In a mirror of water, I see my reflection.
- "Have you fall in this strange world, for being the humiliation of your family".
I don't even open my mouth, and my reflection start to speaking and staring me.
- "I am a.. Humiliation?" I start to staring in the eyes of the reflection, slowly, I start to cry.
- "If you want to be better, accept your inner power, give me your mind and your desires".
- "You.. Want my death. Mother".
The reflection start to cry, and then it says multiple times my name.
- "Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf, Seraf!".
- "Stop please.. Stop!!"
I'm on my knee, my head hurts, I can't make a step; my body is paralyzed, I only can continue to staring the reflection of me.
- "Seraf, the Curse will never leave you".
- "How much time i have first that the curse will come?".
- "Few, my son".
I closed my eyes, and I opened.
The reflection is gone and the mirror of water is full of dark red blood.
Here the people live with fear of the Curses. The Curses are an eternal union of evil. But they wanted that the people call they with the name: "Essence of the Gods".
They're only four, no one know their names.
The curses has not found me, I try to hide myself of the realm and the people.
I fall asleep in a abandoned cave.
- "Seraf.. Help me".
A voice.. Who's this voice..
- "Help me, search me!".
I am in a all black space, I don't know where I am, it feels distressing. Where I am?
A hand comes out of the ground, looks a man's hand.
I try to pull up the hand but I fall.
The ground has breaking like glass.
I'm falling with a person, it's a man, he have a black long hair that make me remember a death tree.
- "who are you" I said.
- "Discover who i am. Isn't important who I am but who you are".
I'm on a chair, a long table, at the ending chair there the strange man.
It looks terrifying, he staring me in a absurd way.
- "where are us?" I asked.
- "Doesn't have importance where are us. I have to make a question for you".
- "What question?".
- "Why you were intentionally about to save me?".
- "Because.. It was the first time that a person talking with me, searching help by me".
- "What are your thoughts of the humanity? Answer to my question please".
- "The people live with fear".
- "Is not normal for the humans feel fear? Without fear, the humans are inhuman".
- "Inhuman?" My eyes opened more.
- "The law make people wear a mask of sanity, if in the world, people are without law, the humans being a beasts".
- "Why are you talked about the humanity?".
- "I think because.. The humanity is hilarious".
- "What part is funny?"
- "See a person that lost everything, and everyone, and slowly become a beast. It's funny how sad is".
My mouth is shut.
Slowly the room become upside down.
The man get up of the chair and walked on the long table and don't fall.
- "You know.. One time I was human, but I've decide to become a inhuman, for make a better world. One world with the godly judgment. One world like the old one".