The Whisperer drew up a lantern from underneath the table that separated him from Lancelot and Glendof.
He lit it, further brightening up the minimally lit room. Contrary to what Lancelot and Glendof had in mind, He That Watches only used the light of this lantern to count the coins.
"Hmm," he breathed. "The Blancan Veir."
Lancelot nodded. "Yes," he answered the man.
Lancelot drew his face closer towards the Whisperer. "You see there's an artifact of ours in their hands and we want it back. So, any ideas on where it is?" he asked.
"I believe Trys here has explained everything to you. This is a high priority mission and you've been specially chosen to carry out," said master Arkam.
Trys, Gaia and their team of handpicked mages were in Arkam's office receiving orders. Arkam reiterated what Trys and Gaia might have told them for emphasis. They needed to understand how important their duty was.