The first week of the school back from the holiday went very first, and now it is on Friday. The day that most students have been looking forward to. Not because they hate the school but who in their right minds would like the first week of the school in anyway.
On afternoon the bell rang marking the end of the first week back after the long holiday, and symbolizing the begging of the exciting week. The noises coming across the building after the first sound of the school bell was heard could tell that the students were really anticipating for this moment to arrive.
Sharon let out a sigh of relief and joy, she dashed out to the corridor to safe keep her books in her locker. The corridor was over crowded that moving from her classroom to her locker which was a few meters away seems to be a walk of life time, as she was walking her eyes scanning the crowded corridor for her friends. She spotted Harriet walking towards her locker too.
"Hey Harriet," shouted Sharon across the corridor in the midst of the crowd. As if she could be heard anyway by her friend from that noise. Lyn was still missing from her sight. She wondered where she could be at this at this time. She thought maybe she is with her new crush Jeremy the boy who transferred in this week. Since the boy come to school Lyn has not been herself. Each of every time she just talked about Jeremy.
After securing her books in her locker she made her way to her friend, and with a wide grin on her face. "Can you believe we survived the first week?" Harriet said, tossing her backpack over her shoulder.
"We're back to the system," Sharon added, rolling his eyes playfully. "But hey, where is Lyn, I thought you guys are together. Where could she be at this time if not here with us."
"Lyn went to the basketball court." Replied Harriet.
"Are you serious?" questioned Sharon.
"Yes, she went to the court for a reason only know to her." Harriet said cheekily.
"Lyn with basketball, no way! We all know what happened the last time she stepped in the field to play." Continued Sharon. "That lady with sport is a no. If she could not manage to make it to cheerlead squad what about basketball."
"You don't believe me and for your information you know Lyn is the most talented among us when it comes to dancing. That should count right?"
"Yeah, you are right she is something and someone totally different when it comes to shaking." Confirmed Sharon. "But it can't be that she went to the court to play basketball. there has to be something else, a motivation maybe.
"Alright, I left her going to stalk Jeremy, you know the new guy has charmed his way into our girl's heart without even knowing it." Said Harriet.
"Wait what do you mean stalking!" exclaimed Sharon.
"She saw Jeremy heading to the basketball court with other boys and she decided to follow him there. You know how that boy has made our girl not to be herself for the past three days." Before even she could finish talking, Lyn appeared from the crowed."
"What did I miss?" Asked Lyn.
"Nothing we were talking about." Suspiciously replied Harriet.
"Okay" Lyn noted with a question expression.
"Really nobody is going to talk about the elephant in the room?"
"Which elephant, what are you talking about?" asked Lyn from the question asked by Sharon.
"When are you going to tell the boy that you have a crush on him. You can't keep on sneaking on him like that. Every time you see him you lose your concentration."
"This is why I always say that Sharon should at least get a boy to get some experience on how love or rather dating thing do work. Seriously that the worst advice ever." Annoyed Harriet said.
"Really Sharon, it has only been three days since Jeremy come to our school. How can you approach someone within that a short period. Dude will not even take me seriously."
"I might be the only one here who has experience after all, you just say it still early until you see him with another girl is when you will realise you two has no experience even after all the boys you have kissed." Said Sharon.
"Until you actually kissed a boy is when you can have authority to advice us on matter of a relationship." Laughed Harried.
They stood there staring at each other both lacking what to say. Sharon breaks the silent. "I have missed you guys. Especially spending the weekend together. What are your plans for the weekend?"
They spent a few minutes sharing their weekend plans of which they were unable to agree on whose place should they meet up tomorrow. As they trek toward the gate, they could see their ride back home waiting for them at the gate. Sharon spotted her father's old, reliable truck parked nearby. He waved at her with a smile. Finally, Sharon hugged them both tightly, promising to host a face call in the morning to decide where they will be to have enough time to catch up for the lost time during the holiday break.
"See you ladies tomorrow!" Sharon called out as they headed in opposite directions. She quickened her pace towards her father, feeling the familiar comfort of his presence.
"Hey, Dad!" she greeted him, hopping into the passenger seat.
"Hey there. How was the school today?" he asked, starting the engine.
"It was good," she replied, fastening her seatbelt. "A bit overwhelming, but it's great to be back with my friends."
They drove away from the school, the cityscape progressively giving way to the countryside. The evening sun cast a beautiful golden glow over the fields, and the scent of fresh flourishing grass filled the truck.
Her father chuckled. "I remember my first week back after a long break. It does feel like the teachers were trying to fit in a whole month's worth of lessons in just one week. They were not making it easy for us in the first week of opening."
"Exactly! But it is not entirely bad. We have a new teacher; she is taking us through art subject and she's pretty cool. She gave us an interesting project to work on over the weekend." Sharon laughed
"Oh? What kind of project?" her father asked, glancing at her with curiosity.
"We're supposed to create a collage that illustrate our holiday experiences. I am thinking of including photos and some drawings for my project," Sharon explained, her excitement building as she spoke.
"That sounds like it will be a lot of fun doing that project. I can't wait to see your final project," he said, his eyes twinkling with pride.
The rest of the drive was filled with vibrant conversation, as Sharon shared stories of how her week has been and her father recounted his tales from work. By the time they reached home, the sky had turned a deep shade of orange, and they both felt a sense of happiness.