Chereads / This Is Life-Terms And Conditions / Chapter 3 - Hero Of Justice ?

Chapter 3 - Hero Of Justice ?

Herc looked up from his desk by this time his office was already dimly lit the sun was already setting.

Another day without work he thought he was going over the cold cases, the ones who got away.

He was a special type of adventurer who handled investigations for the city. He would be able to make a more consistent living if he joined a party and did dungeons or monster hunting. But with how the party system works the rewards were split amongst the party due to how much contribution you put in.

Herc was pretty confident in his swordsmanship but with the way his ability works, he would only be of use if a quest aligns with an investigation. Even so, it wasn't that bad he liked his work.

Just as he was lost in thought his desk vibrated, ruffling through some papers Herc grabbed a badge that displayed a screen.

[Request: Client Twilight orphanage]

Looking at the time he figured now was an appropriate time to stop by, with Missing persons being swift is the most important thing, Most crimes go unsolved past the first 48 hours.

Throwing on his Overcoat he rubbed his fingers over his beard even though he was barely 30 there were hints of grey hidden in his brown beard.

The stress must be getting to me unlike other adventures that respond only to the aftermath he had the ability in most cases to grant people closure, He took this very seriously.

The streets of Mercy were so quiet he could hear the echo of his steps. It is not like there wasn't a nightlife. It's just that for most citizens it wasn't worth it to go out late at night unless they had to. That is not to say that the streets aren't safe but in this world, tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Twilight Orphanage is located in the commercial district it is a Non-profit organization so they usually survive off allowances from the state or donations. The orphanage was the only building that didn't fit in. It was large you could tell it was modeled after a church but people often say that the architect was drunk because it looped and contorted like a tree house.

It was a common destination for tourism, the creator designed buildings like this all over the world waste of resources if you ask him he wished he could live leisurely like that. He was lucky if he had a warm bed and a full belly most days after all.

He saw a lot of soldiers coming and going from the district looking at their uniforms he could tell they were from an investigation unit. As he passed he received glances from some of them. Some people in the force held the mentality that they were an elite force, and outsiders are not welcome.

Well, I don't do this for the glory he thought sure enough he saw the investigation captain talking the a orphanage worker.

"Maxum" the two stopped talking as he approached them the orphanage worker looked rather shocked and Maxum had his usual scowl on his face.

"Hello I am Herc Mathers, Pleased to meet you" introducing himself 

Maxum took the intuitive "Well that should be it for now, you won't solve this case first" Fire flashed in their eyes even though he looked like a thug he had a good heart.

"I didn't think you would get here so quickly! I made a request with the guild just before sunset"

Herc coughed, " Well Time is of the essence with cases like this , I would like to hear your story before we decide what to do next Ms?"

"Oh excuse my manners my name is Sophia '' realizing she didn't introduce herself her face grew red, Herc wasn't what she was expecting when you think of a Detective you think of someone out of shape and sloppy. But he was tall, well-toned, and had a bronze glow to his skin.

"It's getting late please come inside"

The inside of the orphanage was completely different from what you could imagine. Once you stepped into the space widened Spatial magic? Sophia walked and the theme changed from Medieval to Western to Fantasy.

"Strange isn't it you would think a place like this would be wasted on an orphanage" It was certainly true you would think that this would be a guest house for an aristocrat. 

"But the artist designed this with chaos in mind how the paths you choose can lead you somewhere different" She paused "Quite philosophical isn't it"

"I'm certainly pleased to have seen this, with my work i don't get many opportunities to sightsee"

Herc had a serious expression on his face that made Sophia giggle 

"Now will you tell me about your request"

The whole time Herc has been analyzing when he stepped inside a investigation area popped up on his status screen

"You get straight to the point huh" Herc just watched her silently, "As I told the other investigators we are currently missing 4 kids now sometimes we have them run away but. "

As soon as she started talking her status window popped up, Herc was able to monitor people within an investigation and various items of discovery but it cost a price.

Sophia continued talking "But that was usually during their first few weeks here these kids have been here a while and were close to getting into apprenticeships."

Herc checked her information


| Name: Sophia Biri | 

| Job: Orphanage Worker| 


| Level: 10 | 


|Suspicion level 3|

"Where were they last seen?"

"Town square" she could tell Herc was annoyed at her explanation

"Um yeah let me explain, it's more like they instantly disappeared?"


"Are you saying it was a magic kidnapping?"

Sophia started nodding her head "Ye~ah exactly when we were coming back there was like a HUGE HUGE shadow and then the kids were gone"

It was rare to find a magic user powerful enough to pull this off it was unlikely but not improbable.

He would take note of this for now

All details relevant to the case automatically update to his status screen so he has never had to worry about taking notes.

"I will investigate for now, But could you tell me about the sponsors?" he noticed Sophia's reaction change she became more visibly nervous.

"I'm sorry I can't reveal those details due to the policy. I apologize!"

"Well that's it for now " Herc turned around to head out

"Wait you will get lost if you leave alone!"

"The jist is you only need to keep your destination and mind and not be distracted by your surroundings right?"

Sophia was shocked he had figured it out the first time being here it had took her months to get used to the maze like system of the orphanage.

Herc had noticed that she did not move her head like she was focused on on point as the scenery changes around you it would be easy to step off your path. Indeed this place was just like life.

He would have to keep a eye out for more places like this.

As he approached the exit he saw a small child standing by the exit. It was the first sign of someone else since he had arrived. He figured it would be inappropriate to grill him with questions so soon. 

Herc decided to greet the child instead "Hello" even though the child looked small and frail there was a cold like fire behind his eyes.

"Are you Hero of justice?" Herc paused what a strange question! Not missing a chance to role play 

Herc said "Of course" and struck a pose the kids face seemed to brighten up a bit he had a small piece of parchment paper in his hand he walked forward motioning to take it. 

On the paper were bold words [Invitation] there was a sword that looked like a cross cutting off a jester's head. He was going to ask what this was but the kid already disappeared! It seems this orphanage has many secrets!

A new objective [Jackal Hunt] popped up on his screen [Investigate the symbol]

Checking his stats he already had to sacrifice 1% of his stats to activate his ability in exchange for hints and insight he constantly had to exchange his stats and it reduced one at random this time it took Vitality.

The investigation team is probably already swarming the Town Square so maybe ill start with this symbol and these mysterious sponsors!