Chereads / Teleportal / Chapter 4 - Teleporting 4:Blood Brothers

Chapter 4 - Teleporting 4:Blood Brothers

Maximus Pov//

That Human was very weird of all the humans I encountered.He kept feeding and feeding me food ,kept being kind to me .Hmmph…Did he think that I would fall for that Bad Intentioned facade of being kind and Sincere and then what at the end of the day still Human .He would also betray me and do bad things to me .So I would never as in never ever believe in Humans again.Because they are one Cunning beings .I was about to go far far farther away from Nexus …A bunch of Armed men ;They are the Royal Guards from The Royal Capital of Genesis.Guard"Oii why is a Pathetic Beastman here know your Place go back to where you came from ". He started to raise his bow towards me and I was expecting it to hit me yet;It did not then I saw him .. That crazy human , he took the arrow for me .I realised then that this man , this Human is not a Bad Person. Because the Previous Humans that was Cunning they just fed me and treat me well yet;Nobody as in nobody sacrifices their lives for me .Ah then I knew that he is Sincerely Good Natured.Now he is badly injured now so I do not know what to do.But he took out something out of his Spacial Inventory then took out a bottle then splash it on his arm that has the arrow and took it out then he stitch it himself and patch it up then he took a small kind of I guess a white magical stone .The stone is too small and round then he is good as new like as if nothing happened.Me"Master,I apologize for what happened".He looked at me and Grinned"Oh wow now you calling me Master';I do not want to be called Master.Call me by my Real name Kervic".He smiled what an odd ball.Me"Sure Kervic,but why though you are my savior and you are a Noble Human ;And what favor you want!?".He smirked"Lets make a blood oath as Sworn Brothers".Lol what is that I have never heard of that before.

Kervic"Well it is a Custom in my County that I made and my father approved of it.So now we need to draw blood then stamp it on our chest ;It states that we are Sworn Brothers By our Blood Oath".Oh my Goodness I have never as in never met a Human like him before,Like just him now .I would never ever have Imagined ;A human being like him and Noble at that,Would ever befriend me and or Swore Brotherhood with me . But now I know and understand that once I swore Brotherhood with him ,he would sacrifice himself for me at any time .Like I would for him.Because now I know he would be sticking with me as my brother for the rest of my life.Anyways now I made that Blood Oath now with him .Now for the first time again in my life I trust a human.Anyways there we are from now on Sworn Brothers.

After that I healed him with my Healing Magic,Yes I am actually the Mage in our Tribe.Anyways when we arrived at the Countdom his mother gaved me a hug and said"I was worried about you ,think of me as your new Mother ;Since you are now Sworned Brothers ."I was actually Surprised by that .I mean yes ,now we are Sworn Brothers yet ;His mother can just ignore me but no,she acknowledge me as her new Son! .How Crazier would that be?;I have said I would never like as in never would trust Humans once more yet;Here I am trusting them again".He grinned and chuckled,"Hahahah really then you in for a treat We will as in never going to betray you .That is a Promise ,Well I already Sacrificed my Life for you is it not enough Proof?".Well he is not wrong I suppose I trust him very much now.We are heading back now to