Rowan's heart raced as he rushed through the corridors of the mysterious dwelling, his steps echoing off the stone walls. He had been consumed by worry and fear ever since he woke up in this strange place. His memories were hazy, blurred by pain and confusion, but one thing was clear – Serenya was in danger, and he needed to find her.
As he reached the door to the room where Serenya had been taken, he didn't hesitate. With a determined push, the door swung open, revealing the dimly lit chamber. His breath caught as his eyes fell upon the figure sitting on the bed.
"Serenya!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of relief and joy.
Serenya turned her head towards the door, her eyes widening in surprise. She was still weak from her injuries, but her heart soared at the sight of Rowan. Before she could react, he was by her side, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace.
Tears welled up in Serenya's eyes as she hugged him back. Her emotions overwhelmed her. She had been so worried about him, fearing the worst when they were separated. "Rowan," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of emotions.
Rowan pulled away slightly, his hands cupping her face as he looked into her eyes. "I thought... I thought I had lost you," he admitted. His voice choked with emotion.
Serenya reached up and gently wiped away a tear from his cheek. "I'm here, Rowan," she said, nodding towards the bed. "Thanks to the bandages and herbs, I'm healing."
Rowan let out a shaky breath, his tension gradually easing as he took in her words. He had been so focused on finding her that he hadn't even noticed the bandages and herbs that had been used to tend to her wounds. "There's something I want to tell you."
Serenya's brow furrowed slightly, concern flickering in her eyes. "What is it, Rowan?"
Taking a deep breath, Rowan pulled away slightly and sat down on the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on his hands. "So, you know we were brought here by the Snow Witch, right?" He looks up, his ears twitching.
Serenya nodded.
Rowan continued, his words tumbling out in a rush. "I told her about Lane and Casey, the Prince and Princess of Rothania." His voice held a mix of urgency and anxiety, the weight of his confession hanging heavy in the air.
Serenya nodded, her eyebrows raised as if she was trying to catch the wind in her ears. "And?"
"And she doesn't believe it." Rowan pouted like a disgruntled kitten denying its yarn ball.
Serenya burst into laughter, her giggles filling the room like a mischievous melody. "Oh, Rowan, of course, she won't believe that! It's like telling her we found a talking mushroom in the woods."
Rowan's pout deepened, and he crossed his arms with all the dignity of a squirrel guarding its last pinecone. "But it's true, Serenya. You know it too."
Serenya's laughter subsided, but a playful glint danced in her eyes. "Yes, yes, I do. But seeing you like this is just so funny."
Rowan gave her a look that could have made a stone statue crack a smile. His eyes were as serious as a beaver building its first dam, and his hands hung in the air like forgotten socks on a laundry line.
Serenya laughed, unable to contain her amusement. "Okay, okay, don't give me that look. So, what's our next brilliant move, oh anxious one?"
Rowan's expression shifted from stone-cold seriousness to mock exasperation. "Oh, I don't know, maybe we could juggle oranges while singing 'The Prince Will Come' at the top of our lungs. That ought to convince her."
Serenya's laughter bubbled up again, her voice ringing through the room like a playful tune. "Ah yes, the classic juggling-and-singing routine. A tried-and-true method for winning over witches, I've heard."
Rowan smirked, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Or we could challenge her to a dance-off. The winner gets the title of 'Believer of Royal Shenanigans.'"
Serenya struck a dramatic pose, her hand on her chest as if she were reciting a royal proclamation. "Ahem! Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that on this day, the Great Snow Witch shall engage in a dance battle with two peculiar elves. The prize? The honour of believing in talking mushrooms and royal siblings!"
Rowan burst into laughter, his shoulders shaking with mirth. "Serenya, you're impossible."
Serenya grinned, her eyes shining with playful mischief. "Well, impossible is my middle name, after all."
Rowan chuckled, his laughter fading into a warm smile. "You know, Serenya, you have a way of making even the craziest ideas sound almost... tempting."
Serenya wiggled her eyebrows, her grin widening. "Oh, I've got a million more crazy ideas about where that came from, Rowan. But first, let's focus on a plan that won't leave the Snow Witch questioning our sanity."
Rowan nodded, his squirrel-like determination returning. "Right, right. We need to give her undeniable proof, something that even she can't ignore."
Serenya leaned forward, her expression becoming more serious. "And we need to tell her about Lane's injury. That could soften her up a bit."
"Oh! I already did," Rowan claimed with a stone face, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "No wonder she's a snow witch."
Serenya blinked at him, her mouth slightly agape. "You what? When?"
Rowan leaned back, his hands casually resting behind his head. "While you were having your beauty sleep, I thought it was a perfect time to chat about our royal predicament."
Serenya stifled a laugh, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "And then what?"
A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of Rowan's lips. "I told her about Lane and Casey, the Prince and Princess of Rothania."
Serenya's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You did? Just like that?"
Rowan nodded, a mix of excitement and apprehension in his eyes. "Yeah, I mean, what better way to get her to even think about all the kinds of stuff I have said, right?"
Serenya chuckled, unable to contain her amusement. "Oh, Rowan, you really are something."
He shrugged, his cheeks tinged with a hint of pink. "Well, it's the truth, and she needs to know."
Serenya's expression grew more serious. "And how did she react?"
Rowan's grin faded slightly, his tone taking on a more sombre note. "She didn't seem convinced. I could tell she was sceptical like she's used to hearing all sorts of wild stories."
Serenya nodded, understanding the difficulty of their situation. "So, what's our next move?"
Rowan's eyes sparkled with determination. "We need to find a way to make her believe in us. We can't let Lane's fate hang in the balance."
Serenya leaned back against the pillows, her gaze fixed on the ceiling as she pondered their predicament. "You're right. But how do we convince her? It's not like we have a royal seal or a proclamation from the kingdom."
Rowan's fingers drummed against his thigh as he thought. "Well, maybe we can show her something that only the real Prince or Princess would know. Something that proves we're not just making this up."
Serenya's eyes lit up with understanding. "Like what?"
Rowan glances up with a mischievous smile.