Warriors are not the ones who always win
but the ones who always fight.
The mounted Templars rode back to Lairg where Duncan discovered that Brother Andrew was in the pack hospital. He left his Kelpie with another Templar and found the hospital where the scene was one of chaos, doctors and medics running everywhere.
“Are you hurt?” Duncan spun round towards the voice where he saw a fierce looking Reiver she- wolf in a nurse’s uniform.
“No, I’m fine, I just want to know if Brother Andrew is ok?”
“We have the best doctors on their way, they need to get the bullet out so he’ll be in surgery as soon as they get here, that’s all I can tell you.”
“Thank you.” he replied, running his hands through his hair in despair, if he was still alive there was always hope. He went back and relayed this news to his fellow Templars and there was no question that they would remain in the town until there was more news.