"I need to recharge my energy again… I don't want this to occur as it did with Renzo." Said Yuriko and she gets a half blush looking down.
Itoshi is confused by that and asks.
"So you want to do that again without hesitation now? Well… I'm glad you learned." Itoshi states and he shakes Yuriko's hand.
She looks at him a little shyly.
"Well… time for domination." Answers Yuriko, she snaps her fingers and the two begin to glow pink.
The two suddenly vanish like dust.
> > In Yuriko's world.
"Again in this world, and always being in the mood for a dense night." Said Itoshi sitting on a bench made of wood beside the castle entrance bridge.
Yuriko appears over the dark forest next to Itoshi, and she takes off her hood to see him.
She then sits down next to Itoshi on the wooden bench and snuggles down right there.