The selection was pretty much a very long process.
The candidates marched out in front one after the other and the summaries of their profiles were read out, after which the captains of the different squads then decide if they want a candidate.
Multiple selections by different squads are left for the Aepari to decide which unit they would like to sign up for.
"Aizenwald Avalan," one of the sorcerers standing behind the captains called.
Avalan stepped forwards and stood at ease while the mage read out a summary of his profile.
"Rolando's little brother. You've grown so big, Avalan."
Ninipott was the first of the seven squad captains present to show enthusiasm towards Avalan joining her squad.
Avalan narrowed his eyes in her direction and turned away. He already made up his mind about which squad he would be joining.
All other things were trivial to him.
"That's all."
The sorcerer was done reading out the summary of Avalan's profile.
"Those interested can now do so."