Thanh Van wanted to smash his head into the wall, so frustrated he was with the messy situation.
They would all be doomed if they interpreted the situation wrong - well, technically, everybody else but him.
Kruger had potential. It would be a waste if the man evaporated into thin air for as simple as evaluating a scenario wrong.
Thanh Van tossed the idea of baby Tom being bitten by a rat.
The system had stated that they must identify patient 0. A rat wouldn't be considered a patient. No. The system must have meant a person.
But who?
There was something Thanh Van was clearly missing, but no matter how much he mulled it over, he couldn't quite grasp it.
Thanh Van cast one last look around the room, his gaze lingering over the painting of a woman dressed in white, gazing lovingly over a crib. There was a cross hanging over a low drawer nearby.