Upon arriving at Amelie and Patric’s house, Annie called Jacques and his mate Claire to come over and once they were all assembled in Amelie’s garden, Hugh and Annie made the announcement of their intention to marry. Amelie immediately burst into a mixture of tears and laughter as she hugged the life out of Annie, Claire’s hands flew to her mouth in surprise and Jacques and Patric gave Hugh typically manly handshakes and back slaps.
“This calls for Champagne!” announced Amelie and she went back into her kitchen only to reappear a few minutes later with a large magnum while shouting Patric to come and carry the glasses.
“You have champagne?” questioned Annie, wondering if Hugh had forewarned her family of the reason for their visit.
Patric did the honours of opening the champagne which went with a huge ‘pop’, making everyone laugh when the cork flew over the garden wall and into the field beyond.