Everyone's gaze looked upon a beacon that traversed upwards into the blue sky, illuminating a brilliant color of gold.
At that moment, everyone felt utter fear. The dread coming from these people was more potent than the dread they felt from Prometheus himself.
As the beacon traveled upwards, it crashed into an invisible surface; that surface ended up being space itself.
The beacon smashed into space and tore a hole in the fabric of reality that lead into the unknown territory of divinity, where the gods themselves slumber.
Gray clouds soon huddled around the east village, and lightning struck the ground with potent destructive force.
Commoners started screaming, some started praying, and others started hiding.
Tornados formed in the distance from supernatural occurrences, all while Prometheus held his arms up high, and laughed.
He laughed like a lunatic seeing the end times.
["Keehahahaha—ahahahahaha!! There's nothing in this world that can stop a god! You fools have nothing left to save you! Nothing! All of you're doomed!"]
Olivia's eyes lit up in fear, as did Emma's, and Margret's.
They saw such power... it felt as if the heavens themselves were about to attack them.
And in truth, it was—
Lightning cracked, loud as a whip, and a huge fork of white light split the sky into shattered pieces! The thunder followed immediately on its heels, battering their ears! Everyone jumped in terror, and one individual was burned to a crisp.
Their body was fried, from head to toe.
Their burnt corpse fell onto the ground, sizzling in delight, for the mad Prometheus.
["Mom, Miss Emma, hide somewhere! Protect yourselves! It's not safe out here, go! I'll be okay!"] Olivia turned around trying to shoo them away with her hands, reassuring them that she would be fine.
But they didn't listen.
Margret managed to stand up and grab Olivia's hand, pulling the young girl with her.
["Olivia, I am not leaving my own daughter to perish! We leave this village, now!"]
["B-By the gods... is this really happening? An actual... divinity attacks us?"] Emma looked into the sky, watching the lightning fall like anvils.
She couldn't believe her eyes.
She thought this all was a dream, so she fell to her knees and closed her eyelids.
["Have we been forsaken...? Are the gods really punishing us? Are they perhaps punishing me, for what I've done?"] Emma started to tear up, as she fell to her hands, whimpering unto herself.
["Miss Emma, above you!"] Olivia shouted as the roaring sound of lighting plunged down into her at such speeds.
The speed of the lightning reached Emma at rates exceeding 5,000 mph.
Reacting to such potent acceleration was impossible—
["No!"] Olivia moved forward, and sprung towards the bolt of lightning, holding her hand out to save the life of the Ironheart.
She moved just as fast, making the bolt of lightning seemingly move in slow motion.
Her hand collided with it and dispersed it upon contact. She landed on her feet, sliding against the ground until she came to a stop, panting from adrenaline.
She had to catch her breath whilst everyone gazed at her, flabbergasted.
Olivia has been performing impossible feats, especially for a child.
Even Prometheus was taken aback by this, stopping his lunatic laughter.
["Olivia..."] Her mother murmured, proud of her daughter.
The sound of lightning had become more sporadic. One after another, they fell, and collided into objects, disintegrating them all!
Everyone covered their eyes and looked away from the flashes of light.
The hole in space started to spread out, becoming wider than before.
Inside the dark hole in space, an entity emerged.
They were pale, as they wore black boots and a black skirt. Their long black hair hung below their neck, reaching their back. Their long black wings flapped about, as their glowing red eyes gazed upon the village.
Their aura was ominous.
Everyone feared their gaze.
It felt as if the end times were near, and perhaps it was.
Was this the end for them all? Would they meet their maker, at the hand of a literal god?
No one could dare fight such an entity.
["I am Inkshnal, ruler of death, and a vessel for Prometheus. Servant of Ferdows as well, for I am the concept of death throughout this universe."]
Ferdows, the Godhead of this universe, creates other gods as well, that do their part and maintain the balance of the world.
The concept of death was created to be a god that maintains that order across the world, as were other concepts as well.
Happiness, love, anger, sadness, and fear.
All of these emotions are also gods, that exist in the heavens, where all divine creations are residing from the hands of Ferdows.
If one god were to die, then the concept they embodied would be stripped from reality as a whole, leaving this universe.
They were important figures, and they were highly worshipped by many, despite them being lesser gods to Ferdows herself.
["As the vessel of Prometheus, it is my duty to protect him, as he bonded with me ages ago. Harming him will not be allowed."] Inkshnal had spoken, making her words absolute. Except for one girl.
["I won't allow this! I won't allow you to kill anyone!"] Olivia glared at the deity above her while sweat trailed down her face, visibly scared.
["And you're?"] Inkshnal proclaimed.
["I am... Olivia Field, the one who's protecting this village from the likes of him!"] Olivia pointed at Prometheus.
["Inkshnal, kill her! Kill this brat, she's been a pain in my ass... with that ridiculous power of hers! I wanna see her gone!"] Prometheus shouted as he clenched his fists, frustrated by his lack of power to beat Olivia.
["It shall be done."] Inkshnal didn't bother to listen to the other side. Her deep voice echoed through the ears of many, causing them to accept their fate.
["I bestow death upon you."] Inkshnal held out her hand, aiming it toward Olivia.
Margret dashed for her daughter's safety but tripped from her lack of awareness. She was too focused... and too scared to see her daughter perish in front of her.
It seemed as if all hope was lost, as Inkshnal bestowed the concept of death unto Olivia... however... even divine intervention did nothing.
Once again, resembling the sound of shattering glass, Inkshnal's attempt to kill Olivia had failed.
Even the god herself had lifted her eyebrows, questioning such an event.
["…How did you… do that?"] Inkshnal stuttered in her words, unbeknownst to the power of Olivia's right arm.
["So it even works on… gods?"] Olivia glanced at her right arm, amazed at the feats it could do. She clenched her fists a few times… smiling in delight.
["The only thing that could resist the power of gods are other gods."] Inkshnal couldn't comprehend what was going on, she felt bewildered; she knew that Olivia wasn't another god, even a Demi-god, yet she performed such a remarkable feat.
Her thoughts were racing. For once in her life, this was something she couldn't explain.
("This… girl.") Inkshnal once again held up her hand.
["I bestow the concept of death upon you!"] She released mass death upon Olivia, once more, however, it shattered, like glass. ["No… my power isn't working?"]
["Well, you see your tricks are no use against me, so how about you come down here and fight me for real?"] Olivia egged the deity on as she was more confident than before. Her smile grew big, and her chest puffed out a bit more.
["What's the meaning of this, Inkshnal? Even your power is ineffective against the likes of a child? You have to be fucking with me! You're a god, a deity that rules over death itself! Do something, it's your job to protect me!!!"] Prometheus started shouting while he was enraged. Perhaps even throwing a tantrum.
But it didn't last too long, as an arrow flew into his shoulder, knocking him on his back.
["Gyaaaa! D-Damn you… damn you!!!"] Prometheus held his shoulder, noticing that the arrow pierced through the other side.
He screamed in pain, unable to pull it out.
["I'm not done with you."] Margret held the bow as she pulled back another arrow on its string, preparing the next shot.
["You… bitch! What are you doing, Inkshnal? You're supposed to be protecting me! I'm hit! I'm hit when you're right there!"]
Inkshnal couldn't hear her master's words. She was too focused on Olivia. Never in her life has she dealt with such a mortal that could destroy even death itself. That's impossible, even for the strongest Warlock known to man.
But there was one thing Inkshnal had to know, so she asked, ["Are you an Ironheart?"]
["Me?"] Olivia responded.
["No, I'm Olivia Field! That woman over there is the mother of the Ironheart's though."] Olivia pointed at Emma who looked flabbergasted.
["Hmm, I see."] Inkshnal closed her eyes and teleported out of the sky, appearing next to Prometheus.
["Master, we're leaving."]
["L-Leaving? I have yet to get my revenge… I have yet to kill my mother!! I have yet to kill that child!!! I won't leave until I see them dead!"]
Inkshnal placed her hand over Prometheus' mouth, "killing" his voice.
["Master… we're leaving."] Prometheus tried talking but noticed his voice was gone.
The two of them disappeared and left without questions.
They were driven back, and forced to retreat.
["Her power… it worked similarly to mine… could it be?"] Olivia questioned.