After first period, I headed to my second class: Mathematics (Calculus and Vectors). This was the class I was most nervous about. I wasn't bad at math, in fact, I was pretty decent. But I certainly wasn't a genius. I usually got around the low to mid 80s in my previous math classes. But Calculus and Vectors was on a completely different level compared to Grade 11 Functions and Relations, and even Grade 12 Advanced Functions (which I had taken last year in grade 11). Calculus and Vectors was the class that had the highest rate of students failing- and most of those students who failed were really trying their best. It was simply the hardest High School course you could take.
After mathematics, it was lunch break, and I sat in the cafeteria with my best friend since grade 4, Dacia. She was the only one I could really talk to normally. Heck, she was the only person I really considered a friend at all.
Her mother and my mother were friends, that's really how we met. Dacia spent most of her free time with her head buried in a book. It always amazed me how she never ceased to run out of things to read.
"How were your first two classes?" I asked.
"They were good. I like my teachers, so that's a plus." She answered, then taking a bite out of her turkey sandwich.
I smiled, "that's good, I'm glad."
"How about your first two classes?" Dacia questioned.
"They were fine, too, I suppose," I said.
"You have Mr. Cameron for English right? How is he? Does he speak as loud as they say he does?"
"Definitely. It's like he's almost shouting and doesn't realize it," I giggled.
Dacia laughed as well, "Yup!... Say, the desks in his class are arranged in pairs, right? Who do you sit next to?"
"Um, I sit next to Kazue Sato," I told her.
"Oooo," Dacia said with a mischievous look on her face. To be honest it kind of made me feel uncomfortable. She then took another bite out of her sandwich. "He's kinda cute, don't you think?"
I gave her a concerned look, "What's that supposed to mean?"
She merely smirked and didn't give me an answer.
I rolled my eyes. Of course, I knew what she was trying to do.
Eventually lunch ended, and I headed to my 3rd period class. My third class was Biology. And this was the class that I looked forward to all morning. Biology was my favourite subject.
The teacher took attendance and eventually got to my name.
"Kiera Scott," she called
"Present," I answered.
"Kazue Sato," she called.
"Present," he answered.
So Kazue was also in my Biology class. What a coincidence. A coincidence Dacia would have loved. Too bad she would never know. Because there was no way I was going to tell her. She would never let it go if she knew.
Eventually, biology class ended and I made my way to my 4th and last period of the day, French Immersion. I didn't particularly like French, but I knew I had to take it since it would offer me more opportunities in the future, living in Canada.
Soon, my first day of grade 12 ended. And in time, one full week had passed. My first week of school was an ordinary one. Nothing special.
Little did I realize that my first week of school would be my last ordinary week of school.
Little did I realize what would happen during the second week...