Chereads / SPECTRAL / Chapter 7 - aftermath

Chapter 7 - aftermath

(a few moments before Luke's turn)

(Luke's POV)

'Is this guy crazy????'

Not only he got perfect specs in the awakening, causing enough shock to everyone, he just gave middle finger to all the kids here as he went down. Their expression went from dumbfounded to anger in a second, especially the noble kids, who were already burning with jealousy from the earlier results.

Normally he would be beheaded on the spot, but I guess since he is now an abnormality, nothing happened for now.

But there's no way he did that unaware of the consequences.

I will ask someone to investigate him after that, should be easy since father is probably going to be interested in him.

After the buzz died everything went smoothly and finally turn arrived.

'Alright let's get this over with.'

With a quick pace, I went to the stage and place my hand on the orb and waited the light to subside.

'Tch off to a bad start already'

Navy blue color, meaning a have a low to medium mana quality.

'This is going to be a problem.'

Since the quality of the mana was related to the strength of the spell, I'm going to have to spend more mana to match spells casted by someone with higher quality.

As my bad luck streak didn't end, the blue light turned liquid and began to fill the orb and quickly stopping at half full.

Average magical quantity, just great. Not only my quality is shit but my quantity doesn't compensate the difference.

'Father is not going to be happy about these results.'

Just thing about how I must deal with him gives me a headache, what a drag.

As I was complaining in my mind, six small dots appeared on the orb, each representing one element.

'Low affinity of all the six elements, considering the other results, its pretty good.'

But while its good for me, for the others its less the bad.

-To think the son of the archmage would produce pathetic results…

-An unknown commoner had better results; he pales in comparison even to his siblings.

-Is he really the duke's son.

Now they are crossing the line.

I can handle insults but its low to attack my mother.

'I will remember your faces…'

Facing the upper seats, I could see my uncle making a wide grim, he was more than happy to see me fail, Clarissa and mother have a worried look on their faces, Helena has the same look of indifference and George seems relieved, guess he was afraid that I would have better results than him.

As for my father, he just got up and left. He's either angry or disappointed for investing in me only to find out it was a bust.

After returning to my seat Harold announced the end of the event and wished us luck in our future, then he called the highlight of the event, the commoner whose name Fabian and offered him to be his teacher and help him learn the ways of magic. Naturally the boy accepted.

'He was fast.'

Leaving the hall, I went to meet my family in the entrance, as I came out the gazes and whispers continued naturally my cousin did not leave me alone.

-Well, if it isn't the duke's failure!

Brett spoke out loud, but no one dared to refute him.

-Now now Brett you shouldn't be too hard on your cousin.

Then my uncle joined our conversation, planning to gang up on me.

Guess he wants me to lose my composure.

'For him to come after me in this situation, he really is despicable.'

- After all our family's bloodline may not be strong in him as it is in you. Both his siblings are on path to become great mages yet him, despite having six attributes, didn't inherit the talent for magic.

- One cannot help but wonder if his father is really the duke.


Is he serious right now?

Using my misfortune not to attack me of father, but my mother.

Me not having the potential as other family members is not enough to raise suspicions if my mother committed adultery.

My hair color is the same as him.

-What do you mean by that, uncle?

- Please don't get me wrong dear nephew, one cannot help but doubt since today's result don't meet the standards your family has shown before, so it's natural to raise such questions.

He's even speaking loudly to gather attention and spread rumors.

It's only a matter of time for mother and Clarissa show up and out him in his place.

All I must do is put up with his nonsense and it will all be over.

But of course, like father, like son, Brett joined in and whispered with a wicked smile.

- Guess that explains your weak power, your mother is a whore who used her body to get the position of the duchess but couldn't let go of her habits and went to fool around, giving birth to a trash like you.

At that moment I snapped and threw a punch to the sides of his jaw.



Since I stroke at a sweet spot he went down instantly.

Everybody present was rendered speechless by my actions, since their first impression of me was a silent person who wouldn't show any time of emotions, they didn't expect for me act on impulse, especially towards a family member, even if they didn't hear what he said to me.

Well, he insulted my mother, so a punch was a merciful punishment.

Suddenly I felt a chill ran down my spine and saw a kick coming my way. Reacting too late it hit my stomach, resulting in me crashing into a nearby pillar.


Spilling blood out of my mouth a mustered what remaining strength I had to locate the culprit and saw my so-called uncle coming my way with a murderous look on his face.

-Well, it looks like my nephew lacks manners. Don't worry uncle will teach you.

Although I awakened mana, I don't know how to use it, and even if knew, a newbie can't beat a bishop class knight.

'Fuck I'm going to pass out.'

Then just before I blacked out, I saw 5 arrows of ice were coming in my direction.

(3rd person POV)

*Moments before Luke came to the entrance

Amanda along with Clarissa and their kids, were in the entrance, waiting for Luke to return.

She was really worried for her son who had subpar results today and would face a lot of criticism from the nobles.

-Hey, I know you can't help but worry, but you need to keep your composure and help him, he's going to come out anytime and that's when the gossip will spread.

-Alright, thank you Clarissa.

Although she seemed calm, Clarissa was praying that the boy's father had some mercy on him, since she knew how strict he was.

-Humph, I don't know why we should wait for him, father's probably going to exile him once he gets home.

George was talking with other children of nobles, trying to appear strong by downplaying him brother in order to gain their loyalty.

-That's right lord George.

-He can't compare to you.

-The duke will make the right decision.

Being children of nobles, they were showering him with praises in order to gain the favor of a son of the famous duke.

Suddenly George was attacked from behind with a slap on the back of his head.



-Does it feel good? Badmouthing others?


In anger, George turned around looking for the culprit's identity.

Standing before him, was a little girl with red hair and black eyes, with her small stature she looked like the same age as Luke.

-Who are you?


-A mere daughter of a viscountess dares to hit me; I should put you in your place!

Coating mana into his fist, he lunged at Amelia. However, before he could hit her, a wall of ice separated them.

Amanda saw the altercation and casted ice wall to stop her son from hurting someone.

-George what were you trying to do!?

-I was just teaching her a lesson mother!!! I have I higher standing then her, yet she dared to hit me!!!

- If you didn't want to get hit, don't badmouth your own brother.

Naturally Amelia wasn't going to let him get way and was dead set on exposing him.

-So what? I was just stating the truth since he is going to be deemed a failure by father!

- And as his brother you shou…


Just before another bickering stated a loud sound echoed in the hall.

The four turned their attention to the source, it was Amanda's son, Luke who was sent flying into a pillar by his uncle, Count Reynes.

Without even thinking twice Amanda casted a spell and 5 arrows of pure ice appeared out of thin air and were launched toward the count.

Thanks to his superhuman senses of a bishop knight, Reynes quicky reacted and poured more aura into his left hand, breaking the arrows with one swing.

However, Amanda Argenti wasn't a simple noble lady, she was also a 5th rank mage.

Reynes quicky realized that the parts of the arrows he destroyed were sticking into his arm, eating way his aura and causing frostbite.

4th rank magic: parasite frost.


Amanda shouted furiously at her brother-in-law, as the air around them froze with a chilling killing intent leaking from her.

Not even bothering to ask what happened, Amanda prepared to cast another spell.

August immediately channeled his aura to his right arm and shot a crescent blade to stop the casting.

Realizing that she wouldn't complete her spell in time, Amanda stopped the casting and raised a barrier of pure mana.

The crescent blade clashed with the barrier and dissipated, without leaving a dent.

Following the momentum, she converted her mana barrier into an ice spear and lunged it at August.

However, before the spear could hit its target, countless threads appeared at sliced the spear into pieces and tied both the count and the duchess before they could make their next moves.

It was Clarissa's unique thread magic.

-Alright you two stop, this isn't the place to fight, right now, the young duke needs a doctor since he may have internal injuries.

Seeing both calm down, Clarissa released them, and Amanda went towards her fallen son.

Checking his condition, she concluded that his life isn't in danger but needs medical attention.

-I will take care of the other two, just go.

Accepting Clarissa's help, she carried the youngest in her embrace and proceeded to leave the venue, but not before issuing a waring to her brother- in -law.

-This isn't over.

Casting a spell, a pair of crystallized wings of ice grew on her back, and immediately took off to the duke's estate.


James Argenti is known from begin different from the other dukes in various aspects.

One just needs to enter his office to realize this fact.

Contrary to what one would expect, his office was kept simple, a simple blue navy color on the walls, devoid of any decorations, aside from two big bookshelves oh both sides filled with books of various subjects.

While immersed in his work, a knock on the door broke his trance.

With a monotonous voice he answered:

- Come in.

A man in his fifties, with white hair, a well-trimmed beard and a well-built body dressed in a butler suit entered.

- It is done your grace.

Raves Braddock, the right-hand man and the head butler of the Argenti household, gave a light bow to his master.

- Have all the preparations been completed?

- Yes, we have identified everyone who was present during young master Luke's awakening.

Aside from being the duke's aide and head butler, Raves was also a 5th rank mage specializing in assassination and infiltration and the leader of the duke's black ops mage squad: the arcane hounds.

- Good, as soon as my family leave the building, execute the operation.

- As you wish.

Before Leaving Raves turned around and asked the duke.

- But your grace is it alright to do this? Young master Luke's reputation will decline, and it will affect the family's prestige.

Facing the butler's gaze, he answered in a cold voice.

- It will not make a difference, since he won't be able to draw out the full power off all six elements. This will also stop him from getting unnecessary attention.

-Besides I have other plans for him.