I woke up to Dimatri carrying me. I was still to tired to think much about why he carrying me until far too late. I did not realize it was too late until I heard a bird. If the bird had been Mira I would not have reacted but Mira had no where near a call that deep. I jerked in Dimatri arms and looked towards the sound. My mind screamed Royal at the same time my childish self clapped in glee. Then took a quick down ward spiral into fear, shame, and horror. I started running my hands over my hair trying and no doubt failing to tame it.
The action caught the attention of everyone present and I felt myself blush as shame won out. My eyes swung to Misha and I glared. I rolled out of Dimatri's arms and turned my glare on him next. Kylian began to back away but I caught the movement out the corner of my eye.