Every moment I have been in pain all my life so I have just gotten used to it sometimes the pain will grow but I still adapt ignoring it and lived a normal life. I had gone to so many doctors about this pain and they thought it was just mental because my body was actually genetically optimized in their opinions. My body had a fluctuating metabolism that would spike whenever I have eaten something and then it would slumber going to the minimum resulting in an energy conserving body system. I had a stronger immune system then normal and getting sick would be much harder for me my brain also operated on a higher level than normal with my bones and muscles being much more compact and denser than a regular person.
I was always kind to those around me due to knowing only pain I just wanted one person to show me love but they never did I was ignored but I didn't care as long as other were happy I was joyful I knew my pain wouldn't last forever so why should I inflict pain on others. I walked everywhere to avoid my pain with music blaring loudly but this would never last.
I looked like I would weigh 180 with my tall and lanky form but in reality, I weighed 280 with very little fat. My body was also quite resistant to most drugs resulting in almost not all feeling their affects. I always wondered why I suffered day by day the doctors wanted me to donate my genetic material to their studies, but I didn't want anyone to suffer this pain. Eventually society made something called the Pain transferer which allowed people to feel each other's pain they called me in and had an inmate strapped to one side of the device. They put it on transferring ten percent of my pain from my old withered 80-year-old body.
The inmate struggled against his bindings while looking at me in pure fear and pain saying "How co-could an-anyone be-bear this much pain?" before collapsing unconscious but I felt a brief moment of almost freedom the pressure on me lessening by so much that I felt as if I was floating. The scientists looked at me and said "He died from the shock of feeling your pain."
That stunned me as I looked at them and said "What's the lowest amount you can transfer?"
"That would be 10% Nathaneal Sir We can make it so that this device transfers pain to many others."
Years later I was used as a torture method for the worst of the worst pedophiles, Rapists, and those I dictated due to my new power over causing pain due to this device. I would laugh as they felt my pain most would collapse but no one die anymore due to it being split between thousands. The prison I was the warden of was known as Hell On earth. Some came to wonder about the pain, and I would let them experience it if they wanted to be but only with a thousand others otherwise, they would die. People after experiencing some of my pain would call me a martyr who suffers experiencing Hell for the sinners.
I would always tell them that I experienced what I did, and they should not concern themselves with my suffering only to care for others who do not live in luxury like me. When I died, I didn't ascend, nor did I fall I simply lingered in my corpse still feeling the pain I had in life. I began to cry my pain echoing out my whispers growing changing the world I looked down at the black veins throughout my soul pumping pain through them I SCREAMED. Why I thought I would be finally free no no no IF I MUST FEEL PAIN, WE ALL SHALL FEEL IT.
I inhabited my corpse again forcing the dead body to move. now hell shall truly be here I forced my pain out into the world, and they began to rise the souls that still lingered forced to hid from the pain within corpses so that it was dulled. My rage at life infected their souls through the pain making the undead appear I was their progenitor The Suffering Soul.