Dusk befell Haesfort, the great fortress that stood right in the centre of the Capital and housed Eden, the palace of the Haeshirin Dynasty - the rulers of the world.
Footsteps thudded against the ground as a group of men dressed in long flowing regal attires with sigils walked hastily towards the throne room of the Emperor. They were ushered into the room and they entered to meet the man that sat on a throne that was many stairs in front of them.
They bowed and paid their respect. "Your Majesty."
It was the palace of the Haeshirin family, the ones that oversaw and ruled in the present day's dynasty. The throne room was adorned with the finest of fabrics in many colours that pleased the eyes that beheld them. It was beautiful yet simple.
However, it was not the colourfulness of the Emperor's throne room that made it stand out. It was the size. The room was grandiose and stretched out both in length and width, and large enough to host over a thousand men easily.