After some hours he woke up on his bed. He thought it was all just a nightmare.He thanked god and sighed. It was a relief that it was all a nightmare. But it was so vivid and realistic that he thought it was for real. Realistic?! Ghost and werewolves and levitation is not realistic. He scratched the back of his head. He did not buzz from his bed for a moment. He sat there until he heard the birds' chirrup outside to his heart's content. Then he felt that he should go to the forest for sometime. He thought that he would go to the forest at midday secretly from the school. He had never done this before. Only watched others doing so. The school system was very liberal for the staffs - just take your classes or do your assigned duties in time, on time. Yet, Lupin never left school premises in working hour. But today he will do so. It will be fun to have some mischieves under your belt. Too pury, too boring. Besides after midday he did not have any class.
While getting ready for school he was wandering would he meet the shewolf today inside forest. If yes, then it would be fun.
He went to school. Greeted all gracefully and in return was greeted by all gracefully. With all the attention and care from each staff he could really use a break now-a-days.
After finishing his classes and extra classes, he went to the play ground and jumped off the stile. He knew this way was used by many male staffs to sneak in or out of the school in working hour because this part of the school was not under surveillance. Of course a security guard guarded the entrance to the play ground. So the students could not get past the guard without written permission from any teacher. But staffs could go past the guard. Lupin waved at the guard and the guard stood up from his seat and saluted Lupin. He signalled the guard to sit down and went to the stile and jumped over it with ease and headed for the forest.