Elena rushed to the house, she was breathing heavily as if someone has been after her. She hurriedly unlock the gate and ran into the house, shutting the door tightly behind her.
Thereafter she tip-to-toe, to her window, and peeped through to check if the man was still coming.
Oh! she exclaimed. I have to leave this house first thing tomorrow morning, he would have caught me again today.
She entered the bathroom to take her bath and then she jumped on her bed to get some rest, as she tried to close her eyes to sleep, she heard a knock on the door.
Elena became afraid, who could that be? is it him or is it, Kate?
The person Walked. the side of her window and whispered "Elena please come to and. open the door, it's me, Kate".
Elena quietly walked outside and opened the door for her to come in.
Oh my gosh! she exclaimed.
Elena keeps quiet, the man is after me.
She used her right hand to cover her mouth and both girls sat on the bed. After 2 hours of silence in the room, they peeped through the window to check if there was a sign of anyone.
He has left, Kate told Elena who has been worried.
I saw him also, Kate we just have to leave this place as early as possible. I don't want any trouble from anyone.
Elena, I got you into this mess.
Don't say that Kate, it wasn't our fault. Going to see someone has never been a crime.
But it's already becoming a crime, he's after us now and then.
Just relax dear, he'll realize his mistakes soon.
I just hope so Kate, had I known, I wouldn't have gone there. I don't even know the drive that I had that made me go there that day.
it's okay dear, stop complaining because all will be well soon.
They had a brief discussion that night before going to bed. Early the following morning, Elena woke up very early and set out to the roadside where she will board a taxi that will take her to the Park.
Immediately after she entered the taxi, she saw the dreaded man who was after her last night. Her heart sank into her stomach. He sat in the back seat, while Elena sat on the only vacant seat at the front, her pounding so loud that if the taxi driver was attentive, he would have heard it.
She sat in a way that the dreaded man would not notice her presence. Elena prayed until he alighted from the taxi.
As soon as he stopped in front of the car park, she ran in to pay for a seat. Until she got home, she wasn't at rest.
The shout of Elena! Elena!! Elena!!! brought her to reality. Her younger siblings had run out of the house to welcome her.
What did you buy for me? Her younger sister asked
I didn't buy anything for you dear and besides I didn't go to the market. I went to school and I just arrived for the holidays.
But you have money Elena, I saw daddy giving you some money the other time you came home.
Yes, dear, you're right. But the money was meant for my fees and upkeep.
It's alright then, welcome home, she said as she wrapped her little hands around Elena's waist.
Elena always have a story to tell her younger ones whenever she was back from school. Her siblings had sat down beside her to hear another interesting story from her.
"once upon a time, she started. Two girls were sent to school but before they left for school, their parents gave them a strict warning not to attend any party on campus or any sort of gathering except if it was an academic one or a religious one.
They adhered to their parent's warnings for about two years and after the second year, something happened.
What happened? her younger sister quickly chipped in.
That's what you're about to listen to now. Elena replied.
Okay big sister, ride on for we're all ears.
A very close friend of theirs wanted to celebrate his birthday on campus, so he requested their presence. At first, they didn't want to go but the pressure was on them as much.
At last, they went and as the party went on, something bad Happened and they accused the two girls of it.
Why will they accuse them of something they know nothing about?
They accused them because one of the girls had a striking resemblance with the girl that committed the offense and the worst part of it was that they bore the same name.
What? Does that exist Elena
Yes, it exists.
So these girls have been running Helter skeletal on campus just to save their lives.
Had they known, they wouldn't have disobeyed their parents. Elena's younger brother commented.
So Annabel, If you were in the position of the girl that is falsely accused, what will you do? Elena asked.
Firstly I will report to the police to be on the safer side. she replied.
As for me, I will report the issue to my parents. Fredrick commented.
How can you report it to your parents when they warned you not to attend any party on campus? Annabel asked Fredrick
Then who will tell, he asked rather in an angry tone
I don't know for you Fredrick, she replied.
It's okay! Elena shouted. don't argue because of this, it's just a story. okay?
Yes ma, they both chorused.
Now go to bed and sleep over it. you both will tell me what you will do when you find yourself in such an ugly situation and you'll also tell me the lessons you learned. is that Clear.
Yes ma, they chorused again.
Elena walked Sluggishly into her bedroom, she was surprised at what she has just done. She didn't mean to tell her siblings the story she had just told them, but she just had to.
"maybe they can profer solution to this issue, after all a Lecturer of mine once told me that, children are wise and they can provide a solution to a problem," she said as she yawned.
She stood up and went to the room where her siblings were, she looked at both siblings but discovered that they were already fast asleep.
"please provide a solution for your big sister, she's in a big mess on the campus. You just have to help her out". Elena said to the sleeping children as she patted them on their backs.
The sound of her phone made her walk out of the room. it's almost 10 pm, and I don't know who this caller might be, she thought as she moved out.
Mr. Davis?
Hello sir, she greeted him as she walked into her room to answer his call.
My dearest, how're you doing?
I'm fine sir, how's your health now? Elena asked.
I'm okay Elena but why didn't you call me to inform me you have arrived home safely.
I'm sorry sir, I have been occupied since I got here.
But that's not an excuse, how many seconds will it take once to say "I have arrived home safely"
I'm so sorry sir, please forgive me.
it's okay my dear. I...
Sir please can we talk tomorrow? I don't like taking calls at night especially when I am at home, it's against one of the rules in my house.
it's okay, I just wanted to tell you that I am coming for you to introduce me to your parents, all I want is for you to send me the address to your place. Thank you.
But sir, Elena tried to interrupt but he has already ended the call.
it was as if her heart had sunk into her stomach, I don't get what he's trying to do.
Out of the blue, Elena started telling her parents about Mr. Davis. There was hardly a day she won't call his name in the house.
" Mr. Davis is the best Lecturer on campus, he's just too good, he's been helping me out on campus, especially in those courses I'm not good at" she will always say.
She compares every good attribute with Mr. Davis.
Elena's father was no longer comfortable with the way she was talking about Mr. Davis. He suspected that something might be wrong, or Elena had something to do with him.
Don't you think Elena is in a relationship with Mr. Davis? Mr. Kenneth had asked his wife one cool evening.
A relationship? she asked as if she hadn't heard what he said clearly.
yes, I said so because the way she talks about is becoming something else in this house, no day passes without her calling that name in this house.
I don't think so, my dear husband. Mayne just wants us to know him.
Hmmm, he sighed. it's okay my dear.
The Kenneth family heard gunshots as they took their dinner that day, and a cold sensation ran down their spine. Mr. Kenneth asked them to lie on the floor as she prepared to check what was going on outside.
As he peeped through the window, he discovered that a crowd had gathered outside; just in front of his neighbor's house. He opened the door and went outside to see what was going on.
When he got there, he saw the pregnant wife of his neighbor wailing on the floor like a baby.
What is going on here? Mr. Kenneth asked the man standing beside him.
It's her husband, he had almost shot her dead.
What! how did he intend to do it?
According to the man who rescued her from the hands of her husband, "she was sitting on that bench over there to take some fresh air, before she knew what was happening, her husband who had left the house for four days came out from nowhere.
He entered the house and probably went to the kitchen to get some food. on getting there he discreet that there was no food, so he went outside to tell his wife to prepare something for him to eat but his wife told him that there was no food in the house to eat.
He instructed her to prepare something before he returns undermining what she had told him. The innocent woman sat down Knowing fully well that even if she stood up, there was nothing she could do.
As the so-called man returned from where only God knows where he went, he requested the food which his wife could not produce.
He brought out a gun from his pocket and used it to face his wife, the poor woman was just sitting helplessly, it was the man in the first house that noticed the gun, as he ran to collect the gun from him, he fired a shot in the air and ran away.
This terrible! Mr. Kenneth exclaimed. I don't even think that this man is Normal, who knows if he has a brain problem.
Mr. Kenneth went into his neighbor's house to console the broken-hearted woman, he also went to appreciate the man that has rescued the woman from his husband.
As Mr. Kenneth entered the house, he narrated what had happened to his family, Elena felt sorry for the poor pregnant woman. Mrs. Kenneth on hearing the story went outside to also console her.
When she came back to her house, she found Elena in the sitting room with her father.
What he did was very bad, assuming nobody was there, he would have killed his wife. O! poor woman. Mrs. Kenneth said as she shut the door.
That's more reason why every young girl must be careful when it comes to a relationship or marriage. They have to carefully study who they are in a relationship with.
Since this man married this woman, it has always been one fight today, misunderstanding that leads to fighting tomorrow, and just like that, there's always a new story from them every day.
My daughter Elena, Mr. Kenneth Called.
Yes, father.
You are on campus and you must have seen a lot there. it's a world of itself and a free one like I'll always say. Be careful of who you allow into the circle of your life.
I guess you don't want to go through what our neighbor is going through, so you must be very wise. Do not let anyone deceive you.
Mr. Kenneth continued: there are people out there who are pretenders, they will try all they can by pretending to be someone else in other to get you. And the moment they get you, you're gone. So, Elena, I have just told you the little I can say. Be wise, be careful and be watchful, is that understood?
Yes, sir, it is well understood.
Elena quickly stood up and went to her room to avoid another sermon from her mother. " if I sit down here, the mother will continue from where father has stopped" she thought as she entered her room.
Elena woke up to see 10 unread messages on her phone.
"It must be my service providers", she thought.
She ignored them and went to do her chores for the day, she came back and saw another 6 messages but she didn't bother to read them.
Her phone rang, it was Kate.
Hello Elena, how're you doing?
I'm fine and you, Elena asked in return
I'm pretty good.
That's nice dear, she commented again
Elena guess what?
Kate, please don't start. you know I'm not good at guessing. She replied.
Oh! I forgot, Elena... she called again. Something interesting had just happened but before I tell you what it is, I want to ask you a question.
What's that? Elena asked almost immediately.
I've been texting you but you haven't replied to any of my messages. why did you do that? Kate asked.
I'm sorry late, I thought they were from my service providers. Please don't be offended. she apologized.
It's okay dear Elena.
so can I hear the good news now? Elena asked
Yes, you can, Elena has been found.
Wao! that's great news, thank goodness! I'm free, so where and how was she found?
That doesn't matter to us at the moment Elena, what matters now is that we're free.
Yeah, Kate, there's no more hide-and-seek game on campus again.
Yes, my dear Elena, we're free now.
Thanks so much for the information, I'm just too happy.
Me too Elena.
it's okay Kate, I want to take my bath.
it's alright dear, we'll talk later.
Elena dropped her phone on her bed, she turned towards the direction of the bathroom but she was taken aback by another message that she has just received.
oops! I need to check my messages, they will be up to 30 by now, as she opened to check them, she saw Kate's messages.
"Thank Goodness, it's finally over she exclaimed. I can go back to campus without fear now. she proceeded to check the other messages.
The messages read thus:
" How're you doing my love? Please tell your parents I will be coming today by 10 am to see them, I believe you have already introduced me to them. We'll talk more when I come around. Please take care of yourself, I love you".
Elena almost collapsed, she looked at the big wall clock on the wall, the time is already 9:24 am. She walked outside and came back inside the house, she entered the bathroom and came out again. She was already confused.
No! this must not happen! she shouted at the top of her voice.