Chereads / Technology vs magic / Chapter 5 - "Alien Encounter: A Journey to an Unknown Civilization (2)"

Chapter 5 - "Alien Encounter: A Journey to an Unknown Civilization (2)"

"[Hold on, I've detected something unusual. Someone is approaching,]" Alex interrupted, its tone now tinged with concern, diverting their attention to a potentially unexpected encounter with the inhabitants of this enigmatic world.

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"[I highly recommend using the 'Invisible Mode.' Do you want to activate it?]" the AI, Alex, suggested.

"Really? The 'Invisible Mode'? Wouldn't it be even more suspicious if a gigantic spaceship were to suddenly disappear? I mean, it would surely baffle these 'aliens' and lead them to view us as intruders. Things would hardly end peacefully that way," Alexander retorted matter-of-factly, expressing his reservations about the idea.

"[Well, we are on a different planet with entirely distinct life forms. Do you honestly believe they would welcome uninvited guests into their territory? The moment we set foot on this planet, we were essentially regarded as intruders. It's better to be invisible than to stand out in the presence of entities whose abilities and beliefs are completely unknown to us. If you have a better idea, please enlighten me,]" Alex countered, offering a reasoned defense of the 'Invisible Mode' suggestion.

Alexander fell silent for a moment, his thoughts swaying between caution and the stark reality of their situation. The AI's argument was irrefutable, and he knew that their presence in this foreign land could indeed provoke hostility or fear among the indigenous life forms.

"[We don't have much time; the sound of approaching footsteps is growing louder and faster. It's now or never,]" Alex interjected, delivering a stark warning to the man.

"Alright, alright. Activate the 'Invisible Mode'," Alexander finally relented, his voice tinged with anxiety as he recognized the necessity of the AI's advice in this unfamiliar and potentially perilous environment.

"[Activating the 'Invisible Mode']," Alex declared, initiating the process to render the spaceship invisible. As the sequence commenced, the ship's exterior began to transform, seemingly fading from view as if it were cloaking itself in some form of advanced camouflage.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn. Right as the spaceship was on the verge of achieving invisibility, it abruptly snapped back to its normal, visible state.

[Error] flashed across the screen in bold letters, followed by Alex's announcement: "[Oh, how unfortunate, Alexander. It appears that there are some technical malfunctions with the spaceship, making it impossible to activate the 'Invisible Mode' at this time.]"

The man's frustration was palpable as he exclaimed, "What? Now, of all times... This is just perfect!" The unforeseen technical glitch had left them exposed at a critical juncture, complicating their predicament further.

"[┐( ̄~ ̄)┌ Relax, it's time for plan B,]" Alex replied, making an attempt to alleviate the palpable tension that had settled around them.

"Plan B?" Alexander inquired, a glimmer of hope flickering in his expression as he contemplated an alternative course of action.

"[It's actually quite simple. Let them capture you and hope that they are friendly enough not to subject you to excessive torture,]" Alex teased, a sardonic edge to its digital voice.

"Enough with your inane humor. Just display them on the screen, and let's see what these 'aliens' look like," the man ordered, his patience wearing thin.

"[Displaying,]" Alex complied, projecting an image of the approaching beings onto the screen, introducing the man to the enigmatic inhabitants of this extraordinary world.

"[It seems that they aren't humans, since they have long ears. Wow, elves! They are often depicted as a mythical species or race of beings with pointed ears, supernatural abilities, and a close connection to nature. They are frequently portrayed as being graceful, wise, and long-lived, and are known to reside in enchanted forests or other magical realms. In some works of fiction, elves are portrayed as being at odds with humans, dwarves, or other races, while in others, they are depicted as allies. They possess a variety of magical abilities, including control over nature, healing, and spellcasting. I never expected to see them,]" Alex began, expressing its astonishment at the astonishing revelation.

"Elves. But that's impossible," the man interjected, struggling to process the reality unfolding before him.

"[Really? You survived entering a black hole, and yet you find the existence of elves impossible? They seem more logical to me. However, I must admit that I didn't notice them during the landing process. Perhaps they are skilled at hiding,]" Alex commented, the digital tone carrying a hint of sarcasm as it highlighted the man's ironic reaction to the extraordinary situation they now found themselves in.

Observing the cautious movements of the elves, the man noted, "They are moving cautiously, whispering something among themselves."

Observing the cautious movements of the elves, the man's heart quickened with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. These enigmatic beings, with their long, pointed ears and otherworldly grace, moved gracefully and silently, their movements barely making a sound as they navigated the unfamiliar terrain.

Whispers of an unknown tongue passed between them, the soft, ethereal tones adding an eerie, almost mystical quality to the atmosphere. Each gesture, each hushed word, seemed pregnant with significance, and the man couldn't help but feel a sense of mounting tension as he watched their careful, deliberate actions. It was as though he had stumbled into a world where every step, every murmur held the key to a profound secret, and the realization sent shivers down his spine.

A small group of elves, their presence almost surreal in its elegance, approached with a graceful and deliberate stride. Sunlight, filtered through the forest canopy, caught the glimmer of their finely pointed ears as they emerged from the dappled shadows. Each elf carried a bow crafted from the most exquisite yew wood, the sleek curve of the weapon a testament to their masterful craftsmanship. The bowstrings were taut, promising the imminent release of arrows that could pierce with uncanny precision.

Their tunics, designed to blend seamlessly with the natural world, displayed hues of soft green and brown that mimicked the forest's own palette. The elves moved like spirits of the woods, merging effortlessly with their surroundings, their steps unhindered by the forest's undergrowth. The man couldn't help but marvel at their near-supernatural ability to disappear and reappear at will.

One elf, a figure of particular distinction, stepped forward, a quiver of arrows slung over his shoulder. His gaze held an intensity that conveyed the seriousness of the encounter. With a nod, he signaled to the others to fan out, creating a protective ring around their enigmatic guest. Their expertly feathered shafts, no doubt capable of remarkable accuracy, were poised and ready for action.

These elves were not just any denizens of the forest; they were hunters, their skills fine-tuned through centuries of practice. Their deadliness was not driven by malice but was an extension of their deep reverence for nature. The man recognized their formidable capabilities and understood that he must tread carefully in the presence of these masters of the wild.

Panic tightened its grip on the man as he began to whirl in desperate circles, his thoughts racing to find a solution to the increasingly perilous situation. Each passing moment seemed to weigh on him, the encircling ring of elven hunters intensifying the urgency of his quest for a way out.

[ (ノ_;)ヾ(´ ∀ ` ) (condolence) Don't worry, they have already left,] Alex reported, attempting to offer reassurance.

"What?" the man was momentarily relieved, but the relief quickly gave way to renewed panic. "I don't have any food. I'm starving."

[Well, technically, they have left, but it's likely that they will return with better preparation,] Alex warned, a hint of mischief in its tone.

'I have to do something before they come back in greater numbers,' the man muttered to himself, deep in thought. 'They have left, which means they were probably just a group of scouts. They are still wary of me. They might return after a while.'

As he contemplated his predicament, Alexander's stomach growled loudly, a stark reminder of his gnawing hunger.

'Ah! I'm starving. I haven't eaten for almost two days,' he thought, his hand instinctively moving to his rumbling belly. 'But it's more likely that if I go out now, I'll become the hunted instead of the hunter.'

"Hey Alex, let's move. Fly us to a location with no population," the man suggested, his voice trembling as he sought a safer haven.

[Preparing for flight... Checking... The spaceship is still capable of flying,] Alex reported, a sense of urgency in its virtual voice.

[5 seconds required,] Alex informed him, each second ticking away like an eternity.



[Error, error] Alex reported, its virtual voice now tinged with alarm.

[Error 206: the door will automatically open,] Alex urgently informed him, the urgency palpable in its words.

"What the hell happened? and why will the gate open at an emergency?" the man exclaimed, his panic escalating, his eyes darting around the spaceship's interior as if searching for an answer.

[The rocket has been struck by an unknown, powerful weapon. It is highly recommended that you start running away ,] Alex warned urgently, the situation intensifying into a heart-pounding race against time.

Fear gripped the man as the realization of his vulnerability sank in. Having already traveled through time twice, he couldn't be sure if he would be granted that chance again. The concept of death sent shivers down his spine. He pondered, "Perhaps I was able to time travel because I was in space, not too far from where I ended up after entering the black hole. Or maybe the rocket itself acted as a time machine. If I die now, will I truly cease to exist?"

"Shit, Alex, hurry up and give me some weapo--" the man's words trailed off as he felt a sudden impact from behind, darkness enveloping his consciousness. The unknown force had struck, leaving his fate hanging in the balance, uncertain if he would survive this unexpected assault.