Chereads / Beyond Your Eyes / Chapter 125 - Chapter 125 - No Fears At All

Chapter 125 - Chapter 125 - No Fears At All


I brought the phone close to my face to avoid the embarrassment. Though I knew my ears were probably betraying my emotions I tried to play it off cooly. "Anyways, how was your return to work? Uneventful I assume."

She giggled into her sleeve as she moved up her hand to muffle her laugh. "Yes very uneventful. However get this, Sol texted me literally a few minutes ago."

That girl? From what I have been hearing things have gone south for Felix and her since the wedding. If I had to bet my bottom dollar I could assume she wants to see if Celeste could help. But who knows, rumors were never really the truth, usually it was a warped version of it.

"What did she say?" I put on some light pajamas since I tend to overheat at night and got into bed praying my reaction goes away on its own. I really did not want to take a cold shower.

"She needs my help, but I just blocked her. I told Felix last time I would not sit still if either one of them contacts or even talks about me but something tells me that she is going behind his back about whatever she wants to talk about. "

I was mildly impressed at how cold she was to her. Lots of people think of Celeste like a statue or doll. She often hides what she is thinking and not very reactive. So it is hard for the average person to read her let alone see how to behave around her. In reality once you get to know her, she is a very kind and sweet person. She gives people chances and hears them out. She also likes to look at the bigger picture for problems so even if it not in her best interest she will do what is best for everyone.

It is a noble but very self depreciating trait. So considering the fact that she did not even try to investigate what happened was a big step for her. She is finally putting herself first.

"Well I am proud that you blocked her as she is not a good person. However, I can tell you it is probably about her love life. Whispers have been spreading that Mrs. Toni Carter is making life hell for her future daughter in law."

I watched her eyes to see how she felt about it. For a while she too was a future daughter in law and had to face the every changing emotions that his mother would throw at people. I could see flashes of empathy but it soon morphed to indifference.

"He should have protected her better. It is his problem now." The first words was the empathy, the last was her indifference. 

"Yeah I would not give it any thought. Are you planning to come over to the hall tomorrow? I could pick you up if you would like, we could have lunch after too."

She smiled warmly at my suggestion but her smile stiffened at the mention of lunch. "Um if its ok could we eat at your place? I don't feel ready to eat out quite yet." This happened the last time as well.

For the rest of the year she refused to drink anything she did not bring herself from home. Even on field trips or class sponsored luncheons or dinners, she would not drink anything from outside. She also stopped drinking teas all together.

It was not until the year before we left for college that she started allowing herself to drink outside beverages as she did before. Considering how traumatic this event was, I would be more surprised if she had no fears at all.

"Of course we can. I tried this new recipe and it was really good so I can make it again for you." I had made a broccoli cheddar soup that was pretty good and considering the weather, it was a warm toasty meal to have. Especially with fresh homemade bread. 

"Ohh sounds like a plan. Also I have been wondering this since before but how many tattoos do you have now? They look fantastic but seeing you like that made me realize just how extensive they are."

"Ahh thats a good question. Honestly I stopped keeping track ages ago but both of my arms are covered in sleeves, my back has some extending down my spine, my side ribcage has some, and behind my ears I have a pair."

Though I never considered how many, listing them out that way did seem like it was my whole body covered in ink.

"Wait your ears? Are those recent? I could have sworn you only had the piercings." I pulled back my ears to show the tattoos. "Technically it is the side of my head but I just say behind my ears cause it is more accurate to the location." It was a small talisman design on each side meant to bring in love and fortune.

"Oh wow those are so cool, such a pretty green." She also brought her face close to her camera so I could see her doe like eyes and her reddish lashes. "I could give you a tour of them sometime." The pink made a second appearance. It took all the self control I had to not point out her blush, but it made me question what was going on in that pretty little head of hers. 

"Would you ever consider getting any?" I tried to divert the subject before I let my thought run wilder. 

Her face scrunched as she thought deeply about her response. She even drummed her fingers on her knees which were pulled up to her chest. "You know I have a low pain tolerance so I never considered it. I don't think I could to be honest. I can't think of a design I would want permanently on me."

"Ha fair enough." Though she tried to hide it, she yawned and slumped her head a bit from her sleepiness. "Lets call it a night for now. We have all of tomorrow to talk, goodnight my love."

"Night tiger, rest well."