Chereads / I Love You Two / Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven

Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven

The next morning, Cindy awoke with a start. The window blinds were open. She'd forgotten to pull the shutters close as well.

"Well this explains the cold night" she mumbled and turned to the other side of the bed. She was face-to-face with Jason.

He was there, lying on the bed and staring at her with an annoying grin on his face. It looked more like a wicked laugh was being forced back in.

"Jesus! Oh my God!" She almost fell off the bed.

"I'm sorry. I scared you" he smiled, "good morning sunshine", he continued.

"What are you doing in here Jason? What do you want?" She was having none of it, the sweet talking. She got off the bed and walked up and down the room, searching for nothing in particular.

Today's your interview and we didn't set an alarm last night. So I thought I should wake you up in case you weren't up yet. You don't wanna be late for your interview", he began to make the bed.

"Why do you care" she mumbled, then said out loud "I'm awake now. Thanks. Now you can leave" she walked to the door, opened it, and stood aside, showing him the way out.

"Come on Crystal... Is it going to be this way?

"Don't pretend like nothing happened last night, Jason. You hurt me!" She slammed the door shut when he didn't move.

"I'm sorry" he walked up to her. "I'm sorry, call me a jerk for doing what I did last night. I wish I can find the right words to apologize"

He held her shoulders and when she didn't move away from his hands, he took it as a cue. He drew her slowly and closer into his arms, wrapped her in a hug, and squeezed her tight.

She could hear him releasing a breath she figured he'd been holding in for a long time due to the tension in the bedroom.

"You're going to crack my spine", she managed to say before he pressed her head and forced her to place it on his chest. A relieving smile was on his lips and hers too.

He'd missed her. The previous night had been the worst of all. He kept cursing himself, his heart... His brain too.

Oh and his mouth too!

"I never want to hurt you or see you hurt. How can I make it up to you?"

"By helping me prepare for my interview" she mumbled and smiled.

Freeing herself from his hold, she pecked his cheek. She didn't want to talk to him. She had resolved not to, for the entire day.

But Jason was so charming. Staying mad at him for up to a minute was impossible. Some people are just irresistible and Jason, unfortunately, was one of them.

She had come to terms with what he'd said the night before.

"You're right about one thing though," she said and walked to the closet.

"About what?" He asked

"We shouldn't risk our friendship. I mean, we're fine the way we are. Right?"

She longed for him to say 'no'. They stood quiet for seconds and Jason replied 'yes'.

"Yes. Yes we're fine the way we are".

Her heart fell.

'Perhaps she doesn't want it' Jason thought. He hadn't expected Crystal to say what she said. He was just a second from saying they would talk about 'them' when she was back.

Well, things fall apart when we least expect them. He cursed himself some more.

"Come on, run along now. Off to the bathroom, you go" he gently pushed her towards the bathroom door and patted her bum as she scurried off.

"Don't do that again" she yelled and slammed the door.

It was a few minutes to eight. She had to do her makeup, style her hair and practice some important questions and answers with Jason.

Her interview was scheduled for noon. She had to be there, at least, thirty minutes before the scheduled time.

Ten minutes later, she was out of the shower. She had a towel tied to her chest and another wrapped around her head, her hair properly tucked in.

She looked around the room and noticed a slightly satisfying difference. The bed had been made and everything was in order. But...

The bed sheets were the same ones she'd dumped in Jason's bedroom because she hated them, the color.

It was a white bedsheet with green leaves... Greeny leafy patterns. She yanked them off and flung them in the laundry basket behind the door. She did the same with the pillowcases. Just then, Jason walked in.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled in a very funny lady-like voice. She'd just ruined the pretty bed. It had taken him ten disturbing minutes to iron out the wrinkled sheets and even the sides.

"I don't like the bed sheets! You know I don't!" She fired.

"So what? Shouldn't you be getting dressed for an interview?!"

"Oh!" She ran to the table that held a large mirror.

"Please help me dry my hair" she looked at him innocently, with puppy eyes.

He was about to say no when she gave him 'that look'.

"Come on... Not that look ugh!!!" He groaned and rolled his eyes, but still went over to give her a hand.

He dried and straightened the hair with a pair of tongs, burning himself quite several times. But the hair was looking good anyway so he didn't mind.

He wasn't this good a few years back. Crystal had taken her time to teach him almost every damn thing about ladies... Females...

Like, as the best tampons and sanitary towels to use, how to count her menstrual cycle, how to apply m

makeup and hairdo.

He smiled as the memories came.

"You're such a creep" Crystal mumbled, breaking into his thoughts. She had been staring at his reflection in the mirror and he'd been smiling for over a minute.

"I'll ruffle your hair and burn your scalp lady. I will mess the whole thing up" his hand hovered above her head, threateningly.

"You're the nicest and coolest person on earth!" She said quickly and ducked, shielding her hair from his hand.

Jason had twisted the hair into four smooth and long braids to keep them away from her face and make her comfortable. Then he used the styling gel at the edges.

"Thanks" she sincerely mouthed. Then turned to him and smiled.

He left the room, giving her the privacy she needed to dress up. As the hours went by, she grew more nervous.

She opened the drawer where she had hidden her outfit for the interview; a navy blue blazer fitted with khaki pants, and a plain white overtop blouse.

For makeup, a simple neutral-colored lipstick with a tiny hint of pink was enough. She dabbed her wrists with perfume and behind her ears too.

She looked up to par!

For shoes, her eyes fell on a pair of flats by the dresser. Jason had gifted her the pair of shoes almost a year ago and she'd worn them not more than twice.

He'd helped polish it two days ago. He'd also ironed her clothes. She smiled as her legs slid into the shoes.

"Still fits" she giggled.

She was ready to go. Her phone said the time was 10:30 AM. She still had time for breakfast.

She picked up the file holding her credentials, said a short prayer, and left the room.

She heard Jason whistling and the clanging of pots and pans... He was cooking.

Breakfast. She smiled and closed her eyes as she savored the aroma. Her stomach growled in protest.

She walked to the kitchen and sat by the table and he placed a plate of food before her.

"Eat" he commanded.

"Yes sir" she picked up the fork and dug in hungrily.

"Why don't you ask me the questions while I eat?" She asked, her mouth full.

"No. You've still got enough time. Finish your food"

She nodded and continued to eat.

There in the kitchen, he pulled out a bunch of papers from his pockets and they began to rehearse the possible questions after she was done eating.

"Tell me about yourself, miss Adams" Jason began.

"Okay, sir. I'm twenty-five years old and–"

"Stop" he cut her short.

"Why. What?"

"When you're asked to talk about yourself, introduce yourself starting with your name"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll get it right this time"

And she did.

He asked her more questions and the ones she didn't get right, he helped her go through.

They went through the questions and answers for over twenty minutes and when they were done, it was almost 11 AM.

"I should get going" she got up and smoothed the creases on her pants and blazers.

He got up too and went over to her, taking her in his arms again.

"I wish you the best of luck baby girl. You're a gem, act like one. God be with you" he released her and winked.

"I'm scared," she said, moving back into his arms and clutching his arm.

"You should. It is normal. But you have to overcome it. Your mom will be so proud her baby girl is all grown"

This made her smile. She released him and got ready to take her to leave.

"You have everything you need?" He asked for the ten thousandth time.

"Yes. You've asked me like a million times already"

"Can't be so sure" he mumbled and walked her to the door.

"I called an uber, should be here in a minute or two"

When the uber arrived, he gave her one more hug, then two, then three before letting her go.

"Drive safe. I'll be home when you get back. If it doesn't go well, please don't take off your shoes on the road, and don't cry. Just come straight home"

"You think it won't go well?!" She asked, looking scared.

"No. I think it'll go as the heavens have planned it. Good luck, break a leg" he shouted as the uber zoomed off.

She turned and could still see him waving.