Wonder if that Zein said is true right hun? Said a man who was lying in a king size bed with his wife. Not long after, there was the sound of applause and small chants from the people outside with the lights turned off and there was only a small blue light that was slightly obscured by someone's huge body. Their curiosity was both provoked, they finally came out of the room. Just as they were leaving the bedroom, Faried Zein the young man who was crowned as a king, blew out the candles from a large birthday cake brought by 4 men.
"Happy birthday day… to youu!"
"Blow out the rheedle little king!"
There was a sound of a small clatter coming from the mask, and then in the darkness the child then blew out the small candle that was stuck around the cake. Slowly the light began to disappear little by little and finally the candle went out. Everyone clapped and indirectly covered the sound of the masks closing earlier.
With that clap, all the lights turned on and it was seen that the two couples smiled warmly at the beautiful sight. Laughter filled the night and suddenly the people from the future timeline forgot their hometown, however.
"Hmm? Okay, so this is that boys birthday. Honey, are we have something what can be used as a present?"
"Oh, no!"
"W-Why? AHH!!! I JUST REMEMBERED!" Taro then reached into his right pocket and then pulled out a small cloth which burned and only a third of its form remained.
"Wait, Is that your handkerchief?"
"Yea… Surely the captain's attack at that time hit this handkerchief."
"I just gave it to you..."
In that bustling situation, Faried looked at the two of them who had a sad expression on their faces. Feeling sorry, he then walked towards them. He smiled behind his mask and then said.
"What's wrong guys? Ohh, let's see… Lend me that!"
"Ohh… O-Okay."
Said Taro with but he's hesitate to give his handkerchief, him but then the boy who was the same height as Taro took it with a bit of force and then he called his friend and said.
"Lemiola! You can fix it, right?"
"Ahaha, this is just easy request! May I touch it?"
Faried then handed the handkerchief to Lemiola, with an expression like he wanted to say something the woman but she gave up and smiled. She then raised her left hand and then closed her eyes, light suddenly appeared from her palm covering the handkerchief. Soon, after the light faded and disappeared. The handkerchief returned to its original form and the girl then returned it to her master. He then give her a thumbs up and then 4 golden coins that makes the girl smile and then leave after Zein shook his palm as if to signal "you may go!" and then he said.
"Here, I don't know if the initial formation was like this or not."
"Whoa… The shape is similar, Thank you. But I think I'll give this to you! And by the way, what were you gonna say, hun?"
"A-Ahh yes, I forgot this day is discount day at the mall there. The time is only until midnight tonight! Uhm... this may sound rude but, can we do a time reversal now? I'm afraid tomorrow the discount will end."
"Don't worry about that… The time dilatation here with our time are far different, one second there equal to 1 year here." Said Katajiro that suddenly appear behind Faried that makes him gasped in petrified condition.
"R-Really? How did you??"
"How many times do you think I've been back and forth from our timeline here?"
"Ohh… that's makes sense. How much?"
"My Lord."
The six Zeins kept throwing their names at each other and then Luciento gave up and said.
"By today the total is almost 50 times."
"Yeah...more or less."
"Ahh, enough! I'm sleepy. Let's go sleep!"
"But my Lord, how about the cake?"
"It's true that I have a sweet tooth but if I eat too much at night my body will suffer!"
"…Alright then, now let's sleep and go back to Jiro's timeline!"
Then they dispersed, most of them exited the castle through the exit and then some penetrated the ground and also flew up into the sky quickly. The maids walked towards a passage to the left of the throne room and the guardians of the throne room touched a button at the far left of the stairs which turned out to bring up a large number of beds. Raihan Zein disappeared with the white particles while the rest Taro, Zoey, Katajiro were silent in the castle. The owner of the castle said that he would return to his home on his home planet and disappeared.
The night turned to morning, everyone involved in the AI apocalypse incident woke up and then packed up to travel at noon on August 6 2019 at 7 o'clock. Of course it was a matter of time from the planet Earth inhabited by Faried Zein, And at exactly half past 8, those people were gathered in the castle waiting for the king to arrive. The young man talked first with his family and then entered the room and went to that dimension without the knowledge of his family and greeted his friends there.
"Are you guys ready?"
He said after landing from the portal while crouching slightly and patting his clothes that had just finished changing after his whole body came out of the portal. Everyone also cleaned up their clothes accompanied by the two main characters who were wearing helmets that covered their entire heads and fitted with small oxygen-filled cylinders. After finishing fixing themselves, then they stood up straight and nodded indicating they were ready, Except for Charlieto.
"Ha… Why do I have to come too?"
"Never mind, don't talk too much, then let's go!"
A portal opens that connects to Katajiro and the couple's timeline. But the portal was a little different, after Faried Zein spread his arms a red line appeared horizontally and it gave rise to a flash of lightning that seemed to hold the portal open. Faried was confused to see it and then he tapped on the line and immediately threw it to the door until its broken and then the portal opened slowly and almost everything was there, luckily there was Zein's bodyguard whose body was as big as the portal blocking the vacuum sucking everything apart from the 14 people followed by a young man who flew while bleeding out of the broken door. After the young man penetrated the nearly closed door that penetrated the timeline, he saw a beautiful but also terrible sight surround them. Nebula, this also turns out to be happening on a planet. Fragments of rock that float around this nebula light fly around and are charred.
"Whoa… this is worst." Said Raihan looking around.
Everyone there looked on with sad eyes, Katajiro then walked beside Faried and said in a slightly brittle voice.
"L-Lord Zein… Ca…n can you do it?"
"Well, let's give it a shot!"
He then flew slowly with his hands that were almost frozen in front of everyone. Zoey and Taro, who were hugging each other, saw the young man fly in front of them in that poor state.
But then, something A thin layer appeared and surrounded the child, and then spread and expanded to form a thin bubble which turned out to be a layer of the earth's atmosphere. The boy then flicked his hand, but.
"What's wrong?*
"This is weird... It's rare for me, wait! AHHH!!!!"
"W-What, What's wrong my Lord?!"
"Hrēyr… dust?"
"Here. Ha… Thought this would happened."
"Thanks! Hehe. Now then!"
After that he then snapped his fingers again and clapped his hands three times then twirled his hands and finally he pressed his hands together as if he was covering something with his palms. Accompanied by light and smoke, it gathered again to form a small ball shaped like a ostrich's egg. He took a deep breath from his mouth and said.
"Here… We… GO!!!"
He said while extending his hand towards the ball. Before long, the rock then returned to cover the core of the shattered planet Earth and layer upon layer, covering the ore, creeping things that live in there, fish that appear out of nowhere, the waters. The land as well as the sky and clouds immediately returned, the people who had died then back to life, but only half of them along with a third of the AI population. Velvatar did not fully return however, the place was preserved intact in parts.
The smiles from team planet Ruficia and also the native Velvatar immediately changed the tense atmosphere to be very peaceful and relaxed. Everything was finished, they all parted ways together with the sight of Katajiro marrying Grande after they looked at the condition of the earth without further ado. All members of Zein's army then going back to the Their planet and back to face the reality of their busy life there, except for Faried Zein. He returns to celebrate his birthday party back on his own planet. Three years in the timeline have passed, Spring has arrived in Velvatar. The children ran to a park.
"Hey childern! Don't run… Haa… Gosh!" Said a woman who was being embraced by Katajiro.
"Haha, the children are really full of enthusiasm huh... Captain."
"Haha, your kids look healthy too. Taro, Zoey!"
"Yes, even though it is very difficult to take care of 2 children at the same time... Even if you say that, you guys must be more dizzy."
"Yea… Moreover, as a father, taking care of 10 children at once makes me really want to go back there."
"Hahaha… Wonder what are they doing right now…"
Thank you, Bvurtosh. They then looked at the calm sky accompanied by a gentle breeze that really made the heart cool. Meanwhile, Faried Zein. He was practicing sword assisted by Alicia Michelle.
"Hey, Your hands are stop moving!"
"I know I know… Hey, wonder what Katajiro and the others doing." He said while standing from his stance.
"Hmm? Ohh yea… It's been 15 years already. May they live happily."
"Yea… Luckily at that time my Time Reversal #3 experiment worked perfectly."
"Yup! But! you have to keep practicing! Didn't Lord Rugia tell you to train your body?!"
"Tch, I thought he would be fooled!"
"I could hear you, you idiot! Now move your hand! Come on! One… Two… One…"
And that's the story of this AI apocalypse. Finally everyone lives happily again, starts a new page again and also prepares for an unexpected tomorrow.
(Btw guys, follow my insta @theamulet_official so I can use it for making an update on my stories)