When Eli arrived at the yellow horn tavern, she stopped and sucked in the familiar air of streets of the capital city of Oxyn, 'Ray.' The air tasted like metal, filth, raw meat, and the exotic spices the merchants sold at the grand bazaar.
The sun had not yet set, and people were still walking in the street; children chased each other with sticks, whores standing by the thresholds, and horses huffing the air, their leashes tied to the ground. Eli could even hear merchants shouting about their goods from a block away.
The yellow horn was open, but it was still a few hours before it got crowded. Its customers usually show up after sunset; their remainings return home before dawn.
Eli knew this place all too well. It was where she called home for over a decade, among outlaws, prostitutes, bastards, and drunkards.
Eli raised her head, eyeing the open rectangular windows of the second floor. She could hear others' voices from the windows of Malkan's office. Jade and Anael were arguing about something.
Eli sighed. She was too tired to be ready for what awaited her. All she wanted was some time alone and something to smash. But that could wait. Now she had a role to play. She walked half a day to get here; she only ate an apple and an egg.
She saw her reflection in the glass of the ground-floor windows. There was no trace of Takana's claws left. The mage knew what to do to make it disappear.
She didn't look like she had been tortured to death that morning. The awful burn wound around her ankle was the only thing that proved what had happened in that cursed house.
Eli shook her head. She shouldn't have fooled herself. Maybe she should have accepted that she was never going to be free.
Tears burned her eyes. It took her years to adjust to the iron branding on her neck. She hated that among everyone in the gang; only she had it. It made her lose her senses when someone pointed out the branding in a fight. Everyone looked down on her, compelling her to fight for her rightful place her entire life.
And now, not only had she managed to get free of the first iron branding, she had earned another shackle around her ankle. She needed time to let that information sink in.
Maybe because she had hoped if she could somehow settle her debt with Malkan, there would be a slight chance that he would unleash her one day. Or maybe Towj would have rescued her. She used to spend hours fantasizing that one day the Towjian army soldiers in black and purple uniforms would knock on the doors before her, asking for her. And when Eli shows up, they would burst into tears, kneeling before her out of respect. They would tell her Towj valleys and turquoise and emerald mines have never been so quiet and deserted without her singing for them. And now her return to Towj needs a celebration.
Eli closed her eyes. She had abandoned these daydreams a long time ago. But the slavery mark, heavying around her ankle, reminded her of the harsh truth of her situation more than ever: she would never return.
There was no freedom, and one day she'd die in her own filth on the corner of a dirty street like this.
Before she could think more about her inevitable fate, she stepped forward and pushed the double doors of the tavern.
Baroo, the bartender, was standing behind the counter, polishing the glasses with a dirty napkin. The dim light of the lanterns reflects on his bald head. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and his massive hairy body cast a shadow on the counter. Eli liked him much better if he wasn't keen on choking while fucking and didn't have that nasty habit of staring, which was also flawed for a bartender.
When Eli entered, he didn't bother himself to look up. "We're not open yet." He yelled, "Come back when the night falls."
Then he turned the glass upside down in his hand and placed it on a cockroach crossing the counter.
"Hunting for dinner?" Eli chuckled, not slowing her speed.
Baroo raised his head, and the glass fell down in his hand. It hit the tableland behind the counter with a thud sound.
"You..." he said with his mouth falling open.
Eli raised an eyebrow, "Miss me?"
"How did you...?"
"Keep it," Eli said, turning away from him. She was now reaching close to the counter.
Without stopping, Eli took the glass from the cockroach and headed to the wooden stairs on her left that led to the second floor.
She could hear Baroo's footsteps coming up the stairs behind her. He didn't want to lose Malkan's face either.
Malkan was sitting on his big wooden chair.
His throne...
He was engrossed in conversing with Emad, who stood beside him and had a giant ledger in his hand.
The rest were scattered around the room. Anael was on the ground on her back, Jade towering over her, teaching her how to defend herself in times like that. Others were in deep arguing about what is the best strategy for each of them.
Eli did not stop for their forum. When she reached the top of the stairs, she passed the threshold and went straight to Malkan.
She ignored the gasping and the sudden silence of the room.
Malkan and Emad raised their heads. Malkan's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped in surprise.
Eli stood before Malkan and put a hand on his bearded cheek. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"You came back..."
Malkan was standing in a second. He was still the fastest man Eli knew. His giant hands grabbed Eli by both arms as if the lord of streets feared she would slip away. His eyes rummaged Eli from head to toe, looking for wounds, she guessed. "You're ok." he seemed like he didn't believe what was before him.
"What? Did you think I wouldn't come back?" even though Eli had a mocking tone to her words, Malkan's reactions had caught her off guard. It was not like him to...
What was this reaction really? Did he miss her?
Eli wouldn't dare ponder on that thought.
And she didn't mention anything about why he didn't send help if he thought she wouldn't make it, why did he dispatch her if he was sure the mission was risky, or why he didn't accompany her?
Instead, she reached into her collar and pulled out the uncut ruby tied around her neck with a leather strap.
The mage did an excellent job scrubbing Eli's blood off it.
She rose on her toes and tied the ruby around Malkan's neck. Then pulled her upward and put her lips on his.
It took Malkan a moment to realize what trophy she had brought, and then he pulled her into a bear hug without breaking the kiss. His hands pressed Eli to his torso, his tongue encouraging her to open her mouth.
The kiss woke up many emotions in Eli. She put one hand on his bearded cheek and one on his chest. He was as strong as a tree. Eli's heart rate accelerated. She moaned in his mouth. His tongue invaded her mouth, as always. Meeting Eli's in the middle. As if he's there to claim, own, and remind her who she belonged to...
She pulled back, panting, looking at him through her lashes. She was overthinking again.
Malkan didn't only own her body; he had her soul.
The mere sight of him would bring Eli to her knees; Malkan spent years honing Eli to be who she is now. Not just one of his finest weapons but a loyal associate.
But the bitter thought hit Eli: He failed in both.
Eli was far from triumphant, and the magical serpent tattoo burn mark around her ankle questioned the molten iron burn mark on her neck.
Malkan lowered his head, kissing Eli one more time. This time, it's just a brush over her lips.
Eli was well aware of his erection pressing her thigh.
"Go and wash up before they arrive. They might have questions." Malkan talks over her lips. His warm breath hugs her face.
Eli's ears are functioning again. Behind her, everyone cheered and whistled.
Malkan still holds her tight. "Gods, Eli. The things I do to your mouth tonight."
"Just my mouth?" Eli feels his dark laugh on her lips.
The lust starts building up in her. The anticipation of what he'll do to her later made the hair on the back of her neck rose. She wanted him; she wanted him now...
Malkan pulled back. Leaving Eli desperate for more. To her gratification, his eyes are filled with lust. But Eli caught a glimpse of other emotions in them. Things like surprise, disbelief, and maybe happiness...
He turned to Emad, still at his right, "Send a message."
Then looks back at Eli. "We have a busy night ahead."