Chereads / the Sleeping Ox Guild / Chapter 1 - The Escape

the Sleeping Ox Guild

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Chapter 1 - The Escape

Early morning, before the sun dawned, I slipped from bed and prepared a bag for travel. I'm moving carefully as a lion, quietly, as to not alert servants that I'm up. It's an unnecessary precaution, they do not have the authority to stop my actions..

But they can report suspicious activities to Father.. who is likely to smirk in amusement and wonder what his silly daughter is doing now.. Or to Mother.. and if they report to Mother my plans for today will be utterly foiled.

Mother would confront me, and I've never been a good liar. Plus Mother can cast a spell called Zone of Truth. Then, if Mother confronts me, the twins and my Bit will absolutely be there to see what I've gotten up to. Jasper is less likely to be concerned with it.

Honestly, I'll be lucky if Uncle's busy. He, like Father, is an early riser. Unlike Father, he is never stationary. He's always coming and going from missions Father sends him on.

Except when he was my personal trainer. He is an excellent and brutal teacher, and he loves me, I've heard too many gruesome stories on what Uncle does to enemies.

My bag packed, I check the window. Nothing is set up for detection of tampering, from the inside anyhow. I ease it open and look to the ground. Just outside of our fence I spot my childhood friend Dean.

I give a signal with my hands, 'Ready'? He signs a confirmation back. I double check that my bag is sealed, then toss my back down the three stories and over the fence to Dean, who catches it.

He looks it over, nods to me, then walks south along the road towards the noble areas, then takes a sharp turn between two noble houses and disappears from my sight.

The hardest part of this is going to be how I'm getting my weapons out. I couldn't leave them in my bag, per se. I can lower them down but then they may be discovered.

I'll need to rely on everyone's normal schedules, I suppose. We'll all have breakfast together, as a family, then Father will go to his office, Mother will likely go to the music room, which doubles as the family library, to coach the twins and Bit.

Really, its to oversee Daelyn so he doesn't distract Seralyn or Vincent-my Bit. Vincent is my little half brother whom got adopted into our family because of me, just 6 years ago. He's the smartest baby ever.

Well, maybe its Sera who is smarter. I'm uncertain. Vincent is business smart. He was able to communicate like an adult since he was a one year old baby. I was still baby-talking half the time at ten. Mother always said it was because my mouth was trying to push the words out faster than I thought to speak them. Father didn't mind. Anyhow, Seralyn knows a lot about everything, constantly learning more. She began speaking at two years old and could be understood as well as an adult at four.

We were all raised multilingual. Even Jasper can speak at least four languages, He just prefers to punch instead.

I'm not much better than Jasper, I do tend to punch a lot, too. But I'm also the sweetest member of our family. I'm not exaggerating. Mom says I'm her sweetest baby. Dad says I'm the cuddliest. Uncle says I'm loving, and he's worried.

I giggle to myself at the thought. With the same breath Uncle will say he's concerned for me, but that Mother shouldn't worry cause I'm capable and intelligent. He's a great uncle.

For now, I leave my weapons and lyre where they are. I must remember to bring my lyre when I go. Elsewise, I'll be quite bored. The time it takes for Fred to take people from Valor's Crest to Dueling Rivers is one week, with stops for the night.

I take a steadying breath and leave my room. I often suffer insomnia, especially when I was younger, so it won't be special if I'm seen wondering around. I head straight to the library, and turn on the magic lights. I can't see in the dark, unlike our Leonin family, Bit and I are human. It doesn't matter to us, though. In this case, it's why I'm turning on the lights.

I wonder the library absently for a moment before coming across several books on herbology and wound curing. I select several of each, then cross the room to the bestiaries of the Kingdom. The Northernmost region is what I wish to study at present. I know plenty as is, but Dad always says knowledge can only help when you go into a situation you are unsure of.

I take my usual seat and skim through the herb books, then recall that this is the wrong method. So I open the wound curing book. I look through cuts, scraps and bruises, gashes, and all kinds of wounds. Then I direct my attention back to the herb books and look for the ones specific to each wound sort. Memorizing the look and features of these herbs will be vital.

After three hours of combing these books, my little Bit knocks at the open door. "Breakfast is ready Saria, come and eat. We're waiting on you."

"Got it, Bit," I say, "I'll put these up right quick and come." I put them away and he watches me, waiting. I approach him and give him the usual hug before we head to the dining room.

"Couldn't sleep again?" He asks.

"Mm-mm," I grunt, shaking my head, "Not well anyhow. Vakri shows the most disturbing things."

He nods acknowledgment of my words and goes to his seat. I take mine. My Bit isn't a morning person.

Father sits at the head of the table, to his left is Uncle, me, Bit, and Daelyn. To his right is Mother, Jasper, and Seralyn.

"Good morning, everyone!" I grin cheerfully at them all.

"Too early." Uncle grumbles at me.

"Good morning, Sarial." Father says.

"Mornin'" Mom replies.

The rest give similar responses.

"Did you a sleep well? I decided to spend some time rereading some herb books." I tell them conversationally.

"Did you learn anything new? Something you may have forgotten, perhaps?" Father inquires.

"Yes. Copaiba, Eucalyptus, and Chamomile can all sooth cramps." I reply, "Skullcap and Goldenrod are good for leg cramps."

He nods and asks us kids what we'll be doing today. The conversation progresses along its normal track. I listen to them all, a smile on my face. I love my family.

After breakfast is done, we kids clean up and set about our normal day. I go to my room and dress comfortably in pants and a shirt, with soft boots and go to head out of the house.

The guild will be opening soon and its not uncommon for me to head out at this time. I often work as a courtier of sorts for nobles. As I leave, the doorman asks who I'm off to see today.

"No one in particular. Just heading for the square, mostly." I tell him.

"Very good. Give those who deserve it hell." he smiles, I nod and leave.

See, Father has a plan for me. He wants me to expand my experience and venture from home. But he also wants me to do so in a manner that he knows I'll be safe. Which means he intends for me to accompany his men on trade routes and business dealings. And I'll do as he pleases some time. Just not this year.

I round a corner and walk towards the square. music is already being played, and along with pockets picked. I grin and give the signal that I'm not to be a target. With that, I walk with my pocket unmolested towards the Guildhall.

It's risky to join here, but if I wish to travel quickly, safely, and with less of a chance of being caught I need to join and get to Fred in the next couple of hours. He'll be setting off by 9, 10 at latest, and its around 7:30 now.

I enter the Guildhall and stride up towards the counter. I'm earlier than most recruits, but not alone. In this room there is a Tiefling, Half-elf, Gnome, Triton, and a Half-orc.

"Name and class." the secretary says, when I approach.

"Sarial Hearthry. Fighter, archer." I reply with a smile. "Please note my name as Saria Cross."

"Ok. Go stand over there at 'C' for the second part of the assessment for joining the guild. And take this." He hands me a card with my name and class on it.

"Thank you." I reply and head for the area before a door marked 'C' that he had indicated. As I do so, the gnome and Tiefling approaches me, "What do you think the test will be?" says the gnome.

"A skill test." I reply, confused why she asked.

"Do you think there will be any cute gnomes here?" She asks.

"No, I don't think so. I haven't seen many." I replied.

"What about Tieflings?" Says the very red Tiefling. "My name's Ash." She reaches her hand out for me to shake it.

I hesitate briefly, then take her hand to shake. "I'm Saria, and there are a few Tieflings in the capital." I reply.

The two women start chatting to each other again. After the rest of the people are processed and standing before their letters, the doors open and we're beckoned inside by a young gentleman.

Entering, I see its another waiting area, but this one has seats, training equipment, changing rooms, and padded armor sets. Opposite to where we entered is another set of doors.

"Please prepare yourselves as you see fit. We are going to test your ability to hit-and to take hits. There are armors and weapons available in this room, select what you will as you will. We will begin in 10 minutes, and yes, you may use your own equipment if you have it." The gentleman instructs before going out a second set of doors.

A few of the applicants get some armor and put it on. I head over and select a practice long bow and longsword. They aren't well made, but they'd serve in a pinch. Uncle would break them without meaning to.

I sit on the benches after making my selection. I'm watching the doors now, ready and waiting.

"Saria, where did you come from? I come from the 9 hells, Lana comes from Emerald Island, Fish comes from the woods. What about you?" Ash asks. So that's what they've been prattling about.

"I was born and raised here, in the capital, Valor's Crest." I reply.

"Oooh, are you a noble?" She asks, this catches the gnomes attention, Lana is her name.

"No. I'm lowborn, though raised by a wealthy merchant." I state.

"Oh, so you're a rich girl." Lana says. Her tone is nearly mocking.

"My Father is rich. That doesn't mean I am. I earn my own money and keep." I tell her. There's a hard edge to my voice as I say so. I will not be mocked by someone who is short sighted.

I imagine she was about to say something else, but I was called to go through the doors at just that moment. I rise, disregarding her and approached the gentleman.

I don't need them to like me. As a soon to be adventurer, the less drama I get involved in the better for survival. Any signs of contention and I want no part of the situation.

"Ready?" he asks, once I reach him, he holds the door for me and waves me to exit.

"Of course." I answer, walking past him into a new open arena. Seeing an instructor waiting, I walk over to him with ease. To my left there are seperate arenas. One had the half-elf the other had someone I hadn't noted before.

"What're you good at?" the instructor asks.

"Ah.. that's a very broad subject." I hesitated. I felt put on the spot with no clue what he's wanting to hear.

"You've picked a sword and bow. Lets start with that." his words were gruff, but they helped center me. Its a skill test, duh.

"Right. I'm proficient in swordplay, hand to hand, and ranged attacks." I tell him. He takes the card from me and makes notes on it. "I'm also a knowledgeable medic."

"Right," he comments. He alters his stance, lowers his hands and says "Hit me. Barehanded. Then the sword."

I blink at him and decide I should probably not knock him out. Uncle taught me to knock a man out with one punch. I look him over and decide if I go for his arm that won't harm him much.

Making eye contact with him, I take a practiced stance, prepared to punch him. As I unleashed my blow, I saw his expression go from bored to amused. This annoyed me, so I altered my trajectory and landed my small left fist solidly against his hard right jaw. I followed through with grabbing his shirt. Lucky for him, I suppose, as I'd staggered him.

"My uncle taught me to punch." I told him as I released him. I took a step back and unsheathed the practice blade. Readying myself I took an offensive stance and waited for the ready.

After rubbing his jaw a bit, he gives the go ahead to attack. So, I slash him, then return to my ready stance. He smirked, "My turn." he says.

He gives three solid punched to my torso. I'm honestly not sure how I stayed on my feet, but I managed. His last hit knocking my wind from me.

"You pass," he says. He marks something on my card and offers it back. "Take this to the counter you registered with... and lets keep my roughness between each other, hm?"

"Huh," I tilt my head in confusion, "Roughness?"

"I'm only supposed to hit once." he replies, almost guilty. "If you need healing, stop by that fellow over there." He tapped something he held a couple of times and a bright glow rippled across his body and the tiny red mark on his face faded.

"Noted." I said and approached the original gentleman. He healed me and I went back through the doors. He called the next person, Ash, as I left.

"Rich girl, er, Saria," Lana called. I paused and glanced at her. "How'd it go? what was it like?"

"It's just a test." I answered, putting up the practice weapons and entering the main room, closing the door firmly behind me. I went to the desk, to the same secretary as before.

"You passed?" he asked.

"Of course." I answer, handing him the card.

"Welcome to the Sleeping Ox Guild, Saria. We are currently sending people to Dueling Rivers. They need competent people out there to give a helping hand. You may join a party, or adventure solo. Its up to you. The more people, the more likely you'll survive, though." the secretary said as he ran the card through a machine.

He then held a blank card out to me. It had a small square to the upper right sectioned off. In his other hand he offered a napkin. "Press whatever finger you'd like to the small square."

I frowned and obeyed. It pricked me, sucked up blood until the square was red. I removed my finger, accepted the napkin, then took the card. It filled in with my name, as I'd stated earlier, my age, my class, and my apparent race. Neat.

"Fred will be setting off shortly. Get what you need while you can. Don't be late or you'll be walking." the secretary informed me.

I nodded, "Oh, I know Fred well. He's funny."

With that, I exited the Guildhall. I don't intend to wait for those girls. Nor will Fred wait. It's a little past 8 now. I need to get moving.

I make my way back home, while tucking my Guild ID into my pocket. I hum as I enter the house. The doorman greets me, as cheerfully as ever, noting I returned quickly.

I smile, making a simple excuse as I return to my room. I take the letters from my desk drawer. One to Mother, Father, Uncle and the kids. The important letter is to Father. And timing is key. I take my lyre and place it on my belt, then add my sword. I took my bow out and grabbed my cloak, then I look out the window. No good. They are tending the lawn today.

Fine. I'll just adjust my plans. I go to Vincent's room and place the letters for him and the twins on his table. I then moved his arithmetic book 2/7ths of an inch from its original place.

I giggle to myself imagining Bit's reaction. He's very particular about placement. After leaving his room I went to Jasper's room. I look out his window. No one's close. Excellent.

Wrapping my bow and then my sword in my cloak. I then opened the window and tossed them out. They land near a bush. Good enough. Hopefully, I didn't break my bow, as I doubt Mom will cast Mending for me, currently. Not once she learned of my plans. She's already given Dad a death glare over his chatting to me about his plans for my future endeavors.

I don't know how Father deals with us sometimes. We're all chaos. Uncle seems tame sometimes in comparison.

I look around my brother Jasper's room. I then pulled two of his dresser drawers out and place his letter on his bed. I leave then, having done something that will decidedly annoy him. Once outside his room I leave it very slightly ajar, just to maximize the annoyance.

Next part of my plan.. call in a favor. I wave at a servant with a friendly smile that she knows is fake.

"Yes, Miss Sarial?" She asks grimly.

"Do me this task and the favor you owe is clear." I state.

She instantly pales. "What have you done?"

"Nothing yet. In or not? You know how I love collecting favors." I grin evilly.

She hesitates for longer than I'd like, and just when I was going to give up, she sighs. "Yes, Miss Sarial. I'll do it."

"Excellent," I tell her with a pat on her head, "Give these letters to Mother and Father at lunch time. Excuse yourself the instant you give it to mother to leave the room. Quickly. Do not stay." I give her the letters.

"Haah. OK." She says, taking them and starting to leave.

I place my hand on her shoulder. "No sooner than lunch. Got it?"

She nods and I let her go. Smiling to myself that this is going well. With the time I have left I exit the house and circle around to the side. I find my things easily and pick the bundle up.

Then I hurry around and exit the front gate making my way towards the square and beyond to the slums. As I go, I see Fred and his cart at the front gate. It's not 9 yet. Yet.

I enter the slums walking the familiar path to Dean's home. I miss him sometimes. He see's me as a beautiful woman, one that might be his. That's why I had to stop being his friend. I'm not interested in him that way. I've always been clear on that, too. He remains hopeful, though.

He's a womanizer, though. Very into prostitutes. It's not really a bad thing, I guess. But not what I see in a partner. This may be silly and childish, but I think my dad is an ideal type of man.

He's successful, smart, and always so patient. He loves us so much and even being as busy as he is, he leaves an hour every day for me to chat with him, just us. Isn't that perfect?

Uncle is also a good type of man, but he's gruff, and can be mean. Though, that's to outsiders. With family he's lovely and tolerant. Uncle's had many women who are 'for now' types of relationships. Anyways...

Reaching Dean's home I do the secret knock we've always done. How I truly miss his friendship. He opens the door immediately and pulls me inside. "No one followed you, yes?" He says, looking me over.

"No one. I need my bag so I can board Fred's cart." I tell him.

He's quiet a moment, he then said, "Put on your weapons and cloak."

I frown at him and unwrap my bow and longsword, attached the sword to my belt and wrapped my cloak about my shoulders, clipping it on with a lion head pen.

"" 'I'm a little lion, too, Daddy!' I'd told my Father, the first time I'd worn the pen. He'd smiled and agreed with me, as silly as it was. The twins had just been born and I'd been insecure that an adopted human child like me, haunted by an alien creature, would be abandoned."" I'm fond of the memory.

I inspect my bow, its still in excellent condition. As I look it over, I realize... I left the quiver. Eyes big, I look at Dean.

"You prepared everything but ammo, huh?" He laughed. He held out a lovely quiver towards me, it was navy blue with gold and silver adornments. It looked Elvish in decoration.

I took an arrow out and examined it. 'They've got barbed heads!' I thought. I must have shown my surprise at the gift, as Dean laughed more.

I accepted the quiver and equipped it to the back of my belt. "Thanks, Dean. What do I owe you?"

He seemed to flinch ever so slightly. "Write me letters." He said. "That'll be your payment." His mood darkened, as he handed me my bag from this morning.

I smiled at him, putting the bag on under the cloak, "Of course I can write to you. I appreciate your thoughtful gift. Thank you."

"Go before you're late." He shooed me. "And be sure to come back." He opened his door for me.

With another thanks, I headed back towards Fred. There's now a small group gathered there. I join them, noting Ash and Lana among those waiting.

At precisely 9:15, Fred tells everyone to load up, we do, and he sets off. He leads his horse through the gate and we were finally on our way to Dueling Rivers.