Chereads / Cyber-knight: Pathfinder / Chapter 50 - ⁕ The Lynching Game (part 2)

Chapter 50 - ⁕ The Lynching Game (part 2)

Despite the high noon sun shining above the sky, the inside of the communication base was only illuminated by artificial light. Inside the makeshift commune living room, Kadyn and her team gathered around Jagger for their first lesson. Although Kadyn wasn't a crystal user like the rest, she still insisted on listening anyway out of curiosity. 

[Jagger] - "In case any of you had never fought a real cyberknight, we tend to yell out the name of our ability and the type of ability as we start a fight. People might think it's a thing about formality and honour but the truth goes a little deeper than this. You see since the ability depends on our mind, we don't want to activate it when it's not at the right time. Someone who cannot properly control their abilities can easily get themselves or the people around them killed. "

[McCree] - "That's indeed true. I couldn't count the number of times I accidentally knocked mah head against my ability because I sometimes unintentionally completed the empty space in a doorframe. "

Said McCree abruptly. 

[Senju] - "Shhh! Let sensei speak! "

Said Senju while throwing a frustrated look at McCree. 

[Jagger] - "While you people have to constantly think about not activating your abilities, we the cyberknights don't need to do that. Instead, we keep our ability dormant by default. As part of our training, we link the ability itself to a name we give and only think about the ability when we say that name ourselves. This way, the mind will be cleared for other tasks and not be in a constant battle to keep our demons sealed. So for today's lesson, you will learn the basics to tame your ability. "

[Audrey] - "What do you suggest we do for our training? "

Jagger quickly took a piece of paper and wrote down four bullet points. 

[Jagger] - "An ability is a piece of you. You must give each ability a name and memorize that name until the mere mention of it can only remind you of your ability and its effects just like a sort of trigger word. Finally, define it by one of these codes: "

Said Jagger as he put the note down on the middle table. 

The group approached and followed Jagger's finger onto the first point. 

[Jagger] - "Any ability that can allow precise ranged manipulation of energy, objects or people or deal specific damage to a target from far away must be categorized as [Guilt Extension]. Any ability with a zone-ranged effect with little to no precision when it comes to targeting must be classified as [Echoing Verdict]. Any ability capable of only short-range or direct contact damage must be tagged as [Damnation's Reach]. Finally, any ability capable of defensive, utility or boosting effects must be put under [Trial Access]. "

Said Jagger as his finger moved down his points as he spoke. 

[Kadyn] - "Oh! What does that other thing do? I heard you say it once when you did that attack called "1st Dimension" or something. "

Said Kadyn excitedly. 

[Jagger] - "Heh! Yeah, you are right. There is also a call sign going by [Existential Judgement]. However, I don't think any of you will ever need to use that since people capable of using that call sign are either gifted users or extremely experienced users. People capable of using that call sign display peek mastery of multiple abilities and are capable of ending most battles before they start. "

[Senju] - "Will I be able to attain that level of mastery with hard work and years of training? "

[Jagger] - "You? Not a chance! Not to mention you only have a single ability, you are also unlikely to grow stronger in my eyes. The only place you would hear that call sign be mentioned anywhere near you would be from the mouth of your enemy. And when that happens, only certain death awaits you. "

Said Jagger in a mocking and insulting way.

[Senju] - "I understand! However, I will still do my best! "

Said Senju in a defeated voice while lowering his stare. 

[CK] - "You are going to be fine, comrade. I feel we can still become strong if we train hard enough under comrade Mike's guidance. "

Said CK as he padded Senju on the back.

[Jagger] - "Hmm. Train hard people. I want all of you to be able to tame your ability by our next lesson. "

[Audrey] - "That's it? Are we not going to learn about combat or tactics? "

[Jagger] - "The tricky thing about abilities is that they differ from each person. There isn't a defined way to fight using abilities other than the way you designed it to be. Even if I could teach you about battle tactics, it would be a waste of time. "

Said Jagger while shooting a condescending look at Audrey. 

Later as Jagger left to attend to his businesses, Senju, McCree and CK spent some time fighting each other in a game on the TV console in the middle of the living room. On the other side, Kadyn sat with Audrey at the kitchen table while attempting to find a name for Audrey's ability. 

[Audrey] - "So since Mike said our ability is a reflection of ourselves, I'm thinking something about my country of France, my passion about collecting knives and... Ehh... "

Said Audrey before she paused to think a bit longer.

[Kadyn] - "How about that you also like women? "

[Audrey] - "Sigh... Whoever I want in my bedroom doesn't say anything about me. Honestly, I don't get why some people make being a lesbian their entire personality. For me, sex and love are private and not a public matter I want people to associate me with. "

Said Audrey dismissively. 

Kadyn giggled before shoving a spoonful of cake into her own mouth. Meanwhile, Audrey scribbled down a few ideas on a piece of paper before presenting them to her friend. 

[Kadyn] - "Mhmm... "Tower of Bleeding Blades", "Massacre Des Milles Couteaux", "Sabres Rouge de Napoleon" and "Terreur De La Revolution". "

Whispered Kadyn as her eyes darted across Audrey's writing. 

[Audrey] - "Ugh... they sound so generic for some reason. "

[Kadyn] - "And quite honestly... violent. "

[Audrey] - "Hahaha! Did that really come from you? "

Laughed Audrey at the irony of Kadyn's sentence. 

Upon realizing the irony of her words, Kadyn also began to laugh with her friend. 

[Audrey] - "Anyways, violent or not, I would like something that describes me, France and my love for sharp blades. "

[Kadyn] - "Well, since you were keen on having France and knives, I suggest you go for the guillotine with something else. "

[Audrey] - "Hmm, it's a good idea... I'm thinking something about the shiny blade of a guillotine. "

[Kadyn] - "How about "Blue Shine Over The Guillotine Blade"? "

Said Kadyn as she pointed her finger at Audrey's blue eyes. 

It didn't take long for Audrey to fall in love with the name as it captured everything she wanted in a single short poetic sentence. 

[Audrey] - "Kadyn, my friend, you are a superb genius! It's like I'm the executioner with my eyes reflecting off the shiny guillotine blade. "

Said Audrey with excitement. 

Pumped full of energy, Audrey jumped up and rushed toward the boys who were still in the middle of their gaming tournament. 

[Audrey] - "What's up you lazy bums! I just got the most amazing name for my ability while you people still haven't figured a single thing out yet. "

Yelled Audrey as she leaned over the couch. 

[McCree] - "You're the one late to the party. "

Said McCree as he leaned left with the motion of his in-game character. 

[Senju] - "Yeah, we already got our ability names all figured out. "

Said Senju without taking his eyes off the screen. 

[Audrey] - "But... But... Argh! You people probably got some unoriginal crap you came up with while taking a shit. "

[McCree] - "Mine's "Southern Hospitality", a [Guilt Extension] type ability. Ya know, because if ya came to the South as a friend, we'll show ya great hospitality but ya came as an enemy, we'll make sure there ain't a spot over ya dead body without a bullet hole. "

[Senju] - "I named my [Guilt Extension] type ability: "Fury of The 47 Ronins" based on the revenge story of the 47 Ronins in ancient Japan. "

[CK] - "As for me, comrade, my [Echoing Verdict] type ability is given name of: "Stalin's Ten Blows" to commemorate soviet might in World War 2. "

Internally, Audrey had to admit how epic each of these names sounded but she refused to show her admiration on the outside. 

[Audrey] - "Yeah whatever, you people probably used an A.I. chatbot or something. "

Said Audrey in a jealous tone. 

[CK] - "Hold on, comrades, we have two [Guilt Extension] and... "

Said CK before he paused while looking at Audrey. 

[Audrey] - "Mine is also a [Guilt Extension] type ability. "

[CK] - "Ok, so we have no utility ability or close-range ability in team. No wonder why comrade Kadyn said team is problem during fight against fire-casting man. "

[McCree] - "What can ya do, we are just a bunch of misfits. We ain't gifted or an A-team of any sort. "

Kadyn suddenly jumped amidst the couch and squeezed herself a spot between McCree and CK. 

[Kadyn] - "I'm finished with dessert. Let's get to the main course! "

Said Kadyn as she grabbed the fourth controller. 

Meanwhile, CK silently cheered at his victory while McCree let out a grunt of frustration at his loss. 

[Senju] - "The fight is on, Kadyn-sama. "

Said Senju as he gripped tightly onto his controller. 

[McCree] - "I can confidently bet 50 dollars you ain't beating her, Senju. "

Said McCree as he dropped his controller and leaned back on the couch. 

[Senju] - "Challenge accepted! "

Meanwhile, inside the Dome headquarters, an officer walked through the busy hallways bustling with activities. After being distracted by a row of agents rushing past him, the officer barely had the time to avoid a convoy of prisoners detained by guards.

[prisoner] - "I'm innocent! I swear I had no affiliation with the attack! My sister was one of the victims that night, she lived with my family at the Head Complex. "

Yelled the prisoner as he was pushed forward by two armed guards. 

[prisoner 2] - "You bastard! I served with the 2nd Division and was a war hero! This is a fucking betrayal! You'll all pay for this shit, you fuckers! "

The voice of the second prisoner faded behind the officer as he moved past the row of convicts. With his grip tight on his briefcase, the officer entered an inspection point where his identity was verified before a full-body scan was conducted on him. Finally, a guard led him to an interrogation room where a female agent awaited him. 

[agent] - "Please sit down, mister Kirkland. "

Said the agent in a cold voice. 

The officer quickly saluted the agent before taking a seat at the interrogation table. Despite his attempt at a friendly smile, the agent only responded to him with a cruel silent stare. 

[agent] - "Between the hours of 9 AM and 9:12 AM, you were not registered on any footage or activity registry. Could you elaborate on your activities during that time period? "

[Kirkland] - "I was at "24Hr Coffee Shop" having a quick bite and a cup of tea. "

[agent] - "I was able to confirm your claim using your credit card information and the security footage at the store you mentioned. You are cleared of any suspicion, you may proceed. "

[Kirkland] - "My credit card? You... You can check my personal information? "

Said Kirkland with a baffled expression. 

[agent] - "Get out! I have to verify the next person after you. Don't make me put you on a suspicious individual list for questioning Dome's methods. "

Said the agent without an ounce of compassion. 

Reluctantly, Kirkland exited the room and proceeded toward his destination. Finally, after another checkpoint, he was finally able to reach the office of the chief of Dome. 

[Chief Dunhill] - "Well, Kirkland, it's good to see a familiar face once again. "

[Kirkland] - "Chief Dunhill, it's my pleasure too. "

Said Kirkland as he took a seat at his superior's desk. 

[Dunhill] - "Tell me, sunny, what good news is there? "

Said Dunhill as he offered Kirkland a cigar. 

[Kirkland] - "Those aren't good news, chief. The situation is extremely grim. "

Said Kirkland in an anxious voice while refusing the cigars. 

While the chief lit himself a cigar, Kirkland pulled his digital pad out of his armoured suitcase. Upon seeing the pictures on display on the screen, the chief suddenly went pale before slowly taking his cigar out of his mouth. On the screen, the mangled bodies of Allied Blue Guards were shown in sequences. 

[Kirkland] - "We had located the cyberknights responsible for the attacks but none of our teams had managed to return. Team Omega-9, one of our best, was found dissected or crushed to a paste. "

[Dunhill] - "Dear God! "

Kirkland quickly swiped his finger to close his screen before looking at Dunhill with a frightened look in his eyes. 

[Kirkland] - "These were just the ones sent after Bandit-1 and Bandit-2. "

Said Kirkland as he prepared to put his pad away. 

[Dunhill] - "Right, I remember we also sent our elite team Alpha-1 to deal with Bandit-3. What about them? "

Said Dunhill as he reached out to hold the pad. 

[Kirkland] - "Sadly, sir, I don't think you need a picture to imagine nothingness. "

Dunhill immediately let go of the pad in shock before falling back onto his seat. 

[Kirkland] - "The last transmission we heard from Blue Guardsman Ross from Alpha-1 was "My entire team has been decimated. Although I'm seriously injured myself, I'll keep on fighting. Please let... "

[Ross] - "...My family know I love them. Long live the Allied Forces. "

Said Ross as his earpiece finally gave out in his palm. 

After throwing away his broken earpiece, Ross turned around to see Athena standing a few dozen metres away from him. 

[Ross] - "Come on, you fucking beast! I'll take you on any day! "

Yelled Ross as he activated his crystals. 

[Athena] - "My actions are not out of malice. Just like you, I had my orders. "

[Ross] - "Killing millions is not an order one would just follow if that person isn't mentally ill. "

[Athena] - "If greater good is the ultimate goal, then the sacrifice of a few is an acceptable exchange. I trust the judgment of my superior. "

With blood-thirst in his eyes, Ross activated his ability and caused the surrounding surfaces to begin peeling away like sheets of paper blown by the wind. In response, Athena raised her arm and pointed her finger at Ross. 

[Athena] - "Draw. "

Ross used all his power to strike at Athena but none of his attacks seemed to affect his opponent. Suddenly, massive invisible hands pushed all of Ross's projectiles away before smashing the ground with tremendous force. Instinctively, Ross used his ability to stabilize himself and defend against the impact. 

[Athena] - "So you're defending. Which means it's my turn to shoot. "

Upon hearing Athena's words, Ross's face went pale. All the fiery defiance he had in his eyes vanished as Athena's crystals began to glow with a blinding blue flash. 

[Athena] - "Existential Judgement: Greek Kitchen! "

A massive shockwave materialized at Ross's location before a streak of lighting passed through his body. At that instant, the temperature was so high that Ross turned into a stream of blue light before vanishing into steam. 

[Athena] - "Don't worry. Your family will be safe once all this is over. "

Said Athena before allowing a minute of silence for her dead opponent. 

Meanwhile, Jagger sat back in his comfortable chair while Dunkel and Jack stood behind him like loyal servants. Before his desk, a row of high-ranking Allied officials kneeled submissively without uttering a word. With a hand gesture, Jagger ordered them to all rise to their feet before giving them three rows of applause. 

Later, the men and women inside the room celebrated their success over champagne and caviar. Every time they cheered or laughed, hundreds of innocent people were either executed or condemned to rot in prison. 

Elsewhere, Athena sat on top of a tall skyscraper inside a large city. The more she thought back on her actions, the more she felt guilty. Inside her hand was a picture of her beside Mike where she was still a young teen in training to become a cyberknight. Despite how wrong her actions felt, she convinced herself that Mike knew better than she did. 

At the communication base, Kadyn laughed with her friends while they had fun playing different games. They were in bliss while ignorant of the chaos outside. Finally, relaxed on his throne, Jagger let out a malicious smile at the thought of his undeniable victory. 

To be continued...


- Profile: Audrey Francois-Laurier

- Code Name: Cut-Throat

- Ability: [Blue Shine Over The Guillotine Blade]: "Allows Audrey to precisely control friction between the molecules of an object or place of her choosing. The effect can be applied on a surface or a point depending on the need. Despite the ability being still in its infancy, Audrey possesses the power to increase friction to the point of challenging many experienced crystal users' abilities. However, as a weakness, Audrey must maintain at least partial visual contact with the object she wants to control. "


Power - None

Speed of the ability - A

Speed granted - E

Range - B

Durability of the ability - A

Durability granted - B

Precision - A

Potential - B