatives suffering from this disease, may the Lord comfort you and be with you as you go through this.🤧🙏🏽

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