• Belmund Mountains,
• Starbreed Tower.
The final act had arrived, and Belitha's physical body was to be destroyed for the soul harvesting process.
Vania's return was a sign to proceed with the ritual to resurrect Demon Lord Vermugand.
However, "I do not welcome tardiness, Vania.." her tardiness displeased Zaratros, who expressed his disapproval.
"I ran into some problems.." Vania explained that she had encountered some problems, but her response did not seem to satisfy Zaratros.
He elevated an eyebrow, "Problems? Even with the magic jamming barrier? Everything should've gone as planned.." the sound in his voice was characterized by anger.
Vania had to explain the entire situation to him. She told him about Greerheart's betrayal, the birth of a Demon Lord Contender, and how this individual destroyed her plans to eradicate Rivendell City.
The situation was dire.