Chapter 1: Riley
Friday, March 1st, 2023
Another day in this hellhole I have the displeasure of calling 'work'. It wasn't like any of those fancy clubs that were owned by rich people. Of course the owner had more than enough money, but with the pay the workers got it surely seemed he was running low on cash. The deteriorated couches, the rotting paint in some corners and the same glasses that I have seen for seven years straight were also clear indicators this man didn't care enough to put his effort into turning this place into a better establishment.
A sigh left past my lips as I washed the next empty glass that had been left on the table. Casting a glance to the watch over the wall, I scrunched my nose at the realization I still had over thirty minutes left, but after that I'd have a nice weekend to relax at home. That is, if they don't suddenly need me to come over like it has happened the last few weekends.
The music thumping was begining to get in my nerves the more I realized how tired I actually was. My coworker, Matt, seemed to be doing fresh as a rose, actually striking conversation with one of the customers. Now that I had a moment to think about it, I have seen them talk for a ouple nights straight now, of course it wasn't that surprising, Matt simons was an attractive man. He stood rather tall, 187 if I remembered correctly, he had curly, light blonde hair that didnt reach past his jaw, and it framed his thin face perfectly, it also added to his blue eyes and fair skin. The woman was attractive too, black hair that framed sharp cheekbones and blue eyes that even when relaxed looked ready to cut you in half, it was amusing to see Matt squirm under them whenever she teased him about something.
My attention was drawn back to what I was doing once I noticed the movement of someone sitting down on the booth right in front of me, my hands quickly placing the glass down as I tried to offer a sweet smile that had me rethinking my whole life. However, my eyes were met with the greenest, most sincere and equaly cold eyes I had seen in a long time. with light brown hair that was messily tied into a ponytail and the softest, most alluring lips I had aso seen in a while My breath was caught in my throat for a moment before I regained my composure. "Hello, welcome to HeavenlyNight, what can I get for you today?" I asked.
His eyes were watching me and for a solid moment he didn't answer, and as I moved closer so I could repeat my question or hear his answer over the music, his voice caught me off guard and it successfully sent chills down my spine. It was only three words but it was enough to make my cheeks flush, specially even more once I realized how sudenly warm the room was feeling. I moved to prepare the Whiskey, chewing on my bottom lip while I worked, even though I could feel his eyes watching my every movement. The club's uniform was the only acceptable thing of the entire place, a red, one piece dress that was tight enough to show every curve of my body properly, short enough to live little to the imagination, but at least cheap enough I could afford it.
Right as I was turning around with his drink, I saw one of the customers waving me down, and with a polite smile, I made my way over, all the while feeling the man's eyes on my backside. "You are so gorgeous, I want to take you home" he said, words slured and clearly showing tat he had enough for the night. We were allowed to cut someone off if they were past their limit, so after politely declining I moved to do just that. The man, hair grey and wrinkles on his face, ddn't seem to take my gesture very kindly, spitting the usual and unoriginal curse words towards me.
Whore, slut, golddigger
Men could be so unoriginal sometimes. I get that shit at least three times in my six hour shift, which is a lot considering how little people attend this shithole. From the corner of my eye I could see that same customer that had been watching me, moving to stand up, though he didn't even have time to do much when I simply motioned for the guards to come over, earning a couple more spitful comments. Luckily for me that lef me with only ten minutes left, so I went back to washing and organizing the drinks and glasses.
As I went back to close the man's tap, he passed me a fifty dollar bill, but before I could reach for his change, he simply held a hand up and left, leaving me speechless. For a man with not a lot of words he sure as hell had some good blood in him. I smiled as I placed the money in my pocket and then finished what I was doing before heading to the changing room. I slipped out of the dress and in my comfortable jeans and hoody before walking back out with my purse on my shouler, waving bye to Matt before walking out.
I actually didn't even own a car, however the club was luckily just a couple streets away and I didn't have to worry too much, even if my mom always told me to be careful walking alone at night. I hadn't even made it past the first street when i felt a harsh tug on my arm, and I found myself on the ground, someone running away with my purse. I cursed and pushed through the pain on my knees while I stood to make my way behind the man, being stopped by a hand on my shoulder that had me turning around, successfully landing a hit with my knee to the person's stomach and hearing a low groan, making my fight or flight kick in as I started running my way home. Forget about my purse.
I made it home safe, the man wasn't chasing me and at least my mom was awake, so even though I was out of breath and a bit shaken, I was able to explain the situation. She told me I could go to the station next day to report it, though I hadn't even seen the person's face. I showered after stripping off my clothes, letting the warm water fall over my shoulders and relax my sore muscles. After that, I went to bed, not bothering to even get me a snack considering how tired I felt.
The moment my head hit the pillow, I was out, and surprisingly enough, I dreamt about the greenest eyes I had seen back at the bar.