In a world where individuals receive assignments that parallel their daily existence, there is a mysterious entity hidden behind walls of concrete and steel, known only as The System.
The System controls the gears of society, having embedded itself so deeply that it is seen as both indispensable and inevitable. It sets trends and creates rules, weaving narratives that are shared with the world through its virtual platform.
At any moment, anyone can access a "System Plot" and spend endless hours watching as people act out scripts written exclusively for them.
The System offers a lifeline, a chance for selected individuals to escape miserable or mundane lives and experience a parallel existence where no limitations apply.
Operating under the belief that everyone deserves to be entertained whenever they choose, The System transforms even the most ordinary moments into a live narrative. Under its watch, nothing is impossible.
Irina could hear footsteps echoing on the concrete.
Step... step... step...
Her grey, cramped cubicle, which she now called home, contained little more than a bed, a table, and a chair. Each monotonous day in that high-security prison was meticulously monitored by armed guards, ready to react to any sign of deviation.
"You are nothing but a danger to society."
Now, Irina was serving a sentence of 457 years, 11 months, and 26 days for corruption, attempted murder, kidnapping, and disturbing the peace.
For so long, she had played the role of someone who owned the world. But now, the final act had arrived, and all that was left was to endure the silence of her confinement until the end.
At least, that was the expected outcome.
But Irina was different; she wasn't the type to let life slip away in a shoebox. The endless confinement sharpened her senses, making her acutely aware of even the slightest sound or movement. The silence was almost palpable.
At that moment, she noticed that the footsteps had stopped right outside her cell door. What, or who, could be there?
She focused on the steel door and distinctly heard the clatter of keys, followed by the sound of one sliding into the lock.
Was the door really opening?
It wasn't entirely unexpected. What intrigued her was the swiftness of the action. Just when she believed she would remain trapped a little longer, fate intervened.
Maybe she shouldn't have indulged in hope, it could have been nothing more than a misguided prank. Yet, in a world where bizarre events had become routine, nothing truly surprised her anymore.
Maintaining the same composure as before, Irina decided to ignore the disturbance. She closed her eyes and pretended to drift off to sleep on the hard mattress.
But then, a female voice broke through the silence, quickening her heartbeat. It was no trick of her imagination. "Irina, come with me; your time has come."
Instantly, she recognized the tone of the prison director and smiled with relief. Finally!
In the blink of an eye, she sprang from the uncomfortable bed. Any hesitation melted away as the director made room for her to exit. There was no longer any need to feign indifference.
Her sentence, and its burdens, were over. Emotions welled up inside her, and she grinned broadly, a smile laced with relief and a bittersweet joy.
In the background, a celebratory tune played along with the rhythmic clapping of an unseen electronic crowd.
How endearing.
[Quest Complete: Complete the 'Unbreakable' System Plot.]
ZDF987: Congratulations, Irina! You have successfully completed the villain storyline of: Unbreakable.
The robotic voice echoed in her mind, filling her with elation. ZDF987 was one of the Envoys, representatives of the all-powerful System, whose role was to ensure that the chosen ones adhered to the intricate weave of their narratives.
These Envoys, whose true nature remained ambiguous (human or machine), rarely interfered with the personal lives of those under surveillance. All that mattered was The System; as long as no conflicting behavior arose, intervention was unnecessary.
Irina listened to ZDF987, barely containing the surge of happiness in her chest. The completion of her role had brought her the liberation she so desperately craved.
Only she truly understood the torment of those long, agonizing months, but now, it was finally over.
This was no ordinary world. Since the rise of The System, life had taken on a surreal quality. Countless individuals were destined to perform roles in an ongoing narrative, their lives narrated by the Envoys.
Of course, ordinary citizens still existed. Not everyone was granted an Envoy or a predetermined storyline, but for those who were, life was scripted from birth, with guidance delivered at the opportune moment.
These "System Plots" streamed live into the homes of millions; a simple subscription was all it took to choose your narrative.
Viewers could follow the daily lives of their favorite heroines or villains, witnessing stories that transcended traditional fiction. Unlike staged soap operas or episodic dramas, this was raw, real, and unpredictable.
Why settle for staged entertainment when you can watch life unfold in real time, with genuine emotion and spontaneity?
Now, anyone could shape their destiny, turning the wheels of fate as they saw fit.
Unbreakable had been a monumental success, its dense drama and riveting confrontations captivating audiences everywhere.
For the villain, The System was a safeguard, allowing her to engage with malevolence without endangering anyone. The protagonist, in turn, was never in real danger; trust was paramount, ensuring the narrative could unfold flawlessly.
Who could resist such a passionate and electrifying storyline? Its success shattered records and blurred the lines between reality and fiction.
No boundary, be it the sky or a maximum-security prison, could hold back its impact.
Irina Cerdic had been chosen to play the villain in Unbreakable, sharing the stage with Bella Opsahl and Emil Cerdic, who portrayed the heroine and hero, respectively.
Though her role as the antagonist demanded unwavering dedication, Irina embraced the challenge fully. Now, with her part complete, she could finally reclaim her freedom.
Or so she hoped.
Unbreakable tells the story of a girl who spent her childhood in an orphanage until her seventeenth birthday, when she was adopted by the affluent and influential Vell family of Glosoa.
Despite their long-standing power and prestige, the Vell family was facing a severe financial crisis and the real threat of bankruptcy.
In a desperate bid to salvage their fortunes, they arranged a marriage, but lacking heirs, they resorted to an adoption scheme.
Bella, the adopted daughter, soon found herself entangled in a web of manipulation and deceit aimed at toppling the Cerdic family. Irina, Bella's cunning sister-in-law, was determined to dismantle any plan that threatened her family's legacy. Amidst the turmoil, Emil, Irina's younger brother, fell in love with Bella and became her steadfast protector, hoping to pave the way for a future together.
The narrative, filled with suspense and passion, ultimately culminated in Irina's condemnation and Bella and Emil's triumph, living happily ever after.
The prison director congratulated Irina on her stellar performance, hinting that she might even clinch the "Best Villain of the Year" award. The unexpected praise left her both embarrassed and elated; she had never imagined receiving any accolades. Yet, she was grateful for the recognition.
The director, speaking as one of the viewers, lauded Irina's portrayal in Unbreakable. Overwhelmed by the praise, Irina found herself at a loss for words. Deep inside, she longed to return to her former life, before Unbreakable consumed her existence. After all, these System Plots, which blurred the lines between fiction and reality, required a clear beginning and end to safeguard both the characters and their actors.
Despite her success, all Irina truly desired was to reclaim her normal life. She yearned to shed the persona of Irina Cerdic and reemerge as the ambitious businesswoman she once was.