Within the vast and dangerous world of Dungeons, survival is key. Many face unforgiving environments and relentless foes, constantly struggling to secure their next meal or sip of water. However, for those who possess the rare gift of Magia, the need for sustenance becomes obsolete.
Magia, a mysterious energy that flows through the veins of select individuals, grants its wielder incredible powers. Among them is the ability to endure without food or water, unaffected by the pangs of hunger or the weariness of fatigue. This gift is a great boon for those who seek to conquer the treacherous depths of the Dungeons.
Chuunibyous, who dare to cross the perilous Links between worlds, require no provisions for their journey. With Magia coursing through their veins, they are hardly stranded, even in the most hostile and barren environments.